Tippen4You.com - Sportwetten Forum
Verfasst von: Commander Nottingham Forest - 25/01/2015 19:17

Ich werde mal die Patenschaft für diesen englischen Traditionsverein übernehmen, dessen Glanzzeiten schon viele Jahre der Vergangenheit angehören.
Poste ja meine sogenannte "wöchentliche Forest-Wette" seit einiger Zeit im Ordner England.

Habe irgendwie schon immer eine Verbundenheit zu diesem Club, kann es eigentlich gar nicht genau begründen warum

Werde hier News, Infos etc. über Nottingham Forest posten nod

Verfasst von: toubi Re: Nottingham Forest - 25/01/2015 19:20
Du bist nicht zufällig Nottingham-Ebby? grins

Viel Spaß! smile
Verfasst von: Frei3ier Re: Nottingham Forest - 25/01/2015 19:24

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 25/01/2015 19:29
Original geschrieben von: toubi
Du bist nicht zufällig Nottingham-Ebby? grins

Viel Spaß! smile

Bei Nottingham-Ebby handelt sich um den vllt. beklopptesten Fußball-Fan der Welt!
Hinter diesem Namen verbirgt sich der Duisburger Eberhard Kleinrensing grins

Mit diesem "Irren" bin ich nicht verwandt oder verschwägert lol
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 25/01/2015 19:59
Nach gelungenem Saisonstart ging es in den letzten Wochen mit Nottingham stetig bergab, unter dem Motto "Freier Fall" wurde man durchgereicht in der Championship.

Die aktuelle Tabelle der Championship:

Quelle: wettbasis.com
Verfasst von: Bamm Bamm Re: Nottingham Forest - 25/01/2015 21:18
konkurenz für mich ups

viel spass prost
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 26/01/2015 00:20
Original geschrieben von: Bamm Bamm
konkurenz für mich ups

viel spass prost

thx Kaffeekumpel peace
Dein TTB ist doch konkurrenzlos grins
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 26/01/2015 12:27
Zunächst mal einen kurzen Überblick zur momentaren Lage bei Nottingham, detailliert unter diesem Link:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 26/01/2015 16:31
toubi hatte es am Rande angesprochen, hier mal ein älterer Bericht über Forest-Eddy, einem total durchgeknallten Fan von Nottingham Forest lol

Er liebt Nottingham Forest und ist der "Fan des Jahrhunderts"

Eberhard ist reif für die Insel

Duisburg (RP). Er wohnt in Duisburg-Neumühl, ist Fußballfan mit Dauerkarte, hat aber seit fünf Jahren kein deutsches Stadion mehr betreten. Wenn sich andere am Wochenende in den Bus setzen, um mit Trikot, Schal und Fahne zum Spiel ihrer Mannschaft zu fahren, steigt Eberhard Kleinrensing (40) in den Flieger nach Birmingham. Der Traditionsverein Nottingham Forest ist die Leidenschaft seines Lebens.

Woche für Woche ist der Duisburger live dabei, wenn die Kicker des Zweitligisten Nottingham um Punkte kämpfen. Dann verwandelt sich Eberhard Kleinrensing in "Nottingham-Ebby". Im "City Ground"-Stadion kennt ihn jedes Kind. Jetzt wurde ihm die größte Ehre zuteil, die er sich vorstellen kann: Die Anhänger des englischen Vereins wählten den Deutschen mit überwältigender Mehrheit zum "Fan des Jahrhunderts". Sein Handabdruck wurde in Bronze gegossen und in der "Hall of Fame", der Ruhmeshalle des englischen Fußballs in London, verewigt.

Er war gerade mit seinen Eltern beim Einkaufsbummel, als das Handy klingelte und ein Vereinsvertreter gratulierte: "Du hast gewonnen. Du kommst in die ,Hall of Fame'!" Ebby kann es bis heute kaum glauben: "Ich fürchte immer noch, dass ich aufwache und merke, das alles ist gar nicht wahr." Doch inzwischen hat er sich beim Besuch in London davon überzeugt: In der Ruhmeshalle hängt seine Hand mit der Unterschrift, daneben eine Plakette mit seinem Namen. Für Ebby ein Stück Unsterblichkeit: "Seit ich das gesehen habe, hab ich keine Angst mehr vor dem Tod."

Die Fans sind wie eine Familie

Als Kleinrensing 1978 sein erstes Spiel in Nottingham erlebte, war er gerade 18 Jahre alt und noch in der Ausbildung zum Kaufmann. Er hörte die Gesänge der Forest-Fans und war sofort überwältigt von der Stadionatmosphäre: "Das Gefühl kann ich nicht beschreiben. Da wollte ich dazugehören." Heute ist er aus Nottingham nicht mehr wegzudenken. Wenn er auf der Straße erkannt wird, wollen die Menschen seine Hand schütteln, die nun als Bronzeguss in London hängt. Als Dank an die Fans ließ Ebby 3000 Autogrammkarten drucken, die bei den Spielen im "City Ground" sehr gefragt sind. "Manche wollen sogar dafür bezahlen", wundert sich der Duisburger, aber das kommt für ihn nicht in Frage: "Ich will denen, die mich gewählt haben, etwas von dem wiedergeben, was sie für mich getan haben."

An seinem 40. Geburtstag im vergangenen Dezember sang ein tausendstimmiger Fan-Chor: "Happy Birthday, Ebby!" Doch das schönste Geschenk machte ihm die Forest-Mannschaft: ein 1:0-Sieg über das Team aus Crewe.

Vor dreieinhalb Jahren hat seine Frau ihn verlassen, weil sie sein verrücktes Hobby nicht mehr akzeptieren wollte. Seitdem hat Ebby kein Spiel mehr ausgelassen: "Ich habe es nie bereut und würde es genau so wieder machen."

In der laufenden Saison wird er einen neuen Rekord aufstellen: Bis Mai wird er 61 Spiele seines Teams in einem Spieljahr gesehen haben. Doch Rekorde sind Ebby nicht wichtig. Viel wichtiger ist der sportliche Erfolg, denn Nottingham droht in diesem Jahr das bittere Schicksal, nach dem Abstieg in die zweite Liga gleich in die dritte Liga durchgereicht zu werden: "Wir haben nur noch fünf Heimspiele. Die müssen wir gewinnen."

Auch ein erneuter Abstieg würde an Ebbys Lebensrhythmus nichts ändern: "Ich würde den Verein nie aufgeben. Wenn die Saison vorbei ist, hab' ich zwar kein Geld mehr, aber dann wird gespart - für die nächste Spielzeit."

Umzug nach England geplant

Früher oder später plant Kleinrensing ohnehin den Umzug nach Nottingham. Vielleicht schon bald, denn seit Februar ist der Duisburger arbeitslos: "Entweder finde ich hier einen neuen Job oder ich ziehe noch in diesem Jahr nach England." Bis dahin helfen seine Eltern, das teure Hobby zu finanzieren.

Ohne Frage ist Ebby reif für die Insel. Der gemütliche 40-Jährige ist zuversichtlich, dort auch schnell eine neue Frau zu finden. Schließlich hat kein anderer Klub im englischen Fußball so viele weibliche Fans.


Quelle: RPO Archiv

Wie gesagt: Bericht schon Asbach-uralt, trotzdem amüsant bzw. unterhaltsam nod

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 26/01/2015 20:03
Die größten Erfolge von Nottingham Forest

2 x Champions-League-Sieger
1979 1980
1 x Europäischer Supercupsieger
1 x Englischer Meister
1 x Meister Championship
2 x Englischer Pokalsieger
1898 1959
4 x Englischer League Cup Sieger
1978 1979 1989 1990
1 x Englischer Supercupsieger
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 26/01/2015 20:46
Nottingham Forest holte sich in der Saison 1979/80 den damaligen Europapokal der Landesmeister - im Finale besiegte man den Hamburger SV.

Hier der Link zum Video mit dem kompletten Match - die Qualität jedoch unter aller Kanone lol

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 27/01/2015 16:47
Nottingham Forest durfte in seiner traditionsreichen Geschichte viele tolle Fußballer erleben, hier zwei Statistiken - Die Spieler mit den meisten Einsätzen, sowie die ewige Torjägerliste des Clubs:


Schottland Bob McKinlay 1951–70

England Ian Bowyer 1973–80, 81–86

England Steve Chettle 1987–2000

England Stuart Pearce 1985–97

Schottland John Robertson 1970–82, 85–86

England Jack Burkitt 1946–61

England Jack Armstrong 1905–22

Wales Grenville Morris 1898–1913

England Geoff Thomas 1946–60

England Viv Anderson 1974–83

* = noch bei Nottingham aktiv


Wales Grenville Morris 1898–1913

England Nigel Clough 1984–93, 96–97

England Wally Ardron 1949–55

England Johnny Dent 1926–36

England Ian Storey-Moore 1962–71

England Enoch West 1905–09

England Garry Birtles 1976–80, 82–86

England Ian Bowyer 1973–80, 81–86

Schottland John Robertson 1970–82, 85–86

England Tommy Wilson 1951–1960

* = noch bei Nottingham aktiv

Quelle: Wikipedia.org
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 27/01/2015 20:23
laugh Mal ein paar krasse Dinge daumenhoch

Forest war 1874 der erste Verein überhaupt, der Schienbeinschoner verwendete.
Bis heute ist Nottingham Forest die erste und einzige Mannschaft, die mehr Europapokale der Landesmeister als nationale Meisterschaften gewinnen konnte: gleich nach dem Gewinn der englischen Meisterschaft 1978 holte Forest den Europacup der Landesmeister 1979 nach Nottingham und verteidigte diesen im Jahr darauf erfolgreich. Seitdem konnte die Mannschaft keinen der beiden Titel mehr gewinnen.
Absoluten Kultstatus im Verein und bei den Fans genießt der Duisburger Eberhard Kleinrensing. Ebby, Jahrgang 1959, reist seit mehr als 30 Jahren zu jedem Spiel der Tricky Trees extra aus Deutschland mit eigener Zaunfahne an, um die Mannschaft zu unterstützen. Aufgrund dieses in der Tat außergewöhnlichen Engagements wurde er von der Nottinghamer Anhängerschar mit überwältigender Mehrheit zum Fan des Jahrhunderts gewählt. Sein Handabdruck wurde daraufhin in Bronze gegossen und in der „Hall of Fame“, der Ruhmeshalle des englischen Fußballs in London, verewigt.
Nicht weniger bemerkenswert ist Stuart Astill, der über 35 Jahre keines der 1500 Ligaspiele von Nottingham Forest verpasste und dafür vom Verein geehrt wurde.

Quelle: Wikipedia.org
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 28/01/2015 12:01
So langsam naht das nächste Meisterschaftsspiel von Forest nod

Samstag, 31.01.2015
Anstoss: 16:00 Uhr
Stadion: City Ground

Die Quoten bei den Buchmachern auf einen Heimsieg bewegen sich im Bereich 1.7 bis 1.8 derzeit hm
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 29/01/2015 11:56
Eigentlich gibt es keine Ausreden vor dem Match gegen Millwall, dieser Gegner muß einfach geschlagen werden - zumindest die Form der letzten 5 Partien zeigt deutlich, dass der Gast momentan ebenfalls eher durch Niederlagen glänzt nod

Quelle: Goal.com
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 29/01/2015 21:10
Viel hat sich transfermässig bei Nottingham in der Winterpause nicht getan, einige Veränderungen gibt es aber dann doch:

Transfers und Ausleihungen

Jahr: 2015

Zugänge (€0)

01/06/15 R. Majewski / Huddersfield n. z.
01/06/15 G. Halford / Brighton n. z.
08/01/15 T. Kane / Chelsea Leihe
06/01/15 G. Gardner / Aston Villa Leihe

Abgänge (€0)

01/06/15 J. Lascelles / Newcastle n. z.
05/01/15 D. Harding / Millwall Leihe

Quelle: soccerway.com
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 30/01/2015 15:09
Die bisherigen Spiele von Forest in der laufenden Championship:

Spiele 2014/2015

1. Spieltag Sa 09.08.14 16:00 Nottingham Forest - FC Blackpool 2:0 (2:0)
2. Spieltag Sa 16.08.14 16:00 Bolton Wanderers - Nottingham Forest 2:2 (2:2)
3. Spieltag Di 19.08.14 20:45 AFC Bournemouth - Nottingham Forest 1:2 (0:0)
4. Spieltag Sa 23.08.14 16:00 Nottingham Forest - FC Reading 4:0 (1:0)
5. Spieltag Sa 30.08.14 13:15 Sheffield Wednesday - Nottingham Forest 0:1 (0:1)
6. Spieltag So 14.09.14 14:15 Nottingham Forest - Derby County 1:1 (0:0)
7. Spieltag Mi 17.09.14 20:45 Nottingham Forest - FC Fulham 5:3 (2:1)
8. Spieltag Sa 20.09.14 16:00 FC Millwall - Nottingham Forest 0:0 (0:0)
9. Spieltag Sa 27.09.14 16:00 Nottingham Forest - Brighton and Hove Albion 0:0 (0:0)
10. Spieltag Di 30.09.14 20:45 Wigan Athletic - Nottingham Forest 0:0 (0:0)
11. Spieltag So 05.10.14 16:00 Nottingham Forest - Ipswich Town 2:2 (0:1)
12. Spieltag Sa 18.10.14 13:15 Cardiff City - Nottingham Forest 2:1 (2:0)
13. Spieltag Di 21.10.14 20:45 FC Watford - Nottingham Forest 2:2 (1:1)
14. Spieltag Sa 25.10.14 16:00 Nottingham Forest - Blackburn Rovers 1:3 (1:0)
15. Spieltag Sa 01.11.14 16:00 Huddersfield Town - Nottingham Forest 3:0 (2:0)
16. Spieltag Mi 05.11.14 20:45 Nottingham Forest - FC Brentford 1:3 (0:2)
17. Spieltag Sa 08.11.14 16:00 Nottingham Forest - Norwich City 2:1 (0:1)
18. Spieltag Sa 22.11.14 16:00 Wolverhampton Wanderers - Nottingham Forest 0:3 (0:0)
19. Spieltag Sa 29.11.14 16:00 Birmingham City - Nottingham Forest 2:1 (1:0)
20. Spieltag Sa 06.12.14 16:00 Nottingham Forest - Charlton Athletic 1:1 (0:1)
21. Spieltag Sa 13.12.14 16:00 Rotherham United - Nottingham Forest 0:0 (0:0)
22. Spieltag Sa 20.12.14 18:15 Nottingham Forest - Leeds United 1:1 (1:0)
23. Spieltag Fr 26.12.14 16:00 FC Middlesbrough - Nottingham Forest 3:0 (0:0)
24. Spieltag So 28.12.14 13:00 Nottingham Forest - Birmingham City 1:3 (0:3)
25. Spieltag Sa 10.01.15 16:00 Nottingham Forest - Sheffield Wednesday 0:2 (0:1)
26. Spieltag Sa 17.01.15 13:15 Derby County - Nottingham Forest 1:2 (1:0)
27. Spieltag Mi 21.01.15 20:45 FC Fulham - Nottingham Forest 3:2 (3:1)

Quelle: fussbaldaten.de
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 30/01/2015 15:22
Tja, das letzte Meisterschaftsspiel von Nottingham fand in Fulham statt, dort gab es zunächst einen Alptraum, danach keimte Hoffnung auf und außerdem ein ehemaliger HSV-Profi im Kader der "Reds" aus Nottingham nod


1 : 0 Ross McCormack 7. / Linksschuss (Hugo Rodallega)
2 : 0 Ross McCormack 18. / Rechtsschuss (Hugo Rodallega)
3 : 0 Ross McCormack 35. / Rechtsschuss
3 : 1 Henri Lansbury 45. / Rechtsschuss (Robert Tesche)
3 : 2 Henri Lansbury 62. / Rechtsschuss

40 Marcus Bettinelli
3 Kostas Stafylidis
4 Shaun Hutchinson
6 Nikolaj Bodurov
37 Jack Grimmer gelb 84'
8 Scott Parker 57'
11 Alexander Kačaniklić gelb 90'
12 Seko Fofana
19 Ryan Tunnicliffe
20 Hugo Rodallega 77'
44 Ross McCormack
10 Bryan Ruiz 57'
16 Cauley Woodrow 77'
1 Gábor Király
33 Dan Burn
14 Patrick Roberts
25 Moussa Dembélé
27 George Williams

29 Dorus de Vries
2 Eric Lichaj 32'
6 Kelvin Wilson
17 Todd Kane
25 Jack Hobbs
10 Henri Lansbury
18 Michail Antonio
22 Gary Gardner
32 Robert Tesche
38 Ben Osborn
9 Britt Assombalonga
30 Stephen McLaughlin 32'
1 Karl Darlow
16 Jamaal Lascelles
24 David Vaughan
27 Chris Burke
14 Lars Veldwijk
21 Jamie Paterson

Trainer: Kit Symons

Trainer: Stuart Pearce

Quelle: weltfussball.de
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 31/01/2015 14:32
Gleich geht es los banana


die Aufstellungen:

Forest: De Vries, Wilson, Hobbs, Kane, McLaughlin, Tesche, Lansbury, C.Burke, Osborn, Assombalonga, Antonio
Subs: Darlow, Lichaj, Fryatt, Fox, Veldwijk, Lascelles, Paterson

Millwall: Forde, Cummings, Dunne, Hooiveld, Beevers, Abdou, Williams, Martin, Fabbrini, Gueye, Maierhofer
Subs: King, Webster, Upson, Powell, O’Brien, Fuller, Gregory

Referee: Mark Heywood

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...ufxCwHdaBrZt.99

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 31/01/2015 17:11
Na, prima doh

Erneut verliert Nottingham Forest, diesmal gegen den FC Millwall mit 0:1 - Torschütze für den Gast war Ricardo Fuller in der 83. Minute.

N#here Infos folgen in Kürze...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 31/01/2015 23:51
Nottingham Forest - FC Millwall 0:1(0:0)

0-1 R. Fuller (83.)

Zuschauer: 23.018

Quelle: soccerway.com
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 01/02/2015 15:39
Nach der gestrigen Pleite in der Schlusspahse zu Hause gegen den FC MIllwall bestreitet Nottingham Forest seine nächste Partie am kommenden Samstag, 07.02.15 beim derzeitigen 21. der Tabelle, Brighton & Hove Albion.

Forest rangiert mit 34 Punkten auf Platz 12, lediglich 5 Punkte der Vorsprung auf Brighton(29), sollte es eine neuerliche Niederlage geben, wird es tatsächlich langsam brenzlig, man könnte sich dann endgültig mit dem Thema Abstiegskampf beschäftigen.

Wer hätte das nach dem sehr guten Saisonstart gedacht ka
...ich jedenfalls nicht nono
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 02/02/2015 17:44
In schlechten Zeiten erinnert man sich sehr gerne an früher, da gab es einige sensationelle Jahre für den Club Nottingham Forest nod

Die goldene Zeit 1977–1980

In den 18 Jahren unter Trainer Brian Clough erlebte Forest die erfolgreichste Zeit der Vereinsgeschichte.

Saisondaten 1977–1980
Mit der nun beginnenden Saison startete die erste von drei überragenden Spielzeiten von Nottingham Forest.[2] Als Aufsteiger gelang der Mannschaft unter Trainer Brian Clough der Sprung auf Platz 1 und damit der Gewinn der Meisterschaft in der Football League First Division 1977/78. Das Team um Peter Shilton, Martin O'Neill und Tony Woodcock musste in 42 Spielen nur drei Niederlagen hinnehmen und distanzierte damit den Serienmeister der siebziger Jahre, den FC Liverpool, deutlich auf Platz zwei. Der Verein überstand vom 26. November 1977 bis 25. November 1978 saisonübergreifend insgesamt 42 Ligaspiele in Folge ohne Niederlage. Erst am 9. Dezember 1978 verlor Forest in der Auswärtspartie beim FC Liverpool mit 0:2. Dieser Rekord wurde erst am 21. August 2004 mit einem Sieg des FC Arsenal gegen den FC Middlesbrough gebrochen.[6] John Robertson und Peter Withe waren mit jeweils 12 Toren beste Torschützen ihrer Mannschaft. Tony Woodcock erzielte 11 Tore in 36 Spielen und Martin O'Neill gelangen in 38 Einsätzen 8 Tore. Prunkstück der Meistermannschaft war jedoch die Defensive, die lediglich 24 Gegentore zuließ und damit mit großem Abstand die beste Abwehr der Liga stellte. Torhüter Peter Shilton und die Abwehrspieler Viv Anderson, Frank Clark, Larry Lloyd und Kenny Burns stachen hierbei besonders hervor. Innenverteidiger Burns (41 Spiele/4 Tore) wurde am Saisonende zu Englands Fußballer des Jahres gewählt.

In der nächsten Saison konnte Forest die Vizemeisterschaft der Football League First Division 1978/79 hinter dem FC Liverpool erringen und krönte die Serie durch den Gewinn des Landesmeister-Cup 1979. In der ersten Runde schaltete das Team mit dem FC Liverpool den Titelverteidiger aus, danach folgten zwei klare Erfolge über AEK Athen und Grasshopper Club Zürich. Im Halbfinale wartete mit dem 1. FC Köln der deutsche Meister. Im Hinspiel im heimischen City Ground lag Köln schnell durch Tore von Roger Van Gool und Dieter Müller mit 2:0 in Führung. Nachdem Garry Birtles noch vor der Pause auf 1:2 verkürzt hatte, drehte Forest in der zweiten Halbzeit durch zwei Tore von Ian Bowyer und John Robertson das Spiel. Doch die starken Kölner erzielten durch den kurz zuvor eingewechselten Yasuhiko Okudera noch den verdienten Ausgleich. Ein 1:0 im Rückspiel durch ein Kopfballtor nach einer Ecke durch Ian Bowyer sorgte für den Endspieleinzug. Da Favoriten wie Juventus Turin, Real Madrid und der FC Liverpool bereits vorzeitig ausgeschieden waren, stand ihnen im Finale der schwedischen Meister Malmö FF gegenüber, der im Münchener Olympiastadion mit 0:1 gegen Forest unterlag. Das entscheidende Tor erzielte Trevor Francis in seinem ersten Europapokaleinsatz für seine neue Mannschaft. John Robertson hatte sich auf dem linken Flügel durchgesetzt und auf den zweiten Pfosten geflankt, wo Francis nur noch einköpfen musste. Am Ende der Spielzeit musste die Mannschaft drei wichtige Abgänge verkraften. Frank Clark beendete seine Karriere, Archie Gemmill wechselte zu Birmingham City und Tony Woodcock ging für 2,5 Millionen Pfund in die Bundesliga zum 1. FC Köln. Dafür gelang bereits vor Ende der Saison im Februar 1979 mit der Verpflichtung von Trevor Francis von Birmingham City ein Volltreffer und der aus der eigenen Jugend kommende Steve Sutton sollte sich später als Stammtorhüter etablieren. Francis wechselte für die Rekordablösesumme von einer Million Pfund zu Forest, was auch dazu führte, dass Brian Clough nach der Saison gezwungen war, Tony Woodcock nach Köln zu transferieren. Archie Gemmill war von Trainer Brian Clough im Europapokalfinale nicht berücksichtigt worden und hatte nach anschließenden Differenzen den Verein verlassen.

Als Titelverteidiger war Nottingham auch im Landesmeister-Cup 1980 startberechtigt und konnte den Pokal im Santiago-Bernabéu-Stadion durch ein 1:0 gegen den deutschen Meister Hamburger SV verteidigen. Diesmal erzielte John Robertson den Siegtreffer. Das Finale erwies sich als höhepunktarmes Spiel, sicherlich auch aufgrund der Tatsache, dass mit Trevor Francis bzw. Horst Hrubesch beide Mannschaften auf ihre besten Stürmer ganz oder wie beim angeschlagenen Hrubesch, zumindest die erste Hälfte verzichten mussten. Auf dem Weg ins Finale wartete nach zwei vergleichsweise einfachen Aufgaben im Viertelfinale der Meister der DDR-Oberliga BFC Dynamo, der nach einer 0:1-Heimniederlage auswärts mit 3:1 bezwungen wurde. Im Halbfinale schaltete Forest den niederländischen Meister Ajax Amsterdam mit 2:0 und 0:1 aus. Der Finalgegner HSV hatte in der Runde der letzten Vier, nach einem legendären 5:1-Heimsieg im Rückspiel den spanischen Meister Real Madrid ausgeschaltet. In der Liga reichte es am Ende der Saison zu Platz 5, durch den Triumph in Madrid konnte Forest jedoch auch in der nächsten Saison im Landesmeister-Cup 1981 starten. Wieder musste der Verein nach Ablauf der Saison einen wichtigen Spieler ziehen lassen. Garry Birtles zog es zum Ligarivalen Manchester United, nachdem er zu Beginn der Saison 1980/81 in den ersten neun Spielen sechs Tore erzielt hatte. Als Neuverpflichtungen kamen Ian Wallace von Coventry City und mit Steve Hodge erneut ein sehr talentierter Jugendspieler.

Bei diesen Erfolgen ging beinahe unter, dass Forest auch 1978 gegen den FC Liverpool und 1979 gegen den FC Southampton den englischen Ligapokal und 1979 den europäischen Supercup gegen den FC Barcelona gewann. Zudem erreichte die Mannschaft das Finale des League Cup 1979/80, verlor dieses jedoch mit 0:1 gegen die Wolverhampton Wanderers

Quelle: Wikipedia.org
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 03/02/2015 15:30
Nach dieser beispiellosen Glanzzeit für den Verein, ging es dann weiter...doch bedeutend ruhiger und weniger erfolgreich ka

Die Ära Clough geht weiter 1980–1993

Saisondaten 1980–1993
Die Saison 1980/81 verlief im Vergleich zu den vorherigen weniger zufriedenstellend. Im Landesmeisterpokal scheiterte Nottingham in der ersten Runde am bulgarischen Meister ZSKA Sofia und in der Meisterschaft reichte es nur zu Tabellenplatz sieben. Forest war damit in nächsten Jahr nicht im internationalen Wettbewerb startberechtigt. Martin O’Neill (24 Spiele/3 Tore) wechselte am Saisonende nach zehn Jahren in Nottingham zu Norwich City, Larry Lloyd (19 Spiele) ließ seine Karriere bei Wigan Athletic ausklingen und Trevor Francis ging für eine Million Pfund zu Manchester City. Damit verließen von 1979 bis 1981 sieben Stammspieler den Verein. Ian Wallace wurde mit elf Ligatreffern erfolgreichster Torschützer. Nach einem zwölften Platz in der Saison 1981/82 verließ Torhüter Peter Shilton nach fünf erfolgreichen Jahren das Team in Richtung Southampton. Mit Mannschaftskapitän John McGovern zu den Bolton Wanderers, Kenny Burns zu Leeds United, Jürgen Röber zu Bayer 04 Leverkusen und Gary Mills der nach einem Kurzauftritt in den USA zum Nachbarn Derby County wechselte, verlor die Mannschaft zudem gleich vier weitere wesentliche Spieler. Mit Peter Taylor verlor Nottingham auch noch seinen Assistenztrainer, der in den vergangenen sechs Jahren einen wesentlichen Anteil am Erfolg des Vereins gehabt hatte. Die vier Neuzugänge Peter Davenport, Ex-Stürmer Garry Birtles von Manchester United, der als Ersatz für Shilton verpflichtete Hans van Breukelen vom FC Utrecht und der erfahrene Colin Todd von Birmingham City traten ein schweres Erbe an, um diese Verluste auszugleichen. Trotzdem erreichte Nottingham 1983 Platz fünf, da Ian Wallace sich erneut mit 13 Toren in 41 Spielen als treffsicher erwies, Steve Hodge als junger Spieler eine sehr gute Saison spielte (38/8) und der neue Torhüter Hans van Breukelen sein großes Potential bereits von Beginn an zeigte. Am Saisonende verließ mit John Robertson (33/6) zu Derby County zwar nur ein Spieler den Verein, dafür aber einer der seit 1970 zu den prägendsten Figuren der Mannschaft gehört hatte. Derby wurde zu dieser Zeit von Ex-Trainer Peter Taylor trainiert, der diesen Transfer über die Bühne brachte, ohne Brian Clough darüber zu informieren. Die langjährige enge Freundschaft zwischen den beiden fand damit ein jähes Ende und lebte auch bis zum Tode Taylors sieben Jahre später nicht wieder neu auf.

Im Finale gegen Tottenham Hotspur verpasste Forest 1991 den dritten FA-Cup-Titel nach 1898 und 1959
Im darauffolgenden Jahr konnte Nottingham ins Halbfinale des UEFA-Pokal 1983/84 einziehen. Bis zu dieser Runde besiegten sie die Mannschaften vom FC Vorwärts Frankfurt, PSV Eindhoven, Celtic Glasgow und SK Sturm Graz. Im Halbfinale unterlag Forest jedoch nach einem 2:0-Heimsieg im Rückspiel beim RSC Anderlecht um Morten Olsen und Enzo Scifo mit 0:3 und verpasste so das Endspiel gegen Tottenham Hotspur. Das Rückspiel in Anderlecht sollte noch Jahre später in der Öffentlichkeit für Aufmerksamkeit sorgen, als der Präsident des RSC Anderlecht Constant Vanden Stock 1997 bestätigte, dem spanischen Schiedsrichter Emilio Carlos Guruceta eine größere Geldsumme "geliehen" zu haben. Nottingham war ein Tor aberkannt worden und Anderlecht hatte einen umstrittenen Elfmeter erhalten. Der spanische Schiedsrichter war auch in seiner Heimat wegen Spielmanipulationen negativ aufgefallen. In der Liga erreichte die Mannschaft in der Football League First Division 1983/84 Platz drei und war damit erneut im internationalen Geschäft dabei. Abermals konnte die Mannschaft nicht zusammengehalten werden, Verteidiger Viv Anderson wechselte zum FC Arsenal, Ian Wallace ging nach einem kurzen Abstecher nach Frankreich zum FC Sunderland und Torhüter Hans van Breukelen zog es nach zwei Jahren wieder in seine Heimat zum PSV Eindhoven, wo er in der Folgezeit große Erfolge feiern sollte. Als Neuzugänge kamen der Niederländer John Metgod von Real Madrid und als neuer Torhüter quasi im Tausch für van Breukelen Hans Segers aus Eindhoven. Der Jugendabteilung des Vereins gelang es zwei neue Spieler zu präsentieren, die in den folgenden Jahren die Mannschaft prägen sollten, Trainersohn Nigel Clough und Des Walker.

Die Saison 1984/85 brachte Platz neun und das Aus in der ersten Runde des UEFA-Pokal 1984/85. Erneut scheiterte die Mannschaft an einem belgischen Verein, diesmal mit 0:0 und 0:1 am FC Brügge. Das Jahr 1985 wurde jedoch überschattet von der Heysel-Katastrophe beim Finale des Landesmeister-Cup 1985 zwischen dem FC Liverpool und Juventus Turin. In der Folge dieser Tragödie wurden alle englischen Fußballmannschaften für fünf Jahre von sämtlichen internationalen Wettbewerben ausgeschlossen. Der aus der Jugend gekommene Steve Hodge (42 Spiele/12 Tore) verließ nach einer ansprechenden Saison den Verein in Richtung Aston Villa, dafür gelang mit der Verpflichtung des 23-jährigen Stuart Pearce von Coventry City ein Erfolg. Publikumsliebling Pearce blieb dem Verein bis 1997 treu. Auch Neil Webb vom FC Portsmouth erwies sich gleich in seiner ersten Saison als Verstärkung.

Die Spielzeit 1985/86 verlief mit Platz acht nicht zufriedenstellend. Neuzugang Neil Webb gelangen in 38 Spielen 14 Tore und damit nach Nigel Clough (37/15) die beste Trefferausbeute. Platz acht in der Spielzeit 1986/87 bedeutete einen Stillstand in der Liga. Erneut erwies sich Nigel Clough mit 14 Toren in 42 Spielen als treffsicher. Stuart Pearce erzielte sechs Tore in 39 Spielen. John Metgod (36 Spiele/3 Tore) wechselte nach Ablauf der Saison zu Tottenham Hotspur und mit Garry Birtles (28 Spiele/14 Tore) zum Lokalrivalen Notts County und Ian Bowyer (35 Spiele/3 Tore) verließen die letzten beiden Spieler aus der Meistermannschaft von 1978 das Team. Torhüter Hans Segers (14 Spiele) hatte seinen Stammplatz an das Eigengewächs Steve Sutton (28 Spiele) verloren und wechselte daraufhin zum FC Wimbledon. Mit Mark Crossley, der aus der eigenen Jugend stammte, wurde ein ansprechender Ersatz unter Vertrag genommen.

Aufgrund der internationalen Sperre durfte Nottingham Forest trotz zwei dritten Plätzen in den Spielzeiten 1987/88 und 1988/89 nicht im UEFA-Pokal starten. Erfolgreich agierte der Verein in dieser Zeit dafür im nationalen Pokal. Im FA Cup 1987/88 scheiterte Forest erst im Halbfinale in Sheffield mit 1:2 am FC Liverpool. In der Liga gelang Nigel Clough mit 19 Treffern seine erfolgreichste Saison bei Forest. Neil Webb erwies sich mit 13 Toren ebenfalls als treffsicher. Nach der Saison verpflichtete Brian Clough den Abwehrspieler Brian Laws vom FC Middlesbrough, dieser erwies sich in den kommenden sechs Jahren als wichtige Stütze der Mannschaft. Im darauffolgenden Jahr trafen die beiden Mannschaften erneut im Halbfinale des FA Cup 1988/89 aufeinander. Die Fans strömten am 15. April 1989 in Massen ins Hillsborough-Stadion. Speziell im Block der Liverpool-Fans waren die Ordnungskräfte mit dem Andrang überfordert und so nahm die Hillsborough-Katastrophe ihren Lauf. 96 Tote und 766 Verletzte standen am Ende zu Buche und sorgten für eine der größten Tragödien in der Geschichte des internationalen Fußballs. Das abgebrochene Spiel wurde am 7. Mai 1989 in Manchester erneut ausgetragen und diesmal setzte sich Liverpool mit 3:1 durch. Dafür gelang durch ein 3:1 im Finale gegen Luton Town mit dem Gewinn des Ligapokal 1988/89 der erste Titelgewinn seit neun Jahren. Neil Webb zog es nach Saisonende 1989 zu Manchester United, als Neuzugang konnte mit Steve Stone erneut ein talentierter Jugendspieler präsentiert werden.

Den Ligapokal gewann der Verein 1978, 1979, 1989 und 1990
Die nächsten drei Jahre verbrachte Nottingham im Mittelfeld der Tabelle und konnte somit auch nicht vom Ende der Europapokal-Sperre für die englischen Vereine profitieren. 1990 gelang die Titelverteidigung im Ligapokal durch einen 1:0-Erfolg über Oldham Athletic. Noch bedeutender war jedoch der Einzug ins Finale des FA Cups, dies war dem Verein zuletzt 1959 gelungen. Forest hatte auf dem Weg dorthin Crystal Palace, Newcastle United, den FC Southampton, Norwich City und im Halbfinale im Villa Park West Ham United ausgeschaltet und traf nun auf Tottenham Hotspur.[7] Das Finale fand am 18. Mai 1991 vor 80.000 Zuschauern im Wembley-Stadion statt.[7] Nach einer frühen 1:0-Führung durch Stuart Pearce, gelang Tottenham in der 55. Minute der Ausgleich. Nachdem es nach neunzig Minuten bei diesem Spielstand geblieben war, mussten die beiden Teams in der Verlängerung antreten und dort erzielte Tottenham bereits in der 94. Minute durch ein Eigentor von Des Walker den Siegtreffer.[7] Im Laufe der Saison 1990/91 rückte Jugendspieler Scot Gemmill in den Profikader auf, sein Vater Archie war von 1977 bis 1979 Teil der legendären Mannschaft Ende der 70er Jahre. Stuart Pearce spielte eine überragende Saison und erzielte als Verteidiger in 33 Ligaspielen elf Tore. Mit Teddy Sheringham vom FC Millwall kam ein neuer Spieler, der in der kommenden Saison auf sich aufmerksam machen sollte.

Sheringham erzielte in der Saison 1991/92 13 Tore und wurde damit bester Torschütze der Mannschaft. Der 1990 aus Irland gekommene Roy Keane zeigte auch in dieser Saison sein großes Talent und schoss acht Tore in 39 Spielen. Platz acht brachte jedoch ein enttäuschendes Ergebnis, zudem verlor die Mannschaft das Ligapokalfinale 1992 mit 0:1 gegen Manchester United.

1992/93 wurde die Premier League als höchste Spielklasse in England eingeführt. Diese Reform brachte Nottingham kein Glück, vielmehr stieg die Mannschaft bereits in der ersten Spielzeit nach einer ungenügenden Saison und Platz 22 als Tabellenletzter ab. Forest hatte die Abgänge von Teddy Sheringham und Des Walker nicht adäquat ersetzen können und litt zudem unter der zunehmenden Alkoholabhängigkeit von Trainer-Legende Brian Clough. Dieser beendete nach der Saison seine große Trainerkarriere.

Quelle: Wikipedia.org
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 04/02/2015 11:56
Zwischen Premier League und First Division 1993–2004
Saisondaten 1993–2004

Nottingham Forest erlebte in dieser Zeit starke personelle Veränderungen. Nachdem bereits 1991 Steve Hodge zu Leeds United gewechselt war, verließen 1992 Des Walker (Sampdoria Genua) und Teddy Sheringham (Tottenham Hotspur) den Verein. Die Rückkehr von Neil Webb nach drei Jahren bei Manchester United konnte diese Abgänge nicht kompensieren, zumal er aufgrund von Verletzungen weit von seiner alten Form entfernt war. Nach dem Abstieg 1993 verpflichtete ManUtd den aufstrebenden irischen Nationalspieler Roy Keane (40 Spiele/6 Tore) und Nigel Clough (42 Spiele/10 Tore) wechselte nach neun Jahren bei Forest zum FC Liverpool. Dafür gelang vor Saisonbeginn 1993/94 mit der Verpflichtung des 22-jährigen Stan Collymore von Southend United ein echter Transfercoup, der entscheidend dazu beitrug, dass die erste Saison in der Football League First Division vorerst auch Forests letzte war. Mit Platz zwei hinter Crystal Palace gelang der direkte Wiederaufstieg in das Oberhaus des englischen Fußballs. Collymore gelangen in nur 27 Spielen 19 Tore und damit die mit Abstand beste Torausbeute. Auch Scot Gemmill mit 8 Toren und Neuzugang Colin Cooper aus Millwall mit 7 Toren spielten eine sehr gute Saison. Brian Laws, der in der Liga nur selten zum Einsatz gekommen war, wechselte als Spielertrainer zu Grimsby Town.

Nachfolger von Brian Clough wurde 1993 der ehemalige Forest-Spieler Frank Clark, der 1978 Mitglied der Meistermannschaft gewesen war.[2] Clark hatte zuvor als Trainer und später als Sportdirektor beim unterklassigen Verein Leyton Orient agiert.

Die Rückkehr in die Premier League 1994/95 konnte mit Platz drei hinter Meister Blackburn Rovers und Vizemeister Manchester United noch zusätzlich gefeiert werden. Stan Collymore erzielte 22 Ligatore und konnte sich als einer der Top-Scorer der Liga auszeichnen, er verließ Forest jedoch nach der Saison für 8,5 Millionen Pfund in Richtung FC Liverpool. Der vor der Saison aus Italien von US Foggia gekommene niederländische Nationalspieler Bryan Roy schoss 13 Tore und erwies sich damit als idealer Sturmpartner von Collymore. Auch Stuart Pearce mit 8 Toren in 36 Spielen gelang ein sehr gutes Jahr.

In der Meisterschaft reichte es 1995/96 zu Platz neun und im UEFA-Pokal 1995/96 konnte Forest nach Siegen über Malmö FF, AJ Auxerre und Olympique Lyon das Viertelfinale erreichen. Dort war jedoch der FC Bayern München eine Nummer zu groß und nach einem 1:2 in München, gab es im Rückspiel im City Ground eine 1:5-Niederlage. Bayern gewann später das Finale gegen Girondins Bordeaux um Zinédine Zidane. Dies blieb bis heute die letzte Teilnahme am Internationalen Wettbewerb für Forest. An der im Juni in England stattfindenden Fußball-Europameisterschaft 1996 nahmen mit Stuart Pearce und Steve Stone für England, sowie Scot Gemmill für Schottland drei Forest-Spieler teil. Auch sie konnten nicht verhindern, dass die Saison in der Premier League 1996/97 wieder eine ganz bittere für die Fans werden sollte. Als Tabellenletzter mit nur sechs Siegen in 38 Spielen stieg die Mannschaft erneut in die Zweitklassigkeit ab. Bereits während der Saison wechselte Bryan Roy zu Hertha BSC, der als Ersatz verpflichtete walisische Nationalstürmer Dean Saunders von Galatasaray Istanbul konnte sich nicht als die erhoffte Verstärkung erweisen. Pierre van Hooijdonk erzielte nach seiner Verpflichtung kurz vor Saisonende von Celtic Glasgow in acht Spielen nur ein Tor und war damit im Kampf gegen den Abstieg nicht die erhoffte Hilfe. Trainer Frank Clark wurde nach einer 2:4-Niederlage am 17. Spieltag beim FC Liverpool durch Stuart Pearce ersetzt. Forest verzeichnete zu diesem Zeitpunkt erst einen Saisonsieg, dieser wurde zudem bereits am ersten Spieltag erzielt. Die Mannschaft startete unter Spielertrainer Pearce hoffnungsvoll mit vier Siegen in sechs Spielen, konnte dieses Niveau jedoch nicht halten und eine Serie von Unentschieden besiegelte schlussendlich den Abstieg. Am Ende der Spielzeit entschied sich auch Stuart Pearce nach dem zweiten Abstieg innerhalb weniger Jahre den Verein zu verlassen. Er wechselte mit 35 Jahren zu Newcastle United.

Neuer Trainer der Mannschaft wurde 1997 Dave Bassett[2], der zuvor Trainer bei Crystal Palace gewesen war. Bassett gelang mit seinem neuen Team eine sehr erfolgreiche Saison, die im erneuten direkten Wiederaufstieg gipfelte. Forest gewann die Zweitligameisterschaft vor dem FC Middlesbrough, was vor allem am überragenden Sturmduo Pierre van Hooijdonk (41 Spiele/29 Tore) und dem bereits 1995 als Ersatz für Collymore verpflichteten Kevin Campbell (42 Spiele/23 Tore) lag[2], die zusammen 52 von 82 Toren erzielten. Das Duo wurde jedoch nach der Saison durch den Verkauf von Campbell zu Trabzonspor auseinandergerissen. Mit Mannschaftskapitän Colin Cooper nach Middlesbrough verließ ein weiterer zentraler Spieler die Mannschaft. Van Hooijdonk bestand am Saisonende auf einer Vereinbarung mit dem Vorstand, den Verein bei einem passenden Angebot verlassen zu dürfen und erwies sich nach seinem erzwungenen Verbleib in der folgenden Saison als Enttäuschung, ehe er den Verein in Richtung Vitesse Arnheim verließ.

Die Rückkehr in die Premier League 1998/99 stand infolgedessen unter keinem guten Stern. Aus Protest gegen den Verkauf von Campbell und Cooper erklärte sich van Hooijdonk erst am 12. Spieltag wieder bereit für Forest aufzulaufen. Trainer Dave Bassett, der als Ersatz für Campbell und van Hooijdonk auf die Nachwuchshoffnung Marlon Harewood sowie die Neuzugänge Jean-Claude Darcheville von Stade Rennes und Dougie Freedman von den Wolverhampton Wanderers setzte, scheiterte mit diesem Konzept. Nach nur zwei Siegen in 20 Ligaspielen und der 0:1-Niederlage in der dritten Runde des FA Cup 1998/99 gegen den FC Portsmouth wurde Bassett entlassen. Mit Ron Atkinson übernahm für den Rest der Saison ein sehr erfahrener Trainer. Im zweiten Spiel unter Atkinson gelang der Mannschaft endlich wieder ein Sieg durch ein 1:0 beim FC Everton. Das darauffolgende Spiel im heimischen City Ground zeigte jedoch, dass die Probleme der Mannschaft nicht nur der geschwächten Offensive geschuldet waren. Forest unterlag zu Hause dem späteren Meister Manchester United mit 1:8. Dem Norweger Ole Gunnar Solskjær gelangen dabei in den letzten zehn Minuten vier Tore. Drei Siege in den letzten drei Spielen gelangen erst, als bereits alles zu spät war und Forest als Tabellenletzter nun auch erstmals einen direkten Wiederabstieg hinnehmen musste. Bereits im Laufe der Saison verließen auch noch Scot Gemmill mit Richtung FC Everton und nach dem Abstieg der ausgeliehene Jean-Claude Darcheville den Verein und Nottingham Forest stand damit vor einem Neuanfang.

David Platt schaffte zwischen 1999 und 2001 mit Forest nicht die Rückkehr in die Premier League
Aufgrund der zahlreichen Spielerabgänge zählte Forest beim erneuten Antritt in der zweithöchsten englischen Spielklasse nicht zum Favoritenkreis. Neuer Trainer war der ehemalige englische Nationalspieler David Platt, der in der Saison zuvor wenig erfolgreich seine Trainerkarriere in der Serie A bei Sampdoria Genua gestartet hatte. Platt verpflichtete mehrere Spieler von denen jedoch nur die wenigsten überzeugen konnten. Stürmer Stern John kam für 1,5 Millionen Pfund aus den USA von Columbus Crew, wo er im Vorjahr Torschützenkönig der MLS geworden war. Platt brachte zudem drei italienische Spieler aus der Serie A mit, die allesamt als Fehleinkäufe verbucht werden mussten. Der zu Saisonbeginn ausgeliehene Ian Wright schoss in zehn Spielen fünf Tore, musste dann jedoch zu West Ham United zurückkehren. In der Rückrunde bestritt der vom FC Chelsea ausgeliehene John Terry sechs Spiele für den Verein. Am Saisonende 1999/2000 stand lediglich Platz 14 zu Buche, die Mannschaft hatte in keiner Phase der Saison etwas mit den Aufstiegsplätzen zu tun. Torhüter Mark Crossley der während der Saison seinen Platz an Dave Beasant verloren hatte, wurde aufgrund der finanziellen Problemen des Vereins an den FC Middlesbrough verkauft. Steve Chettle war bereits in der Hinrunde an den FC Barnsley verliehen worden und kurz darauf fest nach Barnsley gewechselt.

Die Saison 2000/01 lief nur unwesentlich besser für Forest und wurde mit Platz 11 abgeschlossen. Der aus der eigenen Jugend kommende Andy Reid bestritt seine ersten Spiele im Profibereich und konnte bereits sein großes Talent andeuten. David Platt musste nach Saisonende seinen Platz räumen, Nottingham Forest hatte in den zwei Jahren unter ihm den Wiederaufstieg nicht erreicht, zudem hatte seine Transferpolitik die finanziellen Probleme des Vereins weiter verschärft.

Als neuer Trainer übernahm Paul Hart, der in den letzten Jahren Jugendtrainer im Verein gewesen war und mit der Mannschaft von Nottingham Forest im Vorjahr die A-Jugendmeisterschaft in England gewonnen hatte. Mehrere Spieler aus dem Kader rückten in die Profimannschaft auf und fanden dort mit Paul Hart einen Trainer der sich ihrer Stärken bewusst war. Neben Andy Reid konnte sich auch Jermaine Jenas als Stütze im Profibereich profilieren. Der aus Deutschland stammende Nachwuchsspieler Eugen Bopp kam zumindest regelmäßig zum Einsatz. Die Spielzeit 2001/02 verlief auch aufgrund der fehlenden Erfahrung der jungen Spieler durchwachsen und endete mit Tabellenplatz 16. Mit dem Frühjahr 2002 geriet der Club in die Gefahr, bankrottzugehen. Auch der wichtigste Sponsor ITV Digital, ein Privatsender, ging damals in die Insolvenz.

2002/03 verlief nach drei durchschnittlichen Jahren deutlich positiver. Ein sechster Tabellenplatz brachte den Einzug ins Play-Off-Halbfinale gegen den Dritten Sheffield United. Nach einem 1:1 im City Ground führte Forest in Sheffield bereits mit 2:0, musste jedoch bis zur 90. Minute noch zwei Gegentore hinnehmen. In der Verlängerung unterlag das Team letztendlich mit 3:4 und verpasste den Einzug ins Play-Off-Finale gegen die Wolverhampton Wanderers. Marlon Harewood gelang eine ausgezeichnete Saison (46 Spiele/20 Tore), ebenso dem in den zwei Vorjahren wenig erfolgreichen David Johnson (44/27). In der Abwehr sorgten der aus der eigenen Jugend stammende Michael Dawson und der zu Forest zurückgekehrte Ex-Nationalspieler Des Walker für die nötige Stabilität in der Defensive. Dawson wurde als Auszeichnung für seine guten Leistungen ins PFA Team of the Year der zweiten Liga gewählt.

In der Football League First Division 2003/04 musste Trainer Paul Hart bereits kurz nach Saisonbeginn auf den verletzten David Johnson verzichten (17 Spiele/7 Tore), zudem verließ dessen Sturmpartner Marlon Harewood nach einer starken Hinrunde mit 12 Toren in 19 Spielen den Verein und wechselte zum Ligarivalen West Ham United. Die dadurch entstandene Lücke konnte das neue Sturmduo Marlon King (24 Spiele/5 Tore) und der neu vom FC Burnley verpflichtete Gareth Taylor (34/10) nicht ausfüllen. Dafür gelang Andy Reid seine beste Saison in seiner Zeit bei Forest (46/13), wofür er in die Mannschaft des Jahres gewählt wurde und mit Verteidiger Wes Morgan schaffte ein weiterer hoffnungsvoller Jugendspieler den Durchbruch bei den Profis. Trainer Paul Hart wurde Anfang Februar 2004 nach vier Niederlagen in den letzten fünf Spielen, auf einem Abstiegsplatz liegend entlassen. Mit Joe Kinnear setzte der Vorstand diesmal auf einen sehr erfahrenen Trainer. Dieses Konzept ging auf und die Mannschaft schaffte mit Platz 14 souverän den Klassenerhalt.

Quelle: Wikipedia.org
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 04/02/2015 18:35
Der nächste Gegner von Nottingham in der Championship wartet am kommenden Samstag, es ist mal wieder Zeit für Punkt(e) droh

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 06/02/2015 10:32
Hier mal ein Link zur Nottingham-Homepage, hier gibt's News auch über den kommenden Gegner Brighton, sowie ein Spielbericht der letzten Heimniederlage gegen Millwall, außerdem eine Zusammenfassung einer Forest-Partie in Brighton von 2013.

Ich belasse es beim englischen Bericht, Übersetzungen meist katastrophal, diese ganzen Translate-Tools fürn bart

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 06/02/2015 19:20
Brighton - Nottingham Forest


Die aktuelle Tabelle der Championship:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 07/02/2015 14:20
Um 16:00 Uhr geht´s los nailbite

Brighton - Nottingham Forest
Die Aufstellungen:

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 07/02/2015 15:51

Jau, ordentlich Pfeffer drin, vor allem kurz vor der Halbzeit hat es zweimal eingeschlagen nod

Brighton - Nottingham
HZ 1-1

42. 1-0 Lewis Dunk
44. 1-1 Danny Collins

...kann also noch klappen mit dem Auswärtssieg nailbite
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 07/02/2015 17:38
banana banana banana

Brighton - Nottingham Forest

FT 2-3


Endlich der Sieg - näheres folgt später...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 08/02/2015 13:12
Alles zum gestrigen Sieg nod

Quelle: soccerway.com
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 09/02/2015 10:32
Hier die kurze Zusammenfassung der Partie vom Wochenende auf Youtube - Brighton - Nottingham Forest 2:3

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 09/02/2015 21:53
Die Zeit für die Regeneration nach dem Sieg am WE in Brighton ist diesmal kurz, denn bereits am kommenden Mittwoch geht es für Nottingham Forest mit einem Heimspiel weiter.
Hoffentlich kann man aus dem Dreier das nötige Selbstbewusstsein mitnehmen und sofort mit einem Heimsieg nachlegen !!!

Quelle: soccerway.com
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 10/02/2015 13:47
Mit Wigan Athletic empfängt Nottingham Forest am morgigen Mittwoch / 20:45 Uhr einen Abstiegskandidaten, der sich in den letzten Aufeinandertreffen jedoch als Angstgegner erwies - trotz Tabellenplatz 23, diesen Gast sollte man nicht unterschätzen, sonst droht nach dem Auswärtserfolg am WE in Brighton der nächste Reinfall nod

Nachfolgend H2H Forest - Wigan

Quelle: soccerway.com
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/02/2015 19:08
Gleich geht es rund banana nailbite

Die Aufstellungen nod

Nottingham Forest - Wigan Athletic

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/02/2015 20:25


33. Minute:

Britt Assombalonga bringt Nottingham Forest mit 1-0 in Führung

Das darf so weitergehen bengalo
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/02/2015 21:06
Original geschrieben von: Commander


33. Minute:

Britt Assombalonga bringt Nottingham Forest mit 1-0 in Führung

Das darf so weitergehen bengalo

...und es sieht noch besser aus, zur Pause stand es 1-0 und in der 50. Minute erhöht nun Chris Burke für Forest auf 2-0 - der Heimsieg und der 2. Sieg in Folge nun greifbar nahe
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/02/2015 22:14
Nottingham Forest - Wigan Atletic

FT 3:0 (1:0)

1-0 Assombalonga (33.)
2-0 Burke (50.)
3-0 Lansbury (61.)

Hats also geklappt mit dem Nachlegen - 2. Sieg in Folge für Forest, dazu noch gegen den Angstgegner Wigan respect

Ausführlicher Spielbericht/Schema folgt später nod
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 12/02/2015 11:06
Die komplette Statistik zum gestrigen Sieg gegen Wigan seht ihr unter diesem Link daumenhoch

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 12/02/2015 17:59
Hier die dazugehörigen Tore von Forest im Video daumenhoch

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 13/02/2015 15:37
...und es geht schon wieder weiter in der Championship am Samstag - gibt es bei Blackpool den dritten Streich in Folge für Nottingham Forest ?

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk

nähere Angaben folgen nod
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 13/02/2015 22:45
Hier der direkte Vergleich beider Teams:

Quelle: soccerway.com
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 14/02/2015 17:02
Total beklopptes Spiel zwischen dem Tabellenletzten Blackpool und Nottingham Forest ups ups


FT 4:4

Spielbericht folgt....
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 14/02/2015 18:26
Hier der Link mit allen Details zum heutigen 4:4 daumenhoch

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 15/02/2015 13:36
Was für ein irres Spiel - Sekunden vor Ende 4-3 Forest, dann mit einer Ecke noch das 4-4 für Blackpool - Reporter dreht fast durch!!

Hier der Link zum Video-Clip:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 16/02/2015 10:36
Die Gemüter haben sich nach dem turbulenten 4-4 vom Wochenende in Blackpool wieder beruhigt, mit etwas mehr Glück, hätte man den dritten Sieg in Folge eingefahren.

Weiter geht es in der Championship am kommenden Samstag, 21.02.15 um 16:00 Uhr mit dem Heimspiel gegen den derzeitigen 15. der Tabelle, den Bolton Wanderers.

Lediglich 4 Punkte trennt Nottingham als 10. der Tabelle vom Gast aus der Region North West England.
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 16/02/2015 23:23
Überblick über die Ligazugehörigkeit von Nottingham Forest von 1889 bis heute:

1889–1892: Football Alliance
1892–1906: Football League First Division
1906–1907: Football League Second Division
1907–1911: Football League First Division
1911–1922: Football League Second Division
1922–1925: Football League First Division
1925–1949: Football League Second Division
1949–1951: Football League Third Division
1951–1957: Football League Second Division
1957–1972: Football League First Division
1972–1977: Football League Second Division
1977–1992: Football League First Division
1992–1993: FA Premier League
1993–1994: Football League First Division
1994–1997: FA Premier League
1997–1998: Football League First Division
1998–1999: FA Premier League
1999–2004: Football League First Division
2004–2005: Football League Championship
2005–2008: Football League One
seit 2008: Football League Championship

Quellenangabe: Wikipedia.org
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 17/02/2015 21:47
Forest engagiert sich auch für die Kids daumenhoch

Schöne Aktion: Sevens in the sunshine

siehe folgender Link, incl. Youtube-Clip

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 18/02/2015 11:13
Die U18 von Nottingham Forest trifft am heutigen Mittwoch, 20 Uhr,im FA Youth Cup auf die U18 von Tottenham Hotspurs.

Der FA Youth Cup hat in England eine lange Tradition, hier eine Definition:

FA Youth Cup

Der Football Association Youth Challenge Cup, kurz FA Youth Cup, ist ein englischer Fußballwettbewerb der FA für Spieler, die unter 18 Jahren alt sind. Er wird meist dominiert von den Jugendmannschaften der Profivereine aus den oberen englischen Ligen, obwohl pro Saison mehrere hundert Vereine teilnehmen. Aktueller Titelträger ist Manchester United.

Am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs entschied sich die FA, ein landesweites Jugendturnier zu veranstalten, um Talenten, die noch nicht alt genug für die Herrenmannschaften waren, eine Möglichkeit zu geben, sich mit Gleichaltrigen aus ganz England zu messen. So wurde der FA Youth Cup in der Saison 1952/53 erstmals ausgetragen. Schon damals waren Jugendmannschaften von Profi- und Amateurclubs zugelassen.

Rekordsieger ist Manchester United mit zehn Titelgewinnen. Viele der heutigen Stars konnten schon in diesem Wettbewerb auf sich aufmerksam machen; so standen beispielsweise in der Saison 1992/93 unter anderem Gary Neville, Nicky Butt, David Beckham, Keith Gillespie, Robbie Savage und Paul Scholes im Aufgebot von ManU. Der Zuschauerrekord liegt bei 38.187, erreicht im Finalhinspiel der Saison 2006/07, als der FC Arsenal im Emirates Stadium Manchester United mit 1:0 bezwang.

Quellenangabe: Wikipedia.org
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 18/02/2015 22:12
Leider hat es für die U18 von Nottingham Forest heute im FA Youth-Cup nicht zum Weiterkommen gereicht.

Nottingham Forest U18 - Tottenham Hotspurs U18
FT 1:2 (0:0)
Zuschauer: 4.053
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 19/02/2015 18:18

Quellen: soccerway.com
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 21/02/2015 13:21
So, um 16 Uhr geht es los in der Championship mit dem Heimspiel von Nottingham Forest gegen die Bolton Wanderers.
Nach letzten Eindrücken, könnte durchaus ein weiteres Spiel ohne Niederlage folgen, davon gab es ja in den letzten Wochen auch genug nod
Zuletzt war es einfach nur ein irres Fußballspiel, man macht in der NSZ die vermeintlich alles entscheidene Bude zum Sieg und dann gibt es noch die letzte Ecke und es schlägt ein ka
Nunja, spielt man heute auf dem Niveau der letzten drei Partien, sollten die "Trotters" heute bezwungen werden, obwohl der Zug nach ganz oben ohnehin abgefahren scheint.
Auf geht´s .... tooor her und nen Dreier nod
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 21/02/2015 15:23


Gerade mal knapp 20 Minuten rum und Forest führt bereits 2:0 gegen Bolton yahoo

1-0 Burke (8.)
2-0 Antonio (17.)

...das darf gerne so weitergehen laugh
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 21/02/2015 17:04


...der nächste Sieg ist eingefahren bengalo

zunächst kurz vor der HZ das Anschlußtor für die Gäste durch Le Fondre per Elfmeter > HZ somit 2:1

nach dem Wechsel erhöht Lansbury(65. per Elfer) auf 3:1, kurz danach trifft dann Chris Burke mit seinem zweiten Treffer zum 4:1 Endstand.

Nottingham Forest - Bolton Wanderers FT 4-1

Details, Spielbericht etc. folgt!
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 22/02/2015 11:32
Hier nun der entsprechende Link mit allen Details zum gestrigen 4-1 Sieg von Nottingham Forest gegen die Bolton Wanderers.

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 22/02/2015 18:48
Der Video-Clip vom gestrigen 4-1 Sieg daumenhoch

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 23/02/2015 11:49
Nur eine kurze Erholungsphase gibt es in der Championship, denn bereits am Mittwoch geht es für Nottingham Forest gegen die Überraschungself der diesjährigen Saison, dem AFC Bournemouth, weiter.

Das erneute Heimspiel beginnt um 20:45 Uhr im City Ground - diesmal hat man sich einen harten Brocken eingeladen, denn der Gast liegt in der derzeitigen Tabelle auf Rang drei, war sogar einige Zeit Tabellenführer, am WE setzte es jedoch eine 1:3 Niederlage in Brentford!

Das Hinspiel im August des Vorjahres gewann Forest jedoch überraschend mit 2-1, zwei Tore in der zweiten Hälfte ermöglichten den Sieg.
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 24/02/2015 13:55

Quelle: soccerway.com
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 25/02/2015 13:32
Das einzige Mittwoch-Spiel der Championship findet also heute im Nottinghamer City Ground statt, zu Gast ist der AFC (Association Football Club) Bournemouth.

Bournemouth belegt derzeit den 3. Platz in der Liga, spielt eine sensationelle Saison bislang.
Der Club wurde 1899 gegründet, man nennt den AFC auch "The Cherries", aufgrund der Spielkleidung.

Es wartet also ein harter Prüfstein auf Forest, doch die aktuelle Form spricht nicht gegen Nottingham - die letzten Auftritte waren klasse und lassen auch hier wieder einiges erwarten bei den Fans!

Die Partie beginnt um 20:45 Uhr, die Quoten auf einen Nottingham-Heimsieg bewegen sich im 3.xx Bereich - lukrative Q also nod

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 25/02/2015 21:59

Geschafft !!!
Wieder einen Dreier eingefahren, nachdem es nach 3 Minuten schon richtig mies aussah - Bournemouth mit frühem Führungstreffer, doch noch in der ersten Halbzeit drehte Forest das Ding daumenhoch

Spielbericht und Video-Clip zum heutigen Sieg dann wahrscheinlich morgen nod

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 26/02/2015 11:00
Mit dem gestrigen 2:1 Sieg gegen den AFC Bournemouth konnte Nottingham erneut einen Sprung in bessere Regionen der Championship machen - mittlerweile ist man auf Platz 9 der Tabelle angelangt, weist jetzt 47 Punkte auf, leider sind es immer noch satte 12 Punkte zu Platz 6, der bekanntlich zur Teilnahme an der Premier League-Qualifikation berechtigt.

Hingegen ging es für den Gast aus Bournemouth gestern einen Rang nach unten auf Platz 4, da Ipswich vorbeiziehen konnte.

Alle Details zum gestrigen Sieg hier:


Video folgt...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 26/02/2015 18:21
Die Gäste aus Bournemouth gingen in Führung nach nur 3 Minuten, doch dann schlug Forest vor der Pause doppelt zurück.
Besonders das 2-1 ein wunderbares Freistoßtor - hier der Video-Clip:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 27/02/2015 11:08
...weiter geht's bereits am Samstag um 16 Uhr nod

Am kommenden Samstag geht es für die momentan bärenstarken "Reds" aus Nottingham weiter mit dem Gastspiel beim FC Reading (derzeit Rang 15 in der Championship).

Reading insgesamt durchaus heimstark (7-3-6), die letzten beiden Heimpartien gingen jedoch gegen Wigan und Leeds ohne eigenes Tor verloren.
Danach siegte man bei Ipswich Town, konnte diese Überraschung in Huddersfield nicht bestätigen und unterlag deutlich 0-3.

Ich sehe gute Chancen erneut einen Sieg zu landen, dann wären 50 Punkte erreicht und evtl. sogar noch eine Mini-Chance hinsichtlich der PL-Quali vorhanden.

Die Quoten auf einen Forest-Sieg im 3.xx-Bereich bei den Bookies nod
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 27/02/2015 22:38

Quelle: soccerway.com

Normalerweise müßte Reading den "Reds" liegen, zumindest das Hinspiel war eine souveräne Geschichte nod
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 28/02/2015 18:03

FC Reading - Nottingham Forest

FT 0:3

...und weiter geht die Siegesserie für die "Reds" - wie bereits beim klaren 4-0 im Hinspiel, gab es auch heute bei den zuletzt bereits zweimal zu Hause unterlegenem FC Reading keine großen Schwierigkeiten und folgerichtig einen glatten 3:0 Auswärtssieg nod

Mit nunmehr 50 Punkten rückt man in der Tabelle der Championship weiter nach oben auf, vllt. gibt es jetzt wirklich noch eine kleine Chance auf einen Quali-Platz Premier League ka

Details, sprich Spielbericht und Video-Clip dann wahrscheinlich Sonntag banana
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 01/03/2015 15:23
Hier der Spielbericht zu diesem erneuten Forest-Sieg in Reading - mit Grafik, Ballbesitzschema, Aufstellung etc.

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 01/03/2015 17:26
Dann noch der Video-Clip nod
Absolut sehenswerte Tore, vor allem das 0:3 respect

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 02/03/2015 15:00
Kaum Zeit zur Regeneration gibt es derzeit in der Championship, also auch nicht für die Mannschaft der letzten Wochen, Nottingham Forest nono

Bereits am Dienstag geht es um 20:45 Uhr für die "Reds" weiter mit dem Gastspiel bei Charlton Athletic, aktueller Tabellenzwölfter.

Trotz der imposanten Erfolgsserie zuletzt, trennt Forest aber immer noch satte 10 Punkte zur Premier League-Quali, wird enorm schwierig, zumal irgendwann auch wieder eine Niederlage kommen wird ka

Samstag gibt es dann bereits das nächste Heimspiel im City Ground zwischen Nottingham und dem Aufstiegsanwärter FC Middlesbrough!
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 02/03/2015 19:32

Quellen: soccerway.com
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 03/03/2015 20:01

Na toll nono

Charlton Athletic - Nottingham Forest

Frederic Bulot bringt den Gastgeber nach 7 Minuten 1:0 in Führung frown

Sollte die tolle Serie der "Reds" heute etwa reissen ka
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 03/03/2015 20:34

Schneller Ausgleich für Forest in der 14. Minute durch Antonio, doch erneut Frederic Bulot bringt Charlton in der 38. Minute mit 2-1 in Führung.

Charlton Athletic - Nottingham Forest

Halbzeit: 2-1

ka Es bleibt noch Hälfte 2 und alles ist noch drin für die Reds nod
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 03/03/2015 22:08

Die Serie ist beendet doh

Ausführlicher Spielbericht, Grafiken etc. folgt...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 04/03/2015 10:54
Naja, es mußte ja mal wieder so kommen - es war schon fast seltsam mit der Erfolgsserie von Nottingham Forest, von daher überrascht es mich auch eher weniger.

Niederlage bei Charlton Athletic und vor allem die Erkenntnis, dass man wohl im Mittelfeld der Tabelle verharren wird, denn natürlich hat sich die theoretische Chance auf die Teilnahme an den Aufstiegsspielen zur Premier League jetzt weiter verschlechtert.

Hier der Spielbericht und alles was dazugehört von soccerway.com - finde die Aufmachung von denen sehr gelungen!


Der Video-Clip zur gestrigen Niederlage folgt...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 04/03/2015 22:21
Vielleicht haben ja die blauen Trikots Nottingham Forest gestern Pech gebracht grins

Charlton Athletic - Nottingham Forest 2:1

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 05/03/2015 10:19
Bereits am kommenden Samstag geht es für Nottingham Forest in der Championship mit dem 36. Spieltag weiter.

Forest empfängt um 16:00 Uhr im heimischen City Ground den derzeitigen Tabellenführer FC Middlesbrough, der mit 66 Punkten den Platz an der Sonne einnimmt!

Am Dienstag siegte Middlesbrough gegen Millwall 3-0 - Forest unterlag bekanntermaßen bei Charlton Athletic 1-2.

Schwierige Aufgabe also für die Reds - die Quote auf Sieg Nottingham bewegt sich bei den Bookies um die 2,8x - da sollte noch Luft nach oben sein, denn immerhin gastiert hier der Tabellenführer!
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 06/03/2015 10:26


Im Hinspiel gab es für die Reds rein gar nichts zu erben, man war schlichtweg chancenlos in Middlesbrough und unterlag 0:3 (siehe oben).
Kann also nur besser werden gegen den aktuellen Tabellenführer der Championship
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 07/03/2015 17:09
Nottingham Forest - FC Middlesbrough
2:1 (1:1)

Die Reds sind ruckzuck zurück in der Erfolgsspur - nach der 1:2 Niederlage bei Charlton Athletic konnte man umgehend den Hebel umlegen und heute den Tabellenführer der Championship, den FC Middlesbrough im heimischen City Ground 2:1 bezwingen.
Der Gast war zunächst in Führung gegangen, Forest gelang noch vor der Pause der Ausgleich.
In der zweiten Hälfte konnte dann noch der Sieg perfekt gemacht werden.

Alles zu diesem Spiel folgt ...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 08/03/2015 10:25
Wie gewohnt die entsprechenden Statistiken zum gestrigen Heimsieg der Reds gegen den Tabellenführer Middlesbrough, damit mußte man nicht unbedingt rechnen, doch die Form war absolut vorhanden nod

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 08/03/2015 18:34
Starke Vorstellung der Reds gegen das Top-Team aus Middlesbrough, selbst durch einen Rückstand ließ sich das Team nicht verunsichern und drehte die Partie, siehe Video-Clip:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 09/03/2015 11:33
Am kommenden Samstag um 16:00 Uhr geht es für Nottingham Forest dann in der Championship mit dem 37. Spieltag bei Leeds United weiter nod

Leeds United, ebenso wie die Reds, ein alter englischer Traditionsverein, rangiert derzeit auf Rang 13 mit 47 Punkten, Forest belegt Platz 9 mit 53 Zählern.

Leeds konnte die beiden letzten Ligaspiele gewinnen, am WE siegte man beim Abstiegskandidaten Wigan, zuvor konnte Ipswich Town besiegt werden.
Insgesamt gab es für Leeds seit 5 Partien keine Niederlage - Forest sollte also auf jeden Fall vorgewarnt sein.

Das Hinspiel im City Ground endete 1-1.
Keine leichte Aufgabe für Nottingham, doch es bestehen durchaus Chancen, hier die eigene tolle Serie fortzusetzen.

Ärgerlich der Durchhänger in der Mitte der Saison... was wäre alles möglich gewesen hm
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 10/03/2015 11:21
Nottingham Forest auf Platz 4 der Zuschauerstatistik

Immerhin in dieser Statistik würde es für die Quali zur Premier League reichen, nur leider ist die Bedeutung wesentlich geringer ka

Hinter Derby County, Norwich City und Brighton liegt Nottingham mit einem Zuschauerschnitt von 23.794 auf dem vierten Platz in der Championship-Wertung.
Der Minimalwert betrug 19.619 Zuschauer, der Maximalwert 30.227 Zuschauer.

Die Auslastung liegt bei 78 % respect
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/03/2015 11:22

2012 gab es ein gigantisches Duell, am Ende stand ein 7:3 für Nottingham, war damals ein Hammerspiel nod

Quelle: soccerway.com
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 12/03/2015 18:32

Leider war Nottingham am schwärzesten Tag der englischen Fußballgeschichte am 15. April 1989 in Sheffield beim Pokalspiel zwischen dem FC Liverpool und Nottingham Forest beteiligt.

Dieser Bericht erinnert nochmals an "HILLSBOROUGH" - damals gab es fast 100 Tote!

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 14/03/2015 20:26
Leeds United - Nottingham Forest

FT 0-0

Nunja, ziemlich trostlos vom Ergebnis, doch unterm Strich ein wohl gerechtes Remis zweier Teams, die sich in der Championship in etwa auf Augenhöhe befinden dürften.
Beiden bringt das Remis im Grunde sehr wenig, doch solche Matches kommen dann hin und wieder auch mal vor ka

Hier der komplette Spielbericht mit den entsprechenden Daten etc.

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 16/03/2015 11:23
Bereits am kommenden Mittwoch geht es in der Championship mit dem 38. Spieltag weiter.
Nottingham Forest empfängt dann im heimischen City Ground den derzeitigen 21. der Tabelle, FC Rotherham United.
Der Gast aus der Grafschaft South Yorkshire momentan Viertletzter, schwebt mit 40 Punkten in akuter Abstiegsgefahr.
Hier gilt es für die Reds einen weiteren Heimsieg zu landen, theoretische Chancen auf den Quali-Platz zur Premier League sind weiterhin vorhanden.

Das Hinspiel bei den Merry Millers endete am 13.12.14 torlos, überhaupt wurden die letzten 7 Vergleiche der beiden Teams immer under 2.5 beendet, was natürlich auch diesmal nicht für eine Torflut spricht.

Nottingham Forest - FC Rotherham United

Mittwoch, 18.03.15 - Anstoss: 20:45 Uhr

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 17/03/2015 19:16
Betrifft: Nottingham Forest

Trainer bestätigt

Birmingham City will Nottingham-Leihspieler Tesche halten

Der ehemalige Bundesliga-Profi Robert Tesche spielt seit Anfang März per Emergency Loan für Birmingham City, ist aber noch bis Saisonende inklusive Option auf ein weiteres Jahr bei Nottingham Forest unter Vertrag. Gegenüber der „Birmingham Mail“ sagte Blues-Trainer Gary Rowett nun, dass er den 27-jährigen Mittelfeldspieler, ebenso wie Wigan-Leihgabe Rob Kiernan (24), gern halten würde.

„Wir haben eventuell bei beiden Spielern am Saisonende die Chance, sie zu verpflichten“, so Rowett. „Tesche hat eine Option in Nottingham. Ich würde sagen, er ist ein Spieler, der gezeigt hat, dass er eine exzellente Ergänzung wäre.“

Der frühere Bielefelder wechselte im vergangenen Sommer nach fünf Jahren beim HSV ablösefrei nach Nottingham, kam dort seit dem 29. Spieltag jedoch nicht mehr zum Einsatz. In Birmingham spielte Tesche bislang zweimal von Beginn an und bereitete je einen Treffer vor. Sein Marktwert beträgt 750.000 Euro.

Quelle: transfermarkt.de
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 18/03/2015 15:38

Quelle: soccerway.com

Könnte heute eine recht zähe Angelegenheit werden, nach der Stats liegt ein Under quasi in der Luft - wenns dann ein 1:0 für Forest gibt grins
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 18/03/2015 20:41


Doppelschlag vor der Pause...

Nottingham Forest - Rotherham United

HT 2-0

1:0 Blackstock (43.)
2:0 Antonio (45.)

Im Normalfall sollte es das gewesen sein, immerhin gegen diesen Gegner mal 2 Buden nod

Weiter so...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 19/03/2015 11:36
Tja, es war wie erwartet das enge Match, was ich auch im Vorfeld angekündigt hatte - und wieder endete es letztendlich mit einem Under laugh

Nicht auszudenken, die zwei Minuten vor der Pause hätten auf der Uhr gefehlt lol

Kurz vor dem Pausenpfiff also der Doppelschlag für die Reds und danach kam dann in Hälfte 2 nicht mehr sehr viel, der Ballbesitz (siehe Grafik soccerway) auch noch zugunsten von Rotherham - doch unterm Strich gibt es drei wichtige Punkte, vllt. geht für die PL-Quali doch noch was, sollte die Erfolgsstory von Nottingham weiter anhalten ka

Hier die Statistik von gestern:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 19/03/2015 18:50
Nachfolgend noch der Video-Clip mit den Highlights des Spiels - zwei schöne Tore und einmal Aluminium für die Gäste.

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 20/03/2015 10:45
Die Championship kennt keine Gnade - bereits am morgigen Samstag geht es dort weiter mit dem 39. Spieltag !!

Nottingham Forest steht vor einer schweren Aufgabe, tritt beim Aufstiegsanwärter und derzeitigen Tabellenvierten Norwich City an, die nach einer tollen Siegesserie zuletzt etwas nachgelassen haben, jedoch immer noch deutlich vor den Reds stehen.

Forest hilft auch hier wiederum nur ein Sieg, will man die Mini-Chance auf Platz 6 wahren.


Die Tabelle zeigt, wo es hingehen muß grins
Sieg und basta - das Hinspiel(08.11.14) konnte Forest 2-1 für sich verbuchen.
Diesmal gibt es auf einen Auswärtserfolg Q über 5,xx
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 21/03/2015 11:12

Quelle: soccerway.com
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 22/03/2015 11:26

Nunja, Nottingham Forest hat am gestrigen Samstag bei Aufstiegskandidat Norwich City verdient mit 1:3 verloren und ist somit wieder auf diesem Planeten gelandet.
Somit dürfte die theoretische Chance, doch noch mit einer anhaltenden Serie in die Top 6 (Qualifikation zur Premier League) zu gelangen, wohl dahin sein.

Die entsprechende Statistik zu dieser Niederlage sowie der Video-Clip folgen dann später...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 23/03/2015 10:40
Wenn man sich mal die Daten anschaut, fällt, wie so oft, der geringe Ballbesitz von Forest sofort ins Auge - auch bei der 1:3 Niederlage in Norwich, gab es lediglich 37% Ballbesitz - im Grunde ohnehin zu wenig um ein Spiel unterm Strich zu gewinnen.
So kam es dann auch zu der verdienten Pleite, der Rückstand zu Platz 6 beträgt 10 Punkte, dieses Thema muß man zukünftig nicht mehr ansprechen.

Hier die Statistik zum Spiel:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 23/03/2015 11:28
Keine Frage - absolut verdienter Sieg für die am Samstag klar bessere Mannschaft von Norwich City, hier war Nottingham Forest mehr oder weniger chancenlos, dem Tempofußball hatte man recht wenig entgegenzusetzen ka

Schöner Beitrag von Norwich City TV - hier der YouTube-Link:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 25/03/2015 11:15
Am kommenden Wochenende legt auch die Championship eine Länderspielpause ein, weiter geht es dann mit dem bereits 40. Spieltag am Karfreitag, 03.04.15.

Nottingham Forest empfängt dann den Tabellennachbarn aus den West Midlands, die Wölfe - Wolverhampton Wanderers, die im Gegensatz zu den Reds noch eine echte Chance auf den Aufstieg in die Premier League besitzen und zudem seit 4 Spielen unbesiegt sind.
Derzeit weisen die Wolves 65 Punkte auf, Forest 57 Punkte.

Nottingham Forest - Wolverhampton
Freitag, 03.04.15
Anstoss: 16:00 Uhr
Stadion: City Ground
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 27/03/2015 11:24
Hier mal eine Übersicht über den bisherigen Verlauf 2015 sowie über das Restprogramm von Nottingham Forest.
Insgesamt muß man mit der Punkteausbeute in diesem Jahr zufrieden sein, hätte man bloß nicht in der zweiten Hälfte 2014 soviel verdaddelt ka
Die Zuschauerzahlen in den Heimspielen relativ konstant.

Quelle: transfermarkt.de
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 29/03/2015 11:33
Nochmals ein Blick zurück in die Vergangenheit von Forest nod

Abstieg in die dritthöchste Spielklasse 2004–2008

In der neu gegründeten Football League Championship 2004/05 folgte mit dem Abstieg in die dritte Liga der vorerst letzte Tiefpunkt. Nachdem Nottingham Forest in der Hinrunde nur vier Spiele gewinnen konnte, trat Joe Kinnear zurück und machte nach einer Übergangsphase Platz für Gary Megson. Den Abstieg konnte aber auch er nicht mehr verhindern. Bereits am vorletzten Spieltag stand nach einer 1:2-Niederlage bei den Queens Park Rangers der Gang in die dritte Liga fest. Verteidiger Des Walker bestritt nach einer Einwechslung am ersten Spieltag sein letztes Spiel für Nottingham Forest und beendete im Alter von 38 Jahren seine Karriere. Bereits vor Saisonende verließen mit Michael Dawson und Andy Reid die beiden talentiertesten Spieler den Verein und wechselten für zusammen rund acht Millionen Pfund zu Tottenham Hotspur.

Nach Platz sieben in der Football League One und einem erneuten Trainerwechsel kam Forest 2006/07 unter dem neuen Trainer Colin Calderwood auf Platz vier der dritthöchsten englischen Liga, verlor jedoch im Halbfinale der Play-Offs nach einem 2:0 bei Yeovil Town zu Hause mit 2:5 nach Verlängerung und scheiterte. Die nachfolgende Spielzeit führte jedoch noch einmal zu einer Leistungssteigerung und gipfelte durch einen zweiten Tabellenplatz hinter Swansea City im Aufstieg in die Football League Championship im Jahr 2008. Im entscheidenden Spiel am letzten Spieltag war der Gegner erneut Yeovil Town, doch diesmal setzte sich die Mannschaft mit 3:2 nach Toren von Julian Bennett, Kris Commons und Lewis McGugan durch und feierte anschließend ausgelassen den Erfolg. Maßgeblich für den Aufstieg verantwortlich war die beste Defensive der Liga um Torhüter Paul Smith und die Verteidiger Wes Morgan, Kelvin Wilson, James Perch, Julian Bennett und Luke Chambers, die in 46 Ligaspielen lediglich 32 Gegentore zuließ. Bester Torschütze wurde Junior Agogo mit 13 Toren in 27 Spielen, der jedoch nach der Saison für 565.000 Pfund zu Zamalek SC nach Ägypten wechselte.

Rückkehr in die Football League Championship und Folgezeit seit 2008

Der langjährige Besitzer Nigel Doughty verstarb im Februar 2012
Nach einem Jahr Abstiegskampf in der Saison 2008/09, etablierte sich die Mannschaft unter dem neuen Trainer Billy Davies in den folgenden beiden Spielzeiten und verpasste 2009/10 und 2010/11 den Aufstieg erst in den Play-offs.

Nach Ablauf der Saison 2010/11 zogen sich die Gespräche zwischen dem Vorstand und Trainer Billy Davies lange hin, da es unterschiedliche Ansichten über Spielerverpflichtungen und die Investitionsbereitschaft des Vereins gab. Am 12. Juni 2011 trennte sich der Verein nach zweieinhalb Jahren von Davies und gab bereits einen Tag später die Verpflichtung des ehemaligen englischen Nationaltrainers Steve McClaren für drei Jahre als neuen Trainer bekannt. Nach einem Fehlstart in die Saison 2011/12 endete die Trainertätigkeit von McClaren bereits am 2. Oktober 2011 vorzeitig. Nachfolger wurde zwölf Tage später der Trainer des Ligarivalen FC Portsmouth, Steve Cotterill. Am 4. Februar 2012 starb der zuvor als Vorstandsvorsitzender zurückgetretene Besitzer des Vereins, Nigel Doughty, im Alter von 54 Jahren an Herzversagen.

Die Suche nach einem neuen Besitzer endete am 10. Juli 2012, als der Verein bekannt gab, dass die kuwaitische Al-Hasawi-Familie den Traditionsklub übernommen hat. Bereits zwei Tage später trennten sich die neuen Eigentümer von Trainer Steve Cotterill,um am 19. Juli 2012 Sean O’Driscoll als Nachfolger zu präsentieren. Am 26. Dezember 2012 gab der Verein direkt im Anschluss nach einem 4:2-Heimsieg am Boxing Day gegen Leeds United die Entlassung von O’Driscoll bekannt. Forest lag zu diesem Zeitpunkt auf dem achten Platz der Football League Championship 2012/13. Nur einen Tag später verpflichtete der Vorstand Alex McLeish als neuen Trainer. Nach Differenzen mit dem Vorstand über die Verpflichtung neuer Spieler im Januar 2013 trat McLeish am 5. Februar 2013 von seinem Posten zurück.

Am 7. Februar 2013 gab der Verein die Rückkehr von Billy Davies bekannt. Dank einer zwischenzeitlichen Siegesserie führte Davies das Team wieder auf einen Play-Off-Platz, ehe eine 2:3-Heimniederlage am letzten Spieltag gegen Leicester City den Einzug in die Aufstiegsrunde kostete. Nach umfassenden Investitionen in den Kader verbrachte Forest einen Großteil der Folgesaison auf einem Play-Off-Platz. Langfristige Verletzungen von diversen Stammspielern führten ab Mitte Februar 2014 zu einem deutlichen Leistungsabfall der Mannschaft. Zwei Tage nach einer 0:5-Niederlage beim Nachbarn Derby County am 22. März 2014 gab der Vorstand die Trennung von Billy Davies bekannt.

Eineinhalb Wochen später verpflichtete Forest mit dem langjährigen Ex-Spieler Stuart Pearce den Nachfolger.Da Pearce erst bereit war, ab dem 1. Juli 2014 seinen neuen Trainerposten zu übernehmen, verlängerte sich die Rolle von Gary Brazil als Interimstrainer bis zum Saisonende. Nach einem guten Saisonstart übernahm Forest am 4. Spieltag die Tabellenführung und blieb bis zum 12. Spieltag ungeschlagen.Nach der Niederlage gegen Cardiff City konnte der Verein lediglich drei Siege in den nächsten sechzehn Ligaspielen einfahren und schied zudem in der 3. Runde des FA Cup 2014/15 gegen den Drittligisten AFC Rochdale aus. Eine 0:1-Heimniederlage gegen den Abstiegskandidaten FC Millwall besiegelte nach nur sieben Monaten im Amt das Aus von Pearce. Einen Tag später gab der Verein die Trennung vom Manager bekannt und präsentierte nur wenige Stunden später am Abend des 1. Februar 2015 mit dem ehemaligen Crystal Palace und Bolton Wanderers-Manager Dougie Freedman den Ersatz.
Quelle: Wikipedia.org
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 31/03/2015 14:52
Karfreitag ist die Länderspielpause nun endlich beendet und auch die Championship geht dann auf Hochtouren weiter.
Im heimischen City Ground empfängt Nottingham Forest dann um 16:00 Uhr den Tabellennachbarn aus Wolverhampton - jedoch trennt beide Teams in der Tabelle trotzdem satte 8 Punkte.
Die Wolves dürfen sich also auch noch Hoffnungen auf den Aufstieg in die Premier League machen, doch sollten diese eher gering sein.

Wolverhampton kurz vorgestellt:

Die Wolverhampton Wanderers (offiziell: Wolverhampton Wanderers Football Club) – auch bekannt als The Wolves (deutsch: Die „Wölfe“) – sind ein englischer Fußballverein aus der in den West Midlands gelegenen Stadt Wolverhampton. Der 1876 entstandene Klub war 1888 eines von zwölf Gründungsmitgliedern der Football League, entwickelte sich aber trotz zweier Erfolge im FA Cup in den Jahren 1893 und 1908 erst nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg zu einem führenden Spitzenverein in England.

In der Zeit zwischen 1949 und 1960 gewannen die „Wolves“ unter Trainer Stan Cullis sowohl drei englische Meisterschaften als auch zwei FA-Cup-Trophäen und wurden nach Siegen gegen europäische Spitzenvereine von den einheimischen Medien zur Mitte der 1950er Jahre als „beste Vereinsmannschaft der Welt“ gefeiert. Seitdem ist der Verein mit Ausnahme zweier Siege im Ligapokal (1974 und 1980) und einem Einzug in das Finale des UEFA-Pokals (1972 gegen Tottenham Hotspur) ohne Erfolg in einem der bedeutenden Wettbewerben („Major Titles“). Von 1984 an bestritt der Klub nur noch vier Jahre (2003/04 sowie 2009/10 bis 2011/12) in der obersten englische Spielklasse. Die „Wolves“ sind der einzige Verein, der fünf verschiedene Meisterschaften der Football League gewann (First Division, Second Division, Third Division, Third Division North, Fourth Division) und ebenfalls der einzige Klub, der mit dem FA Cup, dem Ligapokal und der Football League Trophy die drei renommiertesten englischen Pokaltrophäen errang.
Quelle: Wikipedia.org
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 02/04/2015 18:47
Endlich geht es mit dem Ligabetrieb weiter am Karfreitag, für Forest heißt das: Wolves weghauen hauen

Quelle: soccerway.com

Die Quoten auf einen Sieg Nottingham Forest liegen zwischen 2.30 und 2.40 bei den diversen Bookies !!!

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 03/04/2015 10:45
Für alle, die heute noch ein gescheites Fußballspiel sehen wollen - die heutige Partie zwischen Nottingham Forest und den Wolverhampton Wanderers überträgt bwin um 16:00 Uhr live
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 03/04/2015 14:59

Nottingham Forest - Wolverhampton Wanderers

HT 0:0 schlafen

So, mal aufwachen jetzt - sind alle im Tiefschlaf !!!
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 04/04/2015 10:37
doh doh
Völlig enttäuschende Vorstellung der Reds am gestrigen Samstag gegen die Wolverhampton Wanderers - folgerichtig gab es eine verdiente 1-2 Niederlage, das einzige Tor für Forest fiel erst in der letzten Minute, konnte entsprechend keine Wende mehr herbeiführen.
Habe mir das Spiel live angetan, muß man schon fast sagen, hatte deutlich mehr erwartet, nachdem es ja in den letzten Wochen klar besser lief.

Die Wolves wahrten ihre Ambitionen, zumindest am Ende noch Rang 6 zu erreichen, der zur Quali PL berechtigt.
Zur Halbzeit stand es noch 0-0, nach der Pause legte Wolverhampton dann blitzschnell los und markierte den ersten Treffer.
Spätestens nach dem Elfer, war die Sache dann endgültig durch.

Nie hatte man das Gefühl, da kommt noch was von Nottingham nono
Kein Spielwitz, ideenloses Gekicke, fast keine Torgefahr - nichts !!!

Der ausführliche Bericht, mit der Statistik zum gestrigen Spiel folgt dann noch...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 04/04/2015 22:32
Die Statistik zeigt es erneut - weniger Ballbesitz als der Gegner - und die kamen einem optisch im Grunde, mit Ausnahme der Tore, eher harmlos vor - es sagt quasi alles zum Spiel von Forest ka

Hier die Stats:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 05/04/2015 12:19
Das Video folgt zum Karfreitag-Spiel nod

Bereits am Ostermontag geht es für Nottingham Forest mit dem 41. Spieltag in der Championship weiter mit dem Gastspiel in Brentford.
Der FC Brentford derzeit mit 69 Punkten auf Platz 5 der Tabelle, steht also in den Top 6 momentan und wird versuchen diese Position zu festigen.
Kein leichtes Unterfangen für die Reds, die im Grunde nun für die Galerie spielen dürfen, denn nach oben geht da nix mehr in dieser Spielzeit nono

FC Brentford - Nottingham Forest
Ostermontag, 06.04.15
Anstoss: 16:00 Uhr
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 05/04/2015 17:12
Hier der Link zum Video-Clip mit der 1-2 Niederlage von Nottingham gegen die Wolves am Karfreitag mad

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 06/04/2015 09:18
...und weiter geht's heute mit dem bereits 41. Spieltag in der Championship und einer sehr schweren Auswärtsaufgabe für die Reds von Nottingham Forest beim ambitionierten FC Brentford.

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 06/04/2015 10:47
Kurzinfo zum heutigen Gegner von Nottingham Forest:

Der FC Brentford (offiziell: Brentford Football Club) ist ein englischer Fußballverein aus Brentford, im Westen von London gelegen. Der Klub, dessen Spitzname sowohl The Bees (Die Bienen) als auch The red and white army (Die rot-weiße Armee) ist, stieg nach der Saison 2013/14 in die zweitklassige Football League Championship auf.(Wikipedia.org)


Brentford FC - Nottingham Forest
16:00 Uhr live bei bwin
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 06/04/2015 16:16
Brentford FC - Nottingham Forest

FT 2:2 (0:0)

Absolut ärgerlich schimpfen
Wieder einmal passiert es in der verfluchten Nachspielzeit - Brentford macht letztendlich doch noch den Ausgleich, nachdem es nach einem Überraschungscoup aussah.
Die 1. Halbzeit zum Einschlafen, kaum Möglichkeiten, ein trostloses Gekicke, ich dachte schon an die Nullnummer ka
Doch in der 2. Hälfte ging dann tatsächlich doch noch etwas mit Toren - nur das Ende natürlich wenig erfreulich.

Die Statistik zum Spiel und das Video später....
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 07/04/2015 14:04
Echt ätzend in England mit der Nachspielzeit, das nimmt absurde Normen langsam an, demnächst spielen die jedes Spiel 30 Minuten länger doh
In der 95. Minute schlug es dann in Brentford ein zum 2:2 - Forest quasi um den Sieg betrogen schimpfen
Es fällt aber erneut der geringe Ballbesitz in der Statistik auf - lediglich schlappe 36 % sind einfach zu wenig.

Hier die Statistik zum 2:2 in Brentford am Ostermontag:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 07/04/2015 16:26
Ich darf nicht hinsehen nono

Hier der Video-Clip >>

Brentford - Nottingham Forest / 06.04.15

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 09/04/2015 17:44
Am kommenden Samstag geht es mit dem 42. Spieltag der Championship weiter, Nottingham Forest empfängt dann um 16:00 Uhr im heimischen City Ground Huddersfield Town.
Huddersfield rangiert derzeit mit 48 Punkten auf Rang 17 der Tabelle, dürfte nach Lage der Dinge jedoch den Klassenerhalt sicher haben.

Hier eine kurze Vorstellung des Gegners:

Huddersfield Town (offiziell: Huddersfield Town Football Club) ist ein englischer Fußballverein aus der Stadt Huddersfield in der Grafschaft Yorkshire und wurde 1908 gegründet. Den Großteil ihrer Vereinsgeschichte verbrachte er in den beiden oberen Ligen des Landes. Derzeit spielt er in der Football League Championship.

Seine erfolgreichste Zeit hatte Huddersfield Town in den 1920er Jahren, in denen er dreimal in Folge Meister und zweimal Vizemeister wurde. Außerdem gewann er den FA Cup im Jahr 1922. An seine früheren Erfolge kann der Verein bis heute nicht mehr anknüpfen und spielt meistens in den unteren Ligen des englischen Fußballsystems.

Spitzname der Mannschaft ist The Terriers. Der Club spielt traditionell in blau-weiß vertikal-gestreiften Trikots und weißen Shorts. Die Heimspiele werden seit 1994 im John Smith's Stadium ausgetragen, bis dahin war Leeds Road ihre Heimstätte.
(Quellenangabe: wikipedia.org)
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/04/2015 09:03

Quelle: soccerway.com

Heute geht's für Nottingham Forest also weiter, der Gast aus Huddersfield Town mit 10 Punkten weniger auf dem Punktekonto, doch durch das Hinspiel sollten die Reds gewarnt sein.
Hier gab es eine klare 0-3 Niederlage, die es heute zu korrigieren gilt im City Ground nod

Auf geht's... Forest !!!
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 12/04/2015 10:55
Nottingham Forest - Huddersfield Town 0:1

Ja, wenn es sportlich eigentlich um nichts mehr geht, dann kommt unterm Strich ein solches Resultat raus nono
Ganz schwache Partie der Reds gestern gegen den 17. der Championship, den Gästen aus Huddersfield, die wie bereits im Hinspiel beim 3:0 Sieg, der erwartete Angstgegner waren und die Punkte aus dem City Ground entführten.
Für Forest bedeutet diese Niederlage lediglich die Erkenntnis, dass die Saison quasi abgeschlossen ist und man bereits die Planungen für die neue Spielzeit aufnehmen kann.

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 12/04/2015 21:15
Diesmal gab es endlich mal mit 53% Ballbesitz einen höheren Anteil als der des Gastes aus Huddersfield - doch trotzdem gab es ein 0:1 gegen die Bienen grins
Halt Statistik - diese dann, wie gehabt unter diesem Link detailliert:


und der Video-Clip gleich hinterher:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 14/04/2015 20:57
Bereits am heutigen Dienstag startete der 43. Spieltag der Championship - Mittwoch kommt dann auch Nottingham Forest im heimischen City Ground zum Einsatz und trifft auf den ambitionierten FC Watford, ein absoluter Anwärter auf den Aufstieg in die Premier League.
Vor dem heutigen Spieltag belegte Watford Rang 3 in der Tabelle.
Seit 7 Spielen ist man unbesiegt, hat den Aufstieg fest im Visier.
Das Hinspiel in Watford endete 2-2.
Spielbeginn ist um 20:45 Uhr.

Für die Reds geht es hingegen sicherlich nur noch um das Verwalten der bisherigen Saison, alles ist quasi entschieden, weder nach oben oder unten geht noch irgendetwas, man spielt die letzten Spieltage für die Galerie, kann befreit aufspielen, vielleicht sogar ein Plus in der Endphase der Liga ka
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 15/04/2015 18:25

Quelle: soccerway.com

Zum heutigen Gegner Watford:

Der FC Watford (offiziell: Watford Football Club) - auch bekannt als The Hornets (Die Hornissen) - ist ein englischer Fußballverein aus Watford, der seit 2007 in der zweitklassigen Football League Championship spielt.
Der Verein wurde 1881 als Watford Rovers gegründet und 1890 in West Hearts Watford umbenannt. 1898 fusionierte man mit Watford St. Mary's zum FC Watford.

Die Vereinsfarben sind schwarz-gelb. Heimstadion ist Vicarage Road, das mit dem Rugbyverein Saracens geteilt wird.

Den größten Erfolg erzielte die Mannschaft im Jahr 1983 mit der überraschenden Vizemeisterschaft, die dem FC Watford direkt nach dem erstmaligen Aufstieg in die First Division gelang. Ein Jahr später erreichten die Hornets das Finale im FA Cup, verloren dort aber am 19. Mai 1984 mit 0:2 gegen den FC Everton.

Elton John schied Mitte 2002 nach insgesamt 25 Jahren als Präsident und Mäzen aus – zwei Jahre, nachdem der Klub aus der Premier League abgestiegen war.

Nachdem das Team im Jahr zuvor nur knapp dem Abstieg aus der Football League Championship entgangen war, wurde es 2005/06 Tabellendritter und erreichte damit die Play-offs um den Aufstieg in die Premier League. Nach dem Halbfinalerfolg gegen Crystal Palace gewann Watford im Endspiel in Cardiff mit 3:0 gegen Leeds United und war zur Saison 2006/07 wieder erstklassig. Nach einem Jahr stieg der Verein aber als Tabellenletzter wieder in die zweite Liga ab.

Im Sommer 2012 übernahm die italienische Unternehmerfamilie Pozzo den Verein. Die Familie ist schon seit 1986 Eigentümer des italienischen Klubs Udinese Calcio und seit 2009 des FC Granada. Zwischen den Vereinen findet ein intensiver Spielertausch auf Leihbasis statt.
(Quelle: Wikipedia.org)
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 15/04/2015 19:35

Scheint zur Halbzeit bereits zugunsten von Watford entschieden, das Ding doh

Ighalo(4.Min.) und Connolly(41.Min.) bringen die Gäste mit 2-0 in Führung rolleye

Nottingham Forest - FC Watford HT 0:2

aufwachen Forest aufwachen
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 16/04/2015 10:20
Ja, so ist das - wenn es sportlich quasi nur noch für die Galerie geht, dann hängt man sich als Spieler eben auch nicht mehr mit vollem Einsatz rein.
Unterm Strich gab es dann gestern die fast schon befürchtete Heimniederlage gegen den Aufstiegsanwärter FC Watford.
Der Gast konnte durch diesen 3-1 Erfolg im City Ground seinen Ambitionen Nachdruck verleihen und spielte auch wie ein kommender Premier League-Club.
Absolut verdienter Sieg des FC Watford.
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 16/04/2015 16:20
Die Statistik zum gestrigen 1-3 zu Hause gegen den FC Watford, das große Manko der Reds auch in dieser Partie der geringe Ballbesitz - wie in fast jeder Partie liegt der Gegner hier vorne ka


...und der Video-Clip - Qualität diesmal sehr schlecht - wie in den 70er Jahren grins
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 17/04/2015 11:06
Am morgigen Samstag geht es dann um 16 Uhr mit dem Gastspiel beim Tabellennachbarn Blackburn Rovers für Nottingham Forest weiter, der 44. Spieltag steht an.

Bei den Reds hat man, aufgrund der Chancenlosigkeit hinsichtlich der Relegationsplätze zur Premier League, ohnehin den Anschein, die haben nur noch wenig Interesse, überhaupt noch irgendwas zu reißen.
Aus den letzten 5 Partien hagelte es gleich 4 Pleiten, ein Remis verschönt die Bilanz ein wenig.

9 trifft auf 10 tabellarisch gesehen, die Rovers haben einen Zähler mehr auf dem Konto.
Dabei blieben die Rovers immerhin in den letzten 3 Partien ohne Niederlage.

Das Hinspiel verlor Forest im heimischen City Ground 1-3 frown
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 17/04/2015 17:21
Der morgige Nottingham-Gegner:

Die Blackburn Rovers (offiziell: Blackburn Rovers Football Club) – auch bekannt als The Rovers – sind ein Fußball-Verein aus der Stadt Blackburn, Lancashire, England. Zurzeit spielt die Mannschaft in der Football League Championship. Der Klub wurde 1875 gegründet und war 1888 eines der Gründungsmitglieder der englischen Football League. 1890 bezogen die Rovers ihr Heimatstadion Ewood Park. Vor der Gründung der Premier League im Jahre 1992 wurden die größten Erfolge der Rovers in den Jahren vor 1930 errungen, als die Rovers mehrfach die englische Meisterschaft und den FA Cup gewinnen konnten.

Ein Jahr, nachdem der Stahlmagnat Jack Walker den Club erworben und Kenny Dalglish als Trainer engagiert hatte, stieg der Verein 1992 in die neue Premier League auf und binnen dreier Jahre entwickelte sich aufgrund zahlreicher Millioneninvestitionen – darunter Alan Shearer und Chris Sutton – ein Team, das in der Saison 1994/95 den englischen Meistertitel gewann. Danach setzte jedoch ein schneller Verfall der Erfolgsmannschaft ein, der im Abstieg des Jahres 1999 seinen Tiefpunkt fand. Kurz nach dem Tod von Jack Walker kehrten die Rovers zwei weitere Jahre später in die englische Eliteliga zurück. Seitdem gelangen dem Klub vier Qualifikationen für den UEFA-Pokal – einmal als Ligapokalgewinner, in zwei Fällen über den sechsten Platz in der Meisterschaft und im Jahr 2007 über den UEFA Intertoto Cup. Im November 2010 wurde der Verein von Venky’s London Limited, einer Tochtergesellschaft der im indischen Pune ansässigen Firma Venkateshwara Hatcheries Private Limited, übernommen.

Das lateinische Motto des Verein „Arte et labore“, das bereits vor der Vereinsgründung vom heimischen Stadtrat benutzt worden war, bedeutet „Durch Kunst und Arbeit“ und richtet sich an das Zusammenwirken von Sport und Erwerbstätigkeit. Sinngemäß wird der Leitspruch in diesem Fall üblicherweise mit dem Verweis auf die gleichsam bedeutsamen Werte der „Fähigkeiten“ und „harter Arbeit“ übersetzt.
(Quelle: Wikipedia.org)
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 18/04/2015 09:10

(Quellenangabe: soccerway.com)

Auf geht´s...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 18/04/2015 14:51


Blackburn Rovers - Nottingham Forest

HT 2:2 ups

...heute wird geballert, alle Fans freuen sich - für beide geht's ja um nix mehr ka

Weiter so mit den Buden grins
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 19/04/2015 13:51
Antonio rettete Forest in der 88. Minute mit seinem zweiten Tor das Remis bei den Blackburn Rovers.
Es war ein richtig munteres Spielchen gestern, mit einem für alle Zuschauer sehenswerten 3-3 unterm Strich.
Der überragende Gestede erzielte alle 3 Buden für Blackburn.

Hier die ausführliche Statistik zum gestrigen Spiel > Blackburn Rovers - Nottingham Forest 3:3

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 19/04/2015 22:11
Der interessante Video-Clip zu diesem tollen Spiel >

Blackburn Rovers - Nottingham Forest 3:3

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 21/04/2015 09:31
Am kommenden Samstag steht der 45.(vorletzte Spieltag) der Championship auf dem Programm von Nottingham Forest.
Um 16 Uhr läuft man beim derzeitigen 6. der Tabelle, Ipswich Town auf.
Genau dieser Tabellenplatz 6 berechtigt noch zur Premier League-Qualifikation, diesen gilt es für Ipswich am Samstag zu manifestieren.
Das Team hat bislang 75 Punkte gesammelt, liegt damit 3 Zähler vor dem 7. Brentford.
Nottingham Forest kann hingegen als 11.(59 Punkte) diese Saison beruhigt und ohne jeden Druck, zu Ende Spielen.
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 23/04/2015 10:12

Quellenangaben: soccerway.com
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 26/04/2015 10:45
Ipswich Town - Nottingham Forest 2:1

Das letzte Auswärtsspiel der diesjährigen Championship wurde nicht unerwartet verloren bei Ipswich Town.
Denen hilft dieser Dreier jedoch enorm, denn man hat somit 78 Punkte auf dem Konto, verbesserte sich auf Rang 5 und hat nun im letzten Saisonspiel alles in der Hand, die Quali zur PL klarzumachen.

Hier der Spielbericht mit allen Fakten:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 26/04/2015 20:33
Hier noch der Video-Clip zur gestrigen 1:2 Niederlage bei Ipswich Town:


Am letzten Spieltag der Championship bestreitet Nottingham am kommenden Samstag, 02.05. sein Heimspiel gegen Cardiff City!
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 29/04/2015 09:02
Es ist dann mal wieder soweit und eine Saison in der Championship geht zu Ende.

Am kommenden Samstag steht der letzte(46. Spieltag) der diesjährigen Championship, der 2. englischen Liga, auf dem Programm und die Reds von Nottingham Forest treffen um 13:15 Uhr im heimischen City Ground auf Cardiff City.

Eine sportlich absolut unbedeutende Abschlusspartie, wie der Tabellenstand beweist:

(Quelle: soccerway.com)
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 01/05/2015 19:01

Letzter Spieltag in der 2. Liga - die Reds treffen auf Cardiff City

Zum Gegner aus Wales:
Cardiff City (offiziell: Cardiff City Association Football Club) - auch bekannt als The Bluebirds - ist ein walisischer Fußball-Verein aus Cardiff. Gegründet wurde er 1899 als Fußballabteilung des „Riverside Cricket Club Cardiff“. Die Vereinsfarben sind blau-weiß. Der Verein spielt aktuell in der Football League Championship, der zweithöchsten englischen Spielklasse.

Das Heimatstadion des Clubs war bis 2009 der Ninian Park, seitdem ist es das Cardiff City Stadium.

Neben diversen walisischen Pokalsiegen sind die größten Erfolge der Gewinn des FA Cups am 23. April 1927 mit 1:0 gegen den FC Arsenal (als bisher einziger walisischer Verein) und die englische Vizemeisterschaft 1924. Im Europapokal der Pokalsieger 1967/68 erreichte Cardiff das Halbfinale. Zur Saison 2007/08 erreichte man nach 84 Jahren zum dritten Mal in der Vereinsgeschichte das Finale des FA Cup 2007/08. Dort trafen sie auf den FC Portsmouth. Das Spiel ging nach einem Torwartfehler mit 0:1 verloren.

Der 16. April 2013 war ein historischer Tag für Cardiff City. Durch ein 0:0 gegen Charlton Athletic sicherte man sich bereits am 43. Spieltag vorzeitig den Aufstieg in die Premier League. Cardiff spielt damit nach 51 Jahren das erste Mal wieder in der höchsten englischen Spielklasse. Aufstiegstrainer Malky Mackay musste im Dezember desselben Jahres aber bereits seinen Platz räumen. Der Entlassung ging eine wochenlange Debatte voraus, in der Fans des Vereins als auch Kollegen aus der Premier League ihre Solidarität mit Mackay bekundeten, nachdem Tan immer wieder den Rauswurf Mackays angedeutet hatte. Als Interimslösung trat sein Assistent David Kerslake die Nachfolge an. Am 2. Januar 2014 wurde der Norweger Ole Gunnar Solskjær als neuer Teammanager vorgestellt. Cardiff City verlor am vorletzten Spieltag 0:3 gegen Newcastle United, wodurch der Wiederabstieg in die Football League Championship besiegelt wurde.
(Quellenangabe: Wikipedia.org)
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 02/05/2015 11:02
Gleich geht´s rund banana

Nottingham Forest - Cardiff City

Anstoss: 13:15 Uhr

... gleich live bei bwin
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 03/05/2015 14:26
Zum Abschluss also dann noch eine Heimniederlage für Nottingham Forest, am Ende stand es im City Ground 1:2 für den Gast Cardiff City.

Es war eine Partie ohne sportlichen Wert für beide Teams, die somit die diesjährige Championship jeweils im Niemandsland der Tabelle abschliessen.

Hier die Details zum gestrigen Spiel:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 03/05/2015 20:56
Hier der Video-Clip der Heimniederlage frown

Nottingham Forest - Cardiff City 1:2

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 05/05/2015 10:38
So, damit ist die diesjährige Championship gelaufen, für Nottingham Forest unterm Strich eine doch ernüchternde Saison, in der man sich vor Beginn sicherlich deutlich mehr erhofft hatte, als einen unteren Platz im Mittelfeld.

Phasenweise lief es wirklich ordentlich, doch dann kamen immer wieder Aussetzer, viele Spiele in Serie ohne Sieg und eklatant auch die ständige Unterlegenheit beim Ballbesitz.

Die Abschlusstabelle:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 06/05/2015 10:42

Nottingham Forest supporters have until 12pm tomorrow (Wednesday) to vote for their The Bed Chambers Player of the Month for April.

The Reds endured a disappointing month in terms of results but there were a number of outstanding individual performances, in particular from two of the younger members of the Forest squad.

Michail Antonio

Having been a virtual ever-present in the Forest side this season, Antonio enjoyed another strong month in April including a superb individual display in the 3-3 draw at Blackburn Rovers. After nodding in Modou Barrow’s cross to bring The Reds level early on, Antonio netted an excellent low strike with just two minutes remaining to ensure Forest took a share of the spoils away from Ewood Park.

Tyler Walker

With injuries to Britt Assombalonga, Dexter Blackstock and Matty Fryatt affecting the Forest strikeforce, Walker was handed an opportunity to make a name for himself in attack. He wasted little time after stepping off the bench at Griffin Park earlier in the month where he put Forest in front against promotion-chasing Brentford by controlling a long ball over the top and smashing home a low effort past the home goalkeeper.

Eric Lichaj

Always a popular member of the Forest squad among the supporters, Lichaj once again produced a month of consistent displays which also highlighted his versatility as he made appearances on both sides of the back four. The American was able to deal with the attacking threat from promotion contenders Wolves, Watford and Ipswich during April and received deserved recognition from the fans.

Ben Osborn

A year on from making his debut for the club, Osborn has continued to show maturity beyond his years to compete against the more experienced David Vaughan, Henri Lansbury and Gary Gardner for a midfield berth. The young midfielder delivered an excellent cross to provide Todd Kane with Forest’s second goal at Brentford earlier in the month and has shown that there is plenty more to come from him in 2015-16.

Gary Gardner

Arguably one of the club’s most popular loan signings over recent years, Gardner has turned in a number of fantastic performances at the heart of the Forest midfield with his talent on the ball and his tenaciousness in the tackle. The on-loan Aston Villa man also curled in a sublime free-kick in the game against Watford to add to his showreel of superb strikes at The City Ground.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 08/05/2015 23:02
Nottingham U21 VS. Swansea City U 21

FT 3:3

Jorge Grant scored a stunning goal as Nottingham Forest’s Under 21s were knocked out on penalties in the play-off semi-final after a 3-3 draw with Swansea City.

The Reds took a two-goal lead in the first half with goals from Grant and James Thorne, but were pegged back in the second period and it took a strike from Alex Iacovitti in the closing stages of second-half extra-time to send the tie into penalties.

And the latter saw his penalty devastatingly stopped to ensure the Welsh side ran out 5-4 penalty winners past a spirited Forest Under 21s side who can still boast the Professional Development League Two North title after a fantastic season.

Jimmy Gilligan made five changes to the side that beat Barnsley 3-2 at Oakwell in their final league outing of the season, with Dimitar Evtimov, Ilias Polimos, Josh Rees, Jorge Grant and Tyler Walker all coming into the side.

The Reds came into the game on the back of one defeat in 18 games, and that showed early on as they sprung into life. James Thorne found a pacey Oliver Burke who curled in a teasing cross that was well cleared by Alex Gogic.

Forest set up in a 4-2-3-1 formation with Walker up front on his own, supported by Burke, Grant and Thorne just behind. And the hosts took the lead on nine minutes.

Grant collected the ball in space 25 yards out and unleashed a piledriver into the bottom corner past an outstretched Oliver Davies in the Swansea net. Forest’s dogged pressing frustrated the visitors in possession, as they got little success in behind.

Raheem Hanley delivered a cross from the left in a rare foray forward which was well held by keeper Dimitar Evtimov. Shortly afterwards, captain Henry Jones saw an opportunity to strike but hid long range effort flew over.

Despite growing gradually into the game Swansea weren’t creating any clear-cut chances to threaten and they were punished midway through the first period. Grant turned provider this time, executing an excellent inswinging free-kick for Thorne to head back across goal and into the corner.

And the same pair were involved again as Grant sent in another free-kick from further out, but Thorne could only head this one onto the roof of the net under pressure. Walker came close to adding a third after bringing the ball down superbly, but the striker was smothered rapidly by keeper Davies.

Grant got in on the action once again, shrewdly passing inside for Burke who fired powerfully goal-bound, but Davies was on hand to make a save. Burke then broke with deadly speed to ghost the defender and cross for Walker, who controlled well but struck tamely at Davies.

Swansea, who finished second in Professional Development League Two South and pipped to the title by Crystal Palace, were looking composed in possession as the first period drew to a close but weren’t worrying the Forest backline, as Joe Worrall and Roger Riera remained unfazed.

Polimos threaded a ball through for Burke approaching the 18-yard-box, but his sliding pass was desperately cleared away as the Reds looked to end the half in ruthless fashion.

Forest began the second half in the same vein as the first as Walker had a shot blocked and Grant’s cross nearly found its way past a nervy Swans’ keeper who let it trickle under his body.

Admirable approach play from the visitors saw them have a sighter of goal, however they failed to capitalise with Jay Futton’s effort going well wide of Evtimov’s right-hand post.

Thorne could’ve had his second of the match cutting inside from the left, but his long range thunderous effort was spilled out for a corner by Davies who was struggling to handle in the slippy conditions. Futton escaped a couple of Forest defenders before having his shot blocked and cleared for a corner.

Gilligan was forced into his first change as Deimantas Petravicius replaced the injured Oliver Burke on 59 minutes, with the hosts coping relatively well with the Swansea sporadic pressure.

The Welsh outfit started to pin Forest back and press in an effort to reduce the deficit, but continued to find it difficult breaking Gilligan’s men down, with Adam Crookes doing a fine job protecting the back four.

Kenji Gorre found room inside the box to fire one towards goal, but like so often in this encounter the ball was blocked heroically out for a corner as the Forest backline defended wholeheartedly to maintain a clean sheet.

Swansea pressed forward and had a couple of chances in a short space of time, with Kenji Gorre firing wide and Adam King blasting past Evtimov’s left-hand post in acres of space in the centre of the goal.

With ten minutes left Thorne was replaced by the tireless work ethic of Gerry McDonagh, stepping up from Jack Lester’s Under 18s side, while Matty Cash came on for Grant as Forest tried to disrupt any flow the visitor were building.

Gorre raced clear of Riera and into the box, but he saw his right-fotted cross evade everyone and run away from danger. And the visitors ensured a nervy final few minutes with a well taken goal to halve the deficit.

Henry Jones escaped the attentions of the Forest defence, received the ball and tucked it emphatically through the legs of Evtimov. And they carried on upping the ante on Forest forcing them back, allowing space for the Reds’ attackers to exploit.

Walker broke free on the left and reached the edge of the box before spooning over the bar. In the additional five minutes at the end of the second period, Swansea found their leveller.

Alex Samuel raced clear and struck low past Evtimov who struggled to get enough behind it to keep the ball out and the substitute sent the game into extra-time.

The nippy Samuel raced away in the opening exchanged of extra-time, but Evtimov got enough behind it to handle comfortably. Both teams were conserved as the extra-time progressed, suffering slightly from the energetic latter staged of the second period of normal time.

Worrall let a deep cross go as he showed superb awareness to relieve the danger, while Jones had a 25-yard drive tipped over by Evtimov. And the visitors took the lead on 103 minutes.

A lofted ball was played over the top and Samuel took advantage of hesitation to nip in and stroke the ball home with composure. Fresh from a Gilligan team-talk, Forest looked proactive in their search for an equaliser in the final 15 minutes.

But Swansea refused to lay down and take pressure, playing slick passing football to try and tire out the hosts. Substitute Petravicius served up a treat from the left, with a beautiful curling cross that McDonagh and Walker were inches from connecting with.

With the clock ticking, Evtimov was sent forward for a corner and the Forest pressure soon told as they found their equaliser with only minutes remaining in second-half of extra-time.

Defender Alex Iacovitti stayed a predatory forward position as the cross came in, and Davies tipped a Cash header in his direction and he took advantage, powerfully thumping into the back of the net to level proceedings.

And this pulsating encounter went through to penalties, and with nerves tingling amongst the supporters in The Main Stand. Walker, Crookes, Worrall and Cash netted coolly for Forest despite Roger Riera seeing his effort saved, and the hosts were knocked out cruelly with Iacovitti needing to score the fifth penalty, but he saw his strike saved impressively by Davies.

Forest: Evtimov, Polimos, Worrall, Riera, Iacovitti, Burke (Petravicius 59’), Crookes, Grant (Cash 83’), Thorne (McDonagh 80’), Rees, Walker

Goals: Grant 9', Thorne 23', Iacovitti 116'

Bookings: Burke 39', Iacovitti 120'

Swansea: Davies, Roberts, Hanley, Futton, Gogic (Rodon 75'), Gallifuoco, Jones (c), King, Fallon (James 46'), Maric (Samuel 32'), Gorre

Goals: Jones 85', Samuel 90', 105'

Referee: Ben Cooke

Attendance: 572

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/05/2015 23:10

Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest Under 21s coach Jimmy Gilligan admits his side’s play-off defeat was ‘heartbreaking’, but is nevertheless ‘very proud’ of this season’s achievements.

Gilligan led the team to the league title to set up Wednesday’s play-off semi-final against Swansea at The City Ground.

The Reds were beaten on penalties after a thrilling affair and, while it was a sad end to the campaign, Gilligan refused to let it overshadow his side’s fantastic work this season.

He told Forest Player: “Obviously when you get to a semi-final stage, you want to go on and win the final.

“It was heartbreak really – going from 2-0 up to 2-2 in the 93rd minute and then having to play extra time...I think it was a little bit disheartening for the boys.

“But the game showed the resilience and character that I’ve talked about. When we went into extra time, went 3-2 down and pulled it back to 3-3 with three minutes to go it says everything about the players.

“You’ve got to give them great credit – they’ve been absolutely fantastic. They took a Premier League outfit all the way and I’m very proud of them.”

With the season now over, Forest’s Under 21s players have been sent away with their training ahead of the next campaign.

And Gilligan is now able to fully reflect on the season gone by.

He said: “It’s great to have won the league, it’s great to have got into the semi-finals of the play-offs.

“But to see Tyler Walker score at Brentford, to see Jorge Grant do the same at Tottenham, to see Oliver Burke make his debut at Blackpool and then to have Roger Riera, your captain, on the bench against Cardiff City – that’s the end game, and I’ve told the players that.”

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 15/05/2015 17:50

Nottingham Forest’s on-loan winger Stephen McLaughlin played a pivotal role for Southend United as they progressed to the League Two play-off final last night.

McLaughlin was introduced after the hour mark with his side trailing Stevenage 2-1 on aggregate.

He provided the cross for Ryan Leonard to fire Phil Brown’s side back into the contest before putting Southend ahead with a header in extra time.

The Essex outfit went on to add a third goal, confirming their place at the play-off final against Wycombe Wanderers on Saturday 23 May. McLaughlin will be eligible to play at Wembley.

Last night’s appearance was McLaughlin’s eighth since arriving at Roots Hall in March. The former Derry City man made nine first-team appearances for The Reds this season but is yet to play under Dougie Freedman.

McLaughlin also spent time with Notts County earlier in the campaign.

Quellenangabe: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 19/05/2015 10:39
Die Saisontickets 2015/16 sind orderbar grins

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 23/05/2015 10:27
Mal ein interessanter Beitrag zu:

Nottingham Forest Hospitality Memberships 2015/16

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 26/05/2015 19:35

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 28/05/2015 17:43

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 31/05/2015 20:22

Nottingham Forest have released details of their brand new Junior Reds membership for the 2015-16 campaign.

Supporters under the age of 18 are eligible for the membership, the benefits of which include:

- New and improved membership pack

- Opportunity to receive gold, silver or bronze prize tickets

- Christmas card from the first-team squad

- Chance to receive a birthday card signed by a first-team player

- Opportunity for a player to visit your school

- Exclusive puzzles, quizzes and competitions with plenty of prizes up for grabs

- Personalised membership card

- Advance priority when purchasing match tickets (excluding Under 3s members)

The Junior Reds membership is split into the following three groups, each with their own unique benefits:

Under 3s

- Opportunity to have a photograph printed in a matchday programme

- Every month one lucky Under 3s member will receive a welcome letter from first-team manager Dougie Freedman

Under 12s

- Chance to be an official Forest mascot

- Chance for the member to receive a pair of signed boots from their favourite player

Under 18s

- Ten members will win the chance to have an official Forest academy trial

- Opportunity for the member to ask their favourite player a question of their choice

The Junior Reds membership remains at £25 and can be purchased via the following methods:

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...CTQSeQLPFWrC.99

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 03/06/2015 21:30
Sweden friendlies

Nottingham Forest have announced their plans for the pre-season trip to Sweden.

The Reds, who will be based in Malmo, are scheduled to play the following matches (all kick-offs local time):

Odense BK – Wednesday 8 July, kick-off 7pm
Venue: Vangavallen, Ostervangsvagen, 23155, Trelleborg, Sweden

Mjallby IF – Sunday 12 July, kick-off 6pm
Venue: Strandvallen, Campingvagen 44, 294 95, Solvesborg, Sweden

FC Helsingor – Tuesday 14 July, kick-off 7pm
Venue: Helsingor Stadion, Nedre Strandvej 11A, 3000, Helsingor, Denmark

These fixtures are subject to change and supporters who plan to attend any of the matches are strongly advised to regularly check nottinghamforest.co.uk for updates and admission information.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 05/06/2015 18:55
New deal for Walker

Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest academy graduate Tyler Walker has signed a new four-year deal with the club.

Walker emerged on the first-team scene last season and scored a memorable first senior goal with an excellent finish in the 2-2 draw at Brentford in April.

And the 18-year-old striker is thrilled to have impressed manager Dougie Freedman enough to earn a long-term contract.

Walker said: “The manager approached me and said he wanted to offer me a new contract because of how well I had done in training and in the few minutes that I got on the pitch.

“He has really backed me and I’ve responded to that. I wanted to get in his thoughts early on.

“I really enjoy his training sessions and he makes it easy for me to play my best football.

“The amount of confidence he’s given me, staying behind after training sessions to put on drills that are going to benefit me, is brilliant and I really enjoy working with him.”

An exciting 2015-16 season now lies ahead for Walker, who will be working hard to ensure he returns for pre-season in the best shape possible.

In the medium term, however, he is just looking forward to playing football again – be it at Under 21 or first-team level.

Walker said: “The most important thing is game time. I just want to carry on learning, so whatever games I can get I will be happy to play in, making sure I’m improving all the time and implementing what I’m being taught in training.

“It’s a big season for me and I want to hit the ground running when I come back.”

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 08/06/2015 09:16
Nottingham Forest are looking for a new charity partner for the 2015-16 campaign.

Charities are still able to submit nominations for support from the club during the forthcoming season.

Following a successful 2014-15 season with their nominated charities – who both raised thousands of pounds – the club are now accepting nominations for the new campaign.

Last season saw Blesma and Forever Stars nominated as the official Nottingham Forest charity partners.

Alongside this, several associate charities have all benefited from working with The Reds to support campaigns and raise significant sums of money that help to make a difference.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 10/06/2015 09:33

Nottingham Forest are releasing a book to celebrate the club’s 150th anniversary.

Club historian Don Wright’s book ‘Forever Forest – the official 150th anniversary history of the original Reds’ tells our unique story largely through the lives of the exceptional individuals – officials, players and fans - who formed and shaped it.

“Historians are tellers of stories and what a fund of them the history of Forest provides,” said Don, a retired newspaper editor.

“I have a passion for the game and love for this club, which I’ve supported for more than sixty years. So you can imagine that I was chuffed to be appointed its honorary historian in the autumn of 2009. As well as writing about the club’s history, I’m tasked with identifying and gathering together artefacts and documents with the ultimate aim of displaying them in a museum open to all supporters and the general public.

“Meeting people, especially descendants of early Forest families, has been most rewarding. I learned so much about Walter Roe Lymbery, who I conclude is the true ‘father’ of Forest, from his great-grandson Nick Clifford, who lives in the York area but is a season ticket holder with a seat in the Brian Clough Stand. Walter was known as ‘the grand old man of Nottingham sport’. He played football until he was 33, cricket until 73 and golf until aged 80.

“I also had the pleasure of talking to Mrs Marian Bestwick who, as a teenager with her friend, Margaret, captured the headlines as ‘the Nottingham glamour girls’ when they were picked out of the Wembley crowd at the 1959 FA Cup Final to be photographed in front of supporters at the Forest end of the ground for what has become an iconic fan picture.

“Another contact I made was with a surprising Forest fan His Excellency Mr Pekka Huhtaniemi, the Finnish ambassador, whose interest stems from our former player ‘Tucker’ Johnson taking up a coaching engagement in the late 1940s with the Finnish team Myllykosken Pallo-47.”

Priced £20, ‘Forever Forest’ is being published by Amberley Books and will be available to purchase at the City Ground Megastore and via other retailers including Amazon from mid-August.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/06/2015 23:22

Posted: Wed 10 Jun 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest will take on Aston Villa in a pre-season friendly at The City Ground.

The match will be played on Saturday 1 August (kick-off 3pm) and ticket details will be announced in due course.

Current pre-season schedule

17 July – Stevenage (A)

21 July – Doncaster (A)

1 August – Aston Villa (H)

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 13/06/2015 09:34

Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest season ticket holders are advised to update their personal information to ensure they qualify for 10% discount on the club's web shop and in the megastore.

The megastore is currently closed for refurbishment but 2015-16 season ticket holders will be eligible for the discount when it reopens.

It is essential that supporters keep their information updated, particularly their email address, and they can do this by logging into their account at tickets.nottinghamforest.co.uk.

Digital updates can be processed until 19 June. After this date, season ticket holders can still claim their discount by calling the customer service number (which will be confirmed in due course).

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 15/06/2015 19:40

Jo, schon ätzend die Sommerzeit....

Bald gibt es zumindest einige Friendlys als Einstimmung auf die neue Championship.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 16/06/2015 16:46

Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest forward Jamie Mackie has joined his former club Queens Park Rangers.

Mackie, who arrived at The City Ground in the summer of 2013 from Rangers, has now made the move back to Loftus Road after spending the 2014-15 season on loan at fellow Sky Bet Championship side Reading.

The Scot made 49 appearances and scored five goals during his time on Trentside.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 19/06/2015 10:09
bengalo bengalo

Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest can confirm that the club’s 150th anniversary home kit will be revealed one week from today.

Information on dates of sale and the reopening of the megastore will be released in due course.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 20/06/2015 09:28
Channel 5, the new home for The Football League’s weekly highlights show, can confirm details of their coverage this season, with their new show Football League Tonight.

Football League Tonight will be shown in a live primetime 9pm slot on Channel 5 every Saturday of the season from Saturday 8th August. The rights have been signed to the channel to broadcast a 90 minute weekly Football League highlights show for the next three years.
Every Goal. Every Week
Each show will feature the top match footage from all three divisions of the Sky Bet Football League and will include every single goal from matches across the board.
In addition, Channel 5 will also broadcast three one-hour shows covering the end of season Sky Bet Play-Offs across all three divisions, plus eight one-hour highlights shows covering the action from each round of the Capital One Cup.
Your Show
As well as every goal across the divisions, the show will be jam packed with high profile names. Players and managers will be encouraged to join us in the studio each week, or take part in the conversation via Skype and Facetime. A vibrant studio audience of genuine fans will also give their opinions. No lengthy punditry, no football clichés, this is football on 5 at its most exciting.
Executive Producer for Channel 5 Mark Sharman said: “Channel 5 are committed to bringing a quality, innovative football highlights show to Saturday night primetime TV. The 9pm slot finally gives the Sky Bet Football League the coverage and respect the fans deserve on terrestrial television.”
Sunset+Vine, the multi award-winning independent TV sports production and media company, is producing Football League Tonight Show on Channel 5.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 22/06/2015 11:58

Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest will host Premier League outfit Swansea City in a pre-season friendly at The City Ground.

The match will be played on Saturday 25 July (kick-off 3pm) and ticket details will be announced in due course.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 24/06/2015 18:00

Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest have revealed their 150th anniversary home kit.

Produced by adidas, the kit features a special shade of red, gold detailing on the crest, neck, arms and waist and the words ‘150 years’ to mark a historic season for the club.

The shirt has a classic V-neck design, is 100% polyester and features adidas ClimaCool™ technology, which maximises performance by ensuring the wearer stays dry, comfortable and at their peak even in the most heated conditions.

Details on how to buy the kit will be announced in due course. Supporters are advised the City Ground megastore will remain closed until further notice.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 26/06/2015 17:18
Falcao signs for Forest

Author: Nick Richarson

One of futsal’s leading stars is representing Nottingham Forest at a tournament in Kuwait.

Reds owner and chairman Fawaz Al Hasawi has acquired a team for the competition, naming them Nottingham Forest and securing the services of Falcao.

Although not to be confused with his Colombian namesake Radamel, Forest’s Falcao has enjoyed tremendous success in his own form of the sport.

The 38-year-old has twice been recognised by FIFA as the world’s best futsal player and he has enjoyed tremendous success with the Brazilian national team.

Fans will be able to keep an eye on Falcao and the rest of the squad’s fortunes on nottinghamforest.co.uk as the tournament progresses.

Similar to the indoor five-a-side set-up familiar to football lovers in the UK, futsal is played on a hard court surface but with lines for boundaries – rather than walls – and the ball is smaller with less bounce.

These modifications place greater emphasis on players’ creativity, first touch, skill and ability to operate in tight areas.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 28/06/2015 21:56
Mit diesen 24 Clubs geht es dann ab 08. August in die Championship:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 29/06/2015 14:07
Die Reds starten am 8. August also in Brighton in die neue Championship-Saison >> hier der komplette 1. Spieltag, komplett terminiert für den 08.08.15 - 16 Uhr:

Quelle: weltfussball.de
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 29/06/2015 20:09
Die bereits feststehenden Zu- und Abgänge bei Nottingham Forest:

Quelle: weltfussball.de
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 01/07/2015 12:13
Mills signs for Forest

Nottingham Forest have completed the signing of central defender Matt Mills.
The 28-year-old worked with Reds manager Dougie Freedman at Bolton, where Mills played for three years before his contract came to an end this summer.

After spending time with Southampton and Manchester City as a youngster, Mills has picked up considerable Football League experience with spells at Doncaster, Reading and Leicester.

He made 41 appearances for Bolton last season, scoring five goals, and will now commence his preparations for the 2015-16 campaign at The City Ground.

Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2015
Author: Nick Richardson
Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 01/07/2015 12:20
Renewing acquaintances

Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

New Nottingham Forest signing Matt Mills says his experience of working with Dougie Freedman will be a big help to him at The City Ground.
The former Bolton centre back has completed the formalities of a free transfer which will see him link up with a manager he played under at Wanderers.
Mills’ experience in the Football League means he is also familiar with a number of his new team-mates, something he believes will allow him to adjust to life at on Trentside quickly.
The 28-year-old told Forest Player: “I’m delighted to be here and to be linking up with the manager again. It’s a good thing for me that I know the way he works and vice versa.
“Sometimes when you move to a new club it’s a strange feeling in terms of having to prove yourself and maybe acting differently. This is a very comfortable situation for me. It’s just a case of bedding in and taking it from there.
“I certainly feel like I’m in my prime. I’m a better player now than I was four years ago.”
Mills will fly out to Sweden with the rest of the squad for a pre-season training camp next week.
He said: “To get away from everything and be locked down for ten days can be quite intense but, at the same time, it’s a perfect opportunity to meet your team-mates – you’re basically living with the lads.
“You’re around football 24/7 and the manager will get his point across. It’ll be a good exercise for getting fit and learning the way the manager wants to play.”

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 03/07/2015 17:23
The only place to be

Posted: Thu 02 Jul 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Jamie Ward says Nottingham Forest was his number one destination when he heard of Dougie Freedman’s interest.

The wide man today completed the formalities of his free transfer to The City Ground after leaving East Midlands rivals Derby County.
And, although Ward admits he initially didn’t expect to make the switch from Ram to Red, he is delighted the deal is now complete.
The 29-year-old told Forest Player: “I don’t think anyone expected it. But then I got the phone call and to be honest this was the only place I wanted to come to.
“It feels a little bit strange but I’m excited about being here. The most important thing now is concentrating on what I can do for Nottingham Forest.
“As long as I’m playing and performing, I’m happy. I’m 29 now so I just want to play week in, week out.”
Ward is yet to train with his new team-mates but he will be put through his paces by manager Freedman in Sweden next week.
Ward said: “I’ve had a little bit more time off than some of the other lads because of being away with Northern Ireland.
“It’s a case of meeting up on Monday, going straight to Sweden and getting settled in.”
Click here to watch the full interview on Forest Player, in which Ward discusses East Midlands derbies, his approach to pre-season and how he is looking forward to seeing more of his former Chesterfield team-mate Jack Lester.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 05/07/2015 09:51
Staff changes

Author: Nick Richardson

Dougie Freedman has made some alterations to his backroom staff.

Jimmy Gilligan and Steve Sutton, who worked in the club’s academy before stepping up to assist Freedman with first-team duties last season, now hold permanent positions under the manager.

Gilligan, who enjoyed a successful season as manager of Forest’s Under 21s in 2014-15, is now first-team coach and Sutton is now in charge of coaching the club’s senior goalkeepers.

Filling the vacated roles are two new arrivals: Under 21s manager Jamie Fullarton and academy goalkeeping coach Ian Bennett.

Both men enjoyed lengthy playing careers, Fullarton as a midfielder for the likes of St Mirren, Crystal Palace and Brentford and Bennett as a goalkeeper who spent 12 years at Birmingham City.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 06/07/2015 10:06
Matchday hospitality at The City Ground

Posted: Mon 06 Jul 2015
Author: Tracey Lamb

Matchday hospitality is now available to purchase for any game at The City Ground this season.

Hospitality is perfect for supporters who have a special occasion to celebrate, clients or colleagues they wish to entertain, or for those who are looking to guarantee they have tickets to the biggest matches of the season.

With a wide range of hospitality packages available, starting from only £50pp (+ VAT), there is something to suit everyone at The City Ground.

Supporters can spend their day in the company of Forest legends, enjoy delicious cuisine and watch the game from the most exclusive seats in the house.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 07/07/2015 09:52
Sherwood’s back!
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest have announced the return of Sherwood the Bear as their official mascot.

Sherwood replaces Robin Hood, who was the club’s mascot for many years, and will take on the responsibility for the Junior Reds membership.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 08/07/2015 22:13
Forest 2-4 Odense

Posted: Wed 08 Jul 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Photo: Robert Wengler/Fyens Stifstidende

Nottingham Forest were beaten 4-2 by Odense BK in their first pre-season friendly of the summer.

The Reds took the lead in the first half through Dexter Blackstock but were pegged back when Kenneth Zohore converted a penalty.

An almost fully-changed Forest side found themselves 3-1 down in the second half after goals from Rasmus Festersen and Zohore.

Jamie Paterson gave his team hope of snatching a draw with an excellent free-kick but Mathias Greve ensured victory went to the Danes.

Dougie Freedman selected the following players to begin the match:

De Vries, Lichaj, Riera, Wilson, McLaughlin, Lansbury (c), Tesche, Walker, Grant, Trialist, Blackstock

And his men started in positive fashion, Tyler Walker winning a corner which was taken short. Forest worked the ball to Lansbury on the edge of the area. The midfielder struck it well but couldn’t keep it down.

Three minutes later the former Arsenal man had another opportunity to score, this time running on to a through ball before miscuing his shot from just inside the area.

Danish Superliga side Odense are coming towards the end of their pre-season and they looked sharp on the break with 13 minutes on the clock. They worked the ball to Mikkel Desler, who raced into the area and sent it teasingly across goal and just wide of the far post.

And Desler turned provider two minutes later, slipping Zohore through on goal. The big striker could only find the side-netting with his shot.

Zohore was left to rue that missed opportunity as The Reds took the lead shortly afterwards. Jorge Grant’s dinked cross to the back post was met brilliantly by Blackstock who, under pressure from two defenders, managed to nod the ball home.

Forest were showing promising signs but Odense reminded Freedman’s men of their own threat with a piledriver from Emil Larsen which grazed the roof of Dorus de Vries’ net.

But The Reds had a golden opportunity to double their lead when one of their trialists was brought down in the penalty area on 35 minutes.

Lansbury stepped up to take it but saw his effort saved. The ball came back to him but he could only send it crashing off the bar, and Blackstock was unable to convert the rebound with his head.

Two minutes later in a cruel twist of fate, Odense had an equaliser courtesy of a penalty conceded by Lansbury. Zohore made no mistake from the spot.

Walker and Roger Riera were the only Forest players to return after the interval. Freedman’s second-half line-up was as follows:

Evtimov, Riera, Hobbs, Mancienne, Fox, Burke, Paterson, Osborn, Antonio, Walker, Trialist

Despite a torrential rainstorm Forest started the second period strongly and tested Odense’s keeper twice in quick succession.

Walker’s header from Danny Fox’s excellent cross was well saved before Paterson was denied after striking the ball sweetly from 22 yards.

But it was the Danes who next took the lead, Festersen firing the ball past Evtimov after neat build up by his team-mates.

And it was 3-1 two minutes later when Zohore’s fierce strike sent the ball skimming off Evtimov’s gloves and into the back of the net.

Grant was sent back into the fray on 67 minutes, replacing Riera.

Forest pegged the score back to 2-3 shortly afterwards, Paterson bending the ball into the far corner superbly with a free-kick on the edge of the area.

But Odense made it 4-2 with seven minutes to play as more neat build-up resulted in Greve stroking the ball home from six yards.

And that was how it finished on an eventful evening in the south of Sweden.

(Match photograph provided by Robert Wengler/Fyens Stifstidende)

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/07/2015 10:25
Record breaking shirt sales

Sales of the new Nottingham Forest 2015-16 home shirt have broken club records.

Supporters have been snapping up the 150th anniversary home kit from the refurbished City Ground megastore and the club recorded the highest opening week of shirt sales in its 150 year history.

The City Ground megastore which has re-opened back under the ownership of the club, currently has the European Cup on display for a limited time only and in the coming weeks other trophies and memorabilia from The Reds’ illustrious history will be displayed.

Megastore opening hours are:

Monday - Thursday: 9am - 5pm

Friday in-season: 9am - 6pm

Friday close-season: 9am - 5pm

Saturday: 9am - 5pm

Sunday: CLOSED

Author: NFFC

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 12/07/2015 11:03
No moans or groans

Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest coaches Jimmy Gilligan and Steve Sutton have provided positive feedback on The Reds’ stay in Sweden so far.

The pair will carry out first-team duties this season after stepping up from the academy to work with manager Dougie Freedman in the latter part of the 2014-15 campaign.

And Gilligan is delighted with what he has seen in Scandinavia, from the application of the players to the facilities at their disposal.

He told Forest Player HD: “The boys have been worked very hard by the gaffer, Lennie, Steve and myself. They’ve bought into what the gaffer wants to be done in the early part of pre-season. There have been no moans or groans and they’re looking sharp.

“The hotel is wonderful. It’s not over the top, it’s not too comfortable, but it’s absolutely perfect. What we need is here.

“The training ground is lovely. It’s out of the way in a secluded area and we’ve got enough equipment. The people can’t do enough for you, there is a great big swimming pool and a lovely gym which we’re utilising.

“It’s a nice place to be and it all bodes well for a good start to pre-season.”

Sutton already has a strong relationship with all the club’s goalkeepers and is currently enjoying working with youngster Jordan Smith, Bulgarian Dimitar Evtimov and experienced Dutchman Dorus de Vries, who he says is looking sharp in training.

Sutton said: “He’s come back really fit and with the bit between his teeth. He looks as if he’s really enjoying his work - he’s happy about the place.

“Dimitar just wants to do everything, and then more and more again. He has put his lot into everything we’ve done out here. We’ve had some fun and games and he’s one who really, really wants to win.

“Jordan’s come through the ranks right from the age of nine and he’s doing really well. He had a full season at Ilkeston, playing 62 games in men’s football which was a good learning curve for him.

“We’ve brought him out here for experience and to probably get a little gametime before looking to get him out on loan again.”

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 12/07/2015 11:06
21s enjoy Leixoes workout

Nottingham Forest’s Under 21s got their pre-season schedule underway this morning with a game against Portuguese side Leixoes SC.

Jamie Fullarton’s men enjoyed a productive 90 minutes as they tested out their fitness levels in warm conditions in Porto but were eventually beaten by a goal in each half from the home side.

The game started at a frenetic pace as Forest looked to be relishing the chance to get minutes under their belts but it was the hosts who went in front just before the half-hour mark as a powerful low finish was enough to beat Ross Durrant in The Reds’ goal.

An instinctive save from Durrant soon prevented Leixoes from doubling their lead while goalscoring opportunities were proving difficult to come by for Forest in the opening 45 minutes.

After the break there were chances for James Thorne, Virgil Gomis and Alex Iacovitti to restore parity but Forest were made to pay with four minutes remaining as a corner was headed home by the Leixoes right-winger to condemn The Reds to a 2-0 defeat.

Despite the scoreline it remained a positive exercise for Fullarton who was able to give minutes to the majority of his squad ahead of another friendly against Boavista on Monday morning (kick-off 10.30am).

Keep up to date with the Under 21's and Under 18's pre-season tour of Portugal by following @NFFC_Academy.

Forest: Durrant (Erlandsson 46’), Burns (Gabriel 59’), Worrall, Karo (c), Kelly (Iacovitti 67’), Thorne (Otim 59’), Cash (Crookes 67’), Rees (Yates 59’), Austin (Wright 59’), Thomas (Gomis 67’), Walton

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 13/07/2015 15:32
Mjallby AIF 1-1 Forest

Author: Nick Richardson

Second-half substitute Chris Burke scored the equaliser as Nottingham Forest drew 1-1 in a friendly with Swedish side Mjallby AIF.

The Scotsman turned the ball home from close range late in the match to cancel out Mjallby’s tenth-minute opener.

Dougie Freedman handed a start to trialist Nicky Maynard before sending on trialists Darius Henderson and Paul Taylor in the second half.

The Reds started the game brightly, captain Henri Lansbury diving to head the ball over the bar before Maynard drilled a low shot straight at the Mjallby keeper.

But despite their early promise, Forest found themselves 1-0 down on ten minutes after the ball bounced away from Michael Mancienne on the edge of his own area. A Mjallby attacker nicked it away from him and found de Vries’ lower-right corner with his finish.

The hosts came close to making it 2-0 shortly afterwards with a close-range header, before Michail Antonio cut inside from the left and tested the keeper’s handling.

Playing as the spearhead of Forest’s attack, Maynard was holding the ball up well and Lansbury nearly benefited as the half neared its conclusion. The former Arsenal midfielder could only blast the ball over the bar after receiving the striker’s lay-off.

Forest reemerged for the second half unchanged and nearly had the lead through Maynard six minutes after the restart. He controlled a looped ball over the top from Antonio, showed excellent strength to hold off his markers before spinning away from them and into the area. Mjallby’s keeper narrowed the angle at his near post and managed to take the sting out of Maynard’s shot, allowing his defenders to clear.

A minute later it was Antonio’s turn to have an effort at goal. The winger saw his curled effort from 20 yards pushed away by the keeper.

Mjallby responded immediately and would have made it 2-0 had it not been for a vital intervention from Mancienne. The defender managed to get his head to a goalbound effort to divert the ball over his own crossbar.

Six substitutions followed as Freedman gave Henderson and Taylor a chance to impress. They were joined on the field by Burke, Jamie Ward, Jamie Paterson and David Vaughan. Antonio, Lansbury, Maynard, Robert Tesche, Ben Osborn and Tyler Walker were the men to make way.

With Forest readjusting to their new-look line-up, Dorus de Vries had to produce a superb save with his feet to keep the score at 1-0.

Another swathe of substitutions followed with Roger Riera, Matt Mills, Stephen McLaughlin and Kelvin Wilson replacing Mancienne, Danny Fox, Jack Hobbs and Eric Lichaj.

McLaughlin, playing at left back, was involved almost straight away when he took charge of a free-kick 25 yards out. He could only curl the ball straight at Mjallby’s keeper.

His opposite full back, Riera, was next to drive Forest forward, crossing for Henderson. With the ball slightly behind him, the striker could only nod the ball off-target.

Forest were well in the ascendancy but time was running out for them to find an equaliser. Paterson drilled the ball just wide of the post from range after good build up involving Taylor.

But The Reds finally had a deserved breakthrough when Ward flashed the ball across the face of goal for Burke to turn it home at the back post.

Freedman’s men showed no signs of slowing down after getting back on level terms and with five minutes to play they came within inches of taking the lead. Taylor’s shot from outside the area saw the ball loop up off a Mjallby player’s shoulder towards goal. The keeper did well to get back to his line to tip the ball over but injured himself in the process and had to be substituted.

There were no further chances for either side and the match ended 1-1.

FOREST: De Vries, Lichaj, Hobbs, Mancienne, Fox, Tesche, Lansbury, Osborn, Walker, Antonio, Maynard

Subs used: Ward, Taylor, Burke, Henderson, Paterson, Vaughan, Riera, Mills, McLaughlin, Wilson, Evtimov

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 14/07/2015 14:55
21s battle past Boavista

Author: NFFC

A goal in each half was enough to give Nottingham Forest’s Under 21s a deserved 2-0 victory against Boavista’s Under 19s this morning.

The Reds turned in a controlled and assured performance to beat their Portuguese hosts with strikes from Alex Iacovitti and Joe Worrall proving the difference in warm conditions in Lousada.

Following a lively start to the contest, Aidan Austin was unfortunate to see his goal disallowed for a foul on the home goalkeeper but on 28 minutes Forest were ahead.

Iacovitti rose highest inside the Boavista penalty area to meet an in-swinging corner and, after beating the goalkeeper to the ball, the defender headed confidently into the net.

There were opportunities for Austin and Gerry McDonagh to double the lead before half-time while Boavista struck the crossbar twice themselves including one exceptional long-range strike.

But Forest sealed the win on 76 minutes as substitute Worrall was on hand to volley home into an empty net after the home goalkeeper had misread the flight of a looping cross.

The result capped a successful pre-season trip for Jamie Fullarton’s side as they leave Portugal with useful minutes under their belts and a positive scoreline.

Forest: Erlandsson, Gabriel, Karo (c) (Worrall 68’), Iacovitti (Crookes 81’), Kelly, Thomas, Rees (Yates 87’), Cash, Austin (Gomis 89’), Thorne (Hayes 86’), McDonagh (Todorov 87’)

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 14/07/2015 19:00
Forest verliert Test gegen Helsingor

Wieder eine schwache Vorstellung der Reds von Nottingham Forest.
Soeben hat man das Testspiel gegen den dänischen Zweitligisten Helsingor mit 1:2 verloren.
Bereits in der 1. Minute ging Helsingor durch Koch in Führung, nach dem Wechsel erhöhte Olsen zum 2:0, ehe Walker in der 88. Minute für Forest noch verkürzen konnte.

Langsam muß der Forest-Express im Hinblick auf die Championship mal Fahrt aufnehmen ka

Helsingor - Nottingham Forest 2:1 (1:0)

Ausführlicher Bericht wahrscheinlich morgen...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 15/07/2015 20:33
Helsingor 2-1 Forest

Autor: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest suffered defeat against Helsingor in their last friendly before returning to the UK.

The Reds crossed the Danish border to face the second-tier side but fell two goals behind after superb strikes by Martin Koch and Ricki Olsen.

Second-half substitute Tyler Walker ensured the strong Forest contingent had a goal to cheer however when he bagged an 88th-minute consolation.

Dougie Freedman handed starts to new signings Jamie Ward and Matt Mills, while trialists Darius Henderson and Paul Taylor were given their chance to impress up front.

Youngster Roger Riera started the match at right back, with Stephen McLaughlin his opposite, and Jamie Paterson occupied a central midfield role alongside David Vaughan.

Dimitar Evtimov took his place between the sticks but within a minute he was beaten in stunning style, Koch looping the ball into the Bulgarian’s far corner with the outside of his boot from the edge of the area.

Forest’s first response came on nine minutes after Burke controlled the ball down the right and knocked it inside for Ward. The forward struck it goalwards from just outside the area but couldn’t beat Mikkel Bruhn in the Helsingor goal.

Goalscorer Koch was in menacing mood and nearly made it 2-0 on 13 minutes when he danced his way past a number of defenders and into the box.

Evtimov stood firm to make a good save before claiming the ball from the resultant corner.

Clear-cut chances were proving hard to come by for Forest, with Henderson and then Ward failing to meet crosses from McLaughlin and Chris Burke respectively.

Riera found himself in the referee’s notebook after he pulled back Koch on the edge of the area as half-time neared, but Jonas Rasmussen could only fire the ball over the bar from the free-kick.

Freedman made five substitutions at half-time, sending on Jorge Grant, Tyler Walker, Robert Tesche, Ben Osborn and Jack Hobbs. They replaced McLaughlin, Vaughan, Ward, Riera and Matt Mills.

Grant and Osborn filled in at right and left back respectively, while Taylor dropped in alongside Paterson in central midfield.

Burke, who scored Forest’s equaliser in Sunday’s draw with Mjallby, was giving his full back a tortuous evening and the Scotsman presented Henderson with two chances to score shortly after the restart.

The striker could only flick the ball wide after meeting Burke’s low cross at the near post before, minutes later, Henderson was released into the area by the winger. With the angle against him, he failed to beat the keeper.

Helsingor followed up with two chances of their own, Andre Riel forcing a strong save from Evtimov before Klaus Lykke headed the ball over the bar after a cross from the right.

On the hour mark, Taylor sent a dipping effort just wide for The Reds before Freedman made two more substitutions as Burke and Henderson were replaced by Henri Lansbury and Michael Mancienne.

Taylor tried his luck again moments later, embarking on a strong run before seeing his sweetly-struck effort dealt with by Bruhn.

But the home side were refusing to rest on their laurels and, shortly after Evtimov produced an excellent save to deny Olsen, he was beaten by a screamer from the same player, who volleyed the ball into the top corner from Koch’s knock-down.

More substitutions followed for The Reds as trialists Nicky Maynard and Robert Stillo (GK) entered the fray along with Danny Fox. Evtimov, Paterson and Kelvin Wilson came off.

Good hold up play by Maynard on 78 minutes teed the striker up for a shot but the ball took a nick off a defender, making it easy for the keeper to collect.

Shortly afterwards, his strike partner Walker raced on to a long ball over the top and would have been clean through had it not been for a last-ditch challenge by Kasper Enghardt.

But the young striker was not to be denied a goal as, with two minutes of normal time remaining, he controlled the ball well in the area before firing it low into the net.

Tesche had a half-chance to equalise in the second minute of added time but a Helsingor defender positioned himself to divert the German’s volley wide of goal, ensuring his side ended the match victorious.

Attendance: 747

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 19/07/2015 20:05
Stevenage 0-3 Forest

Author: Nick Richardson

Summer signing Matt Mills set Nottingham Forest on their way to a 3-0 victory at Stevenage.

The defender turned the ball home following a corner early in the first half before Henri Lansbury made it 2-0 from the penalty spot.

Jack Hobbs added a third late on to cap a convincing performance from Dougie Freedman’s men.

The Reds could have been 1-0 up in the second minute when trialist Nicky Maynard slipped Lansbury into the area. Stevenage keeper Chris Day produced a good save to tip the midfielder’s shot wide.

It was proving to be a busy start for Day, who made a good save from a long-range Michail Antonio effort before narrowing the angle well to deny Robert Tesche.

The keeper then made an excellent save from a superb Antonio header, only to be beaten at the subsequent corner.

Hobbs headed the ball down in the middle and, with his back to goal, Mills flicked the ball into the bottom corner to give his side a 13th-minute lead.

It had been a dominant start from the visitors and, after Stevenage’s Brett Williams headed the ball over the bar and Danny Fox made a good block to deny Tom Pett in the area, Freedman’s men resumed control and soon made it 2-0 from the penalty spot.

Antonio won the penalty, slowing down to invite Dipo Akinyemi’s challenge before bursting away and being tripped just inside the area. Lansbury opted for power with the spot kick and, although Day got a hand to the ball, doubled his side’s advantage.

The game entered a brief lull before Forest took the match to their hosts again as the interval approached.

On 32 minutes, Tesche burst away in the middle. Maynard drifted into space to receive the ball from the German before drawing a good save from Day, who used his feet to deny the striker.

A minute later, Eric Lichaj became the next man to have an effort at goal. He capitalised on a slip by a Stevenage defender but could only flash the ball across the face of goal and wide of the far post.

The chances kept coming for Forest, who won a free-kick down the right. Lansbury’s delivery was excellent for Antonio at the back post but, under close attention from his marker, the winger could only guide the ball straight at Day from six yards.

Stevenage broke away and tested de Vries for the first time as Akinyemi scooped the ball goalwards. The Dutchman got back to his line to push it away before reclaiming it comfortably.

But it was Forest who claimed the final chances of the half, turning over possession brilliantly and releasing Lansbury down the right. He pulled the ball back for Maynard who saw his shot blocked. The ball looped up in the area for Ward but he could only blast it high over the bar.

There were no changes for Forest at the break but four minutes after the restart Jamie Paterson replaced the hobbling Antonio.

It was a quiet start to the second half, the first chance falling to Forest on 66 minutes when Ward sent the ball dipping goalwards from 30 yards. Day pushed it away but The Reds kept the move alive. Paterson worked himself into a shooting position in the area but miscued his effort, sending the ball out for a throw and prompting Freedman’s second change of the night: Chris Burke for Ward.

David Vaughan was next to be introduced, replacing Mills, and Forest created a good opening after Lansbury did well to pick out Paterson down the left. The substitute cut inside on his right foot but could only bend the ball wide of the far post.

A minute later, de Vries was called upon to make a smart fingertip save to deny a Stevenage trialist.

Freedman handed a Forest trialist their chance to impress shortly afterwards, sending Paul Taylor on for Maynard with 11 minutes to play before replacing Tesche with Ben Osborn and Lansbury with Jorge Grant.

The game looked to be petering out until the 88th minute when Stevenage failed to deal with Osborn’s cross, presenting Hobbs with the chance to guide the ball home in composed fashion.

Two further changes followed as Danny Fox and Michael Mancienne made way for Roger Riera and Stephen McLaughlin, but there was little time for either to make an impact as the match ended 3-0.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills (Vaughan 73'), Hobbs, Fox (Riera 89'), Ward (C.Burke 66'), Mancienne (McLaughlin 89'), Lansbury (c) (Grant 87'), Tesche (Osborn 83'), Antonio (Paterson 49'), Maynard (Taylor 79')

Sub not used: Evtimov

Goals: Mills 13', Lansbury (pen) 20', Hobbs 88'

Stevenage: Day, Henry (Casey 66'), Okimo (Sweeney 80'), McAllister (Conlon 66'), Franks (Johnson 57'), Hughes (Smyth 73'), Pett (Yamfam 80'), Parrett (Kerr 73'), Williams, Lee (Gorman 66'), Akinyemi

Referee: Andy Woolmer

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 20/07/2015 09:42
A step in the right direction

Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest manager Dougie Freedman says last night’s 3-0 win at Stevenage provided him with encouraging signs ahead of the new season.

Goals from Matt Mills, Henri Lansbury and Jack Hobbs were enough for Forest to earn victory at the Lamex Stadium and Freedman was pleased with the response from his squad following their testing pre-season schedule in Sweden.

Speaking to Forest Player, he said: “It was a very good performance and one that I expected from this group of players. We’ve worked very hard over the last couple of weeks but I felt that we were well-rested and the energy levels were good with some excellent patterns of play.

“This has been a real mental test for the players. Stepping off a plane from Sweden and coming down to Stevenage is a test of their attitude and we need to continue to build that resilient streak into the players.”

With only 20 days to go until the season’s curtain-raiser at Brighton and Hove Albion, Freedman said he is happy with the amount of progression his squad is making but admits he may have to make some additions.

He said: “I think some of our approach play was very good and we actually deserved to score more goals. At the end of the day though, whoever scores is irrelevant to me. It is about seeing the team play in a certain style and making sure they look like a team.

“We were a lot more solid and we controlled the ball in the middle of the park much better. We stood up to everything Stevenage threw at us and we’ve come away with a clean sheet in the bag and some good goals.

“We’re three weeks away from the start of the season and there will be another couple of fresh faces coming into the team. I think that can only be a good thing for the football club but, overall, I’m pleased with the direction we’re heading in.”

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 20/07/2015 17:30
Doncaster Information

Author: NFFC

Doncaster Rovers have provided Nottingham Forest supporters with information ahead of Tuesday night’s friendly at the Keepmoat Stadium.

The Reds face the League One outfit in their final friendly on the road before hosting Swansea City (Saturday 25 July, kick-off 3pm) and Aston Villa (Saturday 1 August, kick-off 3pm).

Around 400 Forest fans are expected to make the trip to Doncaster and they can download this PDF to find out more about the facilities and local area. Twitter users can also follow @DRFC_AWAY for updates ahead of the match.

Forest supporters wishing to pay on the day can purchase tickets from the Soccer Centre at the Keepmoat Stadium.

Tickets for the friendly against Swansea at The City Ground are available to purchase now. Click here for more information.

2015-16 away memberships are also on sale. Click here to learn about the benefits.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 21/07/2015 17:36
Nottingham Forest Under 18s coach Jack Lester says his players were ‘excellent’ in a friendly against Derby this afternoon.

The match ended 0-0 but could easily gone in favour of The Reds, who impressed their coach with a strong performance to build on last week’s 2-1 friendly win over Southend.

Lester said: “I thought we were excellent today. There were some really good performances and we definitely did enough to win the game.

“It’s the third week of pre-season and, taking that into account, the players are in excellent shape. They had a programme to do in the off-season and they’re coping very well.

“The first years are obviously finding it a little bit tougher because the full-time environment is new to them - you have to be a little more patient with them - but the groundwork has been done and we’re pleased.”

Forest: J.Wright, Gabriel, Otim, Stewart, Iacovitti, Yates, Crookes, Taylor, Hayes, Brereton, McDonagh

Subs: Boyd, Gomis, Edser, McClean, A.Wright, Adams

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 22/07/2015 17:40
Fixture release marks start of academy season

Nottingham Forest's Under 21s and Under 18s have received their respective fixture lists for the upcoming 2015-16 season.

New Under 21s manager Jamie Fullarton will take charge of his first competitive game when his side open their campaign at home to Millwall on Monday 10 August (kick-off 1pm) before a trip to Brentford follows a week later.

Three new teams have been introduced into Under 21 Professional Development League Two this season, meaning that Forest will face matches against Watford, Bolton Wanderers and Hull City during the course of the campaign.

Fullarton will hope his side can replicate the achievements of last season's Under 21 squad after they finished top of the regular league table and reached the play-off semi-final before eventually being beaten on penalties by Swansea City in a thrilling contest at The City Ground.

Jack Lester begins his first full season as manager of the Under 18s with a home game against Brentford on Saturday 8 August (kick-off 11am) before last season's play-off semi-finalists Huddersfield Town visit ten days later.

Watford, Hull City and Bolton Wanderers have also been added to the Under 18 Professional Development League Two for the 2015-16 season to provide the young Reds with fresh opposition in the upcoming campaign.

Following a successful season last time around which saw the Under 18s get to the play-off semi-finals and to the quarter-finals of the FA Youth Cup, Lester will be looking for his 2015-16 squad to make a name for themselves.

Both senior academy sides will enter the new season on the back of a successful pre-season visit to Portugal, a trip which saw both teams travel away on a pre-season tour together for the first time.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 23/07/2015 18:49
Nottingham Forest winger Chris Burke says this pre-season has been the ‘toughest’ he’s ever experienced, but also the ‘most enjoyable’.

The 31-year-old Scotsman is nearing the end of his 14th pre-season as a senior professional but says he’s never known one like this summer’s.

Burke told Forest Player HD: “It’s probably been the toughest of my career so far, but the most enjoyable as well.

“Our trip to Sweden was excellent. We were mostly doing three sessions a day, rather than the two sessions you tend to do in pre-season.

“But the boys adapted well to it, learned from it and hopefully it will benefit us for the upcoming season.”

Manager Dougie Freedman has given the majority of his senior squad the chance to impress him so far, as well as a number of youngsters.

And, with home friendlies coming up against Premier League sides Swansea City and Aston Villa, Burke says every player believes they can make it into Freedman’s squad for the opening-day trip to Brighton.

He said: “When you come back to the training ground you have to have the mindset of trying to get into the manager’s starting 11. That’s what we’re all trying to achieve here.

“It’s a fresh start for everybody. You have to fight for your place because the competition here is fierce.

“It’ll be hard to get into the side with the quality that’s been shown in pre-season and in the games.”

Burke’s full interview is available to Forest Player HD subscribers, while a video of his eye-catching goal in Tuesday’s friendly at Doncaster is available to view on the club’s YouTube channel.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 25/07/2015 14:49
Nottingham Forest have secured the services of Leicester City goalkeeper Ben Hamer.

The 27-year-old has arrived at The City Ground on a season-long loan.

Hamer made eight Premier League appearances for the Foxes last season, keeping three clean sheets.

The Somerset-born stopper arrived at the King Power Stadium after making more than 100 league appearances for Charlton.

A product of Reading’s academy, Hamer spent time on loan at Crawley, Brentford and Exeter earlier in his career but, now an experienced stopper, he will challenge Dorus de Vries for the number one shirt at The City Ground.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 26/07/2015 20:13
Forest 1-1 Swansea

Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest earned a creditable 1-1 draw with Premier League side Swansea City at The City Ground this afternoon.

Andre Ayew had given the visitors the lead on the hour mark, but Robert Tesche brought The Reds level less than ten minutes later.

Dorus de Vries started in goal for Forest behind a back four of Eric Lichaj, Matt Mills, Jack Hobbs and Danny Fox. Henri Lansbury, Tesche and Michael Mancienne made up the central midfield three, with Jamie Ward and Michail Antonio out wide. Trialist Nicky Maynard started up front.

The first real chances of the game fell Swansea’s way. de Vries claimed a dangerous Kyle Naughton cross just before Ayew could make contact and then Sung-Yeung Ki hit a rasping effort just over Forest’s bar.

The visitors continued to exert pressure and had the lion share of possession early on, but then Antonio was presented with his first opportunity of the game to run at the Swansea defence.

Slipped in by Tesche down the left-hand side, he raced beyond the halfway line and into the Swans’ box, but was prevented from getting a shot away by an excellent Ashley Williams tackle.

The exceptional Matt Mills then blocked a cultured Matt Grimes shot that looked destined for the far corner, before de Vries made the save of the game, preventing the onrushing Naughton from smashing his side in front.

Midway through the first half fine interplay between Lichaj and Ward on the right-hand side saw the latter scamper into the box. His neat cut back for skipper Lansbury allowed Forest’s number ten get a dangerous, dipping shot off, but it curled just over the bar.

The Reds, wearing the 150th anniversary home kit for the first time, began to get a foothold in the game at this stage.

Maynard, Lansbury and Tesche combined in the middle of the park to set the German away through the middle, but his pass wide to Maynard was just over-hit in what was a dangerous position.

The impressive Routledge created himself some space in the Forest area near the half hour mark, but his shot was blocked, and it fell to the feet of Antonio. The winger set off on a trademark rampaging run, but his eventual through ball towards Maynard was blocked.

Soon after de Vries made a sharp save from the inventive Ayew, who tried to backheel home from six yards out after a slight goalmouth scramble, then Routledge once again caused our backline a problem, this time with a vicious snapshot from the edge of the area.

Maynard, who had done a good job of holding the ball up on his own up front, tried an inventive overhead kick when Swansea failed to clear a deep cross, but the striker couldn’t get sufficient power behind the effort to trouble Lukasz Fabianski.

Jamie Ward sprang in off the right-hand side just before half-time and forced Swansea’s Polish stopper into a stretching save away to his left.

That was the last real chance of the half and neither manager made any changes at the break.

Winger Routledge bustled his way into the Forest box in the opening minute of the second period, before setting the ball back for Ayew, who had acres of space on the edge of the area.

The former Marseille man steadied himself, but thankfully for The Reds, blasted over. After that initial chance Forest grew into the half and restricted the Swans to half chances, but failed to create any meaningful openings of their own.

Then on 59 minutes, Ayew atoned for his earlier miss and put the visitors in front. He just beat Mills to a ball over the top and controlled it inside the Forest box, before coolly slotting under de Vries.

The Swans were an inch away from going two up when a Routledge cross eluded Eder at the back post midway through the second half, but then Forest deservedly got back on level terms.

Ward delivered a dangerous cross which just evaded Maynard, but the onrushing Tesche deftly nodded it past Fabianski.

Spaces began to open up as the game wore on and The Reds continued to create chances on the counter attack.

Maynard held the ball up well before feeding Ward on the right, and he almost found Antonio with a deep cross, but Fabianski came off his line to hold.

Antonio was again causing the Swans problems a minute later, when he nodded a superb forward ball from Danny Fox over Federico Fernandez, but the Argentinian recovered excellently to nip the ball away as the winger went to shoot.

Eder had the ball in the back of the Forest net moments later as the game became more of an end-to-end affair, but the referee adjudged the Portuguese international had used his hand and it was ruled out.

With just under a quarter of an hour remaining, Dougie Freedman made the first changes of the game. He brought on Paul Taylor, Tyler Walker and Chris Burke, to replace Michail Antonio, Jamie Ward and Nicky Maynard.

In a half short on chances, Walker nearly got a shot off with his first action of the game, squaring up Fernandez inside the box and creating a bit of space, but the 18-year-old was crowded out.

Goalscorer Tesche was replaced by David Vaughan with a little under ten minutes to go, before Forest nearly took the lead for the first time.

Lansbury burst forwards and played a fine through ball to Lichaj, who cut inside onto his left foot and tried to curl the ball into the far corner. Sadly for the full back, his shot went over, and that was to be the last clear chance of the game.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills, Hobbs, Fox, Mancienne, Ward (C.Burke 78'), Lansbury (c), Tesche (Vaughan 84'), Antonio (Taylor 78'), Maynard (Walker 78')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Riera, Wilson, Paterson, McLaughlin, Blackstock

Goal: Tesche 68'

Swansea: Fabianski, Naughton, Fernandez, Williams (c), Taylor, Cork, Ki, Grimes, Ayew, Routledge, Eder

Subs not used: Vickers, Hanley, Sheehan, Barrow

Goal: Ayew 60'

Referee: Christopher Kavanagh

Attendance: 4,285 (304 away)

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 26/07/2015 21:13
A deserved draw

Posted: Sun 26 Jul 2015
Author: George Solomon

Eric Lichaj believes Nottingham Forest warranted their 1-1 draw with Swansea City yesterday.

Speaking to Forest Player HD after the game, the full back said he thought The Reds did a fine defensive job against the Premier League side.

Lichaj said: “It was a good test for us. I think we gave them a little too much respect in the first 25 minutes but once we got into the game we started to counter attack and get some shots in on goal.

"They kept the ball really well, especially in the middle of the park, and they were trying to thread it through us, but I thought we did well at forcing them wide and making them cross the ball.

“With Matt Mills and Jack Hobbs in the middle of defence, I’d always back them to clear the danger. I think we did well and warranted the 1-1 draw in the end.”

The Reds face Lichaj’s old side, Aston Villa, at The City Ground next week in their final pre-season friendly of the summer.

And the 26-year-old is looking forward to taking one step closer to the season's start.

He said: "I was there for seven years so it will be nice to play them, but all the guys I played with have gone on to other things. For me it’s another game and another test before the first game of the season.

“The manager said he’s going to make it a full week now like we would have during the season, so we’re going to treat Villa like our first game.

"It will be good to get into the swing of things.”

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 28/07/2015 15:35
Naja, so langsam kann man sich auch in Nottingham wieder auf Ligafußball freuen, der Auftakt ist am 07. August mit dem Gastspiel bei Brighton - kann dann endlich losgehen daumenhoch

Forest eröffnet mit dem einzigen Freitag-Spiel somit die neue Championship, hoffentlich ein gutes Omen ka
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 29/07/2015 16:10
New deal for Burke

Young Nottingham Forest winger Oliver Burke has signed a new contract with the club.

The 18-year-old, who made three senior appearances for The Reds last season, has signed a three-year professional deal.

Burke spent time on loan at League One side Bradford last season and contributed heavily to a very successful campaign for the Under 21s.

The youngster has now returned to training after suffering from a minor injury this summer and will be hoping for more opportunities in the first team under Dougie Freedman.

Author: Nick Richardson

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 30/07/2015 18:45
Reds sign Spaniard

Posted: Thu 30 Jul 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest have announced the signing of Daniel Pinillos.

The 22-year-old Spanish left back, who played 77 minutes of The Reds’ friendly at Doncaster last week, has signed a two-year deal after impressing manager Dougie Freedman during his trial.

Pinillos began his career with local side Racing Santander B and Ourense before moving to second-tier team Cordoba, where he broke into the first team.

Promotion to La Liga followed and Pinillos faced the likes of Real Madrid and Barcelona as he made 12 top-flight appearances.

Following Cordoba’s relegation, Pinillos left the club and will now embark on a new adventure with Forest.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 01/08/2015 16:55

Forest 3-3 Aston Villa

Nottingham Forest came from behind to draw 3-3 with Aston Villa at The City Ground this afternoon.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/08/2015 21:35

Brighton 1-0 Forest

Nottingham Forest were beaten 1-0 in this evening’s season-opener at Brighton’s Amex Stadium.

Kazenga Lua Lua’s individual effort early in the second half was enough to separate the sides.

Forest hit the post early on through captain Henri Lansbury and had several opportunities to equalise, but they were unable to find the net.

Dougie Freedman handed debuts to summer signings Matt Mills and Jamie Ward. Jack Hobbs partnered Mills in central defence, while Eric Lichaj and Danny Fox occupied the full back positions.

Michael Mancienne and Robert Tesche joined Lansbury in central midfield, with Michail Antonio and Ward providing width. Dexter Blackstock started the match as a lone striker and Dorus de Vries took his place between the sticks.

On the bench were Dimitar Evtimov, Jamie Paterson, David Vaughan, Chris Burke and youngsters Tyler Walker, Roger Riera and Jorge Grant.

Brighton started the match on the front foot and tested de Vries for the first time on five minutes. Kazenga Lua Lua received the ball from Solly March in the area, took it down the outside of Lichaj and drilled it low towards goal. De Vries did well to hold on.

Forest came within inches of taking the lead in spectacular style three minutes later. Lansbury was hauled over by Dale Stephens 25 yards out and took charge of the subsequent free-kick. Ward knocked the ball to the midfielder, who curled it off the outside of David Stockdale’s far post.

The two sides were battling for dominance in the early exchanges and both had opportunities to take the lead around the 20-minute mark.

De Vries made a strong save from another low, close-range Lua Lua effort before claiming Tomer Hemed’s header moments later.

Forest offered an immediate response when the ball dropped for Antonio in the middle. He rolled it to his right for Ward to race into space before directing a floated cross into the middle. Blackstock did well to reach it but could only direct his header wide.

It was proving to be an end-to-end affair. A minute after Blackstock’s attempt, Beram Kayal crashed the ball against the post with a low shot from 25 yards.

Seagulls stopper Stockdale was having a fairly quiet evening until Antonio picked the ball up just inside the Brighton half on 28 minutes. With little support from his team-mates, the winger beat a number of men, riding a trip from Stephens on his way to the edge of the area. Antonio struck the ball towards the corner but Stockdale did well to tip it wide. Stephens was retrospectively booked.

The pattern of the game suggested the home side would offer a swift retort, and they nearly had the opening goal when Stephens’ floated header appeared to be dipping under the crossbar. De Vries got there in time to tip it to safety.

There was nothing the keeper could do a minute later, however, as Sam Baldock bent the ball inches wide of the far post after excellent work by Lua Lua.

Forest were showing plenty of signs of promise themselves and Ward had a debut goal in his sights when he received the ball with his back to goal on 36 minutes. He shifted it on to his left foot 30 yards out before striking it sweetly straight at Stockdale.

Freedman was forced into making his first change on 40 minutes when Tesche limped off with an injury. David Vaughan was his replacement.

It looked like the half was going to pass without further incident until, in the second of two added minutes, de Vries produced a superb save to deny Hemed. The Dutchman somehow got a hand to Hemed’s header to push the ball away and preserve parity for his side going into the interval.

But the 0-0 scoreline wasn’t to last long as, within five minutes of the restart, the home side took the lead.

Lua Lua was the scorer, using his searing pace to scamper away from Lichaj in the area before striking the ball left-footed across goal and into the far corner.

Forest were straight on the offensive in search of an equaliser. Fox crossed the ball from deep towards Blackstock at the far post. The striker did well to rise above his marker but, with the odds stacked against him, he could only nod it wide.

Antonio was next to have a go, controlling the ball well from Mills’ diagonal pass. The winger did well to knock it out of his feet with a Brighton defender hot on his heels, but he could only blaze his shot high and wide from just outside the area.

The Reds were now in the ascendancy and won a 58th-minute free-kick when Bruno was penalised for felling Antonio near the byline. Despite the tight angle, Lansbury opted for a powerful shot at goal. Stockdale punched the ball away strongly at he near post.

Another Bruno foul gifted Forest another free-kick two minutes later, this time in an excellent shooting position. Fox took charge this time but could only send the ball soaring over the bar.

Fox was replaced shortly afterwards, making way for Walker who joined Blackstock up front.

Mancienne switched to left back and was immediately put under pressure by Solly March, who burst away from him and into the area. March got his shot all wrong, however, striking the ball wide of the near post.

A minute later Walker had a good chance to equalise after excellent work by Antonio, who cut the ball back for the young striker. Walker took a touch eight yards out but could only drag it wide with his left foot.

Another chance presented itself on 73 minutes when Seagulls skipper Gordon Greer bundled into the back of Antonio as the winger tried to bring down Mills’ long ball. The referee awarded Forest a free-kick just outside the ‘D’ and, in a retake of the move which saw him earlier hit the post, Lansbury received a lay-off from Ward. This time, however, he could only curl the ball over.

Still Forest pressed, forcing Brighton into a 77th-minute mistake and breaking into Brighton territory through Walker. His pace took him past Lewis Dunk and into the area but the defender appeared to get the faintest of touches on Walker’s shot. For a moment it looked like the ball may squirm under Stockdale’s body, but the keeper did enough and Brighton bundled the ball to safety.

The home side’s lead was hanging by a thread and Forest had a golden opportunity to equalise on 80 minutes. Antonio’s long throw was flicked on by Walker at the near post but, with the goal gaping and under close attention from a Brighton defender, Blackstock couldn’t turn the ball over the line.

Freedman’s final substitution saw Paterson replace Ward, but it was Walker once more who caused Brighton’s defence problems on 83 minutes when he turned his defender on the edge of the area to present a shooting opportunity on his left foot. He couldn’t strike the ball cleanly, however, and Stockdale claimed it easily.

The game was now severely stretched as Forest desperately sought an equaliser with minutes of normal time remaining. The hosts benefited, releasing March over the top and through one-on-one with de Vries. The angle and bouncing ball wasn’t ideal but the Brighton man will have been disappointed to blast it over the bar.

Four minutes of added time were allocated at the end of the match but Freedman’s men were unable to claim a deserved equaliser.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/08/2015 21:40

Brighton: Stockdale, Saltor, Greer, Dunk, Bong, March, Kayal, Stephens, LuaLua (Rosenior 88), Baldock (O'Grady 81), Hemed

Subs not used: Maenpaa, Calderon, Forster-Caskey, Rea

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills, Hobbs, Fox (Walker 66), Tesche (Vaughan 40), Lansbury, Mancienne, Ward (Paterson 81), Blackstock, Antonio

Subs not used: Evtimov, Burke, Riera, Grant

Attendance: 24,623 Referee: Keith Stroud

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/08/2015 21:47
Forest 3-4 Walsall

Nottingham Forest were beaten 4-3 by Walsall in the first round of the Capital One Cup this evening.

A hat-trick from Saddlers striker Tom Bradshaw helped the visitors to a victory which appeared to have slipped from their grasp after Michail Antonio came off the bench to score twice, restoring parity at 3-3 in injury time.

But, with the game looking destined for extra time, Kelvin Wilson conceded a penalty and Bradshaw made no mistake from the spot to send Walsall into the second round.

Bradshaw’s goals put Walsall 2-0 up early in the first half before young Forest striker Tyler Walker scored to halve the deficit.

Walsall substitute Romaine Sawyers was the man to extend the away side’s advantage to 3-1 on 89 minutes before Antonio’s heroics gave Forest a lifeline.

Dougie Freedman brought Walker, Wilson, Chris Burke, Jamie Paterson into his starting 11.

Wilson, who was suspended for Friday’s trip to Brighton, captained the side and was partnered by Jack Hobbs in central defence.

The Reds lined up in a diamond formation with Dorus de Vries in goal, Eric Lichaj and Danny Fox at full back, Michael Mancienne in defensive midfield with David Vaughan and Burke ahead of him in central midfield. Jamie Paterson played behind a strikeforce of Walker and Jamie Ward.

And the summer signing from Derby had a good chance to put Forest ahead on nine minutes when he met Walker’s low cross at the near post, only to send the ball over the bar.

Walsall responded with an attack of their own and won a free-kick in a good shooting position when Hobbs felled Milan Lalkovic, earning the centre back a yellow card. Sam Mantom’s set piece saw the ball deflect low off the Forest wall and towards de Vries’ bottom corner, but the Dutchman managed to trap it at the base of his post.

A minute later, however, de Vries was beaten. Again Lalkovic was pivotal, sending the ball across the face of goal with a cross-cum-shot from the left to present Bradshaw with a tap-in.

And it was 2-0 shortly afterwards when Mantom’s cross from the left saw the ball loop up off a Forest defender and into the middle of the goalmouth. Bradshaw did well to turn it over the line.

Freedman opted for a change in shape as Ward came into attacking midfield with Paterson drifting left and Burke right.

It was Ward who offered Forest’s first attempt of reducing the arrears. He received the ball from Lichaj, who had made a strong run forward from right back, but could only sent it wide from 20 yards.

The game then hit a slight lull as the visitors looked to settle the tempo of the match, but it was they who next threatened.

On 29 minutes Bradshaw received a low cross from the right, turned away from goal and offloaded the ball to Kieron Morris just inside the area. Morris opted for a first-time effort but could only fire it well wide.

Forest came within inches of making it 2-1 a minute later when Burke’s low, drilled ball across goal flicked up off a Walsall man and on to the crossbar.

But Freedman’s men didn’t have to wait much longer as, on 32 minutes, Paterson’s low cross following a short corner found Walker at the back post, who made no mistake in turning the ball home from close range.

Walsall quickly set about trying to restore their two-goal advantage, and they nearly did so with nine minutes to play in the half. Marauding left back Rico Henry played the ball Lalkovic in the area. He showed terrific close control to fend off the approaches of Forest’s defence, working a tight shooting angle. De Vries made a strong save at his near post.

Three minutes of added time were allocated at the end of the half and Forest came agonisingly close to scoring an equaliser before the whistle.

Ward’s corner was headed back across goal by Mancienne and perfectly into Paterson’s path. The former Walsall man volleyed the ball from eight yards but could only crash it off the post.

Walsall keeper Neil Etheridge punched the resultant corner away but The Reds kept the ball alive. Fox sprinted towards the edge of the area and struck a low shot towards goal, but Etheridge was equal to it and Forest went into the break 2-1 behind.

There were no changes for either side at the break and Forest began the second half on the front foot. Burke supplied Paterson in the area and the ex-Walsall man span away from his marker to buy space for a shot on his left foot. He struck the ball well but sent it a yard over the bar.

Walsall were forced into a change on 53 minutes at their captain Adam Chambers hobbled off with an injury. He was replaced by Sawyers, who had a chance to score shortly after his arrival following neat build-up play by the Saddlers. He could only curl the ball over the bar from the edge of the ‘D’.

Burke was proving Forest’s most potent attacking threat and he linked up with Paterson again shortly after the hour mark. The Scotsman slid the ball through for Paterson but he struck the ball into the side-netting.

It was Burke’s turn to have a go himself next. He beat Henry by cutting in from the left but the Walsall keeper was equal to his strike from outside the area.

Freedman’s next change saw Dexter Blackstock replace Paterson, but it was the visitors who attacked next. De Vries did well to push Mansom’s low shot to safety.

The Reds boss then opted for an injection of raw pace by sending on Antonio and youngster Oliver Burke. They replaced Chris Burke and Ward.

But there was nothing the pair could do as, shortly after their introduction, Forest fell 3-1 behind.

De Vries could only parry Morris’ powerful shot and The Reds failed to clear the ball from their area, presenting substitute Sawyers with the chance to lash the ball home from close range.

It didn’t take Antonio long to make his mark, however. Almost immediately after the restart he picked up the ball on the left, raced past all on-comers and lashed the ball into the top corner from 25 yards.

The match was wide open and Walsall were refusing to bow down. Substitute Jordan Cook had a good chance to score with five minutes of remaining but couldn’t generate enough power on his shot, presenting de Vries with a comfortable save down at his near post.

Forest’s dominance was increasing more and more as full-time approached, however, and the home side were given encouragement when five minutes of added time were indicated.

And they only needed one of those minutes to make it 3-3. It looked like the chance was gone when Walker’s header was nodded off the line by Henry following a corner. But Hobbs’ lashed effort towards goal kept the ball alive and Antonio was on hand to back-heel it over the line.

There was still plenty of added time left for either side to find a winner, with Forest looking far the more likely side to do so.

Antonio showed his threat yet again when he embarked on a powerful run down the left before fizzing the ball across goal. Sadly for The Reds, there was too much pace on the ball for the home side to benefit.

The fourth minute of added time presented substitute Burke an opportunity to grab the headlines. Walker flicked the ball into the winger’s path and his pace took him into the area. Burke appeared to be slightly off-balance, however, and he fired the ball wide, prompting supporters to prepare themselves for extra time.

But, in the dying seconds, Bradshaw drew a foul from Wilson in the area to give himself the chance of scoring the most dramatic of hat-trick goals. He smashed the ball home from the spot and there wasn’t enough time for Forest to find another equaliser.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Wilson (c), Hobbs, Fox, Ward (Antonio 78'), Mancienne, Vaughan, C Burke (O Burke 78'), Paterson (Blackstock 71'), Walker

Subs not used: Evtimov, Mills, Lansbury, Grant

Goals: Walker 32', Antonio 81', 90'

Bookings: Hobbs 10', Mancienne 75'

Walsall: Etheridge, Demetriou, O'Connor, Downing, Chambers (Sawyers 54'), Mantom, Bradshaw, Henry, Lalkovic (Forde 74'), Flanagan, Morris (Cook 84')

Subs not used: MacGillivray, Baxendale, Preston, Kinsella

Goals: Bradshaw 12', 14', 90', Sawyers 79'

Booking: Demetriou 83'

Referee: Darren Handley

Attendance: 5,237 (669 away)

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/08/2015 22:40
Die Reds aus Nottingham haben den Saisonstart in der Championship leider verbaselt, unterlagen am 1. Spieltag im Saisoneröffnungsspiel bei Brighton And Hove Albion verdient mit 0:1.

Hier die Highlights im Video:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 12/08/2015 20:32
Tickets: Rotherham (H)

Posted: Tue 11 Aug 2015
Author: NFFC

Ticket information for Nottingham Forest’s first City Ground clash of the 2015-16 campaign has been confirmed.

The Reds host Rotherham United on Saturday 15 August (kick-off 3pm) and tickets go on sale to season ticket holders and NFFC members at 9am on Saturday 18 July.

Ticket prices are as follows (matchday price is shown in brackets):

General sale

Adults: £30 (£32)

Seniors: £22 (£24)

Under 18s: £16

Under 12s: £8

Family Stand

Adults: £25 (£27)

Seniors: £20 (£22)

Under 18s: £14

Under 12s: £7

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 14/08/2015 17:54
2. Spieltag
Samstag, 15.08.2015
Stadion: City Ground
Anstoss: 16:00 Uhr

Nottingham Forest - Rotherham United

Heimspielauftakt für die Reds am Samstag gegen Rotherham - immerhin kassierte der Gast am 1. Spieltag ebenfalls eine Niederlage zum Auftakt in die neue Championship.
Diese Niederlage fiel beim 1:4 gegen die Milton Keynes recht deutlich aus.

Forest mit verdienter Niederlage bei Brighton, allerdings auch mit etwas Pech, denn Chancen hatte man selbst auch einige auf dem Fuß, ließ diese ungenutzt, besonders viel Pech natürlich beim Pfostentreffer.

In heimischen Gefilden, sollte ein Dreier absolut realistisch sein, ansonsten kann man schon wieder von einem glatten Fehlstart sprechen.

Auf geht´s Forest...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 15/08/2015 19:50
Na siehste wohl - geht doch bengalo

Nottingham - Rotherham 2:1

Nottingham Forest came from behind to beat Rotherham 2-1 at The City Ground this afternoon and record their first win of the season.

Former Red Danny Collins had given the visitors the lead in the 13th minute, but goals either side of half-time from Matt Mills and Michail Antonio gave Dougie Freedman’s men the victory.

Tyler Walker started his first league game for Forest as Freedman made four changes to the side that faced Brighton on the opening day.

Kelvin Wilson, Chris Burke and David Vaughan also made their first league starts of the campaign.

Former Reds Collins and Greg Halford were the visitors centre half pairing, with the latter captaining Steve Evans’ side, while Matt Derbyshire led Rotherham’s line.

Jamie Ward nearly opened the scoring within the first minute of the game. Winning the ball back high up in Rotherham’s half, he scampered towards goal and unleashed a fierce shot which Kelle Roos did well to get down quickly and save.

Ward – who had started centrally, playing behind Walker – was bright early on, and Halford brought him down on the left wing after five minutes. Captain Henri Lansbury delivered the resultant free-kick to the back post, but Roos claimed just ahead of Matt Mills.

Rotherham came close soon after in what was a lively opening ten minutes. Chris Maguire was fouled 25 yards out and sprang up to take the free-kick, sending it inches wide of Dorus de Vries’ right-hand post.

And it was the Millers who had the next good chance too, when Derbyshire got across his marker to connect with a dangerous Lewis Buxton cross. Thankfully for the Reds, de Vries was able to get down and turn the effort around his post for a corner.

But seconds later a header did beat the Dutchman. The corner was swung in and Collins rose highest to nod home from six yards, giving the visitors a 13th-minute lead.

The goal slowed the tempo of the half. Richard Smallwood picked up the first booking of the game midway through the opening period, but chances were few and far between until Forest so nearly got back on level terms.

Michail Antonio beat Buxton on the right and swung over an inviting cross that Burke knocked towards goal. Stood on the near post, Walker turned the winger’s effort home, but the 18-year-old was adjudged to be offside.

Matt Derbyshire was the second Rotherham played to find his way into referee Darren Bond’s notebook when he attempted to block a de Vries clearance, before Ward again nearly had Forest level. He beat two men on the edge of the area, but was tackled by a third as he shaped to shoot.

It was a fiery affair and the game was becoming increasingly end-to-end. Antonio’s first shot on target tested Roos on 40 minutes, before the Millers broke on the Reds, and Frecklington forced de Vries into a good save.

Ward was at the heart of the action throughout the first half and when Maguire caught him with a late challenge he became the third visitor to receive a yellow card.

As the fourth official raised his board to indicate there would be two minutes of added time at the end of the opening period, Antonio won a corner. Mills headed the set piece towards goal, but the chance was cleared.

He wasn’t to be denied moments later though. Jamie Ward sent over a high, enticing cross from the left and Mills rose dominantly in the middle, heading hard past Roos, sending the Reds in level at the break.

The second half picked up where the first had left off and Rotherham came so close to regaining the lead within the first minute. A deep cross found its way to the back post where Bowery was waiting, but de Vries and Lichaj combined well to block his effort on the line.

Walker won a corner in the 53rd minute when, having beaten Danny Collins in the air, he picked the ball up on the edge of the area and forced Roos into a save down low at his near post.

The corner came to nothing and then Rotherham won a succession of their own, which Forest did well to keep out as the visitors enjoyed a spell of sustained pressure.

But The Reds quickly regained a foothold in the game. Mancienne won a crunching tackle in the left back area and played in Lansbury, whose fine cross-field ball set Burke away on the right. He raced into the area, but his cross was smothered away by stopper Roos.

Within a minute though, Forest did score from a Burke cross. He sent in a dink from the right which Roos pushed onto the bar and it bounced into the path of the onrushing Antonio who couldn’t miss from six yards.

Shortly after Forest had taken the lead Dexter Blackstock replaced Ward, who had picked up a knock, and just shy of the 70-minute mark the substitute striker nearly got on the end of a deep corner, but his effort went just wide.

Forest were pushing for a third and Evans made a double change to try and bring his side back into the game. Danny Ward and Aidy White were sent on in place of Jordan Bowery and Chris Maguire.

It did little to stem the Red tide though, as Mancienne again stepped in at left back to make a fine tackle and set Forest on their way. This time the ball came to Burke, and he tested Roos from 25 yards.

Mancienne was becoming increasingly involved and he nearly put Forest further ahead with 15 minutes remaining. A throw from the right found its way across to him, and Roos was forced to turn his first-time effort behind for a corner.

David Vaughan became the first home player to pick up a booking when he fouled White, and the resulting free-kick caused slight concern in the Forest box, but Mancienne was there to head clear.

Another dangerous ball into the Forest box, this time from Ward, looked briefly threatening on 80 minutes, but de Vries came off his line to claim.

Evans brought on Tom Thorpe for Richard Smallwood, allowing him to send Halford up front in his final throw of the dice, but it could all have been in vein moments later. Lansbury fed Walker wide on the right, and Burke sent his low cross an inch past the post.

Oliver Burke replaced Walker with six minutes remaining and the youngster received a standing ovation from all sides of the ground as he made his way off, having impressed on his first league start.

The winger was sent away on the break by Mancienne just after coming on and he took the long ball in his stride before shooting across Roos, but the stopper got down well to hold the shot.

That was to be the last real action of the game as the Reds did a fine job of seeing the game out, and they held on to record their first win of the season.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills, Wilson, Mancienne, Antonio, Lansbury (c), Vaughan, C Burke, Ward (Blackstock 64'), Walker (O Burke 85')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Fox, Paterson, Hobbs, Pinillos

Goals: Mills 45', Antonio 61'

Bookings: Vaughan 78', Blackstock 87'

Rotherham: Roos, Buxton, Collins, Halford, Mattock, Maguire (White 72'), Smallwood (Thorpe 81'), Frecklington, Newell, Bowery (D Ward 72'), Derbyshire

Subs not used: Collin, Green, Ledesma, G Ward

Goal: Collins 13'

Bookings: Smallwood 23', Derbyshire 26', Maguire 45'

Referee: Darren Bond

Attendance: 19,885

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 16/08/2015 21:30
Hier noch einige Fakten zum gestrigen Sieg der Reds gegen Rotherham sowie der Link zum Video daumenhoch


Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 17/08/2015 21:30
Nottingham Forest - Charlton Athletic

3. Spieltag
Dienstag, 18.08.2015
Stadion: City Ground
Anstoss: 20:45 Uhr

Foto: NFFC

Bereits am Dienstag geht es für die Reds aus Nottingham Forest nach dem Sieg gegen Rotherham United mit einer weiteren Heimpartie weiter.
Zu Gast sind die "Addicks" aus Charlton, die ihrerseits einen tollen Saisonstart hingelegt haben.
Zum Auftakt bezwang man PL-Absteiger Queens Park Rangers 2-0, am WE erkämpfte man sich bei Derby County ein akzeptables 1-1.

Forest sollte also gewarnt sein, jedoch wäre ein erneuter Dreier eine Riesensache, man hätte dann bereits 6 Punkte auf der Habenseite.

Die Q auf Sieg Nottingham bewegen sich momentan knapp unter der Verdopplung.
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 18/08/2015 19:48

Nottingham Forest - Charlton Athletic

HZ 0:0


Geht das wieder los ???
Die Chance auf den 2. Dreier in Serie schon wieder in Gefahr!

aufwachen Forest aufwachen
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 18/08/2015 21:33
Im Grunde konnte man es sich ja mal wieder denken - gibt es eine Chance für Forest in der Tabelle einen Satz nach vorne zu machen und vor allem einmal zwei Heimspiele in Folge zu gewinnen, setzt es wieder eine Ernüchterung.

Trostloses 0:0 heute gegen Charlton Athletic >> hier der entsprechende Link mit den Spieldetails...


Bereits am kommenden Samstag, 22.08.15 ( Anstoss: 16 Uhr ), geht es für Nottingham Forest dann am 4. Spieltag der Championship weiter mit dem Gastspiel bei den Bolton Wanderers.
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 19/08/2015 16:34
Forest 0-0 Charlton

Nottingham Forest were held to a 0-0 draw by Charlton Athletic at The City Ground this evening.

The Reds, who finished the game with youngsters Oliver Burke, Tyler Walker and Jorge Grant on the field, created a number of chances but were unable to find a winner.

Dougie Freedman handed Oliver Burke his first league start as the 18-year-old came in for Michail Antonio on the right wing.

Michael Mancienne continued at left back after an assured display in that position against Rotherham, while Dexter Blackstock returned to the starting line-up in place of the bench-bound Walker.

Ben Osborn made his first appearance in a matchday squad this season after recovering from a shoulder injury and sickness bug. He took his place on the bench alongside Dimitar Evtimov, Daniel Pinillos, Jack Hobbs and Jamie Paterson.

Forest made a bright start to the match and Chris Burke, captain Henri Lansbury and Dexter Blackstock had half-chances to take the lead within five minutes.

The trio failed to test Addicks keeper Nick Pope, but the visiting stopper was called into action on 11 minutes after his side conceded possession cheaply to Oliver Burke. The winger laid the ball off to Jamie Ward, who raced into space before firing it hard and low towards goal. Pope made the block and his defence eventually cleared the danger.

Forest were completely dominating the early exchanges but, after Mancienne was booked for tugging back a Charlton man, the balance of the game briefly swung in favour of the visitors.

There were two excellent headed opportunities for 6ft 7in striker Simon Makienok, the first coming courtesy of a Morgan Fox cross from the left. The Dane could only head the ball over the bar from a good position.

Four minutes later Makienok had another chance to break the deadlock, although this time he had to work harder to get into a position to meet the cross. It came from Cristian Ceballos, whose dangerous delivery left Forest’s defence with little to do but watch on as Makienok dived to reach the ball. Again, however, he sent it over the bar.

Charlton’s spell of pressure came to a close when Johann Gudmundsson’s excellent free-kick fizzed inches off-target.

The home side were soon back on the front foot and ruing a missed header of their own on 31 minutes. Eric Lichaj produced a superb cross which just evaded the head of a Charlton defender. Blackstock had to leave it late to react and he could only divert the ball wide.

Five minutes later, former French international Alou Diarra was booked for a foul on Ward. The resultant free-kick saw the ball fall for Oliver Burke in the area but his shot was inadvertently blocked by one of his team-mates.

There were half chances for both sides before the first half came to a close, Diarra heading the ball wide from a corner before Lansbury’s shot sailed high into the Bridgford Stand.

But the two sides were unable to break the deadlock and returned to their dressing rooms on level terms.

Forest reemerged unchanged and had a chance to take the lead within four minutes of the restart.

A Reds corner caused problems in the Addicks area and the ball eventually dropped for Mancienne on the bounce, but the ex-Chelsea man was unable to keep his shot down.

Lansbury was next to have an effort at goal following a patient team move on 53 minutes. Chris Burke provided the lay-off for the ex-Arsenal man to strike the ball first time from 20 yards, but he could only send it wide.

Two substitutions followed for The Reds as Freedman sent on youngsters Walker and Grant for Blackstock and Ward, who appeared to have sustained an injury.

And it didn’t take Walker long to get involved as he won a free-kick on the edge of the area inside the ‘D’. Lansbury’s only real option was to strike the ball with power but the Charlton wall stood firm and did its job.

Forest were well in control and showing a willingness to press their visitors high up the field. Their efforts were rewarded just before the hour when The Reds regained possession and Oliver Burke was able to swing over a cross to his namesake Chris.

The Scotsman twisted and turned in the area before eventually finding a gap to lay the ball off to Vaughan on the edge of the area. With a defender bearing down on him the Welsh international had to take his shot first time, sending it over the bar.

It had been a quiet evening for Forest keeper Dorus de Vries, but his concentration levels were tested on 67 minutes when Makienok produced a superb header which looked destined for the net. The Dutchman sprawled to his right to push the ball away one-handed.

And, minutes later, de Vries produced an even better save to instinctively deny Patrick Bauer, who had headed the ball powerfully towards goal from a corner.

Keen not to let their opponents get the upper hand, Forest responded with a chance for Walker. Lansbury supplied the striker, who from the right-hand side of the box sent the ball low and a yard wide of the far post.

The game was finely poised going into the final ten minutes but Lansbury almost gave his side the lead with a curling effort from 25 yards. Pope, who had dived to his left just in case, was relieved to see the ball drift wide.

Pope was rooted to his spot shortly afterwards, however, as Grant was presented with an opportunity to score from six yards. Lansbury laid the ball back from the byline but its speed made it awkward for the young midfielder, who fired it over the bar with a first-time effort.

Five minutes of added time were indicated at the end of the 90 minutes but neither side were able to find a winning goal as the match ended 0-0.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Wilson, Mills, Mancienne, O Burke, Vaughan, Lansbury (c), C Burke, Ward (Grant 55'), Blackstock (Walker 54')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Paterson, Hobbs, Pinillos, Osborn

Bookings: Mancienne 17', Mills 71', Vaughan 88'

Charlton: Pope, Solly, Diarra, Bauer, Fox, Gudmundsson, Cousins, Kashi, Ceballos (Bergdich 86'), Watt (Ghoochannejhad 64' (Ahearne-Grant 84')), Makienok

Subs not used: Mitov, Sarr, Ba, Jackson

Booking: Diarra 36'

Referee: Darren Drysdale

Attendance: 17,801 (484 away)

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 20/08/2015 20:40
Reds land Dutch midfielder

Posted: Thu 20 Aug 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest have completed the signing of a Dutch midfielder.

FC Twente’s Kyle Ebecilio has arrived at The City Ground on a season-long loan.

The 21-year-old has experience of playing in England after spending three years in Arsenal’s academy.

He arrived at the Emirates after progressing through the youth ranks of his hometown club, Feyenoord, and returned to the Netherlands in May 2013 to sign for Twente.

Ebecilio has made more than 60 appearances for the Dutch top-flight side and has several Under 21s caps to his name.

The Dutchman becomes Dougie Freedman’s fourth signing of the summer following the arrival of Matt Mills, Jamie Ward and Daniel Pinillos.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 21/08/2015 16:56
Tickets: Bolton (A)

Posted: Fri 21 Aug 2015
Author: NFFC

Away tickets for Nottingham Forest’s trip to Bolton Wanderers on Saturday will be available to purchase on arrival at the Macron Stadium.

Supporters who are unable to collect any pre-paid tickets from the Forest ticket office are asked to inform the club so arrangements can be made to process on-the-day collections from the Bolton central ticket office.

Tickets will be available on the day at cash-only turnstiles from 2pm. There is no price increase but Bolton recommend purchasing in advance as matchday queues are expected.

Forest have received an initial allocation of 2,219 reserved seat tickets located behind the goal in the Franking Sense South Stand at the Macron Stadium. More tickets may be allocated if required.

Tickets are priced as follows:

Adults: £25

Over 65s: £18

Under 23s: £18

Under 18s: £10

Disabled supporters

In line with the ticketing policy of Bolton Wanderers FC, tickets for supporters with a disability and personal assistants are available to supporters who receive any rate of either disability living allowance, personal independence payment or attendance allowance.

Both wheelchair users and ambulant disabled supporters should purchase tickets in advance from Nottingham Forest. Tickets are priced at the appropriate age-related price for the disabled supporter and free of charge for the personal assistant.

There are ten wheelchair bays available for visiting supporters and tickets for ambulant disabled supporters will be issued from the main allocation.

Official coach travel

Coach travel is priced £16.50, with three pick-up points available:

Newark Northgate station: 9.30am departure

Bingham White Lion: 10am departure

Brian Clough stand: 10.30am departure

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 22/08/2015 19:06

Nicht zu glauben, da wird wieder einmal ein sicher geglaubter Sieg hergeschenkt, in der 94. Minute macht Bolton noch den 1:1 Ausgleich doh
So kann man nicht oben mitspielen nono

Bolton Wanderers - Nottingham Forest
FT 1:1

Bericht, Video-Clip etc. folgt...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 23/08/2015 12:19
Bolton 1-1 Forest

Posted: Sat 22 Aug 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Substitute David Vaughan saw his sensational effort cancelled out in second-half stoppage time as Nottingham Forest drew 1-1 at Bolton this afternoon.

The Welshman was brought on with 16 minutes to play in a match which looked destined for a draw after Wanderers missed a penalty earlier in the second half.

But Vaughan had other ideas, lashing home a superb long-range effort with nine minutes to play.

Forest were headed for victory until, in the fourth minute of added time, Stephen Dobbie struck a dramatic equaliser.

Dougie Freedman made six changes to the team that drew with Charlton on Tuesday.

Two of them were forced as injured duo Jamie Ward and Dexter Blackstock made way for Michail Antonio and Tyler Walker.

There were debuts for Spanish left back Daniel Pinillos and Dutch central midfielder Kyle Ebecilio, while Ben Osborn was handed his first start of the season after recovering from injury and illness.

Jack Hobbs was selected as Matt Mills’ central defensive partner as Kelvin Wilson, Chris Burke, Oliver Burke and David Vaughan had to settle for a place on the bench.

The Reds made a bright start to the game and created the first chance on seven minutes. Michael Mancienne, playing in defensive midfield, linked up well with Ebecilio as Forest worked the ball to Antonio on the left. The winger cut inside to avoid a challenge but knocked the ball a little too far ahead of himself to strike it cleanly, sending his shot wide of the near post.

Bolton were on the lookout for their first goal of the season and they nearly got it on 13 minutes after Dean Moxey did well to dig out a cross from the left-hand byline. Dorian Dervite arrived late to meet the ball but could only head it over the bar.

Forest were pressing their visitors high up the field in the early stages of the half. Mancienne did well to win possession 25 yards from goal and the ball came to Lansbury on the edge of the area. The midfielder opted to shoot on his right, opening his foot on the effort and sending the ball over.

Neither side were in real control and Bolton worked a chance of their own on 22 minutes after good link up play between captain Mark Davies and youngster Zach Clough. The former carried the ball towards Forest’s area before sending it wide.

The Reds’ next chance came courtesy of a counter attack launched by Antonio. The winger did well to nick the ball away from a Bolton man inside his own area and raced away with it down the left. Osborn had made a lung-busting run down the right to provide support, and Antonio played a nice angled ball to present the midfielder with a shooting opportunity inside the area. With the angle against him and the shot coming on his weaker right foot, Osborn failed to seriously trouble Wanderers keeper Ben Amos.

The names of two Forest players entered referee Carl Boyeson’s notebook before half-time, Mancienne for a foul on Wellington Silva and Lichaj for a challenge deemed reckless by Boyeson.

The resultant free-kick saw Clough drift into space in the middle to meet the ball but he glanced it wide, leaving the match goalless going into the break.

Within five minutes of the restart, however, Bolton had a golden opportunity to break the deadlock.

Boyeson spotted a nudge by Mills on Clough as the two challenged for a ball in the area and pointed to the spot. Gary Madine took responsibility but saw his spotkick saved by de Vries. The ball came back to the forward but, under pressure, he headed the ball wide.

The let-off sparked a quick reaction from Forest, who won a free-kick in a good crossing position. Hobbs peeled into space at the back post to met Osborn’s delivery but couldn’t bring the ball down in time and Bolton bundled the ball behind.

Walker and Osborn took a clever corner which resulted in the latter dinking the ball into the middle. Antonio had to rise high to meet it six yards out but he could only head it over.

Four minutes later Forest won a free-kick 25 yards out. Lansbury’s effort took a nick off the wall and looped a yard over the bar.

Freedman’s first change saw the experienced Chris Burke replace Osborn on the right. But it was one of Forest’s youngsters, Tyler Walker, who carved out their next opportunity.

The striker held the ball up well on the halfway line and showed excellent awareness to spin and release Antonio into Bolton’s half. The weight of Walker’s pass was perfect for Antonio to take the ball in his stride, ghost away from Bolton’s defence and race through one-on-one with Amos but he could only stroke the ball straight at the keeper.

Bolton followed that miss up with two golden opportunities of they twice saw the ball deflect off a Forest man and just wide of de Vries’ post.

But the end-to-end nature of the match continued as Forest worked the ball to Chris Burke, who in turn cut it back for Ebecilio in the area. The ball was just behind the new signing and he could only harmlessly scuff his effort.

That was to be Ebecilio’s final action as he was replaced by Vaughan on 74 minutes.

And it transpired to be an inspired switch as, seven minutes later, the Welshman received the ball in midfield, edged his way into shooting territory and struck the ball sweetly into the top corner from 25 yards.

Forest’s final change came with five minutes to play as Danny Fox replaced Walker. Fox moved into left midfield with Antonio taking up lone striker duties.

Five minutes were added on at the end of the match and Neil Lennon sent Dobbie on to the field with his last throw of the dice.

And it paid off as, in the fourth minute of added time, the substitute fired the ball low past de Vries from the edge of the area to earn his side a point.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills, Hobbs, Pinillos, Mancienne, Antonio, Ebecilio (Vaughan 74'), Osborn (C Burke 58'), Lansbury (c), Walker (Fox 86')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Wilson, O Burke, Grant

Goal: Vaughan 81'

Bookings: Mancienne 37', Lichaj 44', Mills 50', Walker 76'

Bolton: Amos, Wilson, Prince, Dervite, Moxey, Davies (c), Danns, Walker (Feeney 46'), Silva (Heskey 84'), Clough (Dobbie 90'), Madine

Subs not used: Fitzsimons, Vela, Spearing, Finney

Goal: Dobbie 90'

Booking: Danns 79'

Referee: Carl Boyeson

Attendance: 16,410 (1,827 away)

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 23/08/2015 19:58
Hier nochmals als Schema das unglückliche 1:1 in letzter Minute bei Bolton:


sowie der dazugehörige Video-Clip:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 24/08/2015 21:04
Young Reds beaten by Wednesday

Striker Ben Brereton bagged his fourth goal in three matches as Nottingham Forest's Under 18s suffered a 3-1 defeat to Sheffield Wednesday on Saturday.

The Reds showed glimpses of quality but were subjected to their first loss of the season at the hands of their clinical opponents in South Yorkshire despite Brereton dispatching his third penalty in as many games.

Under 18s manager Jack Lester made two changes to the side that eased past Huddersfield Town last Tuesday with a 4-2 victory, as Tim Erlandsson and Alex Iacovitti replaced Richard Dearle and Joe Re.

Second-year scholar Iacovitti, whose impressive performances have seen him progress to training with Dougie Freedman's first team squad, began the game at centre half alongside Jordan Gabriel while Ismael Diallo and Tom Gamblen occupied the full back positions.

Duo Kieran Hayes and Brereton started the game in the forward areas for Forest, but it was the hosts who got off to the better start and they took the lead on 7 minutes. George Hurst received the ball, advanced forward and placed well into the corner past Erlandsson to give his team the lead.

And Hayes soon started to produce some energy in the attacking quarters as Forest grew into the game, running he channels and using his quick feet to take on defenders. Ex-Manchester United youngster Jake Taylor continued in an attempt to engineer good football beside the passionate Ryan Yates at the heart of midfield.

However it was the Owls who doubled their advantage in spectacular style. A ball was played over the top for Matt Penney who caught it perfectly on his left foot to rifle into the net via the inside of the post.

Forest were stunned into action and upped the pressure shortly afterwards to force the issue and hopefully halve the deficit. Brereton had a side-footed opportunity comfortably saved by the keeper in a dangerous situation, although he made amends on the stroke of half-time.

The Reds were awarded their third penalty in three games and Brereton stepped up looking assured to tuck away into the corner to offer his team some hope.

Lester freshened things up at the break as Joe Re came on to slot in at right back, while physical striker Gerry McDonagh made a first competitive appearance of the campaign following a minor injury. The Irishman immediately put himself about to distract defenders with his presence, allowing his colleagues to roam into space in offensive areas.

Brereton soon benefitted, finding himself through on goal before having his effort cleared off the line by the desperate defender. Iacovitti had to do some last-ditch defending himself at the other end with an excellent diving tackle with the Owls' attacker racing towards goal.

Four minutes later, the South Yorkshire outfit regained their two-goal lead with their third midway through the second period through Fraser Preston who grafted well in the box before slotting the ball into the net past Erlandsson.

Despite regular bouts of pressure in the final 20 minutes, Forest were struggling to get their opponents on the ropes to provide the final blow

Gabriel had a header from a corner comfortably saved late on before Taylor blasted wide from just inside the 18-yard-box which epitomised the day's frustrations for the visitors.

Lester's men are next in action when they face the challenge of Coventry City in the West Midlands on Friday 28 August (11am kick-off).

Forest's Under 16s followed their triumph in Bulgaria with a trip to South Yorkshire too and picked up a point with a 2-2 draw against Sheffield Wednesday at their training base on the neighbouring pitch on Saturday.

Forest: Erlandsson, Diallo (Re 45'), Gabriel, Iacovitti, Gamblen, Adams (McDonagh 45'), Taylor, Yates, Edser, Hayes, Brereton

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 24/08/2015 21:07
Under 21s action for pair

Jamie Paterson and Andy Reid featured for the Under 21s at The City Ground this afternoon.

Paterson played the full match while Reid continued his recovery from injury by playing 75 minutes.

They were joined in the line-up by trialist Paul Taylor but the trio were unable to prevent Forest from falling to a 2-1 defeat against Coventry City.

Kasheme Walton scored Forest’s goal on the stroke of full time after Lateef Elford-Alliyu and George Thomas found the net for the visitors.

Paterson and Taylor were central to much of Forest’s attacking play, while captain Jorge Grant, winger Oliver Burke and striker James Thorne also had opportunities to score.

But Forest had to settle for Walton’s consolation, the substitute controlling the ball well in the area before placing it beyond the Coventry keeper as the match entered second-half injury time.

For a full list of Nottingham Forest's Under 21s' fixtures and results, please click here.

Forest: Evtimov, Karo, Worrall, Riera, Kelly, O Burke, Reid (Cash 76'), Grant (c), Paterson, Taylor, Thorne (Walton 63')

Author: Nick Richardson

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 24/08/2015 21:10
... und weiter geht's am Wochenende >>>

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 28/08/2015 15:23
McLaughlin joins Southend

Stephen McLaughlin has left Nottingham Forest to join Southend United for an undisclosed fee.

The 25-year-old has returned to the club he helped win promotion to League One via the play-offs while on loan last season.

McLaughlin spent two-and-a-half years at The City Ground after arriving from Derry City but he found first-team opportunities hard to come by on Trentside.

He made only 15 appearances for The Reds and sought experience with loan spells at Bristol City and Notts County.

McLaughlin spent the latter part of the 2014-15 campaign with Southend and today completed the formalities of a permanent move to Roots Hall.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 29/08/2015 10:54
A very good week

Nottingham Forest manager Dougie Freedman says his team have had ‘a very good week’ in the build up to Cardiff’s visit on Saturday.

For the first time this season Freedman has been handed a week with no Tuesday night fixture.

And the manager is delighted with how preparations have gone ahead of the weekend.

Freedman said: “It’s been good from an injury point of view. A few people have been feeling tired after playing Saturday, Tuesday, Saturday.

“It catches up with you, especially when it comes right at the start of the season.

“It’s been a very good week.”

Cardiff are yet to taste defeat in the league so far this season and Freedman is acutely aware of the threat Russell Slade’s men pose.

He said: “Cardiff are a good side – people are underestimating them. They’ve got good experience in their team and people who have won Championships before. We need to make sure they don’t see much of the ball.

“They’ve got four very good strikers that we’ve done a lot of homework on and we want to keep them away from the areas we think they’re dangerous.”

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 29/08/2015 10:58
Cardiff programme: Fawaz's notes

Nottingham Forest owner and chairman Fawaz Al Hasawi hopes to stage an advance screening of I Believe In Miracles at The City Ground.

The eagerly anticipated film, focusing on the individuals involved in Forest's European Cup success, will soon be shown in cinemas across the country.

But Al Hasawi wants to give Forest fans the first watch.

'I'm writing these notes after watching a preview screening of the film I Believe In Miracles,' pens Al Hasawi in this afternoon's programme for the visit of Cardiff City (£3).

'Many of you will already have heard great things about it and I certainly found it to be a fascinating watch.

'It was wonderful to hear the recollections of so many iconic figures from our most successful era and, as owner of the club, I will be immensely proud when the film hits the big screens nationwide.

'We are working with the film's producers to hopefully stage a screening at The City Ground. It would be a brilliant addition to our 150th anniversary calendar - and what better venue for Forest fans to enjoy such a sentimental picture? We will keep supporters informed of any developments.

'Sales of the home shirt were unprecedented and I expect similar uptake in the away kit, which has received excellent feedback.

'I also hope to have news on new sponsorship deals in the coming weeks. The commercial staff and I are working very hard to bring businesses on board. As always, nottinghamforest.co.uk is the best place to go for updates.

'Thank you for your continued support and come on you Reds.'

Today's cover design was originally used in the 1995-96 season. Inside, readers will find journalist and Forest fan Danny Taylor's take on I Believe In Miracles, while Ben Osborn talks about his return from injury and illness.

The programme will be available to purchase at the City Ground megastore and from sellers around the stadium. Supporters unable to attend the match can download the official matchday programme on to their iPad, iPhone or Android device. The download can be accessed via this app now for Apple users or via this link for Android users.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 29/08/2015 19:35
doh doh doh

Forest 1-2 Cardiff

Nottingham Forest were beaten 2-1 at home by Cardiff City this afternoon.

Michail Antonio’s cool finish proved to be noting more than a late consolation after goals from Kenwyne Jones and Joe Mason put the Bluebirds 2-0 up.

Dougie Freedman made two changes to the side that was pegged back late on at Bolton.

The manager said Chris Burke and David Vaughan ‘turned the game’ after coming on in the second half at the Macron Stadium, and this afternoon they were rewarded with a place in the starting line up.

There were home debuts for left back Daniel Pinillos and central midfielder Kyle Ebecilio, while Tyler Walker was chosen to lead the line ahead of substitute Dexter Blackstock.

It was another young squad for Forest as Dimitar Evtimov, Oliver Burke, Jorge Grant, academy striker Gerry McDonagh and Osborn joined Blackstock and Kelvin Wilson on the bench.

The first half-chance of the match fell to Burke, who looked well placed to turn the ball home from Antonio’s cross only for Fabio Da Silva to nip in and send it behind for a corner.

The resultant delivery caused panic in the Cardiff area and the ball eventually dropped for Ebecilio. The Dutchman could only curl it high over the bar.

Dorus de Vries was tested twice as Cardiff looked to assert their authority. He made comfortable saves from Anthony Pilkington, who had cut in from the right, and Joe Mason, whose shot at the end of a speedy counter attack was straight at the keeper.

But Forest did find themselves a goal behind on 23 minutes. Eric Lichaj misjudged a defensive header, presenting Peter Whittingham with the ball in a good crossing position. The midfielder’s delivery was pinpoint and Jones’ execution was superb, heading the ball low to de Vries’ right and into the net.

There was further frustration for Forest shortly after play resumed when a Cardiff defender nipped in ahead of Walker to turn behind Antonio’s low cross from the left.

And The Reds had their hearts in their mouths moments later when Joe Mason stayed onside to receive Fabio’s neat pass in the area. Mason was stood up by Mills but he managed to trick his way past the defender, working a shooting position from a tight angle. De Vries positioned himself at his near post to push away the shot.

Cardiff keeper David Marshall was called upon for the first time on 35 minutes. Vaughan robbed Whittingham of possession in the middle and offloaded the ball to Walker, who had made a run to his left. The young striker cut inside on his right foot and unleashed a powerful effort at goal from the edge of the area. Marshall dived to his left to push the ball away.

Three minutes later, more excellent ball-winning work by Vaughan presented himself with the opportunity to supply Walker once more. Vaughan’s through ball was beautifully weighted but Matthew Connolly had enough pace to make a last-ditch challenge, nudging the ball to safety.

Forest’s pressure continued as half-time neared, Mills sending the ball wide with a first-time strike from a corner and Burke missing the target after twisting his way past Connolly.

The Reds were unable to level the scores before the break, however, and Freedman saw fit to make a change during the interval - sending on Osborn in place of Ebecilio.

And the substitute was involved almost immediately, receiving a pass from Antonio on the edge of the area. He turned towards goal but snatched at his shot, sending it harmlessly wide.

Despite those encouraging signs, Forest found themselves 2-0 down on 49 minutes.

Pilkington’s effort from just inside the area looked like it was curling into the top corner, but Mason ran across the path of the ball to nod it past the helpless de Vries.

Blackstock replaced Burke just before the hour with Walker moving out to the right.

Antonio was also playing in an advanced position, and he attempted an audacious effort after Blackstock’s flick-on bounced to him 35 yards out. He struck the ball first time, sending it whistling wide of Marshall’s post.

But it was a more conventional effort that had Marshall worried moments later, Antonio scampering into the box and seeing his low, left-footed shot well saved by the keeper.

Forest were cranking up the pressure and two substitutes combined to test Marshall once more on 65 minutes. Blackstoc’s aerial prowess was again evident as he nodded the ball down for Osborn on the edge of the area. The midfielder took his shot on the bounce but couldn’t dip the ball over Marshall.

It was transpiring to be a busy second half for Marshall, who denied Walker at his near post with around 20 minutes remaining.

The youngster was proving himself as a considerable threat and he did well to meet Antonio’s cross at the back post on 75 minutes. Closely marked, the odds were always stacked against him and he could only head the ball wide.

And Walker caused yet more panic shortly afterwards, dribbling his way into the area and forcing a combination of defender and goalkeeper to turn the ball behind.

That was to be Walker’s final act as he was replaced by his former Under 18s team-mate McDonagh.

The match looked like it may have been ebbing away from Forest until the 86th minute, when Blackstock’s flick on split the Cardiff defence, sending Antonio into the gap. He rode a challenge in the area before coolly slotting the ball low past Marshall.

Forest were given six minutes of injury time to try and find an equaliser, but the next chance fell to Cardiff. Substitute Sammy Ameobi got away from Hobbs in a wide position and rolled the ball to the unmarked Mason eight yards out. The striker’s touch failed him and de Vries claimed the ball.

With a minute and a half of injury time to go, Antonio picked the ball up in midfield and worked his way into a crossing position. He drifted the ball to the back post and Mills stretched himself to meet it but, agonisingly, he was unable to make contact.

And that proved to be the final action as The Reds were beaten 2-1

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills (c) Hobbs, Pinillos, Mancienne, C Burke (Blackstock 59'), Ebecilio (Osborn 46'), Vaughan, Antonio, Walker (McDonagh 80')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Grant, O. Burke, Wilson

Goal: Antonio 86'

Cardiff: Marshall (c), Peltier, Morrison, Connolly, Fabio (Malone 80'), Dikgacoi, Whittingham, Ralls, Pilkington (Noone 90'), Jones (Ameobi 69'), Mason

Subs not used: Moore, Manga, O'Keefe, Revell

Goals: Jones 23', Mason 49'

Bookings: Ralls 20', Fabio 33', Ameobi 84', Pilkington 90'

Referee: Oliver Langford
Attendance: 18,762 (660 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...ZbTjA0my1FCU.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 30/08/2015 21:44
frown frown

Wieder eine Pleite - Heimniederlage gegen Cardiff City, momentan rangiert Nottingham Forest mit lediglich 5 Punkten auf Rang 16 (!!!!) ups

Die Details zur Heimpleite gegen Cardiff City hier:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 30/08/2015 21:49
Fast noch vergessen, die Highlights via Youtube-Clip frown

Nottingham Forest - Cardiff City
FT 1:2


Nach der Länderspielpause am kommenden Wochenende, geht es am 12.09. bei der Mannschaft der Stunde in der Championship, Queens Park Rangers, weiter !!!
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 31/08/2015 22:11
We were unlucky

Posted: Sun 30 Aug 2015
Author: George Solomon

David Vaughan believes Nottingham Forest were unlucky not to get a point out of yesterday's clash with Cardiff.

The Bluebirds went 2-0 ahead early in the second half but Forest got a goal back five minutes from time through Michail Antonio, and had chances to draw level.

Speaking after the match, Vaughan said: “We’re disappointed to have lost the game, especially considering the manner in which we lost the goals.

“It was a good fight back in the end though and we were unlucky not to get a point out of the game.

“We had a few chances and their keeper has produced some good saves. We’ve been a bit sloppy in front of goal but hopefully we can turn it around after the international break.”

The Welshman was making his fourth start of the season and he believes the injury problems that affected his first full campaign at the club are a thing of the past.

Vaughan said: “I’ve been doing my own programme in the gym which has helped a lot and hopefully my injuries are behind me.

“I’ve been fairly pleased with my start to the season. I was disappointed not to start at Bolton last week but it was nice to come on and score.

“Hopefully I can get a good run of games in the team this term.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/article/we-were-unlucky-2656104.aspx#dC1RTV7S3YYFMCVY.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 01/09/2015 21:16
Antonio joins West Ham

Nottingham Forest's Michail Antonio has signed for West Ham United.

The Hammers have paid Forest an undisclosed fee for the player.

Antonio departs for the Premier League outfit after an excellent year on Trentside which saw him score 15 goals in 49 appearances during his debut season.

The 25-year-old also began the 2015-16 campaign strongly, coming off the bench to score twice against Walsall in the Capital One Cup before claiming the winner against Rotherham in The Reds’ first home league match of the campaign.

Antonio marked his final Forest appearance with a neatly taken goal against Cardiff last weekend and he will now be hoping to use his considerable pace and power to put top-flight defences to the sword.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...2pT3wdpHm3Uy.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 01/09/2015 21:18
O’Grady arrives on Trentside

Nottingham Forest have completed the signing of Brighton front man Chris O’Grady.

The 29-year-old has arrived on a season-long loan.

Nottingham-born O’Grady brings a wealth of Football League experience to Trentside at a time when The Reds are without injured strikers Britt Assombalonga and Matty Fryatt.

After departing boyhood club Leicester City in 2007, O’Grady represented the likes of Rotherham, Oldham and Rochdale before winning promotion to the Championship with Sheffield Wednesday.

He later joined Barnsley, who were relegated from the second tier in 2013-14 despite his impressive return of 15 goals in 40 appearances.

O’Grady’s record attracted Brighton, for whom he has featured regularly since his arrival on the south coast.

He will now spend the rest of the 2015-16 campaign with The Reds.

O'Grady's player sponsorship is available for £745 + VAT. Call 0115 982 4312 or email sponsorship@nottinghamforest.co.uk for more information.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...uBvWEZvxfv4Z.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 01/09/2015 21:19
Paterson departs

Nottingham Forest winger Jamie Paterson has joined Huddersfield Town.

The 23-year-old winger has signed a season-long loan deal with the Championship side.

Paterson has found first-team opportunities hard to come by of late and he will hope to play regularly during his temporary stay in West Yorkshire.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/article/paterson-departs-2663267.aspx#W3r7XudGUlK2SFY3.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 04/09/2015 16:03
Portuguese striker signs

Posted: Fri 04 Sep 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest have confirmed the signing of Benfica forward Nelson Oliveira.

The 24-year-old, who has 14 caps for Portugal, will spend the rest of the 2015-16 campaign on loan at The City Ground.

Oliveira has experience of playing in the English, French and Spanish top flights following loan spells with Swansea, Rennes and Deportivo La Coruna.

He has played Champions League football with Benfica and he made appearances against Germany, Netherlands and Spain during Portugal’s run to the semi-finals of Euro 2012.

The formalities of Oliveira’s loan move have been completed and Dougie Freedman will now have him at his disposal for the rest of the season.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...FcfsFaRxTTQh.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 06/09/2015 19:38
Tickets: QPR (A)

Posted: Sun 06 Sep 2015
Author: NFFC

Tickets for Nottingham Forest's trip to QPR on Saturday 12 September (kick-off 12.30pm) are still available.

Forest have received their full of 1,780 tickets located behind the goal in the upper tier of the School End at Loftus Road.

Tickets purchased through the Forest ticket office for this strictly all-ticket fixture are priced as follows:

Gold seats (central view)

Adults: £32

Under 16s: £15

16-21s (proof of age required): £22

Over 60s: £22

Silver seats

Adults: £27

Under 16s: £12

16-21s (proof of age required): £18

Over 60s: £18

Under 8s accompanied by an adult: Free

Gold restricted view seats

Adults: £30

Under 16s: £14

16-21s (proof of age required): £21

Over 60s: £21

Silver restricted view seats

Adults: £25

Under 16s: £11

16-21s: £17

Over 60s: £17

Under 8s (accompanied by an adult): Free

Individuals buying away tickets through the Forest ticket office must provide their customer number. Each 2015-16 away ticket purchase is worth one loyalty point. Points may be required to purchase tickets for high-demand fixtures.

Disabled supporters

In line with the ticketing policy of Queens Park Rangers, tickets for supporters with a disability and personal assistants are available to supporters that receive any rate of either disability living allowance, personal independence payment or attendance allowance.

Both wheelchair users and ambulant disabled supporters should purchase tickets in advance from Nottingham Forest.

Wheelchair bays are priced £15 for disabled supporters and free of charge for personal assistants. There are three wheelchair bays available for visiting supporters in the lower tier.

Queens Park Rangers can offer up to ten pairs of ambulant disabled and personal assistant tickets that will be issued from the silver seating allocation of the upper tier, where there is no lift access, and Queens Park Rangers have stated that there will be no availability for relocation on the day of the game.

Tickets for ambulant disabled supporters are priced £18 for disabled supporters and free of charge for personal assistants.

Official coach travel

Price: £18.00

Departure points: Newark Northgate station (7am), Bingham White Lion (7.30am) and the Brian Clough stand (8am).

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/article/qpr-v-forest-tickets-2460535.aspx#xZwDjo7ROB7idyqP.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 07/09/2015 17:22
Two for Tyler on 20s debut

Posted: Mon 07 Sep 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest striker Tyler Walker scored twice on his debut for England’s Under 20s on Saturday.

The 18-year-old’s double set England on their way to a 5-0 victory over Czech Republic at St George’s Park.

Walker opened the scoring from a corner and made it 2-0 shortly afterwards when he raced clear of the Czech defence to slot the ball low past the keeper.

A successful debut came to an end when the Forest front man was substituted on 73 minutes and, if selected, he will be looking to show his threat once more when the sides meet again at Shrewsbury’s Greenhous Meadow this evening.

Walker wasn’t the only Red to be in international action this weekend.

New signing Ryan Mendes came off the bench to score a last-minute winner for Cape Verde in their African Cup of Nations qualifying match against Libya in Cairo.

After winning a flick-on, Mendes brilliantly controlled a lay-off from a team-mate, beat the covering defender with ease and coolly placed the ball into the bottom corner.

Deimantas Petravicius picked up his third senior cap for Lithuania by coming off the bench late on to face Estonia in a European qualifier.

Petravicius could feature again tomorrow evening when Lithuania take on San Marino and the 20-year-old winger will be hoping to make an impression as his country’s home qualifier against England edges closer.

Forest midfielder David Vaughan was an unused substitute as Wales were left frustrated by Israel at a packed-out Cardiff City Stadium.

Former Reds Chris Gunter and Aaron Ramsey played the full 90 minutes as Chris Coleman’s side failed to break down their stubborn visitors, leaving the champagne on ice as Wales await their first qualification for a major tournament since 1958.

Meanwhile, Reds youngster Alex Iacovitti played 90 minutes for Scotland's Under 19s on Friday night. He was at the heart of the Scots' defence as they beat their Bulgarian counterparts 1-0 away from home.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...OyTB7FPSdtQC.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 10/09/2015 19:32
Forest sign Williams

Posted: Thu 10 Sep 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest have confirmed the signing of Crystal Palace’s Jonathan Williams.

The 21-year-old midfielder, who was given his Palace debut by Dougie Freedman, has joined on loan until 16 January.

Williams has more than 70 senior appearances to his name, 11 coming in the Premier League, while he has also been capped seven times by Wales.

Three separate loan spells at Ipswich helped him enhance his reputation as a classy attacking midfielder and he will be hoping to prove his quality once again with a successful stay on Trentside.

Williams' player sponsorship is available for £745 + VAT. Call 0115 982 4312 or email sponsorship@nottinghamforest.co.uk for more information

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/article/forest-sign-williams-2663378.aspx#jMiJRhLLzc6gCI1h.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/09/2015 20:51
Am Samstag gilt es - schweres Spiel für die "Reds" nod

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 13/09/2015 11:08
bengalo bengalo

Endlich !!!
Es geht bergauf bei den Reds von Nottingham Forest daumenhoch

Auswärtssieg beim "Club der letzten Wochen" Queens Park Rangers !!!

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 13/09/2015 19:42
Queens Park Rangers - Nottingham Forest


Hier geht's zum Video-Clip (Zusammenfassung)

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 15/09/2015 16:04
ups Heute geht es in der Championship schon weiter, der 7. Spieltag steht an und erneut müssen die Reds von Nottingham reisen.

Nach dem 2-1 am Wochenende bei QPR geht es heute zu Birmingham City, derzeit Platz 4 in der Tabelle, noch ungeschlagen!

Author: NFFC
Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 15/09/2015 21:35
bengalo bengalo bengalo

Birmingham 0-1 Forest

Posted: Tue 15 Sep 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest inflicted Birmingham City’s first defeat of the season with a 1-0 victory at St Andrew’s this evening.

Dexter Blackstock’s close-range finish early in the second half was enough to seal a second successive away victory for The Reds on a night when they restricted their high-flying hosts to few opportunities.

Dougie Freedman made five changes to the side that beat QPR at the weekend.

In came Kyle Ebecilio, Jamie Ward, Chris Burke, Ben Osborn and Blackstock, with David Vaughan, Ryan Mendes, Chris O’Grady, Tyler Walker and the injured Michael Mancienne making way.

Vaughan, Mendes and O’Grady were handed spots on the bench alongside Dimitar Evtimov, Nelson Oliveira, Jack Hobbs and Jorge Grant.

Forest had the first half chance of the game on four minutes after Osborn made a strong run into Birmingham’s area and won a corner. Lansbury’s delivery was met by Matt Mills and the ball dropped down in front of the keeper. Ward was unable to make contact and Tomasz Kuszczak quelled the danger.

The Reds were making the early running and won a free-kick in a good shooting position on seven minutes when Ward was cynically tripped by Stephen Gleeson, who was booked. Lansbury lashed the ball over the bar.

Spectators had to wait until the 32nd minute to see the next action of note, when Birmingham captain Michael Morrison blocked Ward’s powerful strike from 25 yards.

And two minutes later the defender put his body on the line once again to deny Osborn. Mills sprayed a crossfield ball to Ward down the left. He beat his man and crossed the ball into the middle. It was slightly awkward for Osborn, who managed to meet it with a volley on his weaker right foot. Morrison positioned himself well to make the block.

Jon Toral became the second Blue in the book on 34 minutes when he was retrospectively punished for a late lunge on Lansbury.

And Eric Lichaj’s name was taken three minutes later for a foul on Jaques Maghoma.

Forest had done well to nullify their unbeaten hosts’ threat but suffered a scare on the stroke of half-time when David Cotterill got in behind The Reds’ back four. He cut the ball back for Maghoma, who slipped at the crucial moment. Birmingham kept the ball alive in the area, however, and Toral had time to turn before lashing it just over Dorus de Vries’ crossbar.

The two sides returned for the second half unchanged and it was Birmingham who claimed the first chance after the restart.

Cotterill, who a minute earlier had been booked for a foul on Lansbury, produced the perfect delivery for Clayton Donaldson at the back post. The big forward got his header all wrong, sending the ball over the bar.

But Forest made no such mistake when presented with a golden opportunity of their own on 54 minutes.

Mills sprayed the ball across to Ward, who capitalised on Caddis’ slip to burst into the area from the left. A number of options were available to the winger and he opted to roll the ball across the face of goal. Blackstock did brilliantly to outmuscle his marker and turn the ball home from close range.

Ward was making a big contribution to the match but found himself in the book shortly after his assist as he was punished for a clash with Kuszczak.

A minute later, Lichaj showed good composure to turn another dangerous Cotterill cross behind with Toral lurking menacingly behind him.

Freedman made a change shortly afterwards, sending Mendes on for Ward, before O’Grady replaced Blackstock on 64 minutes.

Birmingham had a chance to equalise when Mills misread Jonathan Grounds’ throw down the line. The run of the ball took Toral to the byline, where he checked inside the sliding Kelvin Wilson and readied himself for a shot. Mills recovered well to make a vital challenge.

The home side had another chance on 70 minutes when the ball dropped for substitute Demarai Gray on the edge of the area. He sidefooted it just wide of the post.

Forest’s response came from Ebecilio two minutes later who, after a near exchange with Burke, tried his luck from 25 yards. He sent the ball straight at the keeper.

The visitors were looking the more likely team to score and Birmingham’s Caddis had to be alert to hook the ball away from his goal after Mills met Osborn’s corner.

And a minute later Mendes capitalised on a mistake to burst into Birmingham’s half. He reached the penalty area and committed his defender before bursting towards the byline and rolling the ball across goal. Jonathan Spector managed to get goal side of Osborn to prevent the midfielder from tapping it into an empty net.

Mendes and Osborn were both off target with long-range efforts as Forest sought a second goal with the game entering its latter stages.

The introduction of David Vaughan, for Ebecilio, provided an injection of energy and composure late on as the visitors eased their way towards another impressive victory on the road.

Five minutes were added on at the end of the match but Forest were rarely troubled as the game ended 1-0 to Freedman’s men.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills, Wilson, Lansbury (c), Ebecilio (Vaughan 77'), Ward (Mendes 61'), Blackstock (O'Grady 64'), C Burke, Pinillos, Osborn

Subs not used: Evtimov, Oliveira, Hobbs, Grant

Goal: Blackstock 54'

Bookings: Lichaj 37', Ward 56'

Birmingham: Kuszczak, Caddis, Spector, Morrison (c), Grounds, Kieftenbeld, Gleeson, Cotterill (Solomon-Otabor 80'), Toral (Brock-Madsen 69'), Maghoma (Gray 63'), Donaldson

Subs not used: Legzdins, Robinson, Shinnie, Davis

Bookings: Gleeson 7', Toral 34', Cotterill 49', Kieftenbeld 80'

Referee: Mark Heywood

Attendance: 16,601 (1,536 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...0YlSjqE4lMvq.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 16/09/2015 16:41
Zwei Auswärtssiege in Folge, innerhalb einer Woche - das hatten wir auch lange nicht mehr bei den Reds von Nottingham Forest.
Mit dem 1-0 Sieg in Birmingham, kletterte Forest von Rang 13 auf 8 und darf wieder einen Blick nach oben werfen.

Hier der Video-Clip von Youtube:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 19/09/2015 10:54
Heute geht es weiter in der Championship für die Reds aus Nottingham - nach den beiden Auswärtserfolgen innerhalb einer Woche, muß heute im heimischen City Ground gegen den aktuell Tabellenzweiten MIddlesbrough nachgelegt werden, dann haben die 6 Punkte in der Fremde Nachhalitigkeit und man würde punktemäßig zu M´brough aufschliessen, hätte dann eine hervorragende Ausgangslage für die Zukunft.

Author: NFFC

live text commentary of Nottingham Forest's Sky Bet Championship clash with Middlesbrough at The City Ground (kick-off 12.30pm).

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills, Wilson, Pinillos, Osborn, Lansbury (c), Vaughan, Mendes, Oliveira, O'Grady

Subs: Evtimov, Ward, Williams, Blackstock, Hobbs, C Burke, Grant

Middlesbrough: Konstantopoulos, Nsue, Ayala, Gibson, Friend, Adomah, Leadbitter, Clayton, Downing, Nugent, Stuani

Subs: Mejias, Kike, De Pena, Kalas, Fabbrini, Amorebieta, Forshaw

Referee: Lee Mason

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...jhOY9ECZ0w1M.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 19/09/2015 13:26
Das Elend geht schon wieder los... doh

Nottingham Forest - Middlesbrough

FT 1:2 (1:2)

Die beiden Auswärtssiege quasi nur die Hälfte wert nono

Näheres zum Spiel folgt...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 19/09/2015 19:08
Forest 1-2 Middlesbrough

Posted: Sat 19 Sep 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest were beaten 2-1 by Middlesbrough at The City Ground this afternoon.

The Reds fell behind twice in the first half to goals from David Nugent and Daniel Ayala.

Matt Mills issued an almost-immediate response to Nugent's neat flick with a superb volley from a corner.

And Henri Lansbury was given a golden opportunity to equalise when Boro's Ben Gibson was penalised for handball in the area.

Lansbury's penalty was saved, however, and despite intense Forest pressure Boro held on to claim victory.

Dougie Freedman made four changes to the side that beat Birmingham City on Tuesday night.

The Reds started the match with a fully changed attacking trio as Ryan Mendes, Nelson Oliveira and Chris O’Grady came into the starting line up in place of the bench-bound Chris Burke, Jamie Ward and Dexter Blackstock.

David Vaughan was also handed a start in place of Kyle Ebecilio, who was absent from the matchday squad.

Crystal Palace loanee Jonny Williams was given a spot on the bench, as were Dimitar Evtimov, Jack Hobbs and Jorge Grant.

Forest found themselves behind with only three minutes on the clock as they succumbed to some early Boro pressure.

Moments after Dorus de Vries had to race to the edge of his area to smother at the feet of a Boro attacker and Kelvin Wilson had to halt a goal-bound lob, George Friend’s dangerous low cross from the left provided Nugent with the chance to flick the ball past de Vries from close range.

It took Forest only three minutes to level, Oliveira’s shot deflecting over for a corner and Lansbury dinking the ball into the middle. Mills met the ball perfectly, volleying it high into the net to complete a quick recovery for his side.

The early stages were being played out at a furious tempo and Nugent found himself in the book for catching Henri Lansbury late on nine minutes.

Moments later, brilliant work down the left from O’Grady sent Mendes racing into the box with the ball. The angle was tight and his touch was heavy, allowing a Boro defender to nip in and knock it behind for a corner.

Boro dealt with the subsequent set piece and broke away on the counter. Covering defender Daniel Pinillos appeared to be caught in two minds as to whether he should close down or stand off Adam Clayton. The Boro midfielder supplied Stewart Downing to his left and the former West Ham man’s pace took him clean through on de Vries, who made an excellent save with his foot.

Mills’ involvement was over on 18 minutes when he was forced off the field with an injury. Jack Hobbs replaced him.

Hobbs’ centre back partner Kelvin Wilson found himself in the book on 22 minutes after he fouled Nugent on the left touchline.

And Boro cranked up the pressure once again by forcing de Vries into an excellent double save. The first came from a powerful Nugent strike, which the Dutchman could only parry to Adomah ten yards out. The winger sidefooted the ball goalwards first time but de Vries was up and ready to make another good save.

There was nothing the keeper could do nine minutes later, however, as the Teessiders retook the lead in scrappy fashion.

The Reds didn’t deal properly with a short corner and, following a scramble in the middle, former Forest loanee Ayala beat de Vries to the ball to bundle it into the net.

Freedman’s men sought another speedy response and nearly had another equaliser within a minute of the restart. It came from an unlikely source in the shape of Eric Lichaj, who came forward from right back, exchanged passes with Mendes before firing a left-footed effort towards the top corner from the edge of the area. Boro keeper Dimi Konstantopoulos dived to his right to make an excellent save.

The resultant corner saw Vaughan pick out an unmarked Hobbs, but the substitute still had a lot to do. He could only nod the ball over the bar.

Forest were unable to apply any more significant pressure to their visitors before the half-time break, which saw Ward replace Osborn down the right.

And The Reds had a golden opportunity to equalise within two minutes of the restart when Oliveira nicked the ball through for Mendes to race into the area. With no defenders around him, Mendes had plenty of time to weigh up his options as he bore down on Konstantopoulos.

Oliveira was available to his right but the shot always looked the more likely option. The Cape Verde international tried to slide the ball precisely beyond the keeper but he stood firm to make the block.

Five minutes later, Lichaj was in shooting range once again after showing excellent anticipation to beat Adomah to the ball in Middlesbrough's half. The American offloaded the ball to O'Grady and continued his run into the box. Forest worked it back to him and, from a tight angle, Lichaj struck it firmly towards goal. Konstantopoulos was well positioned at his near post to push the ball behind.

As Forest pushed forward there was always going to be the threat of Middlesbrough counter attacks, and that's exactly what happened just before the hour. Boro broke down the left and worked the ball to Downing, who shifted it on to his left foot on the edge of the area before curling it a yard over the bar.

It was an open affair, which suited Forest as they chased an equaliser. Ward showed good footwork down the right to take the ball into the box and, although the angle appeared to be against him, he opted for the shot. The ball whistled just wide of the far post.

A minute later, Boro defender Ben Gibson was booked for hauling down Mendes 25 yards out. Ward took responsibility for the free-kick, striking the ball well but failing to keep it down.

Forest were ramping up the pressure and went close again when Oliveira bent the ball just wide from 20 yards. Clayton was retrospectively booked for trying to haul the Portuguese forward down in the build up.

Next it was Mendes' turn to have a go. In space on the edge of the area, the ball bounced out to him and he lashed it towards goal. Konstantopoulos got down to his right to push it behind.

Freedman's final save saw Williams replace Oliveira with 15 minutes to go. And, two minutes later, The Reds had a wonderful chance to equaliser when they were awarded a penalty.

O'Grady chested the ball down after Lansbury's crossfield pass and it struck Gibson's hand in the area. The assistant signalled for a foul and Lansbury had the chance to score from the spot. He struck the ball low and hard towards goal but Konstantopoulos was equal to it, reacting quickly enough to push Ward's header wide on the rebound.

De Vries made an acrobatic one-handed save to deny Christian Stuani as Boro reminded Forest of their threat on the break before five minutes of added time were signalled.

But for a speculative Ward effort, which saw the ball sail harmlessly over the bar, however, The Reds failed to further trouble Konstantopoulos and were left to rue their missed opportunities.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills (Hobbs 18'), Wilson, Pinillos, Osborn (Ward 46'), Lansbury (c), Vaughan, Mendes, Oliveira (Williams 75'), O'Grady

Subs not used: Evtimov, Blackstock, C Burke, Grant

Goal: Mills 7'

Bookings: Wilson 22', Vaughan 79'

Middlesbrough: Konstantopoulos, Nsue, Ayala, Gibson, Friend, Adomah (Fabbrini 58'), Leadbitter, Clayton, Downing, Nugent (Kike 68'), Stuani (Forshaw 86')

Subs not used: Mejias, De Pena, Kalas, Amorebieta

Goals: Nugent 3', Ayala 32'

Bookings: Nugent 9', Gibson 66', Clayton 69', Leadbitter 81', Fabbrini 84', Ayala 85'

Referee: Lee Mason

Attendance: 20,993 (1,762 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...AXJkfcBV5uDQ.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 21/09/2015 09:15
Hier der Video-Clip zur Heimniederlage gegen Middlesbrough 1:2 >> damit liegt Forest wieder auf Rang 11 der Tabelle und es sieht wohl langfristig doch nach einer mittelmässigen Saison aus, zu wechselhaft bislang einfach die Leistungen.
Es kommt einfach keine richtige Konstanz rein nono

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 23/09/2015 21:07
Plenty of options

Posted: Wed 23 Sep 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest forward Dexter Blackstock believes any combination of the club’s attacking players can ‘work together’

Manager Dougie Freedman has assembled a squad which possesses a potent attacking threat and a variety of styles.

And, ahead of Thursday night’s trip to Huddersfield, Blackstock says he and his fellow attackers accept that each match places different demands on the squad.

He told Forest Player HD: “I think any combination can work together, it’s just for which games and which formations – that’s for the manager to decide.

“He has a lot of knowledge of this league. He knows our and the opposition players inside out, therefore he can pick a team to combat theirs. That’s why there’s rotation.

“Because he has faith that the squad is very strong all the way through he can replace like for like with the same quality and get good results.

“It’s good to know that the manager backs the full squad.”

Freedman’s willingness to utilise all of his options paid off when his team claimed back-to-back away victories against Queens Park Rangers and Birmingham City.

Blackstock was an unused substitute at Loftus Road as fellow forward Nelson Oliveira scored a late winner on his debut, but the Antiguan played the hero three days later when he started the match and scored the winning goal at St Andrew’s.

And Blackstock knows what was key to those away victories as he and his team-mates prepare to hunt down a third consecutive win on the road.

He said: “Our resilience was second to none, especially when we were leading in those games and having to hold on.

“We showed good character and team spirit, something we’ve got in abundance at the minute. I think that’s one of the key things you need to be successful in this division.

“I think Huddersfield will be a good side. They’ll have confidence coming off the back of some good results. They’re dangerous.

“If they play to their best and we’re not at our best we’ll lose the game, and vice versa – if we’re anywhere near our levels, we’ll win the game.”

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 23/09/2015 21:09

Posted: Wed 23 Sep 2015
Author: Will Ward
Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...hTu5eIxvkHLd.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 25/09/2015 18:58
Tja, knappe 6 Minuten fehlten Forest zum Dreier bei Huddersfield >> Huddersfield - Nottingham Forest FT 1:1 ka

Alle Details zum Spiel hier:


Der Youtube-Video-Clip zum Spiel:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 29/09/2015 21:05
Williams plays 90

Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest loanee Jonny Williams played 90 minutes in Nottingham Forest’s Under 21s match against Watford this afternoon.

The midfielder, who is building up his fitness, put in an assured performance as the young Reds were beaten 2-1.

Williams created Forest’s best chance of the first half, releasing Oliver Burke into the area on 35 minutes. Hornets keeper Luke Simpson stood firm to make a strong save.

Reds stopper Dimitar Evtimov had earlier done brilliantly to tip George Byers’ shot on to the crossbar but the Bulgarian was rarely troubled in a quiet first half.

The second half was sparked into life with 12 minutes to go when Watford’s Bernard Mensah lashed the ball into the bottom corner from outside the area.

But Forest looked like they were going to take a point from the match when substitute Gerry McDonagh bundled the ball home after Simpson had made a succession of good saves.

With the clock nearing 90, however, the visitors struck again. Evtimov was unable to deny Byers this time, the midfielder sending the ball soaring into the top corner to secure his team a late win.

FOREST: Evtimov, Riera, Kelly, Worrall, Iacovitti, Cash (McDonagh), O Burke, Grant (C), Walker, Williams, Petravicius (Thorne)

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 01/10/2015 22:55
Quality is not enough

Posted: Thu 01 Oct 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest forward Nelson Oliveira says he has learned ‘quality is not enough’ to be successful in English football.

The 24-year-old recently commenced his second spell on these shores by joining Forest on loan from Benfica, a season after he made ten Premier League appearances for Swansea City.

And Oliveira, who has also played in the Portuguese, French and Spanish top flights and at a European Championships, believes you need more than just ability to impress in his current environment.

He told Forest Player HD: “Here, quality is not enough. You have to be physically prepared to play 90 minutes with intensity. We have to work hard during the week to perform well in the match.

“It’s true that the football in England is different. It is more intense. I am always fit – I work for that in training. If the coach wants me to, I am always fit to play.

“Every training session is an opportunity to impress the manager. I try to do my job every day and earn a chance to play.

“[My goal against QPR] was only a start. I need to do more. I need to score more goals and play more games – the more games I play I’ll feel better and better.”

The man Oliveira is trying to impress, Dougie Freedman, praised the player’s attitude in training yesterday.

And Oliveira says his manager and everyone else at the club have helped him settle in quickly.

Oliveira said: “I feel very good in Nottingham – very happy. All my team-mates and the other people here have helped me a lot and have made my adaptation easy. I feel grateful to everyone.

“It is very important because when you go into a new country, a new culture, you need to adapt. If the people there make it easy for you, it’s better.

“It makes you feel more happy and comfortable, and I feel that.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...w3YViP77X5dM.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 01/10/2015 23:05
Samstag, 03.10.2015
Championship / 10. Spieltag
Samstag, 03.10.2015 - Anstoss: 16:00 Uhr
City Ground

Nottingham Forest - Hull City Tigers

Quelle Foto: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 03/10/2015 17:52
kotzen nono

Nottingham Forest - Hull City Tigers

FT 0:1

Alles zum Spiel hier:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 04/10/2015 19:42
Die Unbeständigkeit bei Nottingham Forest setzt sich erneut fort, wieder eine unnötige Heimpleite gegen den PL-Absteiger Hull City Tigers doh

Hier der Video-Clip dazu:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 06/10/2015 17:24
Huddersfield in Premier League Cup

Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest have been drawn against Huddersfield Town in the second qualifying round of the Under 21 Premier League Cup.

The match will take place on Monday 26 October (kick-off 1pm) at the John Smith’s stadium.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...ZwpAiQkPiKLW.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 07/10/2015 22:11
Forest three aim for Euro 2016 qualification

Posted: Wed 07 Oct 2015
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest trio David Vaughan, Jonny Williams and Jamie Ward are hoping to help their respective countries reach the 2016 European Championships this week.

Ten Forest players have been called up for international duty in total with a number of the club’s academy squad members being selected to play for their countries in the latest set of fixtures.

Forest duo David Vaughan and Jonny Williams are part of a Wales squad who need only a single point from their remaining two qualifiers to reach their first major tournament since 1958. Chris Coleman’s side will aim to take that point when they travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina on Saturday (10 October) but if they fail to get the job done in Zenica then they have a final chance in the shape of a home game against Andorra next Tuesday (13 October).

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...XjVA1LE0Qggk.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 10/10/2015 10:39
Tickets: Burnley (H)

Posted: Fri 09 Oct 2015
Author: NFFC

Tickets for Nottingham Forest’s match against Burnley at The City Ground on Tuesday 20 October (kick-off 7.45pm) are still available.

Prices are as follows (matchday price in brackets):

General sale

Adults: £24 (£26)

Seniors: £17 (£19)

Under 18s: £12 (£12)

Under 12s: £6 (£6)

Family Area

Adults: £19 (£21)

Seniors: £14 (£16)

Under 18s: £10 (£10)

Under 12s: £5 (£5)

Tickets can be purchased online at tickets.nottinghamforest.co.uk, in-person at the ticket office or by calling 0115 982 4388.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...Re7d7pA0126c.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 12/10/2015 18:54
Four on the bounce for Under 18s

Nottingham Forest’s Under 18s secured their fourth successive victory on Saturday with a 3-1 win at Birmingham City.

Ryan Yates fired Forest into an eighth-minute lead in the West Midlands as he beat the goalkeeper from the edge of the area before Ben Brereton doubled the lead three minutes later as he headed home a right-wing free-kick.

The Reds had made a rapid start and Brereton extended the advantage on 28 minutes as he finished off a flowing move to put Jack Lester’s side in complete control.

Birmingham did find a consolation goal four minutes from time as David Popa slotted past Joe Boyd but it wasn’t enough to take the shine off an impressive away win for Forest.

A home game against Crewe Alexandra on Saturday (17 October, kick-off 11am) will give Forest the opportunity to make it five straight wins as they look to make further progress up the league table.

Forest: Boyd, Otim, Crookes, Nielsen, Gabriel, Yates, Adams, Edser (Appiah 83’), McDonagh, Brereton, Gomis (Gamblen 75’)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...eOkyxuPXvRvl.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 16/10/2015 11:05
Match pack: Bristol City (A)

Posted: Fri 16 Oct 2015
Author: NFFC

Get all the news ahead of Nottingham Forest's Sky Bet Championship trip to Bristol City this evening (kick-off 7.45pm).

Pre-match brief

Nottingham Forest make the trip to Bristol City’s Ashton Gate tonight where a win for The Reds will see them comfortably retain their mid-table spot ahead of the rest of the Sky Bet Championship fixtures on Saturday.

With only three points from their last six matches, The Robins currently sit bottom of the league but having brought Norwich winger Elliott Bennett and former Forest striker Simon Cox to the club recently, Steve Cotterill's side will be aiming for their first home win of the season in all competitions.

After defeats to Premier League-chasing Middlesbrough and Hull, Forest are looking to regain their winning form in the South West with captain Henri Lansbury saying that if The Reds continue their current standards then their luck ‘has to change’.

Team news

Nottingham Forest defensive duo Eric Lichaj and Matt Mills are both ruled out of tonight's game at Bristol City through suspension with the pair missing one and three matches respectively.

Michael Mancienne and Kyle Ebecilio will also miss the trip to Ashton Gate with hamstring injuries so some of the younger members of the Forest squad are expected to feature in the South West.

Bristol City could welcome back Liam Moore and Korey Smith to their squad after the pair's recovery from injury but midfielder Scott Wagstaff is set to be out after suffering a calf problem.

View from the Red corner

Nottingham Forest manager Dougie Freedman: “Friday night, on Sky, it’s a very difficult match for us. But we’ve got a team that’s starting to come together and working hard for each other, and that always gives you a chance.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...8MSEz9G0Tpsz.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 16/10/2015 20:40
doh doh

Nottingham Forest verliert selbst beim Tabellenletzten Bristol City 0:2 nono
Durch zwei frühe Treffer von Wilbraham ( 4. und 11. Minute) waren die Gastgeber frühzeitig auf der Siegerstrasse, danach kam, vor allem von den Reds, nichts mehr und unterm Strich fährt man mit leeren Händen zurück zum City Ground...

Bericht folgt...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 17/10/2015 20:10
Bristol City - Nottingham Forest

2:0 (2:0)

Alles zur erneuten Pleite der Reds aus Nottingham hier:


Forest bleibt trotz der Niederlage auf Rang 14 der Tabelle - am nächsten Spieltag trifft Nottingham Forest dann bereits am Dienstag, 20.10.15 um 20:45 Uhr im heimischen City Ground auf den FC Burnley (derzeit Platz 5).
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 19/10/2015 19:19
Am Dienstag geht's dann auch schon weiter in der Championship nod

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 20/10/2015 22:20
Forest 1-1 Burnley

Posted: Tue 20 Oct 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

A last-minute equaliser denied ten-man Nottingham Forest victory over Burnley at The City Ground tonight.

Eric Lichaj had given Forest the lead with his first goal for the club, an excellent finish in the second half, minutes before Henri Lansbury was red carded.

And, in the dying seconds of normal time, a superb strike from Matt Taylor handed Burnley a share of the spoils.

Dougie Freedman made three changes to the side that faced Bristol City on Friday night.

Lichaj returned to the starting line up along with Jamie Ward and Tyler Walker. Danny Fox, Chris Burke and Chris O’Grady dropped to the bench.

Forest started the game brightly but had the post to thank on 11 minutes. Joey Barton's deflected effort saw the ball come back off the woodwork and straight into the path of Andre Gray, who tapped it into the net. Stuart Attwell's assistant ruled the striker offside, however.

Lansbury offered Forest's response with an effort which was diverted over the bar for a corner, before Nelson Oliveira provided Tom Heaton with his first test of the night. The Portuguese forward did well to cut in from the right but he could only direct the ball tamely at Heaton from the edge of the 'D'.

Burnley had a golden chance to take the lead on 19 minutes when Taylor's cross from the right saw the ball drop for Scott Arfield unmarked at the back post. The former Huddersfield man side-footed it across goal and wide of the far post from two yards.

Forest were playing some good football in the opening exchanges but they were struggling to seriously trouble Heaton. Lansbury tried his luck on 22 minutes, opting for placement from 25 yards but directing the ball straight at the keeper.

Oliveira was the first player to enter Attwell's notebook when he hauled back Taylor on 26 minutes. The former West Ham man took the subsequent free-kick himself, curling the ball low around the wall and forcing Dorus de Vries to push it wide.

The game then entered a quiet period before appeals for a Burnley red card rang around The City Ground with six minutes to play in the half. David Vaughan's long ball over the top gave Oliveira something to chase. His pressure on Michael Keane forced the defender into a handball just when it looked like he was going to go through one-on-one with Heaton. Another defender was nearby, however, and Attwell deemed a booking sufficient punishment for Keane.

Forest had their tails up, and Ward nearly presented Oliveira with a great chance to open the scoring on 42 minutes. The former Derby man brought the ball through midfield and to the edge of the area before trying to pick out the unmarked forward. A Burnley defender managed to make a key interception.

It was the visitors who claimed the final chance of the half when Sam Vokes drifted into space in the area to meet a cross from the right. He got his header all wrong, however, and sent the ball well wide.

There were no changes for either side at the break and Burnley had the first chance of the second half after a good counter attack. They worked the ball to Gray on the edge of the area but, having to turn quickly to get his shot away, he blazed it over the bar.

Onlookers had to wait until the 68th minute for the next chance of note, and it fell for Forest after good work by Mendes down the left. He worked the ball to Oliveira who did well to get a shot away from 22 yards. The ball flashed just wide of the post.

Freedman made his first change a minute later, sending on Blackstock in place of Walker, and the front man almost played a huge role in helping his side take the lead within three minutes of being on the field. Ward's cross from the right picked Blackstock out at the back post and he nodded the ball down for Mendes in the area. The Cape Verdean struck his half-volley sweetly, but straight at Heaton.

But Forest kept the move alive and broke the deadlock through an unusual source. Lichaj, on his weaker left foot, swept the ball into the bottom far corner from just outside the area to put The Reds 1-0 up with 17 minutes to play.

The Reds' hopes of hanging on to victory were soon dealt a blow, however, when Lansbury was given a straight red card after colliding with Ben Mee in midfield.

That forced Freedman into a reshuffle as he sent Chris O'Grady and young midfielder Jorge Grant on in place of Ward and Oliveira.

But, inevitably, Burnley were ramping up the pressure. With two minutes to play they worked the ball to Gray in the right-hand section of the area, eight yards out. He stroked it across goal and just wide of the far post.

That was to only be a temporary reprieve for Forest, however, as in the 90th minute Taylor struck the ball sweetly from the edge of the area into the top corner of the net.

Five minutes of added time gave the visitors extra impetus, with a win now in their sights.

But Forest saw the rest of the match out to secure a point.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Wilson, Lansbury (c), Mendes, Oliveira (Grant 77'), Ward (O'Grady 81'), Vaughan, Hobbs, Pinillos, Walker (Blackstock 70')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Fox, Williams, C.Burke

Goal: Lichaj 73'

Bookings: Oliveira 26', Lichaj 74', Mendes 90'

Sent off: Lansbury 75'

Burnley: Heaton (c), Darikwa (Lowton 84'), Duff, Keane, Mee, Taylor, Jones (Kightly 84'), Barton, Arfield, Vokes, Gray (Hennings 88')

Subs not used: Gilks, Ward, Long, Ulvestad

Goal: Taylor 90'

Bookings: Keane 39', Mee 86'

Referee: Stuart Attwell

Attendance: 17,721 (862 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...YjFbA4JlqCIt.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 20/10/2015 22:26
Tja, wieder hat es nicht geklappt mit einem Sieg - diesmal waren die Reds aus Nottingham so dicht am Ziel und kassieren dann in der letzten Minute die Bude wallbash

Nottingham Forest - FC Burnley
FT 1-1


Alle Details hier:


Bereits am kommenden Samstag, 24.10.15 geht es für Nottingham Forest mit einem weiteren Heimspiel weiter - Gegner ist im City Ground dann Ipswich Town - Anstoss: 16 Uhr !
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 23/10/2015 22:39
Fast unterschlagen grins

Der Video-Clip zu Forest - Burnley:


Samstag, 16 Uhr dann die nächste Gelegenheit zum Dreier gegen Ipswich Town nod
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 24/10/2015 16:48
Riesendusel für Nottingham Forest im heutigen Heimspiel gegen Ipswich Town.
In der 5. Minute der Nachspielzeit rettete Trotter die Reds und somit zumindest einen Zähler im heimischen City Ground.
Parr hatte die Gäste in der 74. Minute in Führung gebracht.
Diesmal war das Glück auf Seiten von Forest, im letzten Heimspiel kassierte man gegen Burnley sehr unglücklich noch einen Gegentreffer und verpasste den Dreier.

Alle Details zu diesem Spiel folgen...

Nottingham Forest - Ipswich Town
HT 0:0
FT 1:1
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 25/10/2015 10:54
Forest 1-1 Ipswich

Posted: Sat 24 Oct 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Liam Trotter scored a 95th-minute goal on his Nottingham Forest debut to earn his side a 1-1 draw with Ipswich Town this afternoon.

Forest found themselves 1-0 down on 75 minutes thanks to Jonathan Parr's excellent finish.

Defeat would have been harsh on a Forest side who had applied plenty of pressure, and the goal their performance deserved eventually came deep into second-half injury time when Trotter turned the ball home from close range.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...BKQLYUo4i5YV.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 25/10/2015 10:59

Weitere Details unter:

Verfasst von: AlterZocker Re: Nottingham Forest - 25/10/2015 12:24
Schade, dass es nicht zu einem Sieg gereicht hat!

Hätte aber auch bei meinem Schein nichts mehr gebracht :-(

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 27/10/2015 13:32
Fehlt noch der Video-Clip vom Ipswich-Game nod


Weiter geht's am Samstag bei Sheffield Wednesday...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 27/10/2015 13:36
Tickets: Sheffield Wednesday (A)

Posted: Tue 27 Oct 2015
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest have received a further allocation of tickets for Saturday’s trip to Sheffield Wednesday.

Having sold the initial allocation of 2,068 tickets for the game at Hillsborough, the club have now been given an extra 400 which are now on sale via the usual outlets.

Additional tickets can be requested should the extra allocation be sold but no tickets can be posted out after 3.30pm on Wednesday 28 October.

Tickets can be purchased online at tickets.nottinghamforest.co.uk, in-person at the ticket office or by calling 0115 982 4388.

Prices are as follows:

Adults: £30

Over 65s: £20

Under 17s: £15

Under 11s: £12

Individuals buying away tickets through the Forest ticket office must provide their customer number. Each 2015-16 away ticket purchase is worth one loyalty point. Points may be required to purchase tickets for high-demand fixtures.

Disabled supporters

In line with the ticketing policy of Sheffield Wednesday FC, tickets for supporters with a disability and personal assistants are available to supporters that receive the higher rate of disability living allowance.

Wheelchair users and ambulant disabled supporters should purchase tickets in advance from Nottingham Forest. Tickets are priced at the appropriate age-related rate for the disabled supporter and free of charge for the personal assistant.

There are nine wheelchair bays available for visiting supporters and tickets for ambulant disabled supporters will be issued from the main allocation. Sheffield Wednesday have a limited number of matchday disabled car parking spaces available which are priced £5 each. Spaces, which are available on a first come, first served basis, can be booked by contacting Wednesday’s ticket office on 0871 900 1867.

Official coach travel

Price: £13

Departure points: Newark Northgate Train Station (11am), Bingham White Lion (11.30am) and Brian Clough Stand (12pm).

Tickets can be purchased online at tickets.nottinghamforest.co.uk, in-person at the ticket office or by calling 0115 982 4388.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...HrtFobVpodER.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 28/10/2015 21:42
Britt's heading in the right direction

Posted: Wed 28 Oct 2015
Author: George Solomon

Britt Assombalonga can see ‘a little bit of the light’ at the end of the tunnel as he continues to work his way back to full fitness.

The 22-year-old has been out of action since March with a serious knee injury, but the charismatic forward remains upbeat.

And although the striker is still unable to put a date on his return, he says there have been ‘no setbacks’.

Speaking to Forest Player, he said: “Everything is going in the right direction and I can see a little bit of the light. Things are progressing.

“I’m starting to see bigger things happening for my knee and it’s getting there, so I’m happy.”

The striker remains a regular at games and enjoys coming to support his teammates, despite admitting he’s itching to get back out there.

“It’s always good to watch the lads. It’s obviously frustrating because I want to go on there and play but I come to give my support.

“It’s hard because I want to play and I want to score goals! But I want the team to win as much as anyone else.”

Assombalonga was speaking after attending a Junior Reds signing session with the whole first-team squad and he enjoyed meeting the young supporters.

“That was really good, it’s been a long time since I’ve done something like that, and it’s good to be around all the boys doing something together.

“That’s who we’re trying to inspire, the kids, to do well and come and play football. That’s what makes me happy and I’m sure it makes them happy too.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...5Jj6quAX1hRZ.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 28/10/2015 21:45
Under 21s beaten by Terriers

Nottingham Forest's Under 21s fell to a narrow defeat against their in-form Huddersfield counterparts in a Premier League Cup qualifier yesterday.

Ronan Coughlan's goal handed the home side their seventh consecutive win and denied Forest a spot in the first round proper.

The goal came at the end of a first half in which Dimitar Evtimov was required to make some strong saves. With three minutes to go until the break the Bulgarian was beaten as Coughlan scored on the rebound after seeing his header saved.

It was Oliver Burke's turn to be denied a headed goal as Forest searched for a second-half equaliser at the John Smith's Stadium.

But The Reds were unable to find the net as Huddersfield progressed with a 1-0 victory.

Forest: Evtimov, Gabriel, Worrall, Iacovitti, Kelly, O.Burke, Riera (Cash 45'), Yates, Petravicius (Thomas 45'), Thorne, Walker

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...KRwULcXkqRvu.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 31/10/2015 21:13
frown frown doh doh

Sheffield Wednesday 1-0 Forest

Posted: Sat 31 Oct 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest were beaten 1-0 by Sheffield Wednesday at Hillsborough this afternoon.

Fernando Forestieri's second-half strike was enough to beat a Forest side decimated by injury and suspension.

A knock to Dorus de Vries paved the way for Bulgarian goalkeeper Dimitar Evtimov to make his first appearance of the season. Ryan Mendes was also absent, but Matt Mills returned to the side as captain following his suspension.

Mills was preferred to Eric Lichaj at right back, with Kelvin Wilson and Jack Hobbs forming The Reds' central defensive partnership. Dani Pinillos continued at left back.

Jamie Ward and Chris Burke provided width in a Forest midfield marshalled by Liam Trotter and David Vaughan, while Dexter Blackstock partnered Nelson Oliveira up front.

Former Red Jack Hunt started the match for Wednesday, although Lewis McGugan had to settle for a spot on the bench.

The visitors had the first glimpse of goal on ten minutes When Oliveira prepared to meet Ward's cross from the left. Owls skipper Glenn Loovens did well to flick the ball away.

It had been a quiet start from a Wednesday side who had beaten Arsenal 3-0 at Hillsborough on Tuesday, and the only real threat they could muster in the opening 15 minutes was a cross-cum-shot from Ross Wallace. The ball flew across goal and well wide.

Four minutes later, Ward had the chance to strike a free-kick goalwards after Oliveira was fouled 30 yards out. He curled the ball over the wall but straight at Kieren Westwood.

The match then entered a slight lull, broken on 26 minutes by an incisive Barry Bannan through ball which released Kieran Lee into the area. Wilson slid in well and, along with Evtimov, managed to block Lee's shot. The ball came back out for Pudil but Evtimov was equal to the former Watford man's effort.

David Vaughan became the first man to see yellow for a 30th-minute foul on Fernando Forestieri, but Wallace could only find the wall with his free-kick.

Both sides were struggling to carve out clear-cut chances but with eight minutes of the first half remaining The Reds came within inches of taking the lead. It all started with a superb turn by Oliveira in the centre circle, which allowed Forest to work the ball to Pinillos on half way. The Spaniard danced past a couple of challenges down the left, composed himself and swung a delightful cross into the middle. Ward arrived late to meet the ball but, agonisingly, his header clipped the post on its way wide.

Two minutes later Evtimov had to be on his toes to make a good save after Hunt spun and shot in the area, before Ward found himself in the book following an altercation with Jose Semedo.

It was transpiring to be a typically all-action display from Ward, who set up the final chance of the half when he did brilliantly to hook the ball into the middle from the left. Blackstock rose well to meet it but could only head the ball against his marker. Oliveira was just too far away to capitalise on the loose ball and the half ended goalless.

There were no changes for either side at the break and it was Wednesday who claimed the first chance of the second half. Bannan's deep cross picked out big forward Atdhe Nuhiu at the back post but he could only head the ball over.

Burke found himself in the book shortly afterwards, for unfairly halting a speedy Owls counter attack, and he was soon replaced by Ben Osborn.

But there was nothing the substitute could do to prevent his side from going behind on 68 minutes. Forestieri controlled the ball 30 yards out, worked space for a shot and, despite Osborn's attempted block, struck the ball goalwards. It bounced just before Evtimov on a skiddy surface, snuck underneath the Bulgarian's body and nestled in the net.

Forest had a half chance to respond almost immediately when a ball over the top gave Oliveira something to run on to. Wednesday's defence recovered sufficiently to prevent the Portuguese forward from pouncing, while Osborn's attempt on the follow up was also rebuffed.

Frustration was building for The Reds, something evidenced by Blackstock's booking following remonstrations with referee Jeremy Simpson.

And tensions boiled over shortly afterwards when Oliveira and Pudil clashed following a challenge near the dugouts. Both sets of players came together and Forestieri found himself in the book for his involvement.

Freedman's second substitution saw Jonny Williams replace Ward as the game entered its final stages.

Wednesday nearly made it 2-0 with ten minutes remaining when Jeremy Helan, on for Forestieri, laid the ball off for fellow substitute Joao. He could only fire the ball wide from eight yards.

Chris O'Grady was the next man on for Forest, replacing Hobbs as Freedman upped the ante in search of an equaliser.

But it was Wednesday who next went close, Joao showing superb feet on the edge of the area before firing the ball just over.

Four minutes were added on at the end of the match, during which Wednesday twice went close, but Forest were unable to find an equaliser.

Forest: Evtimov, Pinillos, Wilson, Mills(C), Hobbs (O'Grady 85'), Ward (Williams, 79'), Trotter, Vaughan, C. Burke (Osborn, 59'), Blackstock, Oliveira

Subs not used: Durrant, Lichaj, Grant, Walker

Bookings: Vaughan 30', Ward 41', Burke 56', Mills 74'

Sheffield Wednesday: Westwood, Loovens(C), Semedo (Joao ,56'), Nuhiu (Hooper, 86'), Lees, Lee, Hunt, Wallace, Pudil, Bannan, Forestieri (Helan, 79')

Subs not used: Wildsmith, Palmer, McGugan, Sasso

Bookings: Lee 69', Forestieri 78'

Goal: Forestieri 68'

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...pa5cDulvrWLJ.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 02/11/2015 16:53
Die 0:1 Niederlage bei Sheffield Wednesday bedeutet für Nottingham Forest in der Tabelle Platz 17 nono

Hier die Details zur Niederlage:


Der Video-Clip gleich hinterher:


Bereits am morgigen Dienstag (20:45 Uhr) geht es in der Championship mit dem Gastspiel beim Tabellennachbarn Preston (Rang 18) weiter...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 04/11/2015 15:14

Und weiter geht die wilde Fahrt, allerdings leider in die komplett falsche Richtung - Richtung Abstiegsplätze für Nottingham Forest!

Am gestrigen Dienstag setzte es am 15. Spieltag der Championship beim Gastspiel in Preston erneut eine Niederlage - 0:1 stand es am Ende und der Rutsch auf Tabellenplatz 19 ups
Lediglich 4 Punkte beträgt der Abstand zum ersten Abstiegsplatz, derzeit Bolton Wanderers und ganz ehrlich: Momentan deutet wenig auf Besserung hin, außerdem gastiert bereits am kommenden Freitag, 06.11.15, 20:30 Uhr, Derby County im heimischen City Ground.
Derby belegt Rang 5 derzeit und kassierte bislang erst eine Niederlage in den 15 Matches hm
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 04/11/2015 15:21
Preston 1-0 Forest

Posted: Tue 03 Nov 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest were beaten 1-0 at Preston North End this evening.

Eoin Doyle's second-minute strike was enough to seal victory for the hosts, who were relieved to see their visitors squander a number of opportunities over the course of the evening.

Dougie Freedman was able to recall Dorus de Vries, Eric Lichaj and Ryan Mendes, who missed the weekend defeat at Hillsborough with knocks. Kelvin Wilson, Dimitar Evtimov and Dexter Blackstock dropped to the bench.

Young midfielders Ben Osborn and Jorge Grant were brought into Forest's midfield, with experienced pair David Vaughan and Henri Lansbury missing out through suspension.

Osborn had a chance to put Forest ahead with less than two minutes on the clock, latching on to Mendes' through ball. North End keeper Jordan Pickford was out quickly to save his effort.

Pickford's opposite number, de Vries, was helpless to prevent his own side from going behind seconds later, however. The Dutchman palmed away Daniel Johnson's shot but the ball dropped for Doyle in the area. His deflected effort left the keeper with no chance as Preston took an early lead.

Doyle could have had his second goal of the night on six minutes when Adam Reach's low cross from the left had enough pace to reach the forward in the middle. He couldn't keep his first-time effort down, however.

Forest's response came from Lichaj, who cut in from the right and lashed the ball a couple of the yards over the bar with his left foot.

It was proving to be a frantic start and on eight minutes former Red Joe Garner looked to get in on the action by latching on to Reach's cross at the back post. He headed the ball just over the bar.

The game settled briefly before Mendes reminded the visitors of Forest's threat with a shot that whistled just wide of the post from just outside the 'D'.

And the Cape Verde international built on his strike with a brilliant run a minute later. A Preston defender attempted to clear Mendes' cross but could only cannon the ball off Nelson Oliveira six yards out. Pickford was relieved to see the ball drop into his clutches.

The Reds had the ball in the net shortly afterwards but Matt Mills' header from Ben Osborn's free-kick was ruled out for offside.

Two minutes later it was Jamie Ward's turn to be frustrated as Pickford dived to his right to push his long-range, left-footed curler wide.

Garner had another good chance to double his own side's lead moments later, benefiting from determined work by Morgan to receive the ball on the edge of the area. Garner had time to knock the ball out of his feet before firing it just wide.

Oliveira's presence began to grow on 33 minutes when he received the ball just inside the area and saw his low shot saved by Pickford.

And the Portuguese forward had a golden opportunity to equalise shortly afterwards when he ran on to Osborn's inch-perfect through ball. Oliveira could only roll the ball across goal and wide of the far post.

Sloppiness was creeping into the hosts' game and, with half-time approaching, they conceded possession cheaply to Mendes. He slipped Ward in down the right and the winger tried his luck from a tight angle. His shot skimmed the bar on its way behind for a goal kick.

The Reds' pressure was building and they had another shot at goal on 39 minutes. Oliveira chested the ball down for Osborn who let it bounce before striking it sweetly towards goal. Pickford was well positioned to make a comfortable save.

Two minutes were added on at the end of the half and Garner nearly sent his side into the break in buoyant mood when he headed the ball goalwards following a cross from the right. De Vries dived to his right to hang on to the ball.

Forest reemerged unchanged and Mendes went in search of an equaliser with an hour on the clock. He did brilliantly to cut inside from the left but took too long to shoot and was closed down.

That was to be Mendes' last action as, three minutes later, Jonny Williams replaced him. Tyler Walker also entered the fray in place of Grant.

The second half was proving to be a much quieter affair than the first but Preston had a glimpse of a second goal when Garner's shot was spilled by de Vries with 18 minutes to play. The keeper recovered the ball just in time to ease the danger.

Forest had a chance to apply some pressure at the other end when Ward won a free-kick in a good crossing position. His whipped delivery caused chaos in the Preston area but the home side managed to hoof the ball clear.

With nine minutes to play, Ward made way for Dexter Blackstock.

And as play resumed, Pickford had to be alert to hold on to Oliveira's low, fizzed effort from 25 yards.

Blackstock and Preston's Paul Huntington found themselves in the book following an off-the-ball clash with five minutes to play as the hosts edged within touching distance of victory.

Four minutes were added on at the end of the match, in the last seconds of which Osborn's free-kick caused more havoc in the Preston box. Forest were unable to find the goal they needed, however, and the match ended 1-0 to the hosts.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills (c), Hobbs, Pinillos, Mendes (Williams 63'), Trotter, Grant (Walker 63'), Osborn, Ward (Blackstock 81'), Oliveira

Subs not used: Evtimov, Wilson, C.Burke, O'Grady

Booking: Blackstock 85'

Preston: Pickford, Vermijl (Huntington 83'), Woods, Wright, Cunningham, Browne (Welsh 57'), Johnson, Gallagher, Reach, Garner, Doyle (Kilkenny 83')

Subs not used: Kirkland, Keane, May, Hugill

Goal: Doyle 2'

Bookings: Huntington 85', Welsh 90'

Referee: Tony Harrington

Attendance: 10,216 (658 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...qqj7MSkroT8o.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 04/11/2015 18:42
Hier der dazugehörige Video-Clip zu:

Preston North End - Nottingham Forest 1:0


... mit jetzt folgendem Tabellenbild:

(Quelle: soccerstats.com)
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 05/11/2015 16:16
Nottingham Forest - Derby County

Freitag, 06.11.2015
Anstoss: 20:30 Uhr

Stadion: City Ground

Nottingham Forest host their local rivals Derby County in a televised clash at The City Ground.
Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/event/forest-v-derby-2482523.aspx#b7RFrCEFQJXi7pLG.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 06/11/2015 23:02
Forest 1-0 Derby
Posted: Fri 06 Nov 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nelson Oliveira fired Nottingham Forest to victory in tonight's East Midlands derby at The City Ground.
The Reds beat the Rams 1-0 courtesy of the Portugal international's early strike.

Forest came close to a second goal on a number of occasions, while Derby never really threatened a response against Dougie Freedman's resolute Reds.

The manager recalled Henri Lansbury and David Vaughan to the centre of his midfield after both players completed suspensions by missing Tuesday night’s trip to Preston. Jonny Williams, who came off the bench at Deepdale, was handed a start.

Their inclusion meant Liam Trotter and Ben Osborn dropped to the bench, while Jorge Grant missed out on a place in the squad.

There was an electric atmosphere the start of the match and Forest got straight on to the front foot. Within 30 seconds they worked the ball to Williams in the area, but he was booked for alleged simulation after going to ground under a challenge.

The Reds weren't giving their rivals room to breathe in the opening stages and Oliveira had his first sight of goal on four minutes, latching on to a knock-down from Williams 25 yards out. He struck the ball on the bounce but could only send it bobbling wide.

That proved to be merely a sighter, however, as moments later the Portuguese forward gave The Reds the lead. He collected the ball on the edge of the area and struck it low towards goal. The ball appeared to take a deflection off a Derby defender on its way into the bottom corner of Scott Carson's net.

Forest refused to let up after taking the lead and came within inches of making it 2-0 on 12 minutes. Jamie Ward, facing his former club, embarked on a run down the right before playing a one-two with Oliveira on the edge of the Derby area. Ward curled the ball left-footed towards goal and Carson made a stunning save to divert it just wide with his fingertips.

Derby were up against a resolute-looking Forest defence, as evidenced by Jack Hobbs' vital intervention to prevent Stephen Warnock's cross reaching Chris Martin in the middle on 17 minutes.

And The Rams tried their luck again shortly afterwards, Jeff Hendrick's 20-yard curler seeing the ball skim off the top of the bar and behind.

Central midfielders Lansbury and Bradley Johnson were off-target with half-chances for their respective sides before the former came agonisingly close to marking his return to the Forest team with a goal.

Patient build-up involving Williams and Oliveira led to the ball reaching Lansbury just outside the area. He bought space for the shot before sending it whistling inches wide of the post.

A minute later, Forest tried their luck again. Oliveira was pivotal once more, holding the ball up well and laying it off for Mendes to scamper deep into Rams territory. The Cape Verde winger saw his shot deflect wide and, from the resultant corner, Matt Mills saw a goal chalked off after referee Simon Hooper spotted an infringement in the middle.

The final chances of the half fell to Derby. De Vries was properly tested for the first time on 29 minutes when he had to push Johnny Russell's curler to safety, before right back Cyrus Christie's strong foray forward resulted in him skewing his shot across goal and well wide of the far post.

Vaughan entered the referee's notebook with 12 minutes to play in the half for a foul on Russell down the right but The Reds saw out the rest of the opening period comfortably.

There were no changes for either side at the break and the opening 15 minutes of the second half saw the sides exchange shots well off-target, Oliveira and Mendes for Forest and Johnson for Derby, before Ward was replaced by Ben Osborn on the hour.

Paul Clement's first change came five minutes later when former Forest loanee Tom Ince replaced Hendrick.

But the Derby boss nearly saw his side fall further behind moments later after Forest's Daniel Pinillos brilliantly danced his way into the area, past a number of defenders and into a position which allowed him to roll the ball across goal. With Carson stranded, Mendes looked certain to tap the ball into an empty net at the back post but Warnock miraculously managed to nick the ball away and alleviate the danger.

Derby dangerman Martin wasted his side's best chance of the second half when he blazed the ball over the bar from a 25-yard free-kick. During the resultant stoppage, Trotter replaced Williams for The Reds.

Oliveira was the next Forest player into the book for a foul on Tom Ince and Jacob Butterfield was the next Derby player to be introduced, replacing Russell.

Forest were doing superbly to limit Derby's opportunities to equalise and so nearly wrapped the game up with six minutes to play following lovely interplay between Lansbury and Mendes on the edge of Derby's area. The latter was released one-on-one with Carson but the keeper was out quickly to block the winger's poked effort.

Carson's opposite number, de Vries, had to dive to his right to hold on to substitute Darren Bent's header shortly before four minutes of added time were indicated.

But that was to be of no help to The Rams, who were unable to break Forest down as The Reds recorded back-to-back derby wins.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills, Hobbs, Pinillos, Mendes, Lansbury (c), Williams (Trotter 70'), Vaughan, Ward (Osborn 60'), Oliveira (Blackstock 89')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Wilson, C.Burke, Walker

Goal: Oliveira 5'

Bookings: Williams 1', Vaughan 33', Oliveira 73'

Derby: Carson, Christie, Keogh, Hendrick (Ince 65'), Martin (c), Russell (Butterfield 73'), Shackell, Johnson, Weimann (Bent 80'), Thorne, Warnock

Subs not used: Grant, Bryson, Baird, Pearce

Booking: Christie 85'

Referee: Simon Hooper

Attendance: 25,114

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...4oP6DDrhTYww.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 07/11/2015 12:11
Na, geht doch noch nod
Endlich wieder ein Sieg für die Reds aus Nottingham - nach 8 sieglosen Matches ausgerechnet im Derby gegen County ein 1:0 - letztendlich etwas glücklich, aber auch egal ka

Nottingham Forest - Derby County 1:0

Hier die Statistik dazu:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 08/11/2015 11:06
Nach diesem Sieg der Reds gibt es am kommenden Wochenende erstmal wieder Spielpause, da Länderspiele anstehen, erst am 21. November geht es in der Championship weiter...

Hier der Video-Clip des 1:0 Sieges von Forest gegen Derby County daumenhoch

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 09/11/2015 15:39
Under 18s cut down the Blades
Posted: Mon 09 Nov 2015
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest’s Under 18s kept their lead at the top of Professional Development League Two North with a 2-0 win over Sheffield United on Saturday.

Tom Gamblen opened the scoring at the Nigel Doughty Academy after only 15 minutes following some excellent play down the left-hand side as Forest took a deserved lead.

And Ben Brereton sealed the victory in second-half stoppage time with his 14th goal of the campaign as The Reds recorded their sixth win in seven games.

Forest: Boyd, Gabriel, Gamblen, Nielsen, Crookes, Edser, Adams (Taylor 75’), Yates, McDonagh, Hayes (Gomis 80’), Brereton

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...cuygOvzuG33Z.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 10/11/2015 14:03
Tickets: Reading (H)

Posted: Mon 09 Nov 2015
Author: NFFC

Tickets for Nottingham Forest’s home match against Reading on Saturday 28 November (kick-off 3pm) are still available.
Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...1V0dMwUyBEtj.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 12/11/2015 19:35
Liam loving City Ground life

Posted: Wed 11 Nov 2015
Author: George Solomon

Liam Trotter is delighted that Nottingham Forest manager Dougie Freedman wanted to extend his loan from Bolton Wanderers beyond the initial month.

The midfielder’s temporary spell at The City Ground was extended by a further 28 days today and the 27-year-old told Forest Player HD that he’s getting fitter and sharper all the time.

He said: “I’m really happy to have extended the loan. When I came I was just looking to play a few games and see where that took me.

“The fact that the manager and the club saw fit to extend it is a bonus and I’m delighted.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...ZwWlA0btQVEX.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 13/11/2015 13:03
Four could feature

Posted: Fri 13 Nov 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Four Nottingham Forest first-team players could play for their countries today.

Ryan Mendes, David Vaughan, Jonny Williams and Jamie Ward are in contention to represent their respective nations in tonight's World Cup qualifiers and friendlies.

Youngsters Oliver Burke, Alex Iacovitti and Deimantas Petravicius will also be hoping for some gametime today.

This article will be regularly updated with the progress of the following players:

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...mY3UqpA6bvMI.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 14/11/2015 13:45
Reds to face Seagulls in Youth Cup

Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest will face a home tie against Brighton and Hove Albion in the third round of the FA Youth Cup.

The Reds youngsters beat Milton Keynes Dons, West Bromwich Albion and Burnley en route to the quarter-finals last season before they were eventually defeated 2-1 by Tottenham Hotspur at The City Ground.

A date for the game and admission prices will be confirmed in due course.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...74Cvd2B9YgVW.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 16/11/2015 17:26
Late goals earn Forest all three points

Posted: Mon 16 Nov 2015
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest’s Under 21s returned to winning ways this afternoon with an impressive 2-1 victory at Birmingham City’s Wast Hills training ground.

Jamie Fullarton made a number of changes to his side and, with Andreas Karo, Alex Iacovitti, Oliver Burke, Tyler Walker and Deimantas Petravicius all away on international duty, defender Frederik Nielsen made his first Under 21 appearance of the season.

The Reds fell behind on 39 minutes though as Liam Truslove got his head in the way of Charlie Cooper’s effort to divert the ball past Tim Erlandsson in the Forest goal.

But Forest showed excellent character and turned the game around with two late goals.

With 13 minutes remaining Joe Worrall headed home a corner to level the scores before James Thorne struck with a close-range header to hand Forest the all-important three points.

A home game against Leeds United is next on the schedule for Forest next Monday (23 September, kick-off 1pm) as Fullarton’s side go in search of back-to-back wins.

Forest: Erlandsson, Gabriel, Nielsen, Worrall, Kelly, Thomas, Rees, Grant, Cash, McDonagh, Thorne

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...p1FSSJxpFgl3.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 17/11/2015 16:06
Nach der Länderspielpause geht es am kommenden Wochenende nun endlich mit dem Ligabetrieb weiter, der 17. Spieltag der Championship kommt zur Austragung!

Die "Reds" von Nottingham Forest konnten zuletzt mit dem Derbysieg über Derby County endlich wieder ein Erfolgserlebnis bejubeln, stehen aber weiterhin in relativ bedrohlichen Gefilden - Platz 18 (mit 17 Punkten) der Tabelle, lediglich 4 Punkte zum ersten Abstiegsplatz.

Am Samstag gastiert man beim derzeitigen 11. der Tabelle, Brentford FC, der nach 4 Siegen in Folge seine beiden letzten Matches nicht gewinnen konnte.

Vielleicht beendet Forest auch die seltsame Serie der torarmen Spiele, immerhin gab es jetzt gleich 8 Spiele in Serie immer under 2.5 Tore.
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 18/11/2015 15:45
Cohen edges closer

Posted: Wed 18 Nov 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest’s Chris Cohen says he is scheduled to commence full-contact training later this week.

The 28-year-old is coming towards the end of a period of light training following the third serious knee injury of his career.

And on Friday he will take another positive step by participating in full training for the first time since suffering his latest injury in September 2014.

Cohen told Forest Player HD: “It’s been a long process and there have been a couple of setbacks, which have been unfortunate. It’s taken longer than we all hoped it would.

“But I start training on Friday, full contact with the boys, and I’m looking to get an Under 21s game in two-three weeks’ time.

“I’m really excited.”

High on Cohen’s priority list is working towards preventing a similar injury from occurring again.

He has been studying footage of himself, particularly of the incident which caused his latest injury, and absorbing advice from Forest medical staff and specialists.

And, while the former West Ham man accepts it won’t be easy for him to remember all he has learned in the heat of battle, he hopes to have new movements and tactical approaches firmly imprinted in his mind when he returns to action.

Cohen said: “That’s something I have to try to implement in training and make subconscious, which is a difficult thing to do but at the same time I’ve had so much time to think about it. It’s definitely working with the stuff I’m doing with the physic.

“My problem has been running as quickly as I can and, without slowing down properly and safely, trying to make tackles and change direction. That’s how I did it against Derby.

“There’s no way anyone’s knee could have survived doing the things I did.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/article/cohen-edges-closer-2806522.aspx#PYpMxtlpY4TkoG1x.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 19/11/2015 15:01
I Believe In Miracles signing session tonight

Posted: Thu 19 Nov 2015
Author: NFFC

A number of Nottingham Forest's 'Miracle Men' will attend a signing session at The City Ground tonight.

The event, which celebrates the launch of Danny Taylor's I Believe In Miracles book, will be attended by the likes of Martin O'Neill, John Robertson, Trevor Francis and Kenny Burns.

It will take place at the City Ground megastore from 6pm-8pm.

The book accompanies the critically-acclaimed I Believe in Miracles documentary film and charts the story of The Reds’ unlikely rise from Second Division obscurity to double European champions in only five years.

Taylor, the Guardian’s chief football writer, said: "It was a privilege to be asked to write the book for such a special film. I grew up with these guys as my heroes so it was a labour of love for me and I'm delighted - and also humbled - the players want to be there to help launch the book.

"Hopefully we can get a great turnout of supporters to show them all what they mean to us and it can be another special evening at The City Ground.”

The book, priced £16.99, is available to purchase from the City Ground megastore and online at shop.nottinghamforest.co.uk now.

It has the support of filmmaker Jonny Owen, who will also be at the signing session.

Owen said: "The support for this film from the people of Nottingham has been incredible. For that, I can genuinely never thank them enough. The book is another lasting legacy for what those players did."

The film is also available to purchase online and in-store.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...zhKUUMqRIBTv.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 20/11/2015 17:25
Back in the frame

Posted: Fri 20 Nov 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest manager Dougie Freedman will welcome Michael Mancienne back into his squad for tomorrow’s trip to Brentford.

Mancienne has been unavailable since early October through injury but the former Hamburg man has been deemed fit for this weekend.

Freedman also had good news to report on Robert Tesche, who is back in full training, while he confirmed Chris Cohen is moving closer towards a return.

The manager told Forest Player HD: “Mancienne will be back in the squad for tomorrow. Robert Tesche has still got a couple of weeks of intense training to do.

“We’ve also got great news that Cohen will be back in full training in the early part of next week. He’s been getting drip-fed bits and pieces with coaches but now he’ll be back in training with myself on Tuesday. I’m really looking forward to that.

It’s something that maybe the fans don’t see, but the training levels and competitiveness are going up every day because we are getting players back who are fighting for positions and for the football club.”

Freedman was also positive about the fitness of his players who went away on international duty, and accepts the break ‘came at a good time’ for those who remained at the club.

Now everyone’s focus is on tomorrow’s match at Griffin Park, which the manager believes will present a tough but surmountable challenge.

Freedman said: “They’re on a roll right now. They’ve got a settled team and they’re playing a style that’s benefiting them.

“A lot of concentration is needed down there because of how they play but if we can perform like we have been doing, with one or two different additions to the squad, I think we’re very capable of getting a win.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...u23fMEXhI2R6.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 21/11/2015 12:02
Brentford - Nottingham Forest

Get all the news ahead of Nottingham Forest's Sky Bet Championship trip to Brentford on Saturday (kick-off 3pm).
Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...uv2GqBDeIi8b.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 21/11/2015 19:45
doh doh

96. Minute in Überzahl das 1:2 kassiert schimpfen

Brentford 2-1 Forest

Posted: Sat 21 Nov 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest were beaten 2-1 at Brentford this afternoon.

The winning goal came in the 96th minute courtesy of substitute Philipp Hoffmann.

Forest dominated the vast majority of the match but found themselves 1-0 down in the second half courtesy of Sergi Canos' goal.

Brentford saw Harlee Dean sent off moments before Henri Lansbury's excellent finish put Forest level.

The odds were firmly in favour of The Reds as six minutes of added time were indicated, but it was the Bees who secured a dramatic winner.

Dougie Freedman made one change to the team that won the East Midlands derby before the international break. Jonny Williams dropped to the bench as Liam Trotter returned to the side in an advanced midfield role.

In last season's fixture at Griffin Park, young forward Tyler Walker came off the bench to score his first senior goal. He was named among Dougie Freedman's substitutes once again this time around, along with the fit-again Michael Mancienne.

After a quiet opening 15 minutes, Forest took charge of proceedings when Lansbury played the ball first-time to Jamie Ward down the right. Ward used the outside of his boot to flick the ball around his marker and into the Brentford half. He slipped it to Nelson Oliveira who headed into the area before firing the ball low towards goal. David Button was always favourite to make the save at his near post and he parried it away.

Oliveira had another opportunity to test Button two minutes later when he received the ball from Trotter, who had capitalised on a misplaced pass in Brentford's final third. The Portuguese forward checked on to his left foot before striking the ball goalwards from 20 yards. Button was once again equal to his low effort.

Brentford's first attempt at goal came from John Swift on 23 minutes but Dorus de Vries watched his 25-yarder sail harmlessly wide.

A flurry of Forest chances followed as Ryan Mendes' deflected shot led to a corner. A Brentford defender managed to get a nick on Lansbury's inswinger to divert the ball away from Hobbs and out for another corner. The Reds played this one short, working the ball to Oliveira on the edge of the area. He had his back to goal but he turned sharply and struck it powerfully towards goal. Button made an acrobatic save to tip the ball over.

Oliveira was picked out again ten minutes later as Forest sought the goal their dominance deserved. The chance came from a counter-attack, Ward taking the ball down the right and towards the corner of Brentford's area. He picked out Oliveira, who once again shifted the ball on to his left with his back to goal on the edge of the area. This time he took his time before striking it goalwards but Brentford's defenders managed to dive in the way of the ball.

With half-time approaching there was little sign of Forest slowing down. Button had to take two attempts at holding on to Ward's excellent strike, the ball swerving in the bitter wind on its way towards goal.

Oliveira was proving himself to be a constant threat and he claimed the final shot of the half when he received the ball from Mendes. The Cape Verde winger carried his run on into the middle but Oliveria opted to shoot from a tight angle. Button held on to the ball low down to send his side into the break level against the run of play.

Any fears that Forest's momentum would be halted at the break were eased on 50 minutes when strong hold-up play from Oliveira allowed him to lay the ball off for the onrushing Lansbury on halfway. Brentford's defenders backed off the midfielder, allowing him the space to shoot from 25 yards. Lansbury's effort was disappointing, however, and the ball sailed high and wide.

Two minutes later, Eric Lichaj picked out Oliveira unmarked near the penalty spot. Oliveira headed the ball into the ground and it looked destined for the net before Button dived full-stretch to his left to tip it wide.

Brentford midfielder Swift had offered his side's only hope of scoring in the first half and he took responsibility once again in the second. He was able to test de Vries this time, the ball once again moving around viciously in the blustery conditions, but the Dutchman was equal to the 20-yard effort.

Ironically, Brentford broke the deadlock minutes after Swift was replaced - the goal scored by his replacement, Canos. The Spaniard, on loan from Liverpool, pounced to score after Dean knocked the ball down for him six yards out.

Freedman reacted quickly in an attempt to get his side back on level terms - the least Forest's performance had deserved. Mendes and Trotter made way for Williams and Dexter Blackstock.

And Williams was heavily involved in the match's next big incident. Dean was penalised for a foul on Dani Pinillos and in protest of the decision held on to the ball. Williams tried to take it off him and was caught by Dean's flailing arm. The referee produced a straight red card.

Seconds after play resumed, Forest were level. Brentford failed to clear a cross from the right, presenting the ball to Lansbury. The former Arsenal man dropped his shoulder and curled it beautifully into the bottom corner from just outside the area.

Forest were well and truly back in the ascendancy, with plenty of time to find a winner. There were 12 minutes left on the clock when Lichaj burst forward from right back, reaching the edge of the area before Brentford's defenders halted his progress. The ball fell for Ward, whose low cross was met by Blackstock at the near post. The Antiguan nudged the ball across the face of goal and just wide of the far post.

De Vries still had to remain alert, however, and made an excellent save to deny Hoffmann with six minutes to play.

Lansbury had an opportunity to complete the turnaround shortly afterwards, taking charge of a dangerously positioned free-kick after Oliveira was fouled. He curled the ball towards the top corner but Button saw it all the way and held on comfortably.

Freedman's final change saw Walker replace Oliveira with three minutes of normal time remaining - but Forest were handed an additional six in which to find a winner.

It was Brentford who came within inches of scoring, however, when they struck the post with a header in the second minute of added time.

And the home side had an unlikely winner in the dying seconds. Brentford capitalised on an injury to Pinillos down the right and worked the ball into the box. It eventually came to Hoffmann whose shot, aided by a number of deflections, found the corner of the net.

Forest were unable to muster a response in the remaining seconds, losing 2-1.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills, Hobbs, Pinillos, Trotter (Williams, 67'), Vaughan, Ward, Lansbury (C), Mendes (Blackstock, 68'), Oliveira (Walker, 87')

Subs: Evtimov, Mancienne, Wilson, Osborn

Goal: Lansbury 74'

Brentford: Button, Bidwell, Dean, McCormack, Woods, Judge (O'Connell, 73'), Swift (Canos, 60'), Diagouraga, Vibe (Hofmann, 61'), Tarkowski, Yennaris

Subs: Bonham, Saunders, Kerschbaumer, Gogia

Goals: Canos 63', Hofmann 90

Booking: Woods 90+3

Sent off: Dean 71'

Referee: Brendan Malone

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...dt0dIQMhVbBJ.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 22/11/2015 13:38
Der "englische Bericht" sagt alles - noch unglücklicher geht fast nicht mehr - erst läßt der Schiri endlos nachspielen und dann fällt natürlich auch noch die Bude zum 1:2 in der 6. Min. der NSZ nono

Hier die Statistik dazu:


... und der Video-Clip gleich hinterher: frown

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 24/11/2015 16:34
Under 21s 2-0 Leeds United

Posted: Mon 23 Nov 2015
Author: NFFC

Jonny Williams, Kyle Ebecilio and Tyler Walker played 90 minutes as Nottingham Forest’s Under 21s beat Leeds this afternoon.

After a quiet first half, The Reds took the lead when Jordan Gabriel nudged the ball home on the line after excellent work by James Thorne.

The victory was wrapped up shortly afterwards when Jack Kelly’s corner swung over everybody and into the far corner of the net.

The Under 21s are next in action away at Sheffield United on Monday.

Forest: Erlandsson, Gabriel, Nielsen, Worrall, Kelly, O Burke, Williams, Ebecilio, Grant, Thorne, Walker

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...4RAZJK26tCM0.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 25/11/2015 22:47
Der nächste Gegner der "Reds" am Samstag, 16:00 Uhr im City Ground

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...YsFa0WSwVm2L.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 27/11/2015 17:42
A results Business

Nottingham Forest manager Dougie Freedman says attractive football may have to be compromised if his team are to beat Reading tomorrow.

The manager was left frustrated at Brentford last weekend after once again seeing his team lose a match they dominated.

And, as he alluded to after that match, Freedman has been working on ways for his team to win the points their performances deserve.

He told Forest Player HD: “The fans come to see a winning team. We need to make sure we play in a way that’s results-based, making sure the fancy football we’ve been playing is compromised at times to get the ball forward a bit quicker.

“I think there are only small things missing. We cannot beat the likes of QPR, Birmingham and Derby, teams at the top, and not come away with wins against Preston, Ipswich and Brentford. It’s frustrating for me.

“We’ve worked on one or two things but it’s certainly all in our mind. We’re trying too hard, we’re too desperate to score.

“It’s a great group to work with. I’ve got no complaints at all with their attitude or application.”

Freedman envisages an ‘open and exciting’ match against the Royals, a match his team go into with no new fitness concerns.

The manager was delighted to welcome Chris Cohen and Robert Tesche back into training on Tuesday and, while neither are likely to feature tomorrow, Freedman says the pair enjoyed a ‘fantastic week’.

Freedman has congratulated Tesche on his conditioning following a three-month lay-off and says Cohen’s influence is already coming to the fore.

He said: “Training goes up a level with the standard Chris brings. He’s got such quality. He demands certain standards.

“It lifts everybody. He has made the atmosphere more demanding than it’s ever been.

“If his team are not quite at it in a three-four minute spell of training, he will use his voice to make sure the performance levels come up. It makes a coach’s job a lot easier when you only have to give instructions once.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...ZfMrIekg8qL7.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 28/11/2015 16:31

Nottingham Forest - FC Reading

nach 70 Minuten 3:1

...jetzt rot für Hobbs - mal sehen, ob die Reds das unbeschadet überstehen und den Dreier klarmachen diesmal nailbite
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 29/11/2015 12:05
Forest 3-1 Reading

Posted: Sat 28 Nov 2015
Author: George Solomon

Ten-man Nottingham Forest came from behind to beat Reading 3-1 at The City Ground this afternoon.

Matej Vydra had given the visitors the lead before Chris O’Grady levelled things up with his first goal in a Forest shirt, and then Nelson Oliveira put The Reds ahead with a stunning finish midway through the opening period.

And immediately after half-time the Portuguese international made the game safe with his second of the afternoon, following fine work by O’Grady.

Jack Hobbs was given his marching orders for two yellow cards on the hour mark, but Forest stayed strong at the back and preserved their lead.

Dougie Freedman made two changes to the side that lost at Brentford last weekend, with O’Grady and Ben Osborn returning to the team, replacing Liam Trotter and Jamie Ward. Former Red Chris Gunter started at right back for the Royals.

The game started slowly and Nick Blackman hit the first real shot of note on the nine minute mark, but it was straight down Dorus de Vries’ throat. Then it was Forest’s turn to test the opposition’s keeper.

Oliveira beat Paul McShane on the edge of the box with a neat touch and fed O’Grady, but the powerful forward’s effort was comfortable for Ali Al-Habsi.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...gADV0GIfUrKg.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 29/11/2015 12:10
Gallery: Forest 3-1 Reading

Take a look at some of the best images from Nottingham Forest's 3-1 victory over Reading at The City Ground yesterday.

The Reds ran out comfortable winners thanks to Chris O'Grady's first goal in Forest colours and a brace from Nelson Oliveira and at the same time recorded back-to-back home wins after the victory over Derby three weeks ago.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...RaRqQmWedgPL.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 30/11/2015 16:47
Hier der Video-Clip zum Sieg der Reds von Nottingham Forest daumenhoch hand017

Diesmal Forest aber mit Dusel, beim Stand von 2:1 ein Lattenkracher von Reading...


Außerdem noch die Statistik zum Sieg:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 01/12/2015 17:20
Under 18s 3-1 Bolton Wanderers

Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest’s Under 18s kept their six-point lead at the top of the table with a convincing 3-1 home win over Bolton Wanderers on Saturday.

Ben Brereton scored his 17th and 18th goals of the campaign as Forest recovered from going a goal behind before Virgil Gomis sealed the win with 12 minutes to play.

The visitors took the lead as Enock Likoy-Elumba headed home a cross from Ryan White but Brereton soon levelled with only 20 minutes on the clock.

And it was second-half goals from Brereton and Gomis that secured all three points as Jack Lester’s side recorded their fourth win in a row.

Lester was full of praise for his team after the game and said: "The players' desire to work extremely hard is impressive. They are a special group."

The Under 18s are next in action when they make the trip to Huddersfield Town on Saturday (5 December, kick-off 11.30am).

Forest: Boyd, Otim, Gamblen, Jemson, Iacovitti (Taylor 1'), Yates, Adams, Edser, Brereton, Hayes, Gomis (A.Wright 78')

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...Uc5LgMzBA4v6.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 01/12/2015 17:23
Sheffield United 2-0 Under 21s

Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest's Under 21s succumbed to their first defeat in four games with a 2-0 loss at Sheffield United this afternoon.

Difficult conditions plagued the quality of the encounter at Bramall Lane as Jamie Fullarton's Forest side aimed to build on last week's victory over Leeds United.

In the first half, Josh Rees burst forward and came excruciatingly close to finding Matty Cash with his delivery but it just evaded the Forest midfielder.

David Brooks tested Tim Erlandsson from distance in the second period and shortly afterwards the hosts took the lead.

Jake Wright was brought down in the box and the striker dispatched his spot-kick past Erlandsson. And the Blades doubled their advantage moments later when Ben Whiteman unleashed a piledriver from range that went into the top corner.

Despite their attacking intentions, it wasn't to be for The Reds and they'll be hoping to bounce back against Bolton Wanderers at The Nigel Doughty Academy next Monday (7 December, kick-off 1pm)

Forest: Erlandsson, Gabriel, Nielsen, Worrall, Kelly, Rees (Walton 74'), Crookes, Cash, Petravicius, Thomas, Thorne

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...4EfvsgfJoMIw.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 02/12/2015 18:13
Tickets: Fulham (H)

Posted: Wed 02 Dec 2015
Author: NFFC

Tickets for Nottingham Forest’s home match against Fulham
on Saturday 5 December (kick-off 3pm) are still available

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...TvtSKUBoSwVg.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 04/12/2015 17:37
Ward and Tesche return

Posted: Fri 04 Dec 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest manager Dougie Freedman has told Forest Player HD that Jamie Ward and Robert Tesche will be back in his squad for tomorrow’s match against Fulham.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...cectSOCyISTt.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 05/12/2015 20:18
Forest 3-0 Fulham

Posted: Sat 05 Dec 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Matt Mills scored two headers as Nottingham Forest beat Fulham 3-0 at The City Ground this afternoon.

The centre back commenced and concluded The Reds' scoring with a goal in each half, while Chris O'Grady was able to make it two goals in as many games with a powerful finish from close range.

Dougie Freedman was forced to make one change to the team that beat Reading last weekend. Jack Hobbs, who was red-carded against the Royals, was serving a one-game suspension. His absence paved the way for Michael Mancienne to return to the team - his first appearance since suffering a knee injury against Hull in early October.

There was also a return to the squad for Robert Tesche - his first involvement since breaking his foot against Brighton on the opening day of the season. He took his place on the bench alongside Dimitar Evtimov, Kelvin Wilson, Liam Trotter, Jonny Williams, Dexter Blackstock and Jorge Grant.

Unusually, Forest kicked towards the Trent End in the first half and the wind was very much against them.

It took Fulham less than a minute to create the first chance of the game, Ben Pringle crossing the ball for bustling striker Matt Smith to meet. He sent it over the bar with a diving header from ten yards.

The visitors had another headed opportunity four minutes later after a spot of head tennis in the Forest area. The ball eventually dropped on the head of an unmarked Ross McCormack at the back post, but he was unable to make sufficient contact to trouble Dorus de Vries.

Forest's first glimpse at goal came on nine minutes courtesy of a teasing cross from left midfielder Ben Osborn. His delivery took the keeper out of play but Ryan Mendes was unable to turn the ball home from a tricky angle.

Fulham's aerial threat came to the fore once more on 22 minutes, however. Smith was again the recipient of a Pringle cross, meeting the ball with a powerful leap and forcing de Vries into a good save low down on his line.

Moments later, James Husband's cross forced Mills into making a vital headed intervention at his near post.

Forest were battling bravely against the wind but were struggling to impose themselves in Fulham's final third. Mendes changed that on 29 minutes when his cute, looped pass allowed Osborn to sneak around Ryan Fredericks in the area. Osborn rolled the ball across the face of goal but Richard Stearman was on hand to make an important clearance.

Chris O'Grady was the next Red to have a go as half-time approached. His low effort from range was easily dealt with by Fulham keeper Joe Lewis.

The home side were managing to keep McCormack relatively quiet, but he nearly had a goal in fortuitous circumstances two minutes before the break. His shot from 20 yards looped up off a Forest man, giving de Vries, who was already on his way down, a problem. The Dutch keeper managed to readjust his body to push the ball to safety.

It looked like the half was going to end 0-0, a situation Forest would no doubt have been happy with with the prospect of the wind behind them in the second half.

But Freedman's men took the lead in the 45th minute courtesy of a corner won well by Mendes. Henri Lansbury looped the ball into the middle and it found its way to Eric Lichaj at the back post. The American used an overhead kick to propel the ball back into the danger zone and Mills was on hand to head it home.

There were no changes for either side at the break and Forest almost made it 2-0 within a couple minutes of the restart. Lansbury picked the ball up on the right and drove towards the corner of Fulham's area. There was sufficient space in front of him to cross the ball low into the middle where O'Grady stretched to meet it but couldn't quite make contact.

The Reds kept up their pressure and had another big chance on 50 minutes. Following a free-kick, the ball dropped kindly for Lichaj six yards out. The right back looked certain to score but Tim Ream recovered brilliantly to divert his shot over the bar.

Forest's frustrations were short-lived, however, as they doubled their lead on 52 minutes. The catalyst was a stinging long-range drive from Oliveira. Lewis was unable to push the ball to safety and the race was on between O'Grady and a number of Fulham defenders to reach the ball first. O'Grady won it and blasted the ball into the roof of the net.

Fulham were facing an uphill task to get back into the game with the blustery conditions now in Forest's favour. Tom Cairney tried his luck from just outside the area but his curled effort was well tipped wide by de Vries.

Freedman's men were seeing out the match out in relative comfort. With 15 minutes to go, two-half chances passed Cairney by, and shortly afterwards Forest made it three.

Fulham's Jamie O'Hara made an excellent block to deny O'Grady, but the resultant corner saw Mills steal in around the back to nod home David Vaughan's corner.

Before play resumed, Oliveira and Mendes were replaced by Trotter and Grant. Tesche later replaced Osborn.

In the first of four added minutes, Lichaj's low, driven cross picked out Grant six yards out but the youngster was unable to turn the ball home. The resultant corner saw Mills denied a hat-trick of headers - agonisingly, his effort crashed off the crossbar.

The rest of added time passed without incident as Forest made it three home wins in succession.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills, Mancienne, Pinillos, Mendes (Grant 79') Lansbury (c), Vaughan, Osborn (Tesche 87'), Oliveira (Trotter 79'), O'Grady

Subs not used: Evtimov, Wilson, Williams, Blackstock

Goals: Mills 45', 78', O'Grady 52'

Fulham: Lewis, Fredericks, Stearman, Ream, Husband, Cairney, Parker (c) (Hyndman 70'), O'Hara, Pringle (Kacaniklic 68'), McCormack, Smith (Woodrow 67')

Subs not used: Rodak, Garbutt, Hutchinson, Voser

Referee: Carl Boyeson

Attendance: 18,377

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...EQDwsS0T2F4i.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 06/12/2015 11:17
Jawoll - es geht stetig aufwärts bei Nottingham Forest !!!
Klarer 3-0 Sieg über den FC Fulham und langsam kann man den Blick wieder nach vorne richten...

Hier die Details zum Sieg im City Ground:


Der Video-Clip folgt später...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 06/12/2015 22:13
Budenalarm im City Ground
>> Clip: Nottingham Forest - FC Fulham 3:0 daumenhoch


So darf es weitergehen...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 07/12/2015 18:40
Under 21s 5-1 Bolton Wanderers

Posted: Mon 07 Dec 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Jonny Williams, Tyler Walker and Jorge Grant were on the scoresheet and Robert Tesche played an hour as Nottingham Forest’s Under 21s beat Bolton 5-1 this afternoon.

The Reds had to come from behind after conceding an early penalty, but after Antreas Karo levelled for the hosts it was one-way traffic.

Grant scored with a header to make it 2-1 in the first half before Walker gave his side some breathing space with a neat finish after the break.

Karo made it four with his second of the match before Williams completed the rout with an excellent finish from just outside the area.

Tesche was an assured presence in midfield before being substituted with 30 minutes to play.

Forest: Evtimov; Rees, Karo, Worrall, Kelly; O Burke (Petravicius), Tesche (Cash), Grant, Thorne (Thomas), Williams; Walker

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...qMCejP0vPPuf.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 07/12/2015 18:44
Huddersfield Town 2-2 Under 18s

Posted: Mon 07 Dec 2015
Author: NFFC

Ben Brereton made it 20 goals from the season
as Nottingham Forest’s Under 18s drew 2-2
at Huddersfield Town on Saturday.

The striker opened the scoring at Town’s training ground before Forest found themselves 2-1 down.

But Brereton popped up with an 85th-minute equaliser to ensure The Reds left West Yorkshire with a share of the spoils.

The former Stoke City man has now netted 20 goals in just 17 games in the current campaign.

Forest: Boyd, Otim, Gamblen, Nielsen, Iacovitti, Yates, Adams, Edser, McDonagh, Brereton, Gomis (Hayes 70’)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...UtlfBq8MuiLj.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 08/12/2015 17:49
Forest face Rangers cup test

Posted: Mon 07 Dec 2015
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest will host Queens Park Rangers in the third round of The Emirates FA Cup.

The tie is scheduled to be played at The City Ground between 8-11 January.

A confirmed date and ticket prices will be confirmed in due course.

Forest and Rangers met earlier in the season at Loftus Road where The Reds ran out 2-1 winners thanks to Henri Lansbury's penalty and a first goal in Forest colours for Nelson Oliveira.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...bp3YReJwS7WC.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 09/12/2015 19:08
FA Youth Cup match pack: Brighton and Hove Albion (H)

Posted: Wed 09 Dec 2015
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest open up their FA Youth Cup campaign with a third-round home tie against Brighton and Hove Albion at The City Ground on Thursday night (kick-off 7pm).

Jack Lester’s team sit at the top of their league table and enter the cup clash in confident mood but will face a tough test against a Seagulls side who play at a higher level.

Season ticket holders can gain free entry to the FA Youth Cup game on production of their season ticket book at the Peter Taylor Stand turnstiles.

Recent form

Nottingham Forest are unbeaten in their last five matches, winning four and drawing one, and have racked up an impressive 15 goals during that time.

Saturday’s 2-2 draw at Huddersfield Town means they now sit seven points clear at the top of Professional Development League Two North having won 11 of their 17 games so far.

Brighton and Hove Albion head into tomorrow’s game on the back of four straight Premier League South defeats, the latest of which was a 2-0 loss at Aston Villa on Saturday.

Ian Blackman’s side currently sit second-bottom of their division but possess a number of talented players which makes them dangerous opposition for The Reds tomorrow night.

The FA Youth Cup so far

Nottingham Forest are entering the FA Youth Cup at the third-round stage but some clubs have already made it through to the next round including Tottenham Hotspur, Arsenal and Norwich City.

There have also been some shocks in the third round as Exeter City beat Bolton Wanderers 4-3 and the Metropolitan Police knocked out Burnley on penalties at Turf Moor.

Ticket prices

Season ticket holders - Free

Adults - £4

Concessions - £2

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...Q6dbmdcR8XBd.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 10/12/2015 15:07
Am Freitag um 20:45 Uhr geht es für Nottingham Forest in der Championship weiter mit dem Gastspiel bei den Wolverhampton Wanderers.
Duell der Tabellennachbarn also > 14 contra 15
Die Wolves seit 4 Matches unbesiegt, Forest aber auch mit deutlich ansteigender Form > 3 Siege aus den letzten 4 Partien, dazwischen eine Niederlage.

Wolves v Forest

Nottingham Forest make the journey to the West
Midlands to face Kenny Jackett's Wolves side.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/event/wolves-v-forest-2823971.aspx#jCkXbFolATzKaf3u.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 12/12/2015 12:42
Wolves 1-1 Forest

Author: Nick Richardson

Dexter Blackstock came off the bench to equalise as Nottingham Forest drew 1-1 at Wolves tonight.

The striker had been on the pitch for only four minutes before he volleyed the ball home from a corner to put his side on level terms with the match nearing its conclusion.

Wolves' goal also came from a corner - Ethan Ebanks-Landell scoring with a 15th-minute header against the run of play.

Dougie Freedman named an unchanged side to the one that beat Fulham 3-0 last weekend.

That meant Michael Mancienne kept his place alongside Matt Mills in central defence and Jack Hobbs had to settle for a place on the bench on his return from suspension.

Chris O'Grady and Nelson Oliveira continued as a front pairing, while Jamie Ward took his place among the substitutes.

Forest started the game brightly and had their first chance on two minutes. Lansbury's corner found Matt Mills in space. He nodded the ball down for Eric Lichaj six yards out and, with his back to goal, the American stooped to head it goalwards. He couldn't find the target.

Oliveira had his first attempt shortly afterwards, holding the ball up well, checking on to his left foot and shooting from 25 yards. The ball was comfortably collected by Carl Ikeme.

Freedman's men were playing some excellent football in the opening exchanges but found themselves a goal down with 15 minutes on the clock. Ryan Mendes conceded a free-kick in a deep crossing position and Jordan Graham swung the ball towards the back post. Ebanks-Landell snuck in around the back to head the ball low past de Vries.

Moments later The Reds had a similar opportunity to equalise. Jack Price was booked for a cynical foul on Mendes and Henri Lansbury crossed the ball for Mills, who had drifted into an unmarked position in the area. From around eight yards out, Mills managed to generate excellent power on his header but the direction caused no problems for Ikeme, who held on with ease.

Forest had the ball in the net minutes later but O'Grady's tap-in from Oliveira's cut-back was correctly ruled out for offside.

And the frustration continued for O'Grady, who could only volley the ball over the bar with a left-footed volley on 33 minutes following a scrappy passage of play in the Wolves box.

The Reds were in control but they were almost hit with another sucker punch with nine minutes to play in the half. Mancienne's clearance was closed down, releasing Adam Le Fondre down the right. The striker raced into the area but his shooting angle was tight. Mills applied some pressure with a sliding challenge and nearly diverted Le Fondre's shot beyond de Vries. The Dutch keeper was able to make the save and the danger was cleared.

With half-time approaching, neat interplay between Mendes and Osborn resulted in the latter firing the ball over from 20 yards, a minute before Mancienne went into the book for a foul on Le Fondre.

The hosts claimed the final chance of the first half when James Henry cleverly slipped Graham into the area. Covering defender Mancienne did enough to put Graham off and the winger could only find the side-netting with his shot.

There were no changes for either side at the break and the first second-half incident of note saw Lansbury enter the book for a trip on Henry.

Forest's first opening of the half came just after the hour when Lichaj robbed Graham of possession on the edge of the Wolves area, nudging the ball to O'Grady. The forward could only fire it wide as a half-chance passed Forest by.

The Reds' next chance came from more superb work by Lichaj. The right back showed great strength to win the ball inside his own half before tearing away down the wing. His low cross picked out Oliveira, who tried to catch his marker off guard by changing direction as soon as he received the ball. The Portuguese international lost his footing at the crucial moment and Wolves were able to clear.

Freedman's first change followed as Ward replaced O'Grady with 67 minutes on the clock. The move saw Mendes join Oliveira up front, with Osborn switching over to the right.

But it was Wolves who would have the next big chance, Dominic Iorfa heading Graham's corner wide with 15 minutes to go.

Graham took matters into his own hands moments later, cutting in from the left and curling the ball straight at de Vries from range.

Forest's final changes saw Mendes and Osborn make way for Blackstock and Jonny Williams as Freedman bolstered his attacking options 13 minutes from time.

And it turned out to be an inspired switch as Blackstock put his side level moments after entering the fray.

The equaliser came from Lansbury's corner, which saw the ball sail over everyone in the middle towards the back post. Blackstock watched it all the way and volleyed it home in composed fashion.

Forest had to be wary in their own area shortly after play resumed. Pinillos rose well to half-clear a corner with his head. The ball dropped for McDonald on the volley and he struck it sweetly towards the top corner. Pinillos recovered in time to block the ball's path.

Oliveira was the next man in the book for bringing down McDonald as he advanced towards the Forest area.

Four minutes were added on at the end of the match but neither side were able to find the winning goal.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mancienne, Mills, Pinillos, Lansbury (c), Vaughan, Osborn (Williams 78'), Mendes (Blackstock 78'), Oliveira, O'Grady (Ward 67')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Hobbs, Trotter, Tesche

Goal: Blackstock 80'

Bookings: Mancienne 41', Lansbury 54', Oliveira 88', Blackstock 90'

Wolves: Ikeme, Iorfa, Batth (c), Ebanks-Landell, Golbourne, McDonald, Price, Edwards, Henry, Graham, Le Fondre (Afobe 84')

Subs not used: McCarey, Doherty, Coady, Byrne, Wallace, Holt

Goal: Ebanks-Landell 15'

Bookings: Price 17, McDonald 31'

Referee: Keith Stroud

Attendance: 20,000

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...oSB5pYUpSJfV.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 12/12/2015 20:34
Wolverhampton - Nottingham Forest 1:1

Am Ende ein leistungsgerechtes Remis zweier Tabellennachbarn, für die Reds geht somit die positive Entwicklung der letzten Wochen weiter!

Alle Details zu diesem UE hier:


Der Video-Clip zum Spiel folgt...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 13/12/2015 19:53
Der Clip zum Remis >>


Der 21. Spieltag der Championship startet übrigens am morgigen Montag, 14.12.15 - Anstoss: 20:45 Uhr mit Beteiligung der Reds:

Blackburn Rovers - Nottingham Forest
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 14/12/2015 17:59

Quelle Foto: nottinghamforest.co.uk

Heute beginnt der 21. Spieltag der Championship >>

Blackburn Rovers - Nottingham Forest

Anpfiff: 20:45 Uhr

(Hinspiel: 3-3)

Auf geht's, Blackburn nach 7 Spielen ohne Niederlage heute mal fällig banana
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 15/12/2015 19:16
Blackburn 0-0 Forest

Posted: Mon 14 Dec 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest extended their unbeaten run to four matches with a 0-0 draw at Ewood Park tonight.

The Reds came agonisingly close to an injury-time winner when Rovers keeper Jason Steele made a superb save to deny Matt Mills, tipping the defender's header on to the post.

Blackburn were earlier left ruing the woodwork after Ben Marshall's deflected effort cannoned off the crossbar.

The match was a scrappy affair but Forest remained resolute in defence to secure a valuable point and clean sheet.

Dougie Freedman made four changes to the team that drew at Wolves on Friday night.

Dexter Blackstock, who scored Forest's equaliser at Molineux, came into the starting line up along with Jamie Ward, Jonny Williams and Robert Tesche. Nelson Oliveira, David Vaughan, Chris O'Grady and Ryan Mendes were the men to miss out.

The first chance of the match fell to Forest on two minutes. Williams displayed good control to bring the ball down near the halfway line. He supplied Ward, who was pushed wide by a Blackburn defender. The winger managed to get his shot away but he could only fire the ball straight at Steele from the edge of the area.

Blackburn's response came eight minutes later when Craig Conway whipped the ball into the middle from a free-kick down the right. Hope Akpan met the ball with his head but could only direct it over the bar.

Michael Mancienne was the first name in the referee's notebook after he was booked for hauling back Fode Koita in the middle. Conway's subsequent free-kick found Shane Duffy, who headed the ball powerfully towards goal. Dorus de Vries got down low to make the save.

It was proving to be a scrappy first half with few chances for either side. Jordan Rhodes was being kept quiet but he came alive on 30 minutes when he got around Mancienne at the near post and dived to meet Conway's cross. The forward couldn't angle the ball inside the post with his header.

Rovers were looking the more likely team to take a first-half lead and they nearly had one nine minutes before the break. Former Leicester winger Marshall saw his long-range effort take a deflection off Eric Lichaj. With de Vries stranded, the ball struck the underside of the bar and bounced away to safety.

Tesche joined Mancienne in the book for a mistimed challenge on Conway shortly before the referee called time on the first half.

Forest emerged unchanged for the second half and set about breaking the deadlock when Ben Osborn supplied Lansbury in space 25 yards out. The Forest captain connected sweetly with his shot but it was comfortably dealt with by Steele.

Freedman's first change came on 57 minutes when Oliveira replaced Williams.

And, with 20 minutes to play, a superb piece of skill from the substitute almost proved the catalyst for Forest taking the lead. He spun away from a Blackburn man majestically in midfield before passing the ball to Osborn on the left. The winger cut back inside on his right and struck the ball towards Steele's bottom corner. The keeper dived to his right to make the save.

Moments later, Rovers missed a huge chance to take the lead when substitute Corry Evans' cross from the right picked out Koita unmarked six yards out. He could only head the ball straight into de Vries' arms.

Forest were presented with a good opportunity of their own with quarter of an hour to play when Osborn was tripped in a dangerous position. Ward took charge of the free-kick but blasted the ball into the wall.

With full-time approaching the match was stopped for a lengthy period when Lee Williamson, who only moments earlier had replaced Akpan, was assessed by medical staff following a heavy fall. He was deemed fit to continue.

Forest's final change saw O'Grady replace Blackstock shortly before eight minutes of added time were indicated by the fourth official.

And injury time saw Forest come within inches of grabbing a dramatic winner. Lansbury's corner was met by Mills at the back post. He headed the ball goalwards but Steele made a stunning save to push it on to the post.

There were no more chances for either side and the match ended 0-0.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mancienne, Mills, Pinillos, Ward, Lansbury (c), Williams (Oliveira 57'), Tesche, Osborn, Blackstock (O'Grady 88')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Trotter, Vaughan, Hobbs, O.Burke

Bookings: Mancienne 18', Tesche 43'

Blackburn: Steele, Henley, Duffy, Hanley (c), Olsson, Marshall (Taylor 74'), Guthrie (Evans 65'), Akpan (Williamson 83'), Conway, Koita, Rhodes

Subs not used: Eastwood, Spurr, Kilgallon, Lawrence

Bookings: Guthrie 46', Olsson 57', Koita 60'

Referee: Chris Kavanagh

Attendance: 12,002 (491 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...KYI7Hz3FH6AK.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 15/12/2015 19:18
Dorus is the main man

Posted: Tue 15 Dec 2015
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest goalkeeper Dorus de Vries has been voted Man of the Match from the game at Blackburn on Monday night.

The Forest stopper made an important save from Fode Koita late on at Ewood Park to earn The Reds a point and recorded another all-important clean sheet in Lancashire.

Below are the results of the voting:

Dorus de Vries 26%

Michael Mancienne 21%

Jamie Ward and Henri Lansbury 12%

Nottinghamforest.co.uk will be running a Man of the Match vote after every away game this season. To cast a vote simply visit the Forest Wall after the full-time whistle.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...QXRi0DheE2Tv.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 15/12/2015 20:29
Langweiler, Nullnummer - unterm Strich bleibt aber ein Zähler, Rang 15 somit in der Tabelle der Championship nach dem 21. Spieltag.

Blackburn Rovers - Nottingham Forest 0:0

Alle Details dazu hier:


Video-Clip zum Remis hier:


Weiter geh es für Forest am >>

Samstag, 19.12.2015

Nottingham Forest - Milton Keynes

Stadion: The City Ground

Anstoss: 16:00 Uhr
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 16/12/2015 17:27
Robbie Earnshaw returns to The City Ground

Posted: Wed 16 Dec 2015
Author: NFFC

Former Nottingham Forest striker Robbie Earnshaw will be returning to The City Ground when The Reds take on MK Dons on Saturday 19 December (kick-off 3pm).

The former Forest striker will be speaking in the club's hospitality areas.

Hospitality is selling fast for the fixture, with the Robin Hood Suite and Directors' Club now SOLD OUT, but there are still plenty of ways for fans to watch the game in style:

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...drvxR65zU63c.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 17/12/2015 17:35
Match pack: MK Dons (H)

Posted: Thu 17 Dec 2015
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest will be targeting a fourth home win on the bounce when they entertain Milton Keynes Dons at The City Ground on Saturday (kick-off 3pm).
Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...Fl9fA8MEDgWD.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 19/12/2015 18:54
Forest 2-1 MK Dons

Posted: Sat 19 Dec 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest secured their fourth successive home win with a 2-1 victory over MK Dons this afternoon.

First-half goals from Nelson Oliveira and Ryan Mendes gave Forest a comfortable lead which Oliveira almost added to with a shot that cannoned off the post after the break.

After Daniel Pinillos was substituted with a nasty-looking injury the Dons cranked up the pressure, missing a penalty before pulling a goal back with nine minutes to play.

But, despite a nervy end to the match, Forest held firm to claim the three points and extend their unbeaten run to five matches.

Dougie Freedman selected the same team that beat Fulham 3-0 in Forest's last match at The City Ground.

That saw Oliveira and Chris O'Grady resume their partnership up front, Henri Lansbury and David Vaughan in the middle and Matt Mills and Michael Mancienne in central defence.

Mendes also returned to the starting line up, while Jonny Williams and Dexter Blackstock were named among the substitutes.

The Reds got off to the best possible start by taking the lead with only two minutes on the clock. Mendes and Oliveira exchanged passes down the right, releasing the latter into the area. Oliveira looked like he was about to be pushed wide by his marker but a superb turn took the defender out of the game and allowed him to curl the ball low across goal into the far corner.

Nicky Maynard, who spent much of pre-season on trial with Forest, offered MK Dons' first response three minutes later. He benefited from Rob Hall's quick break, receiving the ball from the winger and taking it deep into Reds territory. Held up on the edge of the box, Maynard attempted a shot but could only fire the ball high and wide.

The Dons were looking bright in their hunt for an equaliser and nearly had one on eight minutes after Mancienne was penalised for a foul in a dangerous area. Hall curled the ball over the wall and towards Dorus de Vries' bottom corner but the Dutchman got down low to push it to safety.

It was certainly an open start, and Oliveira came close to scoring his second of the day when he fired the ball left-footed across goal and just wide after Ben Osborn's strong run through the middle.

Hall was proving to be a menace, however, and Forest had their heart in their mouths when his 20-yard strike looped up off Mancienne. The ball could have gone anywhere but it ended up safely in the clutches of de Vries.

The Dons barely had a minute to bemoan that missed opportunity before Forest doubled their lead. Pinillos' cross from deep caused confusion for Mendes' marker, who allowed the winger to get round him and make contact with the cross eight yards out. Mendes appeared to miscue his initial effort but the ball remained within range for him to poke home from his position on the ground.

It could, and probably should, have been 3-0 moments after the restart when Mendes nodded the ball on for Oliveira, sending him through one-on-one with Dons keeper David Martin. The striker's first touch appeared a little heavy, Martin closed the angle and Oliveira could only poke the ball inches wide.

It became a scrappy affair after that with only a speculative, off-target Mendes effort to report before referee Simon Hooper called time on an ideal first half for Freedman's men.

The Reds started the second half brightly and won a free-kick when Oliveira's excellent run was illegally halted by Antony Kay on the byline. Lansbury drilled the free-kick low into the area and the ball evaded Oliveira by inches before being cleared by the Dons defence.

Freedman's men were dominating the play but they were almost hit with a sucker punch when Mancienne failed to clear a low cross from the right, allowing the ball to run straight through to Bowditch. The forward struck it goalwards first-time but de Vries reacted quickly to make an excellent save.

A flurry of chances fell Forest's way when a defensive lapse allowed Vaughan into the area. He whipped the ball across the face of goal in the hope of presenting Mendes with a tap in but a defender managed to block its path. The ball came back out to Osborn, who's drilled effort failed to find its way to goal through a packed penalty area. Vaughan picked up the scraps and gave it back to Osborn in space, but the midfielder's precise effort with his weaker foot was directed tamely at the keeper.

Dons stopper Martin was called in to make a much more difficult save shortly afterwards when Lansbury's excellent free-kick looked destined for the bottom corner. Martin dived to his left to save superbly.

Oliveira's willingness to shoot from range makes him an unpredictable threat for opposition defences, and few could have expected the effort which saw the ball crash off the post on 66 minutes. At least 30 yards out and in a wide position, the forward fizzed the ball low towards goal only to be denied by the base of Martin's woodwork.

There was concern for Pinillos shortly afterwards when he had to be helped off by Forest's physios following an innocuous-looking incident near his own corner flag. Jack Hobbs replaced him, with Mancienne filling in at left back.

The injury appeared to take the sting out of Forest somewhat and MK Dons were handed a lifeline when substitute Josh Murphy, on for Ben Reeves, was tripped by Lichaj in the area, earning the American a booking and the visitors a penalty. Maynard stepped up and struck the ball firmly to de Vries's right but the keeper was able to make a brilliant stop.

Freedman then made his second change as Mendes came off for Jamie Ward, but there was nothing the substitute could do to prevent the visitors halving the deficit seconds later.

It was Murphy again, this time receiving a reverse pass from left back Dean Lexington and finishing clinically beyond de Vries.

With six minutes to play Trotter replaced Oliveira has Freedman looked to protect his side's lead.

The nervousness around the ground was palpable and the announcement of five minutes' added time did nothing to ease the tension.

But it wasn't to be enough for the visitors, who became the latest team to suffer at the hands of Forest at The City Ground.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills, Mancienne, Pinillos (Hobbs, 70'), Mendes (Ward, 80'), Lansbury (c), Vaughan, Osborn, Oliveira (Trotter, 84'), O'Grady

Subs not used: Evtimov, Williams, Blackstock, Tesche

Goal: Oliveira 2', Mendes 16'

Bookings: Lichaj, 78'

MK Dons: Martin, Spence (Baker, 76'), McFadzean, Kay, Lewington (c), Potter, Carruthers, Hall, Reeves (Murphy, 63'), Bowditch (Gallagher, 77'), Maynard

Subs not used: Cropper, Hodson, Poyet, Powell,

Goal: Murphy 81'

Bookings: Kay 48'

Referee: Simon Hooper

Att: 19,975 (591 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...Q0gtdVqvi5jJ.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 20/12/2015 23:09
Nottingham Forest konnte mit dem 2-1 Sieg im heimischen City Ground über Milton Keynes Dons den 15. Tabellenplatz mit jetzt 28 Punkten festigen.

Das Spielschema zum Heimsieg der Reds hier:


Der dazugehörende Video-Clip hier:


In der Championship geht es für Forest wie folgt weiter:

23. Spieltag
Sonntag, 27.12.15
Anpfiff: 17:30 Uhr
Nottingham Forest - Leeds United

24. Spieltag
Dienstag, 29.12.15
Anpfiff: 20:45 Uhr
Cardiff City - Nottingham Forest
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 21/12/2015 20:45

Nottingham Forest - Leeds United

Sonntag, 27.12.2015

Anstoß: 17:30 Uhr

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 22/12/2015 18:53
Reds spread festive cheer

Posted: Tue 22 Dec 2015
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest paid their annual Christmas visit
to the Queen’s Medical Centre this afternoon

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...MTKA63KZxAse.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 23/12/2015 22:02
Third kit now on sale in megastore

Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest’s 150th anniversary third kit is now
available to purchase in the club’s megastore

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...F4btXXlqQVXK.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 27/12/2015 13:15
Setting the stall out

Posted: Sat 26 Dec 2015
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest defender Jack Hobbs says The Reds must stamp their authority on Sunday’s game against Leeds United (kick-off 4.30pm).

The match will see two of the Championship’s in-form teams meet in front of the television cameras at The City Ground and Hobbs says Forest must be aware of the dangers posed by Steve Evans’ team.

Speaking to Forest Player HD, he said: “Leeds are a good side and they’ve got a lot of threat. We’ve got to respect them but at the same time go out and do what we have been doing which is stamping our authority on the game.

“We had a sticky patch where we were creating a lot of chances and not converting them and that got a bit frustrating for everyone.

“The gaffer sat us down and said we have to be more ruthless in our attacking play and since then I think we’ve been phenomenal. Scoring three goals against Reading and Fulham and then two against MK Dons was really pleasing for all of us.

“We’ve been scoring plenty but also defending well so hopefully that continues on Sunday.”

A large crowd is expected on Trentside for the contest and Hobbs says the support from the stands has had a positive effect on the team in recent weeks.

He said: “I’d like to say thank you to all the Forest fans for their support so far this season because we really do appreciate it. When they get behind us at The City Ground it makes a real difference.

“Hopefully everyone enjoyed their Christmas and it would be great to see a big crowd in on Sunday for what should be a really good game.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/article/jack-hobbs-pre-leeds-2868149.aspx#MikJeYGXtYAAxkee.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 27/12/2015 13:21
Match pack: Leeds (H)

Posted: Sun 27 Dec 2015
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest supporters will be hoping for
some festive cheer when The Reds renew acquaintances
with Leeds United at The City Ground on Sunday afternoon
(kick-off 4.30pm).

Pre-match brief

There is plenty of history between Nottingham Forest and Leeds United but both teams will be looking to write a new chapter when two of the Sky Bet Championship's in-form sides meet at The City Ground on Sunday.

Only one point and two places currently separate Forest from their next opponents but, having achieved four home wins on the bounce, Dougie Freedman's men will be confident of leapfrogging the Whites with another victory.

Forest are unbeaten in their last five meetings with Leeds but will need to be wary of Steve Evans' side who have won three of their previous four matches, a run which has included victories over Hull and Wolves.

View from the Red corner

Dougie Freedman: “I’m looking forward to the game. I played for Leeds United and I know that it is a huge, fantastic club.

“But I know that a lot of teams will come to The City Ground fearing us and we need to make sure we intimidate them through our football.

“We have to be strong in our work, we know they have also hit a little bit of form and we’d encourage all the Forest fans to get down to the game on Sunday and hopefully the best team wins."

Click here to read more thoughts from the Forest manager ahead of Sunday's game.

Last time out
Nottingham Forest claimed a fourth successive home win with a 2-1 victory over Milton Keynes Dons at The City Ground on Saturday which moved them to within six points of the play-off places.

Goals from Nelson Oliveira and Ryan Mendes put Forest into a commanding two-goal lead and despite Josh Murphy's late strike for the visitors, Dougie Freedman's men were able to hold on to victory.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills, Mancienne, Pinillos (Hobbs 70'), Mendes (Ward 80'), Lansbury (c), Vaughan, Osborn, Oliveira (Trotter 84'), O'Grady

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...3WDCxe7XQsP1.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 27/12/2015 23:26
Forest 1-1 Leeds

Posted: Sun 27 Dec 2015
Author: NFFC

Nelson Oliveira's sixth goal of the season earned Nottingham Forest a 1-1 draw against Leeds United at The City Ground this afternoon.

Oliveira had given Forest a first-half lead as they looked for a fifth home win in a row but Sam Byram struck a late leveller to give the visitors a point to take back to Yorkshire as The Reds made it six games without defeat.

Dougie Freedman made one change from the side which beat Milton Keynes Dons last time out as Jack Hobbs replaced Daniel Pinillos with the Spaniard set for a long spell on the sidelines through injury.

A crackling atmosphere greeted the teams' arrival at The City Ground and it was Leeds who had the first chance of the afternoon after only two minutes as Stuart Dallas fired a warning shot across Dorus de Vries's goal and wide of the target.

Byram had scored two goals for Leeds in their recent win at Wolves and there was danger for The Reds as he made his way into the box after a neat one-two. The midfielder went down under Matt Mills' challenge but was shown a yellow card by referee James Linington for simulation.

It wasn't long though before Forest went in front. Mills played a delightful cross-field ball over the top and as Leeds goalkeeper Marco Silvestri and his defence hesitated, Oliveira nicked the ball away before slotting calmly into an empty net.

Leeds had a good opportunity to hit back shortly after the half-hour mark as Charlie Taylor delivered a superb left-wing cross but Chris Wood could only head over the crossbar as he lent back to try and make a good connection.

Chris O'Grady tried his best to double The Reds' advantage before half-time as tried a speculative effort from long range but it deflected up off a Leeds defender and into the grateful hands of Silvestri.

The two teams were unchanged after the interval and Oliveira had a chance to give Forest the perfect start two minutes into the second half. The Portuguese striker lined up a free-kick just outside the Leeds penalty area but his powerful strike was always rising and narrowly cleared Silvestri's crossbar.

Leeds then set about trying to equalise in the same way from which they had fallen behind as Wood latched onto a long ball over the top of the Forest back four. With de Vries unsure whether to come or stay at home, Wood fired high and wide and into the Bridgford Stand.

Ryan Mendes was the first Forest man to go into the referee's notebook on 57 minutes as the winger was cautioned for hauling back Taylor as Leeds broke down the left-hand side.

The resulting free-kick came to nothing and as Forest broke at the other end of the field, Ben Osborn's long-range strike earned a corner. Henri Lansbury's delivery to the back post was good but Mills saw his looping header cleared off the line by Luke Murphy.

Both managers then made their first changes of the game shortly after the hour as Jamie Ward replaced Mendes for Forest while Leeds brought on striker Souleymane Doukara in place of Lewis Cook.

Despite Leeds enjoying the majority of possession Forest were looking dangerous on the counter-attack and as Oliveira raced through the midfield, his ball through to Osborn was too strong and drifted behind for a goal-kick.

Freedman then opted to switch his formation to a 4-5-1 as he brought O'Grady from the field and replaced him with Robert Tesche.

Lansbury and Leeds defender Giuseppe Bellusci were both booked on 71 minutes as they angrily confronted each other after the Forest captain had challenged Silvestri for a ball inside the visitors' penalty area.

Steve Evans' side were leaving themselves exposed as they chased an equaliser and Ward almost made them pay four minutes later. He charged through the centre of the park unchallenged and Silvestri had to produce a fingertip save to turn his powerful shot over the crossbar.

The visitors had their leveller with ten minutes to play however. Byram received the ball 20 yards from goal before firing a precise effort beyond the outstretched de Vries and into the corner of the net.

Forest manager Freedman responded by making his final substitution as Oliver Burke came on for his fourth appearance of the season in place of David Vaughan.

With six minutes remaining Leeds had a golden opportunity to go in front as Scott Wootton was released down the right-hand channel. His cross in was a good one but substitute Mirco Antenucci somehow stabbed it wide of goal.

Antenucci turned provider two minutes later as he put a dangerous ball into the Forest penalty area but Wood couldn't make proper contact from six yards out and the ball drifted through to de Vries.

The game was an end-to-end affair in the closing stages and The Reds were next to attack. Burke came agonisingly close to his first goal in Forest colours as he hit a sweet strike but it cannoned off Silvestri's far post and away to safety.

Three minutes of stoppage time were added on at the end of the game but neither side could find a winner and the spoils were shared between two of the Sky Bet Championship's in-form teams.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills, Hobbs, Mancienne, Lansbury (c), Vaughan (O.Burke 83'), Mendes (Ward 62'), Osborn, Oliveira, O'Grady (Tesche 68')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Trotter, Blackstock, C.Burke

Goal: Oliveira 17'

Bookings: Mendes 57', Lansbury 71', Osborn 81'

Leeds: Silvestri, Wootton, Bellusci, Cooper (c), Taylor, Byram (Coyle 90'), Cook (Doukara 62'), Bridcutt, Murphy, Dallas (Antenucci 77'), Wood

Subs not used: Peacock-Farrell, Bamba, Adeyemi, Sloth

Goal: Byram 80'

Bookings: Byram 14', Bellusci 71'

Referee: James Linington

Attendance: 27,551 (1,980 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...vFteuulMIMdM.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 28/12/2015 16:27
Leistungsgerechtes 1-1 Remis der Reds im Heimspiel gegen Leeds United - lange sah es nach einem Dreier aus für Nottingham Forest, unterm Strich kann man aber auch mit dem Punktgewinn leben.
Platz 13 nach dem 23. Spieltag für Forest.

Hier das Schema und alle Details zum Remis:


Der dazugehörige Link zum Video-Clip:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 28/12/2015 16:32
Bereits am morgigen Dienstag geht es für Nottingham in der Championship weiter mit dem Gastspiel in Wales, dortiger Gastgeber ist dann Cardiff City.
Anstoss: 20:45 Uhr

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...ADizQkxBvcYl.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 29/12/2015 18:56
Building momentum

Posted: Mon 28 Dec 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest goalkeeper Dorus de Vries hopes the team can continue to build momentum with a victory at Cardiff tomorrow night.

The Dutchman was helpless to prevent Sam Byram scoring an excellent equaliser for Leeds yesterday as Forest were held to a 1-1 draw at The City Ground.

But he is hoping to convert yesterday’s frustrations into success in the Welsh capital tomorrow, against a side who have won only twice in their last seven matches.

Speaking after the Leeds game, de Vries said: “It might be a good time to play them but, on the other hand, they will have had two days off and we’ll have had one as we’re travelling tomorrow (today). We don’t want to use that as an excuse of course – we want to go for the three points.

“We’ve got a little run going and we’re looking forward to the Cardiff game because we want to put things right by taking three points and keeping our momentum.“

Yesterday’s draw took Forest to within seven points of sixth place ahead of today’s Sky Bet Championship fixtures.

De Vries said: “I’m looking up, not down and I’m sure the whole squad is looking that way after the run we’ve been on since Brentford.

“We’re showing progression and we’ve got to keep showing that throughout the season. The Championship’s a long, long road and there are some hard games coming up.

“We’re all looking forward to the challenge.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...bJ5Pjs8Jq0lh.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 29/12/2015 22:16
Cardiff 1-1 Forest

Posted: Tue 29 Dec 2015
Author: Nick Richardson

Oliver Burke scored his first senior goal as Nottingham Forest extended their unbeaten run to seven matches with a 1-1 draw at Cardiff tonight.

The young winger scored with a sumptuous curling effort to give The Reds an early lead which was cancelled out almost immediately by a heavily deflected Aron Gunnarsson effort.

Substitute Nelson Oliveira could have won the game for Forest with the last kick of the match but he blazed the ball over from six yards after David Marshall parried a shot in the forward's direction.

Dougie Freedman made six changes to the team that drew with Leeds two days ago. Oliver Burke, Jamie Ward, Jonny Williams, Robert Tesche, Liam Trotter and Dexter Blackstock came in and Henri Lansbury, Ryan Mendes, Nelson Oliveira, Chris O'Grady and Osborn dropped to the bench.

Cardiff claimed the first chance of the match on five minutes when Craig Noone's deep cross was headed back across goal by fellow winger Anthony Pilkington. The ball bounced inches wide of the far post as Forest received an early let-off.

The home side were hit with a sucker punch on ten minutes however. Tesche broke up play in midfield, allowing Blackstock the chance to supply Oliver Burke down the right. The youngster cut inside in the area and bent the ball towards the far corner with the outside of his boot. The ball nestled in the net to give the winger his first senior goal.

But Forest had the lead for only three minutes. Gunnarsson received the ball 22 yards out and struck it low towards goal. It took a huge deflection off Tesche, wrong-footing de Vries, and sailed into the net.

Seconds after play resumed, Tesche nearly sent the ball into the opposite net when it bounced kindly for him just outside the area. The German lashed it just wide.

It was proving to be an end-to-end affair and on 15 minutes Noone beat Michael Mancienne down the right and hung the ball up for Pilkington at the back post once again. This time Pilkington got his header on target but Dorus de Vries was untroubled.

The Dutch stopper was called in to make another comfortable save on 24 minutes, denying Joe Ralls, before he was forced to make a much more impressive stop a minute later. The ball ran through for Tony Watt in the area and de Vries got down brilliantly at his near post to prevent the Bluebirds taking the lead.

Oliver Burke was providing flashes of excitement for Forest and he could have doubled his goalscoring tally on the half-hour. Eric Lichaj's strong run down the right resulted in him cutting the ball back for the youngster in the area. Burke took it first time but couldn't keep his shot down.

Blackstock was the next Forest player to be left frustrated as the first half entered its latter stages. Cardiff keeper David Marshall got a fingertip to Ward's dangerous cross and the ball just evaded Blackstock, who for a moment looked like he would have a tap-in at the back post.

The second half began with a similar chance for Forest as Blackstock made a nuisance of himself as he tried to latch on to Tesche's dinked free-kick. The ball dropped near Williams six yards out but the attacking midfielder was unable to pounce and Marshall claimed.

Gunnarsson could have had his second of the night after a Cardiff free-kick was blocked by Forest's wall. Noone picked up the pieces and dinked the ball into the middle, where Gunnarsson rose highest. The Icelander could only head it harmlessly wide.

Freedman made his first change on 71 minutes, sending on Osborn in place of Williams.

And the substitute nearly played a huge role in putting Forest ahead with 11 minutes to play. Tesche and Ward exchanged passes in the middle before releasing Osborn down the right. The wide midfielder drilled the ball low into the centre where Ward was able to make contact, but he couldn't turn it home from just outside the six-yard box.

Oliveira was the next Forest player to be introduced, replacing Blackstock, before Lansbury came on for Burke with five minutes of normal time remaining.

A further five minutes were added on at the end of the match and Oliveira had a golden opportunity to win it in the dying seconds. Marshall could only parry Lansbury's effort towards the Portuguese forward six yards out but, with the ball bouncing, Oliveira sent it high over the bar.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills (c), Hobbs, Mancienne, Ward, Trotter, Williams (Osborn 71'), Tesche, O.Burke (Lansbury 85'), Blackstock (Oliveira 80')

Sub not used: Evtimov, Mendes, C.Burke, O'Grady

Goal: O.Burke 9'

Booking: Ward 77'

Cardiff: Marshall (c), Peltier, Manga, Connolly, Fabio, Noone (Macheda 81'), Gunnarsson (Whittingham 70'), Ralls, Pilkington, Watt, Jones (Ameobi 65')

Subs not used: Moore, Malone, O'Keefe, Mason

Goal: Gunnarsson 13'

Booking: Fabio 87'

Referee: Tim Robinson

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...Yg5vartrwfPC.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 30/12/2015 16:33
Jo, leistungsgerechtes 1-1 Remis in Wales bei Cardiff City für Nottingham Forest.
Somit bleibt man auch das 7. Spiel in Folge unbesiegt und konnte den Aufwärtstrend fortsetzen.
Man hätte das Spiel auch schon nach einer Viertelstunde abpfeifen können ka
Forest belegt Rang 14 der Tabelle mit jetzt 30 Punkten!

Hier alle Details zu diesem Unentschieden:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 30/12/2015 18:49
Hier der Video-Clip zum 1:1 in Cardiff:


Nächstes Match in der Championship:

Samstag, 02.01.16
Charlton Athletic - Nottingham Forest
Anstoss: 16:00 Uhr

Die Chance für die Reds, die Serie von mittlerweile 7 Spielen ohne Niederlage beim derzeitigen Vorletzten, fortzusetzen ka
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 31/12/2015 10:56
A strip down memory lane

Posted: Thu 31 Dec 2015
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest are inviting more supporters to nominate their favourite shirts for a celebratory 150th anniversary feature that runs in the matchday programme.

This season has already seen supporters bring in kits from the 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s and the club are keen to hear from more of the Forest faithful about shirts that have stood out down the years, be they the good, the bad, or the unusual.

Selected supporters will be invited to The City Ground to have their photograph taken with their nominated shirt. Please note that supporters must bring the shirt with them.

Please email programme@nottinghamforest.co.uk if you would like to take part with your memories of the shirt, along with your name, age, and customer reference number.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...ULv4Jt4oehDV.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 02/01/2016 11:52
Der Start ins neue Jahr 2016 erfolgt heute mit dem Gastspiel von Nottingham Forest bei Charlton Athletic - Anstoss: 16 Uhr !!!

Posted: Fri 01 Jan 2016
Author: NFFC
Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...vpMbDMqd5GHA.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 02/01/2016 18:33
Charlton 1-1 Forest

Chris Cohen returned to action as Nottingham Forest made it eight games unbeaten with a 1-1 draw at Charlton this afternoon.
Ben Osborn gave Forest a first-half lead with a superb finish but Charlton's Simon Makienok levelled the scores after the break.

Second-half injury time proved a frantic affair, Nelson Oliveira squandering a golden opportunity to win it before a stunning save from Dorus de Vries denied Charlton, who had seen Tariq Holmes Dennis red-carded with 15 minutes to play, an unlikely winner.

Cohen came on as a late substitute to bring his lengthy lay-off to an end.

Dougie Freedman made six changes to the team that drew at Cardiff earlier this week as he opted for a 4-4-1-1 formation. Ryan Mendes was given a start in support of lone front man Oliveira, while Henri Lansbury, David Vaughan, Chris Burke and Osborn also came into the side.

Cohen took his place on the bench alongside Jamie Ward, Dexter Blackstock, Chris O'Grady, Robert Tesche and Oliver Burke.

It was a quiet start to the match, largely dominated by Forest until Charlton came within inches of taking a 26th-minute lead when Callum Harriott sent the ball skipping just wide of the post with a heavily deflected strike. The resultant corner saw Oliveira inadvertently nod the ball back into the danger area but Makienok misjudged his lunge and was unable to capitalise from six yards.

Forest were having the best of the play, however, and their dominance grew as the first half wore on. Moments after Oliveira had failed to latch on to an excellent Mendes cross, the pair exchanged neat passes and advanced into dangerous territory. Oliveira's cut back was just behind the unmarked Mendes, who had to turn his back to goal to gain control. That allowed the Charlton defence a couple of crucial seconds to block the winger's shot.

Two minutes later, Lansbury's incisive pass sent Burke towards the byline. The Scotsman stroked the ball across the face of goal but no-one was on hand to turn it home.

Another chance went begging shortly afterwards from an ingenious Forest corner. Mendes offered Lansbury the short option, dragging a Charlton marker with him, before bursting away into the space behind. Lansbury rolled the ball to him and, after entering the box, Mendes blasted it across goal, through everyone, and out for a throw-in.

It would have been a frustrated Forest dressing room had Freedman's men not gone into the break ahead - and Osborn was on hand to give his side the lead they deserved with a minute of normal time remaining. Mendes offloaded the ball to the Reds academy graduate, who took it on his weaker right foot and curled it beautifully into the top corner from the edge of the area.

Forest came out for the second half unchanged, while Addicks boss Karel Fraeye opted to send on Johann Berg Gudmundsson in place of El-Hadji Ba. The substitute forced Jack Hobbs into an important block within three minutes of the restart, winning a corner which Forest managed to deal with.

Charlton appeared rejuvenated, with Harriott continuing to look their biggest threat. On 55 minutes, the winger rode several challenges, doing well to stay on his feet, before curling the ball across goal and just wide from 20 yards.

The home side only had to wait another three minutes for their next chance when a looping header into the box saw the ball drop behind Hobbs and Matt Mills. Makienok got there first and, stretching, the giant front man managed to send the ball goalwards with the tip of his toe. Had he directed it towards either corner de Vries would have been stranded but it was straight at the keeper who managed to push it wide.

Forest were struggling to regain control of the match but Mendes' endeavour almost worked his side a second goal. The winger capitalised on some sloppy defending and almost snuck past Harry Lennon to go through one on one with Charlton keeper Stephen Henderson. Lennon recovered superbly to slide in and nick the ball away.

That was to be Mendes' last action as he was replaced by Tesche on the hour. In Mendes' absence, Lansbury took responsibility for providing some wing-wizardry. He skipped away from a challenge down the right and cut the ball back for Burke, who couldn't adjust his feet in time and got his shot all wrong.

Oliveira was the next man to have a go, taking control of the ball on the edge of Charlton's area. Isolated and knowing he had to go it alone, the forward twisted and turned before firing a tame left-footed effort at goal. Henderson made no mistake and within a minute, the keeper's side were level.

Harriott's precise, low cross left Forest's defence stranded and Makienok slid in to divert the ball into the bottom corner.

Freedman's next change saw Blackstock replace Burke, and three minutes later the visitors were handed a boost in their search for a winner.

Five minutes after going into the book for bringing down Osborn, Tareiq Holmes-Dennis, on for Johnnie Jackson, received his second yellow card for tugging back the same player and was dismissed.

The onus was now all on Forest, who had an excellent chance to take the lead after robbing Makienok of possession on the edge of the Charlton area. Tesche cut the ball back into the middle, where Oliveira saw his shot blocked. The ball came to Lansbury on his left foot but he didn't strike it cleanly, sending it harmlessly wide.

Lansbury had another chance on 85 minutes when Tesche won a free-kick in a dangerous position. The Forest captain could only strike the ball straight into the wall.

There were huge cheers from the away end shortly afterwards as Cohen came on to replace Hobbs. Mancienne shifted to centre back, with Cohen replacing him down the left.

Time was running out for Forest, who were left to rue Henderson's handling when he hung on to Oliveira's sweetly struck effort before four minutes were added at the end of the 90.

Oliveira had missed a golden opportunity in stoppage time at the Cardiff City Stadium - and he was to do so again this time around. He did brilliantly to outmuscle Naby Sarr in the area but didn't get his shot away early enough, allowing Charlton's defenders to make an imperative block.

And the home side came so close to winning the match at the death. Harriott was heavily involved once again, first bursting into the area and seeing his strike tipped over the bar by de Vries, then picking the ball up 25 yards out from the half-cleared corner. He steadied himself before striking it powerfully towards goal. De Vries made an exceptional one-handed save to preserve a point for his side.

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 03/01/2016 13:57

So richtig nach vorne bringt Nottingham Forest der Punktgewinn gestern bei Charlton Athletic nicht, Rang 11 steht zu Buche, es sind 10 Punkte zu Platz 6, der berechtigt die Playoffs zur PL zu spielen > Rückstand momentan satte 10 Punkte.

Hier der Link zum Spielschema des gestrigen UE beim Vorletzten der Championship:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 03/01/2016 22:13
Der entsprechende Link zum Video-Clip:

Charlton Athletic - Nottingham Forest 1:1


Weiter geht's in der Championship dann am 12.01.16/20:45 Uhr mit dem Heimspiel der Reds gegen Birmingham City...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 05/01/2016 19:43
Forest youngster Jordan Gabriel has signed a professional contract with the club.
The 17-year-old full back, who arrived at the Nigel Doughty Academy from Southend last February, has seen his potential recognised with a number of opportunities for the club’s Under 21s side this season.

He also played his part in December’s FA Youth Cup third-round success over Brighton and Hove Albion.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.UK
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 06/01/2016 19:15
Coventry U21 - Nottingham Forest U21 2:6

Nottingham Forest Under 21s coach Jimmy Gilligan says he had to dish out some ‘home truths’ at half-time in this afternoon’s 6-2 win at Coventry City.

Goals from James Thorne, Jorge Grant, Ryan Yates, Gerry McDonagh, Deimantas Petravicius and Kasheme Walton helped Forest to a convincing victory – but Gilligan was far from pleased with his side at half-time.

He said: “We didn’t play well in the first half. We conceded twice from short corners, which was disappointing and something we have to work on.

“Energy, enthusiasm and desire are things I should never have to ask for. We went in at 2-2 and I told the players a few home truths about what Jake Wigley and I expect.

“The second half was pleasing. We looked energised and dictated the play.”

A day after signing his first professional contract, 17-year-old Jordan Gabriel continued his development with another start for the Under 21s.

Gilligan said: “It’s very pleasing for Jordan to have earned a professional contract but he needs to put that in the draw now and work hard on his defending.

“He has a great physique for a full back and is a very receptive learner. He has all the attributes to do well.”

Forest: Evtimov; Gabriel (Riera 75’), Worrall, Nielsen, Iacovitti; Petravicius (Walton 70'), Rees, Grant, Thorne; Walker (Yates 46'), McDonagh

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...co7B45ABjQEA.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 07/01/2016 17:34
Mills in the mix

Posted: Thu 07 Jan 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest defender Matt Mills has been nominated for December’s Sky Bet Championship Player of the Month award.

Mills enjoyed an excellent month at the heart of Forest’s back four, almost scoring a hat-trick of headers against Fulham but being cruelly denied by the woodwork.

The summer signing is up against Middlesbrough’s Adam Clayton, Sheffield Wednesday’s Fernando Forestieri and Derby’s Tom Ince, with the winner set to be announced tomorrow morning.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/article/mills-in-the-mix-2887428.aspx#PMYTWl5ewMZIroyg.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 07/01/2016 17:40
Nottingham Forest vs. Queens Park Rangers
Samstag, 09.01.16
Anstoss: 16 Uhr
Stadion: The City Ground

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/article/forest-v-qpr-tickets-2849295.aspx#dZyb6cq3fgS5qULE.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 09/01/2016 19:00
Forest 1-0 QPR

Posted: Sat 09 Jan 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Oliver Burke provided a superb assist for Jamie Ward to score his first Nottingham Forest goal in a 1-0 Emirates FA Cup third-round win over QPR this afternoon.

The winger plucked the ball out of thin air and laid the goal on a plate for Ward to get his Reds tally started.

Forest were rarely troubled by their visitors but there was concern for Henri Lansbury who, shortly after coming on as a substitute, was stretchered off after an awkward fall.

The Reds will learn their fourth-round opponents in tomorrow night's draw.

Dougie Freedman handed Chris Cohen his first start since recovering from a serious knee injury, while Gary Gardner also started the match after arriving for a second spell on loan from Aston Villa.

Kelvin Wilson partnered Jack Hobbs in central defence with Michael Mancienne at right back, while Robert Tesche was given an opportunity to impress alongside Gardner in central midfield. Dexter Blackstock captained the side with Ward providing his support up front.

Freedman had plenty of options on the bench with Lansbury, Eric Lichaj, Ryan Mendes, Chris Burke, Tyler Walker and new signing Bojan Jokic available to him.

Forest took the lead with the first real opportunity of the half. Burke, who had already shown his threat down the right, superbly controlled a long ball near the touchline and burst towards goal, leaving QPR's defenders in his wake. He rolled the ball towards the far corner where Ward was on hand to slide in and give The Reds a 24th-minute lead.

It was proving to be a comfortable afternoon for Forest goalkeeper Dorus de Vries, who appeared decidedly unconcerned as Daniel Tozser's 34th-minute free-kick sailed wide of his goal.

The final action of the half saw Michael Doughty join Grant Hall in the book after he hauled back Burke as the Hoops desperately sought a way to halt the pacey wide man.

Freedman sent his side back out for the second half unchanged and within three minutes of the restart Wilson had to be on hand to block Jay Emmanuel-Thomas' goalbound shot, positioning himself well to divert the ball out for a corner with his head.

The Reds' first shot of the half came from Burke, who nudged the ball away from a QPR player in central midfield to open up space for a long-range shot. He could only send the ball high and wide.

QPR's response came from Doughty, who received the ball on the edge of the area courtesy of substitute Tjaronn Chery's cut back. Doughty took one touch before attempting to bend the ball into the top corner but he got his effort horribly wrong.

The second half was proving to be a more open affair and Ben Osborn nearly had an excellent assist with an hour on the clock. He did brilliantly to beat two QPR men to reach the byline, standing the ball up nicely in the middle. Hoops keeper Joe Lumley was first to it and Gardner's first competitive appearance of the season came to an end shortly afterwards when he was replaced by Lansbury.

It's often been the case this season that de Vries has had to pull off a spectacular save in a match when he's had little to do, and that trend continued as he did brilliantly to divert Gabriele Angella's powerful header over the bar following a 66th-minute corner.

Freedman's second change saw Cohen replaced by Lichaj at left back and the manager was forced into another substitution when Lansbury was stretchered off after falling awkwardly with 15 minutes to play. Jokic came on to make his debut as Lichaj switched to right back, with Mancienne filling in in central midfield.

Eight minutes were added on at the end of the match but Forest saw them out comfortably to progress to the fourth round.

Forest: De Vries, Cohen (Lichaj 71'), Hobbs, Wilson, Mancienne, O.Burke, Osborn, Tesche, Gardner (Lansbury 62' (Jokic 80')), Ward, Blackstock (c)

Subs not used: Evtimov, Mendes, C.Burke, Walker

Goal: Ward 23'

QPR: Lumley, Onuoha, Hall, Hill (Perch 68'), Angella, Emmanuel-Thomas, Luongo, Tozser (Chery 53'), Gladwin, Doughty, Mackie (Petrasso 62')

Subs not used: Brzozowski, Faurlin, Polter, Hoilett,
Bookings: Hall 18', Doughty 44'
Referee: Oliver Langford
Attendance: 14,197 (1,187 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...hvZ53VsjWT1I.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/01/2016 19:12
A physical contest

Posted: Mon 11 Jan 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest manager Dougie Freedman has told supporters to expect a ‘very physical game’ against Birmingham City tomorrow night.
Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...Ggb01xU7bUSe.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/01/2016 19:16
Nottingham Forest - Birmingham City

Dienstag, 12.01.2016
Anstoss: 20:45 Uhr
Stadion: The City Ground

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...eA8AoxWTzv1x.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 13/01/2016 16:57
Forest 1-1 Birmingham

Posted: Tue 12 Jan 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Ten-man Nottingham Forest extended their unbeaten run to ten matches with a 1-1 draw against Birmingham at The City Ground this evening.

Headers from Birmingham's Jon Toral and Forest's Matt Mills meant the scores were locked level when David Vaughan was red-carded for a high foot with 16 minutes to play.

The Blues were unable to capitalise on their man advantage, however, and Forest's unbeaten run continues.

The rotation policy that had served Dougie Freedman well over the Christmas period continued as Mills, Eric Lichaj, Bojan Jokic, Ryan Mendes, David Vaughan, Nelson Oliveira and Chris O’Grady came into the starting line-up.

Gary Gardner was handed a space on the bench along with Oliver Burke, while Chris Cohen was rested.

The first half-chance of the game fell to the visitors on ten minutes. Jaques Maghoma got the better of Lichaj down the left and cut the ball back for Clayton Donaldson. The forward couldn't adjust his feet in time to take control and the chance was gone.

A minute later, Ben Osborn rattled the woodwork after seizing on a misplaced pass just outside the 'D'. He shifted the ball on to his left foot and saw his low shot cannon back off the post. Forest kept the move alive, Vaughan crossing the ball back into the middle where O'Grady met it with an excellent header. The ball had a lot of distance to cover, however, and Blues keeper Tomasz Kuszczak made a comfortable save.

The game then hit a lull before Birmingham took a 24th-minute lead. Paul Caddis' excellent cross was matched by the movement of Toral, who slipped through Forest's back line to score with a diving header.

Controversy abounded minutes later as Forest appealed for a handball by Kuszczak following a mix-up in Birmingham's defence. O'Grady pounced on possession outside the area, where he was confronted by Kuszczak. He tried to nudge the ball past the stopper but its path was blocked. Referee Mark Brown decided the keeper didn't use his hand and waved play on.

Forest's frustrations were eased shortly afterwards however as they levelled through Mills. The goal came after Oliveira was fouled in a good crossing position, which Vaughan was all too happy to take advantage of. The midfielder's whipped delivery was met thunderously by Mills' header, leaving Kuszczak with no chance.

It was turning into a feisty affair and Oliveira, later to be followed by Mendes, entered the referee's notebook following an aerial clash with Blues defender Paul Robinson.

As the second half progressed The Reds were looking the more likely team to take the lead. For a moment it seemed Tesche would deliver in spectacular fashion, receiving the ball in a tight situation, flicking it up for himself and sending a dipping volley towards goal. Kuszczak was untroubled, however.

Freedman's men had one last chance to return to the dressing room ahead when Vaughan was tripped in a dangerous shooting position. Osborn took responsibility for the free-kick, opting to go low and seeing the ball's path blocked by the wall.

There were no changes for either side at half-time and it was Forest who created the first opening of the second half. Neat interplay between Oliveira and Vaughan presented the latter with a chance to shoot from 20 yards. With his weaker right foot, Vaughan could only fire the ball high and wide.

A scare for Forest followed as Oliveira was penalised after a coming-together with Caddis. The referee opted against showing the striker a second yellow card, lecturing him instead. One man who did the enter the book was Toral, however, punished for a foul on Osborn shortly afterwards.

The home side had their hearts in their mouths once again just after the hour when Toral's corner picked out Michael Morrison unmarked at the back post six yards out. The Birmingham skipper looked certain to score with his powerful header but de Vries was on hand to make a crucial save.

Forest's response came from O'Grady, who received the ball on the left and cut into the area on his right foot. He fired the ball low towards the bottom corner but Kuszczak had his near post covered.

But those Forest nerves were jangling yet again with 21 minutes to play. Toral picked the ball up in space 25 yards out and struck it towards goal. It took a wicked deflection off Mills and struck the outside of the post on its way behind for a corner.

Freedman's first substitution followed as Jamie Ward replaced Oliveira, but the manager was forced into another change moments later after seeing his side reduced to ten men.

Referee Brown deemed Vaughan's high foot on Donaldson as a straight-red offence and the midfielder was dismissed. Freedman acted straight away by sending Gardner on for Mendes.

Forest were holding firm despite their man disadvantage, restricting Birmingham's opportunities to snatch a winner. Maikel Kieftenbeld's speculative curled effort was easily held by de Vries with seven minutes of normal time remaining.

The Reds almost took the lead in an unlikely fashion shortly afterwards. Ward's cross from the right nearly caught Kuszczak off guard but the keeper was able to scamper along his line and pluck the ball away from his top corner.

Freedman sent Burke on for O'Grady in the dying moments and, shortly before five minutes of added time were indicated, The Reds won a free-kick in a good crossing position. Osborn's delivery caused panic in the middle but the referee spotted an infringement and blew for a free-kick to the visitors.

The home side were refusing to crumble and Burke nearly gave them a dramatic winner when his pace put Birmingham to the sword on the counter attack. His attempted through ball was blocked but it came back to him on his left foot. The winger struck it powerfully, but wide, and the match ended 1-1.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills (c), Mancienne, Jokic, Mendes (Gardner, 76'), Vaughan, Tesche, Osborn, O'Grady (Burke, 89'), Oliveira (Ward, 71')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Wilson, Blackstock, Hobbs, O.Burke

Bookings: Oliveira 33', Mendes 38', de Vries 75', Gardner 85'

Sent off: Vaughan 74'

Goal: Mills 30'

Birmingham: Kuszczak, Caddis, Morrison (c), Robinson, Grounds, Gleeson, Kieftenbeld, Davis (Solomon-Otabor, 84'), Maghoma, Toral (Vaughan 83'), Donaldson

Subs not used: Legzdins, Shinnie, Spector, Lowry, Brock-Madsen

Goal: Toral 24'

Bookings: Toral 56', Robinson 89'

Referee: Mark Brown

Attendance: 18,342 (1,376 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...6Oi9iOVMvSf3.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 13/01/2016 21:29
Jo, wieder mal ein Remis der Reds gestern beim schmeichelhaften 1-1 daheim gegen Birmingham City, insgesamt Forest schon mit 11 Remis in der laufenden Saison, Tabellenplatz 14 nimmt man derzeit ein.

Hier der Link zum Video-Clip:


Die nächste Partie von Nottingham Forest >>

Samstag, 16.01.16
The City Ground
Anstoss: 16 Uhr
Nottingham Forest - Bolton Wanderers

Sieg hm Bolton momentan Letzter ka
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 14/01/2016 18:14
Vaughan appeal rejected

Posted: Thu 14 Jan 2016
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest midfielder David Vaughan has seen his suspension upheld following an appeal.

The Welshman was shown a straight red card for a challenge on Birmingham City’s Clayton Donaldson in a Sky Bet Championship match on Tuesday.

Forest this afternoon learned that their appeal against referee Mark Brown's decision has been rejected by the FA.

Vaughan will be suspended for a total of three matches, missing Saturday’s visit of Bolton, the trip to Middlesbrough and the re-arranged home fixture against Queens Park Rangers.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...V5CuvKttBdEM.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 16/01/2016 22:52
Forest 3-0 Bolton

Posted: Sat 16 Jan 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest cruised to a comfortable 3-0 victory at home to Bolton Wanderers this afternoon.

The Reds had the game wrapped up within 16 minutes, capitalising on Wanderers keeper Ben Amos' 12th-minute red card by scoring the subsequent penalty through Nelson Oliveria.

Oliver Burke added a second four minutes later and Man of the Match Jamie Ward put the icing on the cake with an 83rd-minute strike.

Dougie Freedman made three changes to the side that started Tuesday night's 1-1 draw against Birmingham. In came Ward, Burke and Gary Gardner, with Chris O'Grady and Ryan Mendes dropping to the bench. David Vaughan began a three-match suspension after his dismissal against the Blues.

Tyler Walker and Chris Cohen were named among Forest's substitutes, while Liam Trotter started for Bolton after recently completing a loan spell at The City Ground.

It only took 12 minutes for the game to dramatically swing in Forest's favour. Ben Osborn intercepted an attempted pass and with his first touch sent the ball forward. Ward got to it first, nodding it beyond the last man and scampering through one-on-one with Amos. He took a heavy touch but had the pace to nudge the ball past the sprawling Amos, who felled him in the area and was shown a red card. Reserve keeper Paul Rachubka took to the field in place of unfortunate midfielder Josh Vela but there was nothing he could do to stop Oliveira's penalty, which was perfectly placed into the bottom-left corner.

Four minutes later it was 2-0. Ward was heavily involved once again, showing excellent feet to buy himself some space for a cross. He hung the ball up in the middle, allowing Burke the chance to power up his legs and outleap a Bolton defender to head it beyond Rachubka.

Bolton responded admirably, enjoying a neat spell of possession before Wellington Silva worked himself a shooting opportunity on the edge of Forest's area. He could only fire the ball over, however, and Forest were to see out the rest of the half comfortably.

Ward nearly had another assist to his name three minutes before the break, bursting away down the left before cutting the ball back for the onrushing Osborn in the area. Osborn took his shot first time, dragging the ball across goal and a yard wide of the post.

It was time for Ward to have an opportunity of his own as the game entered its 45th minute. Forest countered and Ward peeled away towards the right-hand side of the area. Osborn picked Ward out beautifully and he showed tremendous technique to volley the ball goalwards. Rachubka did well to push it away for a corner.

Gardner's subsequent delivery was dealt with but Ward picked up the scraps 35 yards out. With plenty of time on his hands the shot was certainly on, and he came within inches of claiming the goal he deserved as his dipping effort bounced off the bar on its way behind.

There was still time for Gardner to extend The Reds' lead before the break - he also tried his luck from range but Rachubka was able to make a comfortable save.

Forest came out for the second half unchanged and Ward had another chance to add his name to the scoresheet eight minutes after the restart. Neat interplay with Osborn saw him receive the ball eight yards from goal but he could only roll it wide of the far post.

Bottom-of-the-league Bolton were finding it almost impossible to offer any threat, while at the other end Ward's goal quest went on. Lichaj picked the forward out with a cross from the right and his header looped on to the roof of the net.

Freedman made his first change on 70 minutes, sending on Walker in place of Oliveira.

Ward was left frustrated yet again as the game entered its final stages. He took the ball past a number of Bolton players before striking the ball low towards the corner. Rachubka got down well to tip it wide. A chance presented itself for Gardner from the consequent corner but he saw his header blocked on the line.

On 83 minutes the moment finally came for Ward after he was released by Osborn down the left. Reaching the area and using the unmarked Walker as a decoy, Ward worked the ball on to his left foot and beat Rachubka for power. The ball crashed off the underside of the bar and over the line.

Lone front man Gary Madine had been forced to feed off the measliest of scraps all afternoon but offered his side's only notable shot on target shortly after his side went 3-0 down, turning on the edge of the area and firing the ball straight at Dorus de Vries.

Cohen and Mendes replaced Tesche and Burke as the clock ticked down and there was to be no further action as Forest made it 11 games unbeaten.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mancienne, Mills (c), Jokic, Ward, Gardner, Tesche (Cohen 86'), Osborn, O.Burke (Mendes 90'), Oliveira (Walker 70')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Wilson, Hobbs, O'Grady

Goals: Oliveira 12', O.Burke 16', Ward 83'

Bolton: Amos, Holding, Dervite, Wheater (Danns 63'), Moxey, Vela (Rachubka 12'), Trotter, Pratley (c), Wellington (Woolery 88'), Feeney, Madine

Subs not used: Spearing, Davies, Casado, Dobbie

Booking: Moxey 58'

Sent off: Amos 12'

Attendance: 18,465 (584 away)

Referee: Eddie Ilderton

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...lduQHsdRlmvs.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 17/01/2016 21:54
Endlich mal ein eindrucksvoller Heimsieg der Reds von Nottingham Forest beim glatten 3-0 Sieg über das Schlusslicht aus Bolton respect

Hier das dazugehörige Video:

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 18/01/2016 21:29
FA Youth Cup action at The City Ground

Posted: Mon 18 Jan 2016
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest’s Under 18s take on Birmingham City in the fourth round of the FA Youth Cup on Thursday evening.

Jack Lester’s side face the Blues at The City Ground (kick-off 7pm) and if the young Reds progress to the fifth round they will face Cardiff City or Liverpool.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...ixex6cxM1URB.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 18/01/2016 21:35
Für die "großen" Reds geht es dann am kommenden Samstag in der Championship gegen einen der Meisterschaftsfavoriten weiter:

Middlesbrough v Forest

Sat 23 Jan 2016 From 15:00 To 16:50

Nottingham Forest make the journey to Teesside to take on promotion-chasing Middlesbrough.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/event/middlesbrough-v-forest-2897488.aspx#Psk3wZKo1GYH0CUc.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 20/01/2016 15:27
Nottingham Forest Under 18s assistant coach Gareth Holmes is encouraging supporters to make tomorrow night’s FA Youth Cup fourth-round match a special occasion for the players.
The Reds take on the Blues as Birmingham descend on The City Ground (kick-off 7pm).

And Holmes hopes for a healthy home crowd to help the players set up a potential home tie against Liverpool in the next round.

The coach told Forest Player HD: “The Youth Cup is a special night for any scholar. I think if you talk to any pro they will remember their Youth Cup days.

“I’d really encourage the fans to go and make that night special for the boys. They will then get a glimpse of the next batch that might come into the first team.

“I know the players will value that encouragement and support.”

Holmes is coming up against his former club having left Birmingham for Forest this summer.

He said: “Once Gary Brazil got in touch to give me the opportunity I knew I couldn’t say no.

“I know the area, I know the people and it’s a massive football club that you want to be part of. To have this chance is outstanding for me.

“I’ve been very impressed with the mentality of the boys - their desire to work hard.

“We talk a lot about taking on information and not having a fixed mind-set. We want the players to want to be better than they were yesterday.

“We’ve tried to do one or two things a little bit differently this year and I think we’ve reaped the rewards of that hard work and intensity on the field.”

Ticket information for Thursday night's game is available here.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 21/01/2016 21:44
David picks up latest Award

Nottingham Forest's David Vaughan has been voted The Bed Chambers Player of the Month for December.

The midfielder was an integral part of Forest’s midfield as The Reds went unbeaten during the month, winning two and drawing four of their six matches.

Vaughan was able to beat Dorus de Vries (32%) and Matt Mills (20%) to the award.

Vaughan wins a bottle of champagne and a £100 voucher to spend at The Bed Chambers, while George Akins, selected at random from those who voted for Vaughan, wins a tour of The City Ground, a trip to the Nigel Doughty Academy to present the player with his award and a £100 voucher for The Bed Chambers.

Meanwhile Oliver Burke’s goal at Cardiff has been named The Bed Chambers Dream Moment of the Month. Winning fan James Smedley says the goal showed ‘brilliant composure’ from the academy graduate and he hopes it will be the first of many goals in Oliver’s career. James wins a signed ball and a £50 voucher for The Bed Chambers.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...yuBpQLX76F4Q.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 21/01/2016 21:48
Young Reds move into last 16 of FA Youth Cup

Gerry McDonagh scored the only goal as Nottingham Forest progressed to the last 16 of the FA Youth Cup with victory over Birmingham City at The City Ground this evening.

The Republic of Ireland youth international powered home a header with 12 minutes remaining to hand Forest the win which sets up a home tie against Cardiff City or Liverpool in the next round.

Forest had the better of the contest overall as Liam Adams, Fred Nielsen and Tom Gamblen went close, while Ronan Hale could’ve netted on a couple of occasions for the Blues.

But it was McDonagh who finally grabbed the goal Forest’s attacking endeavours deserved on 78 minutes making the most of a superb cross from the left.

Jack Lester’s side remained composed and cool in possession to see the game out with the defence staying strong against their fellow Professional Development League Two North opponents.

Forest: J.Wright, Otim, Crookes, Nielsen, Iacovitti, Edser, Adams, Yates (c), McDonagh, Brereton (Hayes 84'), Gamblen (A.Wright 73')

Subs not used: Boyd, Gabriel, Taylor

Goal: McDonagh 78'

Birmingham: Beardmore, O'Keefe, Seddon, Potter (Bailey 80'), Challis, Martin (c), Lubala, Mulders, Popa, Bailey (Ebbutt 66'), Hale

Subs not used: Smith, Timms, Youill

Referee: Thomas Bramall

Attendance: 646

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...ic0DIPtIW256.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 24/01/2016 12:02
Middlesbrough 0-1 Forest

Posted: Sat 23 Jan 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest made it 12 games unbeaten with a 1-0 win away at league-leaders Middlesbrough.

Jamie Ward’s second-half goal, brilliantly assisted by Ben Osborn, was enough to earn Forest a memorable victory on an afternoon when they limited their hosts to very few opportunities.

Dougie Freedman selected Ward as his team’s lone striker, supported out wide by Osborn and Oliver Burke. Gary Gardner lined up alongside Robert Tesche in central midfield, while Michael Mancienne guarded the centre-back pairing of Matt Mills and Jack Hobbs.

Ryan Mendes, Nelson Oliveira, Dexter Blackstock and Chris O’Grady offered attacking outlets from the bench.

The first chance of the game fell to former Forest loanee Daniel Ayala, whose tame header from a corner dropped wide of Dorus de Vries’ post.

Forest were set up to play on the break and as a result the hosts were having most of the ball. The Reds’ first glimpse of goal came on 18 minutes when Ward robbed Boro centre back Fernando Amorebieta of possession and crossed the ball low into the area. Central midfielder Adam Clayton got back to slide in and divert it behind for a corner.

Ward and Amorebieta clashed again on 24 minutes and the Forest man entered the referee’s notebook, followed six minutes later by Eric Lichaj after he brought down George Friend.

Bookings were proving to be the most notable incidents in a half of limited opportunity for both sides. Clayton was the first Boro man to be punished by referee Frederick Graham after he hauled down Osborn in midfield.

The resultant free-kick presented Forest with what would be their best chance of the half. Gardner drifted the ball to the back post where Mills rose highest to head it low into the middle. Hobbs was the beneficiary but he couldn’t make proper contact with his shot and the chance was gone.

As half-time approached the hosts were left frustrated when Emilio N’Sue’s cross just evaded Christian Stuani in the area. Minutes later, the hobbling Friend was replaced by Tomas Kalas.

After such a disciplined first-half display, few observers would have predicted a Forest goal courtesy of right-back Lichaj. But that’s almost what they got on 41 minutes when the American advanced forward to receive a neat flick from Ward. Had his control been sharper Lichaj would have had a golden shooting opportunity but he took too long and a Boro defender came across to quell the danger.

Boro boss Aitor Karanka made his second change at half-time, sending on Adam Forshaw in place of Stewart Downing.

But it was Forest who began the half in the ascendancy. Ward tested the water with a shot from range that was easily dealt with by Dimi Konstantopoulos, but The Reds quickly regained possession and worked the ball to Osborn on the edge of the area. The midfielder got the ball out of his feet quickly and lashed it goalwards with his left foot. His shot crashed off the post and the hosts were able to clear.

It wasn’t long until Middlesbrough had the woodwork rattling at the other end. Lichaj brought down Forshaw, conceding a free-kick in a dangerous shooting position. With his back to goal, Albert Adomah rolled the ball to the nearby Grant Leadbitter, who flicked it up for himself and sent a dipping volley over the wall. The ball came back off the bar and the score remained 0-0.

Amorebieta was the next man in the book when he tripped Burke in full flight with almost an hour on the clock.

Boro were coming back into the game more as the half wore on, however, and they perhaps should have taken the lead on 67 minutes. Forest held their shape well to keep their hosts at bay until the home side worked the ball to Adomah on the left. He dinked the ball to the back post where Nsue ghosted in unmarked. Somehow, from around five yards, he headed it over.

And that missed chance proved to be even more damaging for the home side as they fell 1-0 behind moments later – and what a goal it was.

Ward’s deft touch sent Osborn away down the left. Burke, steaming into the area from the right, looked to be his only crossing option but Osborn had the vision to cut the ball back for Ward on the edge of the ‘D’. The former Derby man controlled it superbly and curled the ball beautifully into the bottom corner, giving Konstantopoulos no chance and sending 1100 Forest fans into delirium.

With 15 minutes remaining Bojan Jokic entered the book for a foul on Stuani. Freedman then made his first change, sending on Oliveira in place of Burke. Ward drifted over to the right but was soon replaced by Mendes.

Forest’s final change came on 89 minutes, Kelvin Wilson replacing Gary Gardner as Forest switched to five at the back.

But it could have been 2-0 as the clock hit 90, Oliveira’s shot from the edge of the area looping up off a Boro defender and, fortunately for the hosts, into the arms of Konstantopoulos.

With seconds of normal time remaining, Mendes broke away and threaded the ball through for Oliveira. The forward had the pace to beat his defender and, instead of taking the ball into the corner, he opted to shoot instead. His effort was saved but there was no time for the hosts to counter as the game ended 1-0 to Forest.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Hobbs, Mills (c), Jokic, Mancienne, Gardner, Tesche, Osborn, O.Burke, Ward

Subs not used: Evtimov, Wilson, Cohen, Mendes, Oliveira, Blackstock, O'Grady

Goal: Ward 70'

Bookings: Ward 24', Lichaj 30', Jokic 76'

Middlesbrough: Konstantopoulos, Nsue, Ayala, Amorebieta, Friend (Kalas 40'), Stuani, Leadbitter (Kike 81'), Clayton, Adomah, Downing (Forshaw 46'), Nugent

Subs not used: Mejias, De Pena, Fry, Kike Sola

Bookings: Clayton 35', Amorebieta 59'

Referee: Fred Graham

Attendance: 24,975 (1,100 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...kkwV6WTlUtPU.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 24/01/2016 12:08
Das war ja mal ein Ding!!!
Nottingham Forest gewinnt tatsächlich auch noch beim Tabellenführer Middlesbrough und setzt seine beeindruckende Serie fort respect
Mittlerweile stehen 38 Punkte zu Buche und es sind noch 8 Punkte auf den 6. Platz, der berechtigt an den Playoffs zur PL teilzunehmen.
Doch ist es natürlich noch ein sehr weiter Weg, zumal irgendwann sicherlich auch wieder andere Zeiten anbrechen werden...
Immerhin verlor M´brough durch die gestrige Heimniederlage die Tabellenführung an Hull City!

Hier alle Details zum 1-0 Sieg der Reds:


Der Video-Clip folgt...
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 24/01/2016 13:08
Middlesbrough vs Nottingham Forest
HT 0:0
FT 0:1

Wunderbar herausgespieltes Tor der Reds, zuvor auf beiden Seiten Aluminium >> hier der Video-Clip mit der Zusammenfassung der Partie!

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 25/01/2016 18:08

Fresh from their first win at Middlesbrough since 1993, Nottingham Forest will go in search of another important victory when they entertain Queens Park Rangers on Tuesday night (kick-off 7.45pm).
Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...DdjtPsXx4drW.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 25/01/2016 18:14

No room for complacency

Posted: Mon 25 Jan 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest manager Dougie Freedman has no fears of complacency ahead of Tuesday’s home match against Queens Park Rangers.

Freedman’s side are on a 12-match unbeaten run and will be looking to make it a third consecutive win and clean sheet tomorrow night.

And, while he accepts complacency can sneak in unexpectedly, Freedman expects his players to show more of the professionalism that’s served them so well recently.

The manager told Forest Player HD: “Complacency is sometimes difficult to pinpoint before it comes but I’m pretty confident that the players are nowhere near that.

“I learned last season when we were on a good run when I first came in, there was a lot of complacency and a lack of determination and desire to keep it going. I had to correct that.

“We have to take this game on the front foot and make sure we respect QPR for what they are – they’ve got very good players.

“If we turn up and keep to our identity, take our opportunities when they come along and make sure everyone is willing to put their bodies on the line for the team then it’s a winnable game for us.”

Freedman’s team selection at Middlesbrough may have raised a few eyebrows but his side went on to topple the league leaders.

And the manager says he will continue to make cutting-edge decisions in his pursuit of success.

Freedman said: “I’m not going to get them all right, I’ll get many wrong, but I’ve got to make decisions that I think are best.

“I feel with the small squad I’ve got if I keep playing the same team week in, week out, which I’m sure everybody would like to see, we’d get beaten.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...cH8FgrFxoO85.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 27/01/2016 18:09
Forest 0-0 QPR

Posted: Tue 26 Jan 2016
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest were held to a goalless draw by Queens Park Rangers at The City Ground this evening as they stretched their unbeaten run to 13 matches.

Ben Osborn and Robert Tesche both hit the woodwork for Forest with Alejandro Faurlin doing likewise for Rangers as the two sides shared the spoils on a blustery night on Trentside.

Dougie Freedman made three changes to the side which beat Middlesbrough on Saturday. Gary Gardner, Jamie Ward and Oliver Burke all made way as Ryan Mendes started on the right of the midfield with Nelson Oliveira and Chris O'Grady in attack.

The game started in a disjointed fashion but it was the visitors who created the first chance of the night. Sebastian Polter teed the ball up for David Hoilett to strike from 20 yards but his low effort was turned around the post by a sprawling Dorus de Vries.

Rangers goalkeeper Alex Smithies then had to be at his acrobatic best to prevent Forest from taking the lead at the other end. Michael Mancienne met Robert Tesche's corner with a bullet header from close range but Smithies reached to the top corner to turn the ball over the crossbar.

Visibly upping the ante, Forest then came even closer to the opening goal of the night a minute later. A smart ball from Mendes found Ben Osborn inside the penalty area and although he beat Smithies with his effort, the ball came back off the post. O'Grady's follow-up shot was deflected behind off a Rangers man.

The woodwork came to the visitors' rescue once more on 24 minutes. Tesche hit a stunning half-volley from 30 yards out and Smithies could only watch helplessly as the ball bounced off the crossbar and away to safety.

Mendes became the first man to go into the referee's notebook ten minutes later as he made a cynical but necessary challenge on Leroy Fer as the midfielder led a counter-attack for the Hoops.

Despite Forest's dominance Rangers were still showing a threat at the other end and German striker Polter should have done better from Massimo Luongo's pinpoint cross but headed a yard wide of the target.

De Vries had to be alert with five minutes to go until half-time as he was forced to palm away a stinging half-volley from Hoilett before Oliveira tested Smithies at the other end with a low effort from close-range.

QPR were to have the last word of the first half and they almost hit the front in stoppage time. Polter was brought down on the edge of the Forest penalty area and although Faurlin curled the ball over the wall, de Vries was able to touch it onto the crossbar and away as the two teams went in level at the break.

The half-time break saw the rain begin to teem down at The City Ground and it was Forest who fashioned the first opportunity of the second period. O'Grady created some space on the left-hand side of the penalty area but his low shot was comfortably held by Smithies.

Freedman then made a double substitution on 55 minutes in an attempt to freshen things up as Burke and Ward replaced Mendes and O'Grady respectively.

The two substitutes almost combined in perfect fashion soon after coming on. Ward put Burke through on goal but the winger was forced wide and in the end Smithies was able to get down and push his shot behind for a corner.

Former Forest defender James Perch was cautioned on 71 minutes for a late challenge on Ben Osborn. The youngster lifted in the resulting free-kick but Jack Hobbs' header lacked power and Smithies gathered easily.

Burke was typically involved in the majority of Forest's attacking endeavours and he tried to break the deadlock again seven minutes later but after cutting in from the right-hand side he could only shoot wide from 20 yards out.

Forest made their final change with two minutes of normal time to play as Dexter Blackstock came on to replace Oliveira.

But there were to be no further chances on a rainy night at The City Ground as Forest were forced to settle for a point that both they and the visitors deserved from the night's proceedings.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Hobbs, Mills (c), Jokic, Osborn, Mancienne, Tesche, Mendes (O.Burke 55'), O'Grady (Ward 55'), Oliveira (Blackstock 88')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Wilson, Cohen, Gardner

Booking: Mendes 34'

QPR: Smithies, Perch, Hall, Onuoha, Konchesky, Phillips (Chery 90'), Faurlin, Luongo, Hoilett (Washington 62'), Fer, Polter

Subs not used: Ingram, Angella, Henry, Tozser, Mackie

Bookings: Perch 71', Luongo 85'

Referee: Paul Tierney

Attendance: 17,030 (349 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...gLUFf4McAqbK.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 28/01/2016 17:31
The dreaded Reds

Posted: Wed 27 Jan 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest defender Eric Lichaj says the team’s defensive resilience will make teams dread playing The Reds.

Forest kept their third consecutive clean sheet in last night’s 0-0 draw with QPR and only top-two sides Hull and Middlesbrough have conceded fewer goals in the Sky Bet Championship.

Lichaj believes another solid defensive performance will further cement Forest’s reputation as a difficult side to break down.

The American said: “In the second half we didn’t get as many chances as in the first, so it was just unlucky that we couldn’t take our chances. But it was a good team performance.

“Everyone’s working together and you can tell defensively we’re on point. Teams will look at that and dread playing against us in the future.”

Forest’s next match is an Emirates FA Cup clash with Watford at The City Ground and Lichaj is looking forward to hopefully giving supporters a performance to be proud of against top-class opposition.

He said: “It’s a Premier League team so they will have some quality players. We’ll have to be on top form to do something special.

“Hopefully the fans will be roaring for us, we can get a few goals and we’ll see what happens.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/article/eric-lichaj-post-qpr-2922932.aspx#Lf5z2iv5CMxRGpZZ.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 28/01/2016 17:34
Sherwood’s relay race

Posted: Wed 27 Jan 2016
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest are looking for Junior Reds members to take to the City Ground turf for a half-time game at Saturday’s Emirates FA Cup match against Watford.

Junior Reds over the age of three are invited to apply to take part in Sherwood the Bear’s third relay race of the season when Forest take on the Hornets.

The winning relay team will win a signed item each, while the runners-up will be given a food voucher as a consolation prize.

To apply for this opportunity, send the member’s name and client reference number to sherwood@nottinghamforest.co.uk before 1pm on Friday 29 January.

Please note: Those who wish to take part in this challenge must have tickets in either the Family Area (Peter Taylor Stand) or the lower tier of the Trent End. If selected to participate, match tickets can be changed free of charge, to the Family Area for this match.

Good luck!

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/article/sherwoods-relay-race-2924267.aspx#8LtEuqX66tlYmIEk.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 29/01/2016 21:39
Match pack: Watford (H)

Posted: Fri 29 Jan 2016
Author: NFFC

A place in the fifth round of the Emirates FA Cup is at stake when Nottingham Forest take on Premier League Watford at The City Ground on Saturday afternoon (kick-off 3pm).

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...iEvlOKlELssR.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 30/01/2016 21:08
Forest 0-1 Watford

Posted: Sat 30 Jan 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest were knocked out of the Emirates FA Cup after suffering a 1-0 defeat against Watford at The City Ground.
Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...VavUhM46bDFU.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 30/01/2016 21:12
We showed we could win it

Posted: Sat 30 Jan 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest manager Dougie Freedman believes his side deserved more from this afternoon’s Emirates FA Cup fourth-round match against Watford.

The Reds were stunned by a clinical Odion Ighalo goal in the 89th minute as they lost 1-0 at The City Ground.

But Freedman believes his team deserved to be in the draw for the fifth round.

The manager said: "Overall I think we have contributed to a fantastic game today. In the first half we stood off a little bit too much - I think we paid them too much respect, although saying that we had the best chance of the game in the 45th minute.

"Second half we got at them and showed we could win this tie. We moved up a gear, had some exciting moments and created enough chances to win the game but half a chance and Watford have got the winner.

"Did they deserve it? No they didn’t. But as long as I can see commitment in our performances we’ll keep on marching forward.”

Freedman insists his side can’t dwell on the defeat, but also says there were positives to come from the game.

He said: "David Vaughan was the Man of the Match by far - fantastic display. He controlled the whole game in and out of possession today.

"It’s just so pleasingg for me to see young Oliver Burke, Jorge Grant and Ben Osborn in a cup tie on that pitch at the same time. There are some positives to come out of it - they will get better for it, we will learn from it and keep on progressing."

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...XvdzxrICafW1.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 01/02/2016 19:22
Liverpool Youth Cup information

Posted: Mon 01 Feb 2016
Author: NFFC

Details of Nottingham Forest’s FA Youth Cup fifth-round tie against Liverpool have been confirmed.
Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...IvlhSv7YlM7y.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 01/02/2016 19:26
My Forest story: Robert Earnshaw

Posted: Mon 01 Feb 2016
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest fans can now watch Robert Earnshaw’s My Forest story.

In celebration of the striker’s career following his recent retirement, the documentary is free to view on the club’s YouTube channel.

Every month throughout the 2015-16 campaign, Forest Player HD will release a new documentary focusing on a pivotal figure in the club’s 150-year history.

John McGovern, Steve Stone, Julian Bennett, Trevor Francis, Frank Clark, Ian Woan, Nigel Clough and Dave Bassett have already told their Forest stories.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...OcCDEJxhJJ6d.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 02/02/2016 22:22
Sheffield Wednesday 2-0 Under 21s

Posted: Tue 02 Feb 2016
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest’s Under 21s suffered a 2-0 defeat at Sheffield Wednesday this afternoon.

Goals from Tom Lees and Ryan Meadows handed the Owls victory over a depleted Forest side.

Under 21s coach Jimmy Gilligan said: “We had a very, very young team out due to the fact the majority of kids who play for us are preparing for the FA Youth Cup.

“We had an even more inexperienced team than normal playing against an experienced Sheffield Wednesday side who included Lees and Michael Turner in central defence.

We had an even more inexperienced team than normal playing against an experienced Sheffield Wednesday side who included Lees and Michael Turner in central defence.

“We had some good chances to equalise and a goal chalked off for a very close offside but overall, considering the age of the group, the effort and endeavour from the lads was absolutely superb.

“As a coach you ask the players to do everything they can and I think they did that today.”

Forest: Evtimov (c), Re, Wood, Burns (McClean 58'), Karo, Kelly, Gomis, Taylor, Walton (A.Wright 54'), Thorne, Austin

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...mmoyGfkgEH75.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 03/02/2016 22:46
Let’s go toe-to-toe

Posted: Wed 03 Feb 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest Under 18s assistant coach Gareth Holmes says the club’s
FA Youth Cup squad has the character and ability to go ‘toe-to-toe’ with

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...W6698pC5LOV8.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 03/02/2016 22:49
A big occasion

Posted: Wed 03 Feb 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest defender Alex Iacovitti hopes Thursday night’s FA
Youth Cup match against Liverpool will be a similar occasion to
Tottenham last season – but with a different outcome.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...aTyEM0Aci6IY.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 05/02/2016 18:06

Following defeat to Watford in the Emirates FA Cup last weekend, Nottingham Forest will be hoping to get back to winning ways in the league when they visit Leeds United tomorrow (kick-off 3pm).

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...gFCj16ede60M.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 07/02/2016 11:57
Leeds 0-1 Forest

Posted: Sat 06 Feb 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest’s excellent league form continued with a 1-0 win at Leeds this afternoon.

Nelson Oliveira scored the winner with a second-half header to give Forest the victory their excellent display deserved.

The Reds lined up with Matt Mills and Michael Mancienne in central defence, with a three-man midfield of David Vaughan, Gary Gardner and Robert Tesche. Ben Osborn and Jamie Ward provided the width and Nelson Oliveira lead the line.

Ryan Mendes, Dexter Blackstock, Oliver Burke and Jorge Grant provided attacking outlets from the bench.

Leeds claimed the first chance of the match in the third minute, Stuart Dallas crossing from the right and Souleymane Doukara nodding the ball wide.

Oliveira produced Forest’s response two minutes later, controlling Ward’s diagonal ball on his chest before being forced wide on his left foot. His effort was weak and Leeds keeper Marco Silvestri made a comfortable stop.

The Portuguese forward had an almost identical chance eight minutes later, receiving the ball from Gardner but once again being forced on to his weaker foot and failing to properly test Silvestri.

Forest were quickly getting to grips with the match, however, and the chances kept coming. On 16 minutes the ball bounced in front of Ward, who sent it dipping dangerously towards goal. To the relief of the home crowd, the ball dropped into Silvestri’s clutches.

Three minutes later Gardner was fouled by Liam Bridcutt in a dangerous crossing position. Ward’s delivery was disappointing but Leeds could only clear the ball to Gardner with time and space on his side. He composed himself before striking it sweetly towards goal, skimming the bar.

The visitors were firmly in the ascendancy and had perhaps their best chance of the half on 26 minutes. Osborn was the next Forest man to try his luck from range, sending the ball looping up off a Leeds defender and dropping into the middle of Leeds’ area. Tesche won the scramble to meet it first and tried to guide the ball home on the volley. He got too much purchase on his effort, however, sending it over the bar.

Forest full backs Bojan Jokic and Eric Lichaj were having solid games and the latter nearly gave Forest the lead ten minutes before half time. Osborn played the ball to Tesche from a quick free-kick and the German spotted Lichaj’s forward run, picking him out with a well-measured pass. Lichaj opted to shoot first time, arrowing the ball low and just wide of the post. The American was adamant Silvestri had touched it wide but the officials gave a goal kick.

The Reds had one more chance to take a lead into half-time moments before the whistle. Ward picked out Oliveira, who showed tremendous feet and strength to get goalside of his marker and into a shooting position in the area. Before he could strike the ball, however, a defender arrived to knock it out for a corner.

Neither manager made changes at the break as Forest sought another strong half.

And Freedman’s side nearly had the lead six minutes after the restart. Osborn released Oliveira down the left and the forward had the pace to get around Bellusci to the byline. He cut the ball into the middle where Ward for a second looked like he would have a simple tap-in, but Scott Wootton slid in heroically to quell the danger. Both keepers were called into action shortly afterwards, Silvestri making a comfortable save from Ward before Dorus de Vries held on to shots from Dallas and Charlie Taylor.

But Forest had the goal they deserved on the hour. Gardner dinked the ball into the middle from just outside the area, catching the Leeds defence flat-footed. Oliveira was on his toes, however, drifting into space eight yards out and nodding the ball low to Silvestri’s left. The keeper got a hand to it but couldn’t prevent the ball bouncing off the inside of the post and over the line.

The Reds nearly had a sensational second two minutes later when they won the ball high up the pitch. Osborn laid it off to Gardner 25 yards out and he produced a superb strike, sending it whistling inches over.

Freedman made his first change on 75 minutes when he sent Burke on in place of Ward.

And Forest continued their impressive display into the match’s latter stages. Tesche could have had a goal when he did well to control Lichaj’s low cross, rolling his marker in the same movement to create a shooting opportunity on his left foot. The midfielder didn’t strike it cleanly, however, and Silvestri was able to make the save.

Osborn was the next to have a go with his weaker foot, striking the ball straight at Silvestri from 20 yards after receiving a lay-off from Vaughan.

Oliveira, who had just drawn the game’s only booking from Liam Bridcutt, was replaced by Blackstock shortly before four minutes were added on at the end of the match.

And Forest saw the game out comfortably to claim an impressive victory at Elland Road.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills(C), Mancienne, Jokic, Vaughan, Tesche, Gardner, Osborn, Ward (Burke, 75'), Oliveira (Blackstock, 88')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Cohen, Hobbs, Mendes, Grant

Goal: Oliveira, 60'

Leeds: Silvestri, Wootton (Adeyemi, 90'), Bellusci, Cooper, Taylor, Cook, Bridcutt, Diagouraga (Erwin, 81'), Dallas (Carayol, 70'), Doukara, Antenucci.

Subs not used: Peacock-Farrell, Coyle, Bamba, Murphy

Booking: Bridcutt 87'

Referee: Scott Duncan

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...r78B71GiVY96.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 09/02/2016 22:32
Under 21s 0-1 Sheffield United

Posted: Tue 09 Feb 2016
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest’s Under 21s were beaten by a second-half goal at home to Sheffield United on Monday afternoon.

Jimmy Gilligan named a young side to face the Blades with the likes of Jordan Gabriel, Liam Adams and Kyle McClean all involved.

Tyler Walker had Forest’s best chance of the first half but his effort was well saved by the Sheffield United goalkeeper following good build-up play from Adams.

But it was the visitors who took all three points as Harrison McGahey stabbed the ball home from close range after Forest had struggled to clear a free-kick.

Forest’s Under 21s are next in action when they travel to Leeds United on Monday (15 February, kick-off 1pm).

Forest: Evtimov, Gabriel, Karo, Iacovitti, Kelly, Adams (McClean 66’), Crookes, Yates (Austin 53’), Wood, Walker, Thorne

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...mPYtUvGT8QVi.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 10/02/2016 22:15
David's dream December

Posted: Wed 10 Feb 2016
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest fan Georgia Norman had the chance to present Reds midfielder David Vaughan with an award this week.

Georgia made the journey to the Nigel Doughty Academy to hand over The Bed Chambers Player of the Month award for December to the Wales international.

The midfielder was an integral part of Forest’s midfield as The Reds went unbeaten during the month, winning two and drawing four of their six matches and Georgia was keen to praise David contribution to the cause.

She told Forest Player HD: “I feel like David had a really good month. He created plenty of chances for his teammates, passed the ball really well and he was important to us being unbeaten during December."

As part of the presentation package, Georgia enjoyed a tour of The City Ground and received a £100 voucher to spend at The Bed Chambers.

For your chance to emulate Georgia, keep an eye on nottinghamforest.co.uk to vote for February's The Bed Chambers Player of the Month.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...FO7YdtDPhjam.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 13/02/2016 11:11

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 14/02/2016 12:05
Gallery: Forest 0-2 Huddersfield

Posted: Sun 14 Feb 2016
Author: NFFC

Take a look at some of the images from Nottingham Forest's 2-0 defeat to Huddersfield Town in the Sky Bet Championship at The City Ground.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...qhO4UWQmDbc8.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 14/02/2016 12:10
Forest 0-2 Huddersfield

Posted: Sat 13 Feb 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest were beaten 2-0 by Huddersfield this afternoon, their first league defeat since November.

A first-half Matt Mills own goal and a Phillip Billing screamer after the break handed the visitors victory on an afternoon when Forest struggled to create clear-cut chances

Dougie Freedman named an unchanged team following last weekend's 1-0 win at Leeds. That meant that a defence of Eric Lichaj, Mills, Michael Mancienne and Bojan Jokic had the opportunity to continue The Reds' defensive solidity, while Nelson Oliveira was given a chance to build on his winning goal at Elland Road.

While it was Huddersfield who made the better start, Forest were the first team to test the opposition keeper. Mills peeled into space to meet David Vaughan's 13th-minute corner but he had a lot to do with his header, sending it straight at Terriers keeper Jed Steer.

Mills did have the ball in the net a minute later but, unfortunately for him and his team-mates, it was to the visitors' advantage. Tommy Smith's low cross from the right forced Mills into action and, positioned centrally six yards out, his attempted interception diverted the ball beyond Dorus de Vries and into the net.

It was proving to be a busy start for Mills, who conceded a free-kick in a dangerous area on 21 minutes when he brought down James Husband. Nahki Wells took responsibility for the set piece but he could only send the ball straight into de Vries' clutches.

Forest then came close to a spectacular equaliser courtesy of Oliveira. He received the ball from a throw-in down the right, allowing the ball to bounce and twisting his body to present himself with a shooting opportunity on his left foot. He sent the ball dipping just over the angle of bar and post.

The Reds' pursuit of an equaliser continued when another Vaughan corner caused problems for the Huddersfield defence. This time Robert Tesche was the beneficiary, out-jumping his marker to nod the ball just wide.

With half-time approaching, Oliveira had a good opportunity after receiving an excellent Ben Osborn cut-back. He collected the ball in time and space on the edge of the area and curled it agonisingly wide of the far post.

Huddersfield still looked a threat, however, and they could have made it 2-0 after a forward foray involving Wells and Harry Bunn. The ball was shifted to Karim Matmour on the edge of the area, who struck it into the ground to present de Vries with an awkward save. The Dutchman managed to push the ball to safety.

Two minutes were added at the end of the half, in the first of which Jokic worked himself a shooting chance on his right foot after a strong run forward and some neat footwork in the area. The Slovenian could only curl the ball high and wide, however.

And it was the Terriers who claimed the final shot of the half, Wells' low, powerful strike from 22 yards being comfortably held by de Vries.

There were no changes for either side at the break and Huddersfield had the first chance of the second half when Vaughan tripped Bunn on the edge of the box. Former Red Joel Lynch opted for power and saw his low strike diverted wide by the wall.

Freedman made a double change shortly afterwards, sending on youngsters Oliver Burke and Jorge Grant for Jamie Ward and Gary Gardner.

Shortly after his introduction, Grant made a good forward run. When the ball ran away from him Oliveira pounced, firing a powerful effort low towards goal. Steer managed to wildly push the ball behind.

Long-range left-footers from Oliveira, over the bar, and Tesche, straight at Steer, followed as Forest upped the ante in the search of a goal.

The game then entered a scrappy spell, with Forest's Grant and Huddersfield's Jonathan Hogg and Smith entering the book.

Town were proving themselves a tough nut to crack and Freedman decided to send on Dexter Blackstock with nine minutes to play, Tesche making way.

But the visitors wrapped the game up in stunning fashion seven minutes from time when Billing picked the ball up in space 30 yards out and struck the ball into the top corner.

It could have been 3-0 shortly afterwards when Jokic conceded possession to Matmour 20 yards out. De Vries had to get down low to make the save at his left post.

Five minutes of added time were indicated at the end of the match but there was nothing Forest could do to stop their long unbeaten run from coming to an end.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills (c), Mancienne, Jokic, Vaughan, Gardner (Grant 57'), Tesche (Blackstock 81'), Ward (O.Burke 57'), Osborn, Oliveira

Subs not used: Evtimov, Cohen, Hobbs, O'Grady

Bookings: Grant 69', Mills 82'

Huddersfield: Steer, Smith, Lynch, Hudson (c), Husband, Hogg (Cranie 90'), Billing (Whitehead 88'), Matmour, Bunn (Dempsey 90'), Lolley, Wells

Subs not used: Murphy, Davidson, Manu, Bojaj

Goals: Mills (o.g. 14'), Billing 84'

Bookings: Hogg 72', Smith 73'

Referee: Darren Deadman

Attendance: 19,984 (1,193 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...lhXicoqTWdyf.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 15/02/2016 22:35
Credit to the opposition

Posted: Sun 14 Feb 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest defender Matt Mills says Huddersfield produced the perfect away performance at The City Ground yesterday.

The Terriers emerged 2-0 winners with a goal either side of half-time.

And Mills’ disappointment was clear to see after full-time.

He said: "That’s not the way we’ve been playing, which I think is the most disappointing thing.

"I think today was a classic case of how you can be picked off by anyone when you try to press the ball in the wrong areas. That’s not been us - we’ve been strong defensively, organised. It’s very disappointing. Huddersfield play a lot from the back so we tried to catch them out high but it just didn’t work.

"I thought it was the perfect away performance from them - that’s the way they’ll see it. They didn’t get out of their half in the second half but they didn’t need to. They could camp behind the ball, frustrate us and try to catch us on the counter. It was our job to try and break that down and create something, and we couldn’t.”

Mills insists the defeat won’t have a lasting effect on the team, however.

He said: "We’re in a mindset of not dwelling on things very long, be it a win or a defeat. We’ll come in, work hard and go again.

"We can’t do anything about it now, it’s gone. It’s frustrating, it’s disappointing and it will hurt - as I know it will for everyone who follows Nottingham Forest. But that’s football. We need to pick ourselves up.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...VO2GWcMFCFes.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 20/02/2016 11:59
Fawaz offers free coach travel

Nottingham Forest owner and chairman Fawaz Al Hasawi is offering free coach travel to the Sky Bet Championship match at Burnley.
The Reds head to Lancashire on Tuesday 23 February (kick-off 7.45pm) and Fawaz Al Hasawi will cover the cost of all official coach travel in recognition of the fans’ loyalty and commitment.

Supporters who wish to take advantage of the offer can do so by contacting the ticket office. Those who have already booked Burnley coach travel will be able to claim a refund.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...px7O7oZ1rPlI.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 22/02/2016 18:17
Time to right some wrongs

Nottingham Forest manager Dougie Freedman says his team are ready to right some wrongs at Burnley tomorrow night.

The Reds travel to Lancashire with the unfamiliar intention of bouncing back from defeat after seeing their long unbeaten run come to an end against Huddersfield Town.

And Freedman is keen for his players to move on by producing a positive display at Turf Moor.

The manager told Forest Player HD: “The players are bitterly disappointed but we’ve learned from our failures. We all got it wrong but we’re looking forward to all getting it right against Burnley, which will be a very tough test.

“I’ve got to congratulate Burnley on their consistency – I think that’s something we’ve got to work on. I’m very proud to say we’re only one goal behind them defensively, but in attack they have bought big players for big money, and they have produced the goods for them.

“But we feel we’ve got the capability to go away from home and win because we’ve learned from our mistakes.”

Freedman had happy news on the injury front, announcing that Britt Assombalonga and Henri Lansbury could both return to full training in late March.

The pair will be hoping to follow in the footsteps of Chris Cohen, whose successful rehabilitation from a serious knee injury means he is once again a regular in the matchday squad.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...quGDRrtZqrEq.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 23/02/2016 18:37

Nottingham Forest will be looking to record a first win at Turf Moor since 2003 when they take on Sean Dyche's promotion-chasing Burnley this evening (kick-off 7.45pm).

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...FqremuWuy1JE.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 24/02/2016 18:59
Burnley 1-0 Forest

Posted: Tue 23 Feb 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest suffered a 1-0 defeat at Burnley this evening.

Sam Vokes’ second-half strike sealed victory for the home side, who had been kept at bay by a resolute Forest defence until the 68th minute.

Clear-cut chances proved hard to come by for Forest, who must now prepare for Saturday’s visit of Bristol City.

Dougie Freedman named an unchanged line-up from the side he put out against Huddersfield last time out.

The first big chance of the game fell to Burnley when Joey Barton whipped the ball into the middle with a free-kick. His delivery picked out Andre Gray at the near post but the free-scoring forward could only nod the ball off-target.

Forest’s response came from David Vaughan, who struck the ball high and wide after it rolled out to him in space 25 yards out.

Gray is the Championship’s top scorer and he nearly added to his tally in unorthodox fashion on 20 minutes when the ball bounced behind him following a corner. He flicked his leg at it, backheeling it goalwards and forcing Dorus de Vries into a sharp save.

Jamie Ward, playing wide right, worked himself space for a shot shortly afterwards, twisting and turning 20 yards out before firing the ball straight at Tom Heaton.

Robert Tesche was the next Forest man to have a go, rattling the stanchion with a long-range strike, before Ward’s heavy touch following Vaughan’s incisive pass allowed Heaton just enough time to smother the danger six yards out.

As half-time approached Burnley upped their search for an opening goal. Just as one minute of added time was announced, David Jones struck a bouncing ball goalwards and de Vries had to parry it away.

The home side kept the move alive and worked the ball back to Jones, who tried his luck from range once again. The ball either took a deflection or swerved, forcing de Vries into an awkward save, and Gray could only fire the ball over on the rebound.

There were no changes for either side at the break and Forest frustrated their high-flying hosts before claiming the first chance of the second half. Jokic was played in down the left and he cut the ball back for Ward in the ‘D’. The winger took a touch but had to hurry with his shot as he was being quickly closed down, striking it well but sending it over.

But Forest’s defence was undone shortly afterwards when Stephen Ward made inroads down the left and cut the ball back for Vokes eight yards out. The striker made no mistake in stroking it past de Vries.

Burnley had chances to extend their lead through George Boyd and Gray, who both pulled the ball wide of the near post from dangerous positions in the Forest penalty area.

Freedman’s first change came on 74 minutes when he sent Dexter Blackstock on in place of Vaughan, before Chris Cohen and Jorge Grant replaced Tesche and Osborn shortly afterwards.

But Forest were struggling to trouble their hosts, with Ward’s wayward 85th-minute volley matching a similar earlier effort from Tesche by failing to cause any problems for Heaton.

Three minutes of added time were indicated at the end of the match but Forest were unable to score an equaliser as they suffered a 1-0 defeat at Turf Moor.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mancienne, Mills (c), Jokic, Ward, Vaughan (Blackstock 74'), Tesche (Cohen 81'), Gardner, Osborn (Grant 81'), Oliveira

Subs not used: Evtimov, Wilson, Hobbs, O'Grady

Booking: Jokic 42'

Burnley: Heaton (c), Lowton, Tarkowski, Mee, Ward, Boyd, Jones, Barton, Arfield, Vokes, Gray

Subs not used: Robinson, Long, Kightly, Taylor, Darikwa, Ulvestad, Hennings

Goal: Vokes 68'

Referee: Andrew Madley

Attendance: 15,517 (882 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...sUfy7UckwKQ0.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 27/02/2016 12:07

Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 28/02/2016 00:17
Forest 1-2 Bristol City

Posted: Sat 27 Feb 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest suffered a 2-1 defeat at home to Bristol City this afternoon.

The Reds took the lead through Ben Osborn but Jonathan Kodjia restored parity shortly before half-time.

And, despite Forest's dominant start to the second period, the visitors' influence grew and defender Aden Flint headed home the winner from a corner.

Chris Cohen was handed his first league start since September 2014, replacing the bench-bound Gary Gardner. Forest were otherwise unchanged from the side that narrowly lost at Burnley on Tuesday night.

It was a busy start to the match, the first chance falling to Forest on two minutes. Nelson Oliveira showed excellent control before executing a lovely pass with the outside of his right boot to send Jamie Ward into the area. Ward had to take his shot first time and could only guide the bouncing ball over the bar.

Bristol City's response came a minute later when Matt Mills had to stand firm to nudge Lee Tomlin's effort out for a corner after the wide man showed excellent feet following a quick counter-attack.

Ward and Oliveira almost linked up again on seven minutes, the former receiving a pass from Bojan Jokic, bursting to the byline and drilling it across goal. Oliveira was unable to set himself in time to convert from his unmarked position at the back post.

Forest kept up their intensity and, after receiving a neat first-time lay-off from Cohen, Eric Lichaj burst forward from right back. The American cut inside on his left foot and struck the ball goalwards, but Richard O'Donnell was well placed to make a comfortable save.

Moments later, the visitors conjured up a chance of their own when Kodjia intercepted a loose pass and did well to work himself space for a shot in Forest's area. Matt Mills came in at the last minute to make an important block.

Ward had another brief glimpse at goal on 12 minutes after Vaughan robbed Tomlin and laid the ball off to Oliveira. He supplied Ward, who got the ball caught under his feet in the area and was unable to evade the Bristol City defence.

That proved to be Ward's final major involvement as he sustained an injury while trying to control a diagonal pass. He hobbled off and was replaced by Tyler Walker on 18 minutes.

The pace of the game slowed after that, with only half-chances for either side coming before Forest broke the deadlock on 30 minutes.

Tomlin fouled Lichaj close to the right touchline and Cohen took charge of the free-kick, swinging the ball low into the box. It snuck under a defender's foot and Osborn was able to bring it under control, swivel and fire it low past O'Donnell to put The Reds 1-0 up.

Forest were playing with plenty of confidence, as evidenced by Oliveria's extravagant attempt to double his side's advantage 11 minutes before the break. Jokic did well to dig out a cross from the left, finding the Portugal international on the edge of the box. He flicked the ball up for himself, spun his body goalwards and volleyed the ball sweetly, only for a City defender to block well.

The visitors were refusing to lie down, however, with Tomlin a continuing menace. His brilliant run was halted at the last by Mancienne, moments before Joe Bryan curled a shot wide from the corner of the box.

And Lee Johnson's side had their equaliser four minutes before the break. Bryan was again the instigator, rattling the base of the post with a shot from range. Kodjia was the first man on the scene to guide the ball past Dorus de Vries from eight yards.

There were no changes for either side at the break but first-half substitute Walker had an opening within four minutes of the restart. He raced away down the right to go through one-on-one with O'Donnell but a City defender recovered well to hold the youngster up. Forest worked the ball to Cohen, who pushed it beyond two defenders and went to ground just outside the area. Referee David Webb booked the midfielder for simulation.

Forest were making all the early second-half running, Oliveira having a shot blocked in the area, Lichaj seeing his cross-cum-shot flash a yard wide of the post and Walker arriving half-a-second too late to convert Cohen's drilled delivery.

But it should have been 2-1 to the visitors on the hour. Tomlin was once again the thorn in Forest's side, firing in a low cross from the left which de Vries could only parry towards the penalty spot. Luke Freeman was first to the ball and looked certain to score, but he lashed at it wildly and somehow sent it wide.

Freeman nearly made amends four minutes later when he found Kodjia with a cross from the right, but the striker got underneath the ball and could only glance it into de Vries' grasp.

Now it was all City and, after Michael Mancienne was panicked into conceding a corner by Freeman, Nathan Baker hit the outside of the post after meeting the cross.

Dougie Freedman saw fit to make his second changed shortly afterwards, replacing Vaughan with Gardner on 68 minutes.

But there was nothing the substitute could do to prevent Forest going behind two minutes later as the visitors made their latest corner pay. Flint rose highest to meet Freeman's delivery and, despite getting a hand to the defender's header, de Vries couldn't keep the ball out of his net.

Freedman's final change saw Ryan Mendes, back from a minor injury, replace Robert Tesche.

But Forest were struggling to impose themselves on the Robins and, despite four added minutes, they were unable to find an equaliser.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills (c), Mancienne, Jokic, Cohen, Vaughan (Gardner 68'), Tesche (Mendes 74'), Osborn, Ward (Walker 19'), Oliveira

Subs not used: Evtimov, Blackstock, Hobbs, Grant

Goal: Osborn 30'

Booking: Cohen 49'

Bristol City: O'Donnell, Little, Flint, Baker, Golbourne, Pack (c), Reid (Agard 90'), Tomlin (Wagstaff 74'), Bryan, Freeman, Kodjia (Wilbraham 82')

Subs not used: Fielding, Vyner, Pearce, Williams

Goals: Kodjia 41', Flint 70'

Referee: David Webb

Attendance: 20,551 (1,032 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...XgIILXp197vh.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 02/03/2016 15:03
Statement from Fawaz

Nottingham Forest owner and chairman Fawaz Al Hasawi has released the following statement following reports on the payment of player and staff wages.
I would like to confirm that all player and staff wages have been paid for the month of February.

A slight delay in these payments occurred due to national holidays in Kuwait, which meant the banks were closed for a period of time.

I have the utmost respect for all our players and staff, who work very hard for the good of the club.

Quelle: nottinghamforest.co.uk
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 04/03/2016 21:52

Nottingham Forest have performed well away from home in recent weeks and will look for success
on the road when they travel to Ipswich Town on Saturday (kick-off 3pm).

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...5XhV9ttkpP11.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 06/03/2016 19:41
Ipswich 1-0 Forest

Posted: Sat 05 Mar 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest suffered a 1-0 defeat at Ipswich Town this afternoon.

Ben Pringle scored the game’s only goal just after the hour, compounding Forest’s frustrations after they had hit the bar and forced two excellent saves from Town’s keeper before the break.

Right winger Ryan Mendes returned to the starting line up as Dougie Freedman opted for a 4-4-1-1 formation. Dexter Blackstock led the line with Nelson Oliveira dropping deeper, while Gary Gardner paired up with David Vaughan in central midfield. Forest’s bench included Chris Cohen and 20-year-old Lithuanian international winger Deimantas Petravicius.

The Reds started well and forced Bartosz Bialkowski into two saves in quick succession with only three minutes on the clock. The first came after Ben Osborn picked out Oliveira with an excellent cross. The Portuguese forward powered his header goalwards but Bialkowski brilliantly got down to his right to push the ball wide. The resultant corner was met well by Gardner but he could only direct his header straight at the keeper.

Ipswich’s first chance came four minutes later when Freddie Sears wriggled free and played Bret Pitman into the area. The ball ran wide and, with the angle against him, Pitman couldn’t strike it cleanly and Dorus de Vries was able to make an easy save.

Sears was proving to be a pivotal figure in Town’s forward forays and he had his first chance on 12 minutes. His shot also came from a tight angle but de Vries saw fit to tip the ball wide at his near post.

Forest were looking assured, however, and they were left to curse Bialkowski again on 18 minutes. Town’s poor clearance allowed Blackstock to lay the ball off for Oliveira on the edge of the area. He had time to compose himself before curling it towards the far corner, only for the keeper to dive to his left and make an excellent save. The resultant corner came out to Gardner, whose shot bounced up off the turf and deflected wide off an Ipswich defender.

The Portman Road surface was a bobbly one and that nearly came to Sears’ aid on 21 minutes when the ball teed itself up kindly for him 25 yards out. His dipping strike stayed within comfortable range for de Vries, who pushed it away with relative ease.

Had it not been for Bialkowski’s impressive stops Forest could have already been 2-0 up, and it was the woodwork which would next frustrate Freedman’s men as they searched for the opening goal. Vaughan’s excellent corner was met in the middle by Mills but his header crashed off the crossbar.

Half chances followed for both sides as de Vries raced off his line to punch Kevin Bru’s dangerous cross away shortly after Oliveira couldn’t pick out a Forest man following some neat footwork near the Ipswich byline.

But Forest were undoubtedly having the better of the half and they almost had the goal they deserved seconds before the break. Oliveira’s delightful turn near the centre circle allowed him to supply Osborn down the left and the wide man produced a terrific cross. Gardner timed his run to perfection but could only head the ball over from six yards.

The second half started evenly but it was the visitors who claimed the first chance after the restart. Just before the hour, good hold up play by Oliveira led him to supplying Osborn in the area. On his weaker right foot, he fired the ball low and just wide of the post.

The roles were reversed moments later as Osborn threaded the ball through for Oliveira, who from a tight angle sent it sailing across the face of goal and out for a throw.

But, despite having so often gone close to taking the lead themselves, Forest found themselves behind on 63 minutes. Pitman laid the ball off for Pringle on the edge of the area and, despite Osborn’s closing down, the Fulham loanee curled it off the base of the post and over the line.

De Vries had dived despairingly to try and save Pringle’s effort, but he was able to make a crucial block five minutes later when Pitman sent the ball dipping and swerving towards goal with a long-range strike. The Dutch keeper managed to get a strong hand to it.

Freedman made a triple change on 78 minutes as Bojan Jokic, Mendes and Oliveira came off for Cohen, Jorge Grant and debutant Petravicius.

But Forest were struggling to trouble their hosts as they had done earlier in the match and, despite five minutes of added time in which Ipswich exhibited some nervousness, The Reds were unable to find an equaliser.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mancienne, Mills (c), Jokic (Cohen 78'), Mendes (Petravicius 78'), Gardner, Vaughan, Osborn, Oliveira (Grant 78'), Blackstock

Subs not used: Evtimov, Wilson, O'Grady, Tesche

Bookings: Blackstock 6', Mancienne 60', Oliveira 73', Grant 82'

Ipswich: Bialkowski, Chambers, Smith, Berra, Knudsen, Foley, Hyam, Bru (Maitland-Niles 46'), Pringle (Digby 90'), Pitman (Varney 90'), Sears

Subs not used: Gerken, Tabb, Dozzell, Toure

Goal: Pringle 63'

Booking: Hyam 73'

Referee: Andy Woolmer

Attendance: 20,658 (1,088 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...t5TbXKl6yMYb.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 08/03/2016 16:35
... und es geht schon weiter heute nod

Nottingham Forest have an important City Ground double-header
this week and the first part sees them come up against Preston North
End on Tuesday night (kick-off 7.45pm).

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...V9uUHwJmipXg.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 09/03/2016 20:54
Forest 1-0 Preston

Posted: Tue 08 Mar 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest secured a 1-0 victory over Preston North End at The City Ground this evening.

The game was decided shortly before the break when Nelson Oliveira capped a classic counter attack with a simple finish at the Bridgford End.

Forest had a number of chances to double their lead early in the second half but in the end one goal was enough to secure the three points.
Dougie Freedman made three changes to the side that slipped to a narrow defeat at Ipswich on Saturday. Bojan Jokic, David Vaughan and Dexter Blackstock came out of the starting 11 and were replaced by Chris Cohen, Robert Tesche and Chris O'Grady.

20-year-old Lithuanian winger Deimantas Petravicius made his Forest debut at Portman Road and he was named on the bench once again, alongside fellow youngsters Jorge Grant and Gerry McDonagh.

The first shot of the game came from Oliveira on six minutes. He received the ball in plenty of space 25 yards out but dragged it low and wide of the left-hand post.

Preston almost had a fortuitous lead nine minutes later when Daniel Johnson's dangerous corner caused the ball to flick goalwards off a man in the middle. Dorus de Vries reacted quickly enough to make the save, recovering the ball at the second attempt.

Half-chances came and went for both sides during a quiet opening period, O'Grady miscuing a shot across the face of goal before Preston's Paul Gallagher saw the Forest wall deflect his free-kick up and over the crossbar.

But the game sparked into life on 37 minutes when a Preston move broke down on the edge of Forest's area, leaving Ryan Mendes with plenty of space to race into. He had the pace to ride a cynical challenge and Forest were three-on-two. Mendes delayed his pass to perfection, laying the ball to his left for Osborn who in turn rolled it to Oliveira at the back post for a simple tap-in.

The visitors sought a quick response and nearly had one when Calum Woods' powerful strike from the corner of the area forced a good save from de Vries.

And the Reds keeper was called into action again minutes later after Adam Reach took the ball down nicely, dropped his shoulder and curled it towards the bottom corner from the edge of the box. De Vries got down to his right to make the stop.

Former Forest forward Joe Garner was leading the line for Preston and an ongoing battle between him and Forest centre backs Michael Mancienne and Matt Mills was providing referee Michael Brown with plenty to keep his eye on. Garner, who had earlier been booked after clashing with de Vries, went down under Mancienne's challenge on the stroke of half-time and the referee took the defender's name.

Garner's involvement was curtailed at the break as Preston boss Simon Grayson opted for a double change. The forward was replaced by Callum Robinson, while Jordan Hugill took the place of Bailey Wright.

Forest had a good chance to double their lead within seconds of the restart when Osborn got away down the left. He cut the ball back from the byline but despite Mendes' best efforts he couldn't find a route to goal.

There was an even better opportunity for The Reds five minutes later when Mendes was fouled by Greg Cunningham in a dangerous crossing position. Mendes escaped his marker to meet Cohen's dinked delivery six yards out but he could only direct his glancing header straight at goalkeeper Anders Lindegaard.

The home side kept up their pressure and created another opening a minute later. Ben Osborn's cross from the left was misjudged by a Preston defender, allowing Oliveira to trap the ball at the back post. The Portuguese forward had options in the middle but he opted to go it alone and saw the ball smothered by Lindegaard.

Forest were well in the ascendancy and there was another chance for Mendes on 54 minutes. He let a long ball bounce up and over his shoulder before half-volleying it powerfully over the bar from a wide angle.

Preston managed to temporarily stem Forest's flow but on 65 minutes they were hit on the break in similar style to how they were for the opening goal. Again Mendes was the man to carry the ball deep into Preston territory and again Osborn was the man to receive the lay-off, but the visitors were not as vulnerable this time. Osborn held the ball up and waited for the run of O'Grady, who saw his low shot blocked by Lindegaard's legs.

Forest had Lindegaard's opposite number to thank five minutes later, however. Woods dug out a cross from the right and Hugill sent the ball towards the bottom corner with a towering header. De Vries somehow got down to it to make the save and Mills reacted quickly to slide in and block a shot on the rebound.

Freedman then made a double change as Cohen and Oliveira were replaced by Jokic and Grant.

The Reds were looking comfortable and had another opportunity to kill the game off when Mendes pounced on a defensive error to race into the area. He tried to square the ball for Grant but a Preston defender recovered to block. The ball came back to Mendes but his shot was deflected out for a throw.

But Preston, still harbouring hopes of securing a play-off place, were left to curse de Vries once again on 81 minutes when the keeper made an acrobatic save to pluck Adam Reach's strike away from the top corner. Freedman's final change followed as Mendes made way for David Vaughan.

Gary Gardner came close to doubling the home side's lead with a left-footed effort from 20 yards, the ball taking a nick on its way just over the bar, shortly before three minutes were added on at the end of the second half.

Lindegaard went up for a corner in the first added minute but it came to nothing and Forest were able to see the game out

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mancienne, Mills (c), Cohen (Jokic 72'), Mendes (Vaughan 83'), Gardner, Tesche, Osborn, O'Grady, Oliveira (Grant 73')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Wilson, McDonagh, Petravicius

Goal: Oliveira 37'

Bookings: Mendes 33', Mancienne 45', Tesche 66'

Preston: Lindegaard, Cunningham, Clarke, Wright (Robinson 46'), Huntington, Woods, Gallagher (Doyle 77'), Johnson, Pearson, Reach, Garner (Hugill 46')
Subs not used: Kirkland, Vermijl, Smith, Welsh

Bookings: Garner 39', Johnson 56', Huntington 90'

Referee: Mark Brown

Attendance: 16,747 (525 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...WFzpAbR5mEFl.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/03/2016 20:40

Nottingham Forest will look to follow up their midweek
victory over Preston with another important home win
against play-off chasing Sheffield Wednesday on Saturday
(kick-off 3pm).

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...BpWYK3OkrDA6.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 13/03/2016 12:36
Forest 0-3 Sheffield Wednesday

Posted: Sat 12 Mar 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest suffered a 3-0 defeat against Sheffield Wednesday at The City Ground this afternoon.

Gary Hooper and Marco Matias' second-half strikes added to Aiden McGeady's 30th-minute effort in a match which also saw Wednesday's Barry Bannan sent off late on.

Dougie Freedman made two changes to the side that beat Preston. Nelson Oliveira, who hobbled off in Tuesday's second half with a groin strain, made way for attacking midfielder Jorge Grant, while Robert Tesche was replaced by David Vaughan.

Oliver Burke made a welcome return to the squad, joining fellow youngsters Tyler Walker and Gerry McDonagh on a bench which also included experienced campaigners Tesche, Bojan Jokic and Kelvin Wilson.

Forest, kicking towards the Trent End, made the stronger start and had the first chance of the game on five minutes. Ben Osborn supplied Vaughan on his weaker right foot but the Welshman's shot from 25 yards was comfortably saved low down by Keiran Westwood.

The Reds carved out another opening four minutes later following good wingplay by Ryan Mendes. The Cape Verdean's low cross was toe-poked into Grant's path by Chris O'Grady but the youngster was always stretching to take the shot, sending the ball high and wide from 20 yards.

Wednesday were boosted by the return from suspension of top scorer Fernando Forestieri, who had his first sight at goal on 11 minutes when he received the ball on the edge of the area. His powerful strike was parried by Dorus de Vries but Forest failed to clear, presenting the ball back to the Italian. De Vries was equal to his second effort, however, smothering the danger.

Chris Cohen isn't a player known for his goalscoring exploits but when Wednesday afforded him plenty of time and space after he had moved forward from left back, he couldn't resist a shot. The ball flicked off Liam Palmer, momentarily wrong-footing Westwood, but the keeper managed to readjust his position in time to make the save.

It was proving to be an end-to-end opening to the match and Forest had to rely on an excellent sliding block by captain Matt Mills to keep the scores level on 24 minutes. Gary Hooper flicked the ball into Kieran Lee's path in the area and the defender had to slide in at the near post to divert it behind.

But the Owls were ahead shortly afterwards. Bannan's sliderule pass made life difficult for Eric Lichaj, who couldn't sort his feet before McGeady nipped around him, composed himself and smashed the ball past de Vries.

The visitors thought they had a second shortly afterwards when Bannan's beautifully-struck volley following a half-cleared corner saw the ball flash through a crowd of bodies and into de Vries' grasp.

Forest could easily have been level with half-time approaching, however, as a corner of their own caused problems in the Wednesday box. The ball came all the way out to Osborn at the back post, who whipped it back into the middle with pace. Grant guided the ball goalwards with a glancing header but could only direct it straight at Westwood.

The end-to-end nature of the half meant Wednesday would claim the last chance before the break and it fell to danger man Forestieri. Vaughan's miscued pass presented the ball to McGeady 25 yards out. His strike was scuffed but, somewhat fortuitously, the ball skidded into the feet of Forestieri ten yards out. His control was instant but his finish not quite as clinical, de Vries getting down to his left to make the stop.

Neither manager made changes at the break and Forest came back out of the blocks quickly. Lichaj took the ball forward before floating it towards Osborn on the edge of the area. The midfielder knocked it down for Grant, who let the ball bounce to give himself time to take the shot on his right. He could only send the ball dipping over the bar, however.

That was to be Grant's final action as Freedman replaced him with Burke on 56 minutes.

But Forest, missing so many of their creative players, were struggling to build any attacking momentum - and their limited options proved to be their downfall on 62 minutes. Mills, forced to patiently weigh up his options in possession, was robbed by Forestieri who rolled the ball to Hooper for a simple finish.

Cohen conjured Forest's response, seeing his powerful strike pushed behind by Westwood, before Tesche replaced Gardner in central midfield.

The Reds were still struggling to properly trouble the visitors, however, and nearly found themselves 3-0 behind when Bannan's free-kick from a wide position saw the ball flash just wide of the far post.

Burke, who has recently received his first call-up to the Scotland senior team, provided some incisiveness shortly afterwards. He burst away down the right and floated the ball into the middle, where O'Grady was unable to make proper contact with his header. The ball came to Mendes who, from a tight angle, saw his shot pushed wide by Westwood.

Forest's cause was helped on 76 minutes when Bannan was shown a straight red card for a high foot on Lichaj, which left the full back needing treatment.

Freedman's final change saw Walker replace Cohen with eight minutes remaining, but there was nothing the forward could do to prevent Wednesday from extending their lead when two substitutes combined. Atdhe Nuhiu's knock-down allowed Matias to work a shooting opportunity in the area before stroking the ball into the far corner of the net.

Five minutes were added on at the end of the match but Forest were unable to find a goal

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills (c), Mancienne, Cohen (Walker 82'), Mendes, Gardner (Tesche 66'), Vaughan, Osborn, Grant (O.Burke 56'), O'Grady

Subs not used: Evtimov, Jokic, Wilson, McDonagh

Sheffield Wednesday: Westwood, Palmer, Loovens, Lees, Pudil, McGeady (Matias 73'), Bannan, Lee, Wallace (Lopez 67'), Forestieri, Hooper (Nuhiu 79')

Subs not used: Price, Hunt, Turner, Joao

Goals: McGeady 30', Hooper 62', Matias 85'

Sent off: Bannan 77'

Referee: Graham Scott

Attendance: 20,690 (1,841 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...y1uriLPi99a2.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 14/03/2016 22:57
A winning mentality

Posted: Mon 14 Mar 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest full back Chris Cohen says the team are
targeting nothing but victory at Hull City tomorrow night.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...gJeKHkte2JbY.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 14/03/2016 23:02
Happy to help

Posted: Mon 14 Mar 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest’s Andy Reid says he is happy to help in any way he can after accepting a coaching role until the end of the season.

The midfielder, who is currently rehabilitating following an operation, has agreed to assist Paul Williams with some first-team coaching duties after the departure of manager Dougie Freedman.

And, while Reid intends to continue playing, he is looking forward to trying his hand at a career he hopes to pursue in the future.

He told Forest Player HD: “I got a call last night to ask if I’d help Paul out, which I’m more than happy to do. It’s a lovely honour to have been asked to do that.

“It was nice to be out on the training pitch today, albeit in a coaching role. It was a bit different but enjoyable to be back out there.

“I’m doing my coaching badges – I’m not far off completing my A Licence – so it’s definitely a road I want to go down, although it’s not something I was expecting to find myself in so quickly.

“But football doesn’t always go how you expect it to. It’s about being able to adapt and all I want to do is help out in any capacity I can.

“I’m going to be coupling this with my rehab – I had my operation four weeks ago – and I’m still trying to get back, although I can’t put any dates on it at the moment.”

Forest travel to automatic promotion-chasing Hull tomorrow night before facing local rivals Derby County at the iPro on Saturday.

And Reid believes the matches present a chance for the team to be positive.

The Irishman said: “We’ve got two great games coming up. If we win them it puts a whole different light on things. There’s a great opportunity here for all the players, and for everybody, to be positive. Everything we do - let’s have a positivity about it.

“We know we’re not going to win every game but if we have a go, and the fans see us pressing the ball high up the pitch, attacking, getting men into the box and creating opportunities to score goals, they’ll get behind us. That’s what we’re aiming to do.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...8XGD3qIxD6T8.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 14/03/2016 23:05

Nottingham Forest get the post-Dougie Freedman era underway
on Tuesday night as they face the first of two difficult away
games in five days against promotion-chasing Hull City
(kick-off 7.45pm).

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...wllH3E6Eaz6F.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 16/03/2016 23:15
Hull 1-1 Forest

Posted: Tue 15 Mar 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Gary Gardner scored a stunning goal as Nottingham Forest drew 1-1
at Hull’s KC Stadium this evening.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...kX2TSLb2QHse.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 17/03/2016 20:17
Dorus takes the spoils

Posted: Thu 17 Mar 2016
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest goalkeeper Dorus de Vries has been voted The Bed Chambers Player of the Month for February.

The shotstopper started the month with a clean sheet in the 1-0 win at Leeds United before producing a number of outstanding saves in the games against Huddersfield, Burnley and Bristol City.

De Vries, who picks up his second Player of the Month prize of the season, was able to beat Ben Osborn (26%) and Michael Mancienne (10%) to the award.

The Dutchman wins a bottle of champagne and a £100 voucher to spend at The Bed Chambers while Kayleigh Smith, selected at random from those who voted for de Vries, wins a tour of The City Ground, a trip to the Nigel Doughty Academy to present the goalkeeper with his award and a £100 voucher for The Bed Chambers.

De Vries’s stunning save from Burnley striker Andre Gray at Turf Moor was also named The Bed Chambers Dream Moment of the Month. Winning fan Steve Allan said: "The numerous saves made by Dorus kept Forest in games. Without them the 13-game unbeaten run would have ended much sooner. I sit in the lower Trent End and even when we're attacking it, his booming voice can be heard. There’s never a dull moment in the back four!” Steve wins a signed ball and a £50 voucher for The Bed Chambers.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...jgq3BI0ebEYA.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 18/03/2016 21:37
A positive camp

Posted: Thu 17 Mar 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Andy Reid says there is plenty of positivity in the Nottingham Forest camp ahead of Saturday’s East Midlands derby.

The Reds produced a strong display against Hull on Tuesday night before commencing their preparations for Saturday’s match at the iPro Stadium.

And Reid, who is assisting with first-team coaching, says the players are in buoyant mood.

The Irishman told Forest Player HD: “Preparations have been really good. There’s a lot of positivity surrounding the place and we’re hopefully going to take that into Saturday.

“We’re fully aware of how big and important the game is but, as much as we want to win, we can’t get caught up in the occasion. We’ve got to make sure the team is set up properly and that we go out and play the football we want to play.

“We know Derby have got some good players - their league position suggests they’re a top-six team – but we’ve got good players as well and we’ll have no problem matching them up.

“We don’t think for one second it’s going to be easy but we’re going to go there and try and win the game.”

Reid is excited for a match which presents Forest with a chance to gift their own fans the bragging rights for the second time this season.

He said: “Our fans always turn up in massive numbers and it’s nice when we can give them something to cheer about. It’s up to us to do that and the best thing we can do is give them a win in the local derby.

“If we can do that, we’ll have beaten Derby home and away this season – that’ll be nice.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/article/andy-reid-pre-derby-3012277.aspx#YEOcfJUKSSuuy7E3.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 18/03/2016 21:40

Nottingham Forest make the short trip across the A52 on Saturday lunchtime for a Sky Bet Championship clash against their East Midlands rivals Derby County (kick-off 12.30pm).

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...hYrjGirRIBrh.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 20/03/2016 12:10
Derby 1-0 Forest

Posted: Sat 19 Mar 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest suffered a 1-0 defeat in this afternoon's
East Midlands derby at the iPro Stadium.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...swfu56Pzbh4d.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 21/03/2016 18:58
Sherwood's Easter Giveaway

Posted: Mon 21 Mar 2016

Nottingham Forest mascot Sherwood the Bear has
an exciting Easter announcement for his Junior Reds.

Hi everyone, Sherwood here.

I am delighted to inform you that I will once again be giving away five signed items to Junior Reds members over the Easter period.

I will be giving away one item per day from Monday 21 March. To be in the draw simply email your name and client reference number to sherwood@nottinghamforest.co.uk. Winners will be chosen at random.

If you are lucky enough to be selected, I will inform you via email to arrange collection of your prize.

Please note that the deadline for entering is 12pm on Friday 25 March.

Good Luck!

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...KdlCr2i6uXYs.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 23/03/2016 21:29
Nearing full throttle

Posted: Tue 22 Mar 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest loanee Federico Macheda hopes to be operating at optimum fitness by the end of the international break.

An operation on a back problem at the start of the season left the Italian facing an uphill struggle to get into the Cardiff team.

But, now on loan at The City Ground until the end of the season and with two games already under his belt, Macheda believes he will soon be firing on all cylinders.

He told Forest Player HD: "My fitness is getting better. I've played two games already and I think after the break I'll be 100%.

"We have a few days off but I'll come in to make sure I get to the level I want to be. I will work on my fitness and everything else.

"It's all about scoring goals now - that's what I want to do. I'm a both-feet finisher. If I get a chance, I can finish - I've proved that."

Macheda admitted he had not played in an atmosphere like Saturday's East Midlands derby for 'ages' and, although the players were disappointed with defeat at the iPro, the forward says the squad are in high spirits at the minute.

The 24-year-old said: "The last few training sessions have been brilliant. Everyone's happy, even though we're not picking up the results we want.

"The group is together, the staff have been amazing with us and I think we are moving in the right direction towards winning a few games."

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...xBmFdyFCPzEw.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 23/03/2016 21:32
Under 21s: Ipswich 1-1 Forest

Posted: Tue 22 Mar 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Liam Adams was on the scoresheet as a youthful Nottingham Forest Under 21s side drew with Ipswich at Portman Road on Monday.

Adams opened the scoring but The Reds were unable to hang on to their lead, Adam McDonnell levelling the scores to earn the hosts a point.

Coach Jake Wigley said: "It was a pleasing performance because we had a young side out - we must have had at least seven scholars in the starting line-up. Ipswich had a few pros - David McGoldrick and Jay Tabb played for them.

"We scored a very good goal but the disappointing thing was that we conceded five minutes later. We could have consolidated a little bit more and kept our shape to weather the storm.

"But it was very pleasing considering the team we put out - it was a good experience for the players. I told them all that they could hold their heads up high."

Forest: Evtimov, Yates, Gamblen, Grant (c), Karo, Crookes, Adams, Edser, Brereton, Hayes, McDonagh

Subs: Erlandsson, Re, Taylor, Gomis, Diallo

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...k86z1akO8ohf.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 25/03/2016 20:17
Walker joins Burton

Posted: Thu 24 Mar 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest forward Tyler Walker has joined Burton Albion on loan.

The 19-year-old academy graduate, who has made 15 first-team appearances this season, has joined the Brewers until the end of the 2015-16 campaign.

Albion, managed by Nigel Clough, are currently six points clear at the top of League One with nine matches remaining and Walker will be hoping to help fire them into the Championship.

Walker is currently on England Under 20s duty and he will join up with his new team-mates next week.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...tQppAW2DVPb7.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 25/03/2016 20:20
A great achievement

Posted: Thu 24 Mar 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Jack Lester heaped praise on the club’s Under 18s players and staff after they were confirmed as league champions this afternoon.

Huddersfield’s failure to beat Sheffield United today meant The Reds claimed the title with four games left to play.

And Lester believes this season’s success comes as a result of a huge team effort on and off the pitch.

The Under 18s coach told Forest Player HD: “It’s a great achievement for the players and the wonderful support staff. It’s been a really exciting year because of the quality the players have been producing, both athletically and with the football.

“We put high demand on them in terms of the intensity they had to work at and the hours they needed to do.

“To get them to work that hard and to still love what they do is credit to them because they have had to put a shift in.”

Assistant Under 18s coach Gareth Holmes was also effusive in his praise for the youngsters.

He said: “Their attitude and application to perform and develop has been absolutely first class right the way through the season.

“It’s definitely been a collective effort. As a group you need the person you’re playing next to. I think the boys have really grasped that and said: ‘I’m going to do my best for the team.’

“There has been exceptional individual development this year within the framework of a team environment.”

Part one of the coaches' interview is available to view on the club's YouTube channel now. Part two will follow tomorrow.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...Dl0Je1UX7uST.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 26/03/2016 23:39
Under 18s: Forest 2-1 Sheffield Wednesday

Posted: Sat 26 Mar 2016
Author: Will Ward

Virgil Gomis netted a brace as Nottingham Forest’s title-winning Under 18s beat Sheffield Wednesday 2-1 at The Nigel Doughty Academy this afternoon.

Jack Lester’s youngsters, who were crowned champions of Professional Development League Two North on Thursday, had to come from behind to defeat the Owls who came into the contest looking for their third straight victory.

The Reds came close to taking the lead early on when Tom Gamblen’s free-kick from distance was saved, before top scorer Ben Brereton hit the post from the resultant corner after connecting with the cross.

But the visitors scored the first goal of the game as Warren Clarke headed home a set-piece past Jordan Wright.

Frederik Nielsen and Gomis nearly levelled for the league leaders before the break, but they’d have to wait for the second half to respond successfully.

Liam Adams worked well out wide and delivered towards the back post for Gomis, who was waiting in anticipation and watched the ball superbly onto his foot before volleying into the back of the net.

Forest continued to pour forward in the difficult windy conditions, and found their reward with a winner. Gomis found himself in space on the edge of the area, and added to his collection of sweet strikes this season with a sublime curler into the corner to ensure a tenth straight league triumph for the hosts.

Lester’s side will be looking to carry on their magnificent form when they are back in action away to Sheffield United on Wednesday (30 March, 1pm kick-off).

Forest: Wright, Re, Yates, Nielsen (Taylor 46’), Gamblen, Adams, Edser, Crookes, Gomis, Hayes, Brereton

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...SMqOv6QuqkkF.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 30/03/2016 20:59
Under 21s: Forest 2-3 Hull

Posted: Tue 29 Mar 2016
Author: Jamie Barlow

Britt Assombalonga scored in a game which saw the striker step up his return to first-team action and play the first-half of Nottingham Forest Under 21s’ 3-2 defeat to Hull City.
It was a cagey opening at The Nigel Doughty Academy with neither side able to establish a foothold in the game and Hull had the better of the early chances before inevitably taking the lead.

Jarrod Bowen opened the scoring, driving an effort past goalkeeper Tim Erlandsson inside the first 15 minutes, before Forest’s highly-rated striker twice came close to scoring.

Assombalonga – who sustained his knee injury last February, and has not played in over a year – neatly cut inside from the left-hand side of the area but hit straight at Rory Watson in the Tigers’ net and, ten minutes later, the striker scuffed wide at the back post.

But seconds later the striker turned provider and unselfishly squared for Liam Adams to calmly equalise in the 38th minute.

Assombalonga found the target four minutes later and in some style; the ball dropped nicely and he buried an inch-perfect finish into Watson’s top-right corner, confidently netting from the edge of the area past the stranded keeper.

The Reds went into half-time in front, but had to thank Erlandsson for not conceding before the break; the Swede saved with his legs to deny a Hull forward who bore down following a sloppy back pass from defender Adam Crookes.

Jake Taylor replaced Assombalonga at the start of the second half and the Reds looked a shadow of the side without the goal scorer.

Lithuanian winger Deimantas Petravicius mustered the best effort shortly after the restart and came close to scoring his fourth goal in five matches but his wicked, long-range effort hit the bar.

Hull were mounting pressure on the Forest defence and Ben Hinchliffe poked wide for the visitors after being sent through before Tom Gamblen was forced to clear off the line to prevent the Tigers from equalising.

The visitors were awarded the chance to restore parity, danger man Will Annan fouled in the area, before Bowen notched his second after sending Erlandsson the wrong way from the resulting penalty.

The Tigers continued to press and came close on a number of occasions to take the lead, working Erlandsson a couple of occasions before their winner as Will Annan found the corner from a free-kick in the dying embers to seal their win.

Forest’s Under 21s are next in action on Monday and will be hoping to return to winning ways when they take on Charlton Athletic at home (4 April, kick-off 2pm).

Forest: Erlandsson, Yates, Gamblen, Grant (c), Karo, Crookes, Petravicius, Edser, Assombalonga (Taylor 45’), Brereton, Adams

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...3zlSptkDlsly.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 30/03/2016 21:01
Under 18s: Sheffield United 1-0 Forest

Posted: Wed 30 Mar 2016
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest's table-topping Under 18s suffered a first league defeat since mid-October with a 1-0 loss at Sheffield United this afternoon.
The Reds were competitive throughout but Kimani Smith's 20th-minute looping header turned out to be enough to claim the three points.

Joe Re and Gerry McDonagh had efforts for Forest that were blocked, before Luke McCormick had a golden opportunity on the stroke of half-time but his shot went inches wide.

The visitors continued to attack in the second period to no avail, as South Yorkshire outfit's defence held firm frustratingly.

Re had another crack from distance which went past the post, and 17-year-old Kieran Hayes nearly converted from close range, although he just couldn't get the right sort of contact on the ball.

Lester's side will be hoping to bounce back and head into the end of season play-offs in good form when they host Birmingham City next Tuesday (5 April, kick-off 11am).

Forest: Wright, Charlesworth, Nielsen (Jemson 36'), Willetts, Preston, McCormick (Smith 62'), Re, Taylor, Gomis, Hayes, McDonagh

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...E8SvezeYe4py.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 30/03/2016 21:04
Burke wins first cap

Posted: Wed 30 Mar 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Oliver Burke won his first Scottish cap last night in a friendly against Denmark.
Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/article/ones-to-watch-3021697.aspx#BIJpAfp1oeD6CJjB.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 31/03/2016 18:50
Onus on the players

Posted: Thu 31 Mar 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest head coach Paul Williams says ‘the onus is on the players’ to continue displaying desire when they take on Brentford this weekend.
The Reds have returned from the international break and Williams is keen for his team to produce an attack-minded display for the home crowd.

He told Forest Player HD: “The onus is on the players. I can try and implement some kind of shape, but the desire is all down to the players. In the two games we’ve had, they’ve showed that in abundance and I’m going to ask them to do it for the rest of the season as well.

“We’re at home and this is a fantastic club – we’re Nottingham Forest. I’ve not seen many teams come here and sit off us. We’ve got to make sure we throw the first punch and take the game to them.

“At Derby and Hull, I couldn’t fault the players, and fans will understand that’s what we’re trying to do.”

Williams and his staff have used the recent lay-off as a chance to work on the fitness of those who didn’t leave the club on international duty.

The coach said: “It’s been good, you get time to work on the training ground with the players - games come thick and fast in the Championship.

“We’re not going to let the season fizzle out now. We’ve worked really hard on our fitness, which will hopefully translate into Saturday’s game.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...5zqOytE8DqUh.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 01/04/2016 20:29

Head coach Paul Williams will be hoping he can lead
Nottingham Forest to victory against his former club
Brentford on Saturday afternoon (kick-off 3pm).

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...QHojWqgX4DrU.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 02/04/2016 20:58
Forest 0-3 Brentford

Posted: Sat 02 Apr 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest suffered a 3-0 defeat against Brentford at The City Ground this afternoon.

Second-half goals from Lasse Vibe, Nico Yennaris and Sergi Canos handed the visitors a vital victory in their battle against relegation.

Forest found themselves down to ten men at 2-0 when Eric Lichaj received a second yellow card.

Head coach Paul Williams, taking charge of a Forest home game for the first time, handed Federico Macheda his City Ground debut on a sunny Trentside afternoon.

Chris Cohen continued in midfield, while Henri Lansbury returned to the bench following a three-month lay-off with an ankle injury.

There was early concern for Michael Mancienne when a stretcher was called for after he had fallen to the ground around the five-minute mark. Following treatment, he was deemed fit to continue.

Brentford claimed the first chance of the match when Ryan Woods got the wrong side of Mancienne and had two excellent crossing options in the middle. Matt Mills positioned himself well to turn the ball behind for a corner.

Mancienne was clearly still struggling with his earlier issue and was replaced by Kelvin Wilson on 25 minutes.

Shortly afterwards, Forest came close to taking the lead when Cohen showed good anticipation to win the ball in midfield before supplying Macheda to his left. The Italian's nifty footwork in the area bought him space for a shot but he could only find the side-netting.

Forest kept up their pressure, Gardner this time bursting forward but scuffing the ball wide from long range.

Brentford's Alan Judge was the next to try his luck from distance, striking the ball sweetly but causing no real concern for the in-form Dorus de Vries.

The Dutch keeper was given a tougher test on 34 minutes when Bees right back Maxime Colin got in behind the Forest defence and struck the ball powerfully towards goal from eight yards. De Vries reacted quickly to make a good save, pushing the ball away strongly.

Brentford were enjoying a promising spell and Leandro Rodriguez capitalised on Wilson's failed interception to present Sam Saunders with the ball on the edge of the area. Mills came across to cover and the Bees winger could only fire the ball over the bar. Wilson appeared to have injured himself in the incident but was able to continue.

Two half-chances followed for Cohen, both on his weaker right foot. The first came after Mendes' deflected shot fell to him on the edge of the area, however he could only fire the ball tamely at David Button. Two minutes later, Cohen and Ben Osborn had a nice interchange of passing down the left which led to the former bringing the ball across the edge of the area before seeing his shot blocked.

The visitors were forced into a first-half change of their own as the break loomed large, Vibe replacing the injured Leandro Rodriguez before the referee called time on a quiet half of football.

And it was the Brentford substitute who gave his side the lead four minutes after the restart, capitalising on a defensive mix-up to poke the ball beyond the helpless de Vries.

Shortly afterwards, Williams replaced Ryan Mendes with Lansbury in a straight right-midfield swap.

Brentford's Alan Judge found himself in the referee's notebook after hauling back Cohen, but the punishment ended there as Gardner could only only strike the ball straight at Button from the subsequent free-kick.

Mills was yellow-carded moments later when he conceded a foul in shooting range. Again the set-piece was a disappointment, however, and Lansbury launched a counter attack. The Reds outnumbered Brentford five-to-one but Macheda was unable to get his shot away before a defender made sufficient ground to block his effort.

That was to be the forward's last action as he was replaced by Oliver Burke in a straight swap - but there was nothing the newly-capped Scotland international could do to prevent his side from going 2-0 behind on 65 minutes.

The ball eventually came to Yennaris after both sides scrambled to gain control at a corner, and the Brentford man made no mistake in firing low past de Vries from eight yards.

Burke offered the home side's first response, bringing the ball into the area from the right before seeing his low shot saved by Button.

Lichaj then saw his well struck 75th-minute effort flash across goal and wide, but the American's game was over two minutes later when he was shown a second yellow card for a foul on Vibe.

It was three for Brentford late on when Vaughan conceded possession deep in his own half. The Bees worked the ball to substitute Canos in space and the Spaniard finished brilliantly from the edge of the area.

Seven minutes were added on at the end of the match, presenting Burke with the chance to twist and turn his man in the area before seeing his low cross deflect agonisingly away from Lansbury two yards out.

Cohen also tried his luck, firing a bouncing ball over the bar, before Gardner saw a long-range effort saved.

But Forest were unable to find the net in a match that ended 3-0 to the visitors.

Forest: de Vries, Lichaj, Mancienne (Wilson 25'), Mills (c), Jokic, Mendes (Lansbury 55'), Cohen, Vaughan, Gardner, Osborn, Macheda (O.Burke 64')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Fox, Blackstock, Tesche

Bookings: Mills 61', Lansbury 66', Lichaj 72'

Sent off: Lichaj 77'

Brentford: Button, Colin (Clarke 86'), Bidwell, Dean, Saunders (Canos 70'), McCormack, Woods, Judge, Rodriguez (Vibe 44'), Yennaris, Barbet

Subs not used: Bonham, Kerschbaumer, O'Connell, Gogia

Goals: Vibe 49', Yennaris 65', Canos 87'

Bookings: McCormack 20', Judge 58', Barbet 60', Dean 86'

Referee: Peter Bankes

Attendance: 19,444 (783 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...cdr5LbADEbVx.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 03/04/2016 12:02
Gutted for the fans

Posted: Sat 02 Apr 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest head coach Paul Williams apologised to the fans for this afternoon’s performance against Brentford

The Reds were beaten 3-0 by the Bees on an afternoon when Eric Lichaj was sent off for a second bookable offence.

And Williams’ first thoughts were with the fans who witnessed the match.

He said: “Unbelievable – I never saw that coming. I was looking forward to coming here and watching the lads play as the home team.

“I’m gutted for the fans – really disappointed. Their reaction to the players today is valid.

“Going into the game, I think preparation has been really, really good. But when they go out there for a home game, it’s down to the players isn’t it?

“We were just second best all day long. I’ll go and have a look at myself and think about whether the preparation was too much for them.”

Williams is awaiting news on the extent of Michael Mancienne’s injury and confirmed that Jack Hobbs will probably miss the rest of the season with a back problem.

The coach now turns his attentions to a midweek trip to Reading.

He said: “It’s my job now to get them ready for Tuesday. We’ve got to dust ourselves down and I’m looking for a reaction on Tuesday night, because the fans deserve one.

“The players have got to step up now – that’s it. We’re all big enough and old enough. This is football. I need men in football games.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...FwIcMAACrbyg.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 05/04/2016 15:32
Match pack: Reading (A)

Posted: Mon 04 Apr 2016
Author: Jamie Barlow

Nottingham Forest will be hoping to bounce back from
Saturday’s disappointing loss to Brentford when they take
on Reading at the Madejski Stadium on Tuesday night
(kick-off 8pm).

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...wb9JhppFzkP1.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 05/04/2016 21:24
Zur Halbzeit 1-0 in Reading vorne, am Ende wieder verloren wallbash

Reading 2-1 Forest

Posted: Tue 05 Apr 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest suffered a 2-1 defeat at Reading’s
Madejski Stadium this evening.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...iZA4mcT50Jjk.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 07/04/2016 21:15
Late checks for Mancienne and Wilson

Posted: Thu 07 Apr 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest head coach Paul Williams could have Michael Mancienne and Kelvin Wilson at his disposal for Monday’s match against Brighton.

Mancienne sustained an ankle injury against Brentford last weekend while his replacement Wilson left the field in the first half of Tuesday night’s match at Reading.

And Williams says he and the medical staff will run the rule over both players’ fitness in the coming days.

The coach told Forest Player HD: “Michael’s been in the gym this morning working hard and we’re just taking it day by day. Hopefully he’ll be ready for Monday.

“Kelvin was on the massage table today – I think he’s still struggling with his back, so that’s something we’ll assess at the weekend.”

Williams had praise for Danny Fox, who the coach said produced a ‘whole-hearted and honest performance’ when he replaced Wilson at the Madejski Stadium.

Fox could occupy that unfamiliar position again should Mancienne nor Wilson be available, while young centre back Joe Worrall has been recalled from a successful loan at League Two side Dagenham and Redbridge.

Williams said: “With Michael and Kelvin’s injury doubts I thought it would be sensible to bring Joe back. He’s done really well at Dagenham and he’s come back a man.

“If he hadn’t gone on loan and had he only been playing under 21s football it would have been a bigger gap, but the fact he’s had that experience now and that he’s been focused and playing well at Dagenham means he can bridge the gap a bit better.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...Up5stJZgKHDe.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 08/04/2016 18:21
No rest for the wicked

Posted: Fri 08 Apr 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest full back Eric Lichaj took a trip to Holme Pierrepont recently – but his visit was for business, not pleasure.

The American missed Tuesday’s trip to Reading through suspension after being red-carded against Brentford last weekend.

But, despite not travelling to the Madejski Stadium, Lichaj didn't remain idle at home.

He told Forest Player HD: “Our fitness coach Nathan Beardsley actually took me out on a ten-mile bike ride.

“It was nice to see the river Trent, and we went around Holme Pierrepont and into the park to do some weights and monkey bars. It was good to get out there and do something a little bit different.

“It was a shame about the result but we’ve got to look forward to Monday.”

Depending on this weekend’s results, Brighton could move into the automatic promotion places with a victory at The City Ground on Monday (kick-off 7.45pm).

But that’s the last thing in Lichaj’s thoughts.

He said: “I don’t really care about what they have in mind – I’m more bothered about us getting three points. If that stops them from getting automatic promotion then so what?

“I think the fans just want a result – against a tough Brighton side it’s something they would really appreciate and hopefully they can get behind us.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...uVRru36coq6I.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 10/04/2016 20:09
Under 18s: Forest 4-1 QPR

Posted: Sun 10 Apr 2016
Author: Will Ward

Ben Brereton scored his 27th league goal of the season for Nottingham Forest's Under 18s as they eased past Queens Park Rangers with a 4-1 victory on Saturday afternoon.

The ex-Stoke City man got on the scoresheet as the title-winning Reds rounded off the regular season in ruthless fashion at The Nigel Doughty Academy.

Jack Lester's men began positively but had to wait until the 28th-minute to break the deadlock as Virgil Gomis deftly laid it off for Jake Taylor who drove the ball into the corner from distance.

And the hosts turned on the style in the second half. Tom Gamblen lurked outside the area, received the ball and curled it beautifully into the net, before the midfielder was at the heart of Forest's third.

He was felled inside the box and the in-form Brereton confidently stepped up from the spot to bury it.

With the clock ticking towards full-time, visitors' striker Ben House dived to connect to a delivery and convert beyond Jordan Wright.

But Forest had enough time in the closing stages to regain their three-goal advantage when a cross appeared to be guided home by Charlie Jemson who took the acclaim from his team-mates.

The convincing win for Lester's outfit confirms that they finish comfortably clear of their rivals at the summit of Professional Development League Two North, and they now await their play-off semi-final opponents which will either be Watford or Charlton Athletic.

Forest: Wright, Re, Willetts, Jemson, Kelly, Otim (McCormick 90'), Yates, Taylor, Gamblen, Gomis, Brereton

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...fyhxhKuhc8bw.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/04/2016 18:10

live text commentary of Nottingham Forest's Sky Bet
Championship clash with Brighton and Hove Albion at
The City Ground (kick-off 7.45pm).

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills, Jokic, Fox, Gardner, Cohen, Vaughan, Osborn, Lansbury (c), Ward

Subs: Evtimov, Mendes, Macheda, Blackstock, Tesche, O.Burke, Worrall

Brighton: Stockdale, Bruno, Goldson, Dunk, Rosenior, LuaLua, Kayal, Stephens, Skalak, Murphy, Hemed

Subs: Maenpaa, Greer, Bong, Sidwell, Knockaert, Wilson, Towell

Referee: Andy Davies

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...oLGL9kCmDHRP.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/04/2016 21:02
wallbash warum

Wieder in der letzten Minute ein Spiel verloren, obwohl es phasenweise nicht so schlecht aussah heute.

Nottingham Forest verliert erneut zu Hause, diesmal gegen den Tabellendritten Brighton & Hove Albion mit 1-2 (0-1).

Tabellenplatz 20, unfassbar, zumal es zwischendurch in dieser Championship eine Positivserie gab.

Nun kann man nur froh sein, dass der Abstand zum ersten abstiegsbezogenen Platz, den derzeit MK Dons einnimmt, mit 9 Zählern doch noch ein gutes Stück entfernt ist.

doh doh
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 11/04/2016 21:44
Forest 1-2 Brighton

Posted: Mon 11 Apr 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest were beaten 2-1 by Brighton and Hove Albion at The City Ground this evening.

Two headed goals at the Trent End - Lewis Dunk in the first half and Dexter Blackstock in the second - looked to have decided the outcome of a game which could well have ended in victory for The Reds.

But substitute Steve Sidwell scored a scrappy injury-time winner to give the Seagulls' automatic promotion hopes a significant boost.

Injured central defenders Michael Mancienne and Kelvin Wilson both missed out, leaving the door open for Danny Fox to make his first league start since October - albeit not in his preferred position of left back. Bojan Jokic took that role, while Henri Lansbury captained the side from central midfield.

Jamie Ward started as lone striker, while young centre back Joe Worrall was named on a bench which also included Ryan Mendes, Oliver Burke and Federico Macheda.

Brighton claimed the first chances of the game, Dale Stephens failing to connect properly with a shot in the area and Tomer Hemed skewing the ball across goal and wide after being threaded through by Kazenga Lualua. Moments later, Hemed drew the game's first booking when Matt Mills blocked him off 25 yards out.

Forest's first chance came on 17 minutes when Lansbury drifted into space to receive the ball from Fox. The former Arsenal man was afforded the space to take the ball within shooting range and he produced a good save from David Stockdale, who got down low to tip it wide. The resultant corner was half-cleared to Jokic, who in turn supplied Ward on the edge of the area. The forward spun and saw his deflected shot sail straight into Stockdale's grasp.

Jokic was the next man in the book following a succession of fouls, while Ward offered the game's next shot when he curled the ball straight at Stockdale from the corner of the area.

But it was the visitors who took the lead on 27 minutes. Eric Lichaj fouled Lualua near the left touchline and Jiri Skalak's devilish delivery found the head of Dunk, who nodded the ball beyond Dorus de Vries and into the net.

Forest were left frustrated by an unanswered penalty appeal seven minutes later. Mills' lofted ball forward invited Stockdale off his line but Ward got there first, nodding the ball away from himself and appearing to be nudged by the keeper just inside the area. The referee saw no foul and waved play on.

And the half got worse for Ward shortly afterwards when he pulled up with an injury and was replaced by Dexter Blackstock.

The Reds had a good opportunity to level the scores on the stroke of half-time when, with Seagulls defender Connor Goldson grounded following an off-the-ball clash with Lansbury, Jokic squared the ball for Cohen in the middle. The midfielder opened his left foot on the shot but couldn't keep the ball down, sending it over the bar.

Forest began the second half on the front foot and Brighton's Bruno will have felt fortunate that his deflection on Osborn's shot didn't deviate the ball's path either side of Stockdale, who gathered with ease.

But Forest had the leveller minutes later in similar fashion to how the visitors opened the scoring. Lansbury's free-kick from the left was perfect for Blackstock, who rose highest in the middle to glance the ball into the net.

It took Brighton until the 57th minute to muster a response, Bruno advancing from right back and playing the ball into the middle. Jamie Murphy helped it on to Hemed, who acrobatically sent it towards de Vries' bottom-right corner. The Dutchman got down well to hang on to it.

Gardner and Skalak both fired shots wide as the sides jostled for dominance on a cold, damp evening on Trentside.

Brighton boss Chris Hughton made the game's first change on 63 minutes when Manchester United loanee James Wilson replace Lualua

Forest coach Williams followed suit four minutes later, sending Mendes on in place of Vaughan, who had earlier been booked for a foul on Stephens.

And The Reds had a golden opportunity to take the lead shortly afterwards when Blackstock robbed Goldson of possession, leaving himself and Lansbury two-on-two in the Brighton half. The forward reached the edge of the box before supplying the midfielder to his right. Lansbury was free of the Brighton defence but the ball was running wide on a slippy surface. With Stockdale rushing out to narrow the angle further, he could only dink it over the bar.

Forest had the upper hand but Wilson fired a warning shot narrowly wide before substitute Anthony Knockaert's perseverance led to him forcing a strong save from de Vries, who dived to his right to push the ball behind. Hemed had an excellent chance to restore his side's lead from the resultant corner but he could only head the ball wide at the back post.

As the game entered its final ten minutes The Reds broke through Lansbury. Osborn made a lung-bursting run to his left and Lansbury delayed the pass well to ensure his team-mate had a good shooting opportunity. His pass ran a little wide but Osborn still managed to strike the ball cleanly, Dunk sliding in to divert it narrowly wide of the post. Lansbury's subsequent corner picked out Blackstock at the back post but the forward nodded the ball wide.

Gardner was the next man to be replaced, Robert Tesche coming on after his fellow midfielder had received treatment for what looked like a minor impact injury.

And the German spurned a good chance to fire his side ahead when the ball came to him in space just outside the area. He could only scuff it wide - and Forest were made to rue their missed opportunities.

Shortly after five minutes of added time were indicated, Knockaert showed his threat once again when he wriggled into the area and kept the ball alive despite being surrounded by a sea of red shirts. It came to substitute Sidwell near the penalty spot and the experienced midfielder lashed it into the bottom corner.

There was still time for Forest to find an equaliser and Cohen had a chance to provide one with the last kick of the game. The ball rolled to him inside the area but he could only guide it wide with his left foot.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills, Jokic, Fox, Gardner (Tesche 84'), Cohen, Vaughan (Mendes 68'), Osborn, Lansbury (c), Ward (Blackstock 42')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Macheda, O.Burke, Worrall

Goal: Blackstock 50'

Bookings: Mills 13', Jokic 22', Vaughan 62'

Brighton: Stockdale, Bruno, Goldson, Dunk, Rosenior, LuaLua (Wilson 63'), Kayal (Sidwell 84'), Stephens, Skalak, Murphy (Knockaert 68'), Hemed

Subs not used: Maenpaa, Greer, Bong, Towell

Goal: Dunk 27'

Booking: Dunk 67'

Referee: Andy Davies

Attendance: 17,642 (645 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...BlmlASY3jazb.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 14/04/2016 17:37
Under 21s: Colchester 2-0 Forest

Posted: Wed 13 Apr 2016
Author: NFFC

Britt Assombalonga played 75 minutes as Nottingham Forest Under 21s were beaten 2-0 at Colchester United on Monday night.

Forest fell behind after only two minutes of the contest as patient build-up from the home side ended with Macauley Bonne curling a fine finish into the top corner past Tim Erlandsson.

Assombalonga then forced an excellent point-blank save from the Colchester goalkeeper midway through the first half as his header was pushed away from the target.

Goalkeeper Erlandsson had to make a number of saves to keep Forest in the game but he was powerless to prevent Bonne from doubling the lead on 67 minutes with a smart low finish.

Assombalonga was replaced with 15 minutes to play as he completed another step on his return from injury before Toby Edser had a chance to halve the deficit late on but saw his header saved by Barnes.

Forest are next in action when they entertain Crystal Palace at the Nigel Doughty Academy on Monday afternoon (18 April, kick-off 1pm).

Forest: Erlandsson, Gabriel, Trialist, Edser, Karo, Iacovitti (c), Petravicius (Yates 46'), Crookes, Assombalonga (Tralist 75'), McDonagh, Adams (Hayes 45')

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...omgHlmgtTFuU.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 15/04/2016 22:27
Academy trial for Junior Reds

Posted: Fri 15 Apr 2016
Author: NFFC

A selection of lucky Junior Reds members took part in an official trial at the Nigel Doughty Academy this week.

Coach Callum Gilmartin oversaw a rigorous training session, designed to assess the players’ skills in three key areas: passing, dribbling and shooting.

A fun day was had by all participants, one of whom has been told he will be scouted by club staff in the future.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...Erv40ydGjL1z.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 15/04/2016 22:30

Nottingham Forest could take a huge step towards Sky Bet Championship survival with a win over Rotherham United at the New York Stadium on Saturday afternoon (kick-off 3pm).

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...k2HdpsUkktOh.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 17/04/2016 11:36
Rotherham 0-0 Forest

Posted: Sat 16 Apr 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest drew 0-0 with Rotherham at the New York Stadium this afternoon.

Former Forest keeper Lee Camp made a terrific 89th-minute save to deny Ryan Mendes a dramatic winner in front of 2,000 away fans.

The match was an open affair and both sides came close to breaking the deadlock on a number of occasions, but the match was destined for stalemate on a bitterly cold afternoon.

Paul Williams made three changes to the side that faced Brighton on Monday night. Dexter Blackstock, who came off the bench to level the scores against the Seagulls, was handed a start along with midfielders Robert Tesche and Ryan Mendes. Danny Fox was selected at centre back in the continued absence of injured trio Michael Mancienne, Kelvin Wilson and Jack Hobbs.

Jamie Ward also missed out through injury, while Chris Cohen and David Vaughan dropped to a bench which included young defender Joe Worrall, winger Oliver Burke and forwards Chris O'Grady and Federico Macheda.

There was a booking on five minutes when Millers skipper Kirk Broadfoot was penalised for chopping down Osborn on halfway.

Forest had a half-chance seven minutes later when Lansbury threaded the ball through for Mendes, but there was just too much pace on it and Camp gathered just in time.

The first clear-cut opportunity went to the home side on 17 minutes after Tesche fouled Grant Ward in a dangerous position. Former Red Greg Halford delivered a lovely cross but Richard Wood could only head the ball over from six yards.

Shortly afterwards, Joe Mattock's 25-yarder sent the ball looping up off Tesche. Dorus de Vries made an acrobatic save to push it from under his own crossbar.

The Millers had another opportunity on 22 minutes when Ward knocked the ball across goal for another ex-Red Matt Derbyshire, who slid in at the back post but failed to connect.

It was proving to be an open affair and it was Forest's turn to go close after excellent interplay between Blackstock and Mendes. The pair played some sumptuous one-touch football to set the latter up with a shooting opportunity in the area but, stretching slightly, Mendes rolled the ball just wide of the post.

Mendes was drifting in from the right regularly, involving himself in most of Forest's attacking play, but it was from out wide that he created Forest's next chance. The Cape Verdean brought the ball under control brilliantly before drilling it into the middle. Blackstock couldn't quite make contact.

The Reds were enjoying a good spell and came close to a spectacular opener when Gary Gardner shuffled the ball to his right for Tesche 30 yards out. The German had time to consider his options before lashing the ball goalwards, seeing it fly just wide of the post.

Forest were having to be alert in their own penalty area as well, Matt Mills making a crucial clearance from Ward's cross before Mendes curled the ball just wide from the resultant counter-attack.

And the visitors claimed the final chance of the first half when Mendes' attempted cross saw the ball deflect towards Blackstock in the area. Camp was off his line quickly to block the shot and, with Ben Osborn prowling, Rotherham managed to scramble the ball clear.

Osborn and Mendes combined after the break to carve out another chance for The Reds, the latter bursting through the middle and playing a one-two with his team-mate. Camp did well to push Mendes' shot wide.

Mendes was involved yet again moments later as Henri Lansbury broke the offside trap to race on to the winger's through ball, but the former Arsenal man slipped and the chance was gone.

Rotherham were showing endeavour of their own and, shortly after Richie Smallwood had seen two shots blocked by Forest's defence, Derbyshire sent the ball dipping just over the angle of post and crossbar with a shot from range.

Forest's response came from Lansbury, who outmuscled Halford in midfield to leave the Rotherham defence exposed. Lansbury looked tempted to shoot from 20 yards but instead he supplied Mendes to his right and carried his run on into the middle. Mendes drilled the ball low into the area and Lansbury went down under a challenge as he stretched to meet it. Forest's enthusiastic penalty appeals were waved away by the referee.

The match then swung in Rotherham's favour. Smallwood's dinked cross from the byline was met by Wood's powerful header but the ball crashed off the underside of the bar and Fox was able to clear.

And the Millers centre back had another headed chance on 72 minutes when he met a corner from the right six yards out but could only nod the ball into the turf and over the bar.

Rotherham were enjoying a good spell but Forest were remaining resolute, Mills and Fox both making important challenges in their own area to prevent scoring opportunities for the home side.

As the game entered its latter stages it looked like it would peter out without further incident. Rotherham substitute Danny Ward tried to alter that by striking the ball from 25 yards but the ball fizzed wide of the post.

That seemed to spark Forest into life and they had a golden opportunity to take the lead on 89 minutes after Mendes did brilliantly to get round the last man and run through one on one with Camp. The keeper got down low to his left to make an excellent, crucial save.

Four minutes were added on at the end of the match, during which Blackstock, who had been booked after clashing with Halford, was replaced by O'Grady.

And there was time for one last bit of brilliance from Mendes as he showed good feet to get into the area but, crowded out, he could only send the ball wide with the last kick of the game.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills, Jokic, Fox, Mendes, Gardner, Tesche, Osborn, Lansbury (c), Blackstock (O'Grady 90')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Worrall, Vaughan, Cohen, Burke, Macheda

Booking: Blackstock 90'

Rotherham: Camp, Kelly, Broadfoot, Wood, Mattock, Halford, G.Ward, Smallwood, Frecklington (Newell 80'), Derbyshire (D.Ward 78') Best

Subs not used: Kenny, Richardson, Green, Thomas, Clarke-Harris

Booking: Broadfoot 6'

Referee: Simon Hooper

Attendance: 11,503 (2,001 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...4LY17oSbWxLy.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 17/04/2016 11:38
Positive steps

Posted: Sat 16 Apr 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest head coach Paul Williams was pleased with how his side built on the positives they showed against Brighton with another strong display this afternoon.

The Reds drew 0-0 with Rotherham at the New York Stadium and Williams is happy with the progress his team is making.

He said: “We created lots of chances today and could have had a penalty, but we’ve got a draw at the end of the day so we’ve got to be mildly happy.

“We’re getting a bit more of an understanding of how we want to play, which is good, and to back it up from the last game is really pleasing.

“Again we showed resilience at the back – I know we rode our luck at times with Rotherham hitting the crossbar, but it’s nice to see a bit of luck going our way.

“The defenders did their job and the attackers on another day could have got two or three goals.

“Again, all credit goes to the players.”

2,000 Forest fans packed out the away end and Williams expressed his gratitude to them.

He said: “I want to mention the fans today – their turnout and the support they gave us was absolutely amazing.

“It helped us on to get a draw today and I want to say thank you to them.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...9GKzYtsVWbTA.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 17/04/2016 11:40
Enjoying every minute

Posted: Sun 17 Apr 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest defender Danny Fox says he is ‘enjoying every minute’ of game-time he’s been getting since returning to the starting line-up.
The full back has been filling in at centre half due to injuries to Jack Hobbs, Michael Mancienne and Kelvin Wilson.

And Fox says he’s playing without pressure now he’s back in the reckoning.

Speaking after yesterday’s draw at Rotherham, he said: “I’ve had to be patient and I’m just enjoying it.

“I’m not really feeling any pressure because it doesn’t help – I’m just enjoying every minute of it and I think it’s reflecting in the way I’m playing at the minute.

“The fitness staff have kept me fit all through the season so I have to thank them.”

Fox was part of a defence which kept a clean sheet at the New York Stadium yesterday, and he was disappointed the team didn’t take more from the game.

He said: “We were disappointed not to get all three points on Monday night and it’s the same again here – we had great chances and we need to be a bit more ruthless in front of goal.

“But we were resolute in defence – the whole team defended from the front and I think we thoroughly deserved a point, if not three.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...ywefVG9KwPcr.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 19/04/2016 15:45

Nottingham Forest are aiming to finish the
season on a high and they face Blackburn
Rovers in their penultimate home game of the
season this evening (kick-off 7.45pm).

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...9qCtFu5KX37T.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 20/04/2016 19:31
Forest 1-1 Blackburn

Posted: Tue 19 Apr 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest drew 1-1 with Blackburn Rovers at The City Ground this evening.

Dexter Blackstock gave The Reds an early lead when he broke into the area and guided the ball home.

But Rovers levelled the match before the break when Danny Graham nipped in to chip the ball over Dorus de Vries.

Forest went close to scoring a winner on numerous occasions but an excellent display from Blackburn goalkeeper Jason Steele kept The Reds at bay on a night when Britt Assombalonga came off the bench for his first appearance in 14 months.

Paul Williams named an unchanged side from the one that drew 0-0 at Rotherham on Saturday. That meant Gary Gardner and Robert Tesche continued their central-midfield partnership behind the more advanced Henri Lansbury.

Alongside Assombalonga on the substitutes bench were Chris Cohen, David Vaughan, Chris O'Grady, Oliver Burke and young defender Joe Worrall.

Forest tried to supply Lansbury twice in the opening minutes of the match, Ben Osborn seeing his cut-back intercepted before, minutes later, Dexter Blackstock was unable to nod the ball down for the midfielder in the area.

Blackburn's response came from former Leicester winger Ben Marshall, whose 20-yard effort fizzed wide of the post. Shortly afterwards, Connor Mahoney was unable to turn home Darragh Lenihan's cross.

The deadlock was broken by Forest with 15 minutes on the clock, however. The ball broke for Blackstock 30 yards out and he had the pace to get away from Rovers' defence and into the area. Goalkeeper Jason Steele got a hand to his shot but was unable to stop the ball from spinning over the line.

Energised by the opener, neat interplay between Ryan Mendes, Osborn and Lansbury resulted in the latter sending the ball wide on the stretch.

It was proving to be an open affair and Forest had goalkeeper de Vries to thank for an excellent save with his feet, denying Hope Akpan who had struck the ball goalwards from eight yards after Graham cut it back from the byline.

But a minute later the Dutch keeper was picking the ball out of his net after Rovers levelled the scores. Graham got the goal, beating de Vries to Marshall's chipped pass and flicking the ball over the keeper.

Forest tried to regain the lead immediately, Mendes doing well to wriggle free in the area before dinking the ball to the back post. Steele got up high to push the ball away as he and Blackstock challenged in the air.

There was then a slight lull in proceedings before Blackburn were penalised for handball on the byline. Osborn took the free-kick quickly, picking out Lansbury in the area, but his shot was well saved low down by Steele.

A minute later, more excellent work from Mendes, this time involving a nutmeg down the right, saw him square the ball for Lansbury in the area. The angle was against the midfielder and he could only lift it over the bar first-time.

Eric Lichaj was the next man to provide some excellent wingplay down the right and Lansbury was once again the beneficiary. This time he had time to knock the ball out of his feet 20 yards out and, while he struck it well, he couldn't keep it down.

The first action of the second half saw Matt Mills booked for bringing down Lenihan as the Rovers man led a pacey counter-attack. Marshall sent the ball well over the bar from the subsequent free-kick.

Forest were left frustrated on 57 minutes when, after Blackstock had cleverly released Lansbury, the midfielder's cut-back for Mendes was intercepted well by the Rovers defence.

The perfect cure would have been a goal - and Lansbury nearly had a spectacular one when he curled the ball towards the top corner from 25 yards. Steele made a brilliant save, pushing the ball over.

And Lansbury went agonisingly close yet again moments later, skimming the ball off the top of the bar from 20 yards after Blackstock's lay-off.

It was all Forest and next to have a go was Mendes. He exchanged passes with Osborn before bursting into the area with the ball. Steele narrowed the angle at his near post to make the save.

The keeper was quickly emerging as favourite for Rovers' Man of the Match as on 67 minutes he produced another excellent save, this time denying Blackstock at close quarters following Lansbury's corner.

Forest's first change of the evening saw Burke replace Mendes, who seconds earlier had done brilliantly to win the ball high up the field before scampering into the area. He delayed his next decision too long, however, and ran the ball out.

Blackburn had stemmed Forest's flow by the time Assombalonga took to the field to rapturous applause on 84 minutes. He replaced Tesche as Forest switched to two up front.

But there were to be no real openings for the forward to feed off as the match ended 1-1.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills, Jokic, Fox, Mendes (O.Burke 73'), Gardner, Tesche (Assombalonga 84'), Osborn, Lansbury (c), Blackstock

Subs not used: Evtimov, Cohen, Vaughan, O'Grady, Worrall

Goal: Blackstock 15'

Bookings: Mills 49', Gardner 76'

Blackburn: Steele, Lowe, Ward, Hanley (c), Kilgallon, Akpan (Gomez 79'), Evans, Lenihan, Marshall, Graham (Brown 84'), Mahoney (Bennett 71')

Subs not used: Raya, Williamson, Duffy, Jackson

Goal: Graham 22'

Bookings: Graham 42', Evans 75', Lenihan 76'

Referee: Christopher Kavanagh

Attendance: 16,449 (343 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...YSRK3WkiDVrv.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 20/04/2016 19:34
Under 18s ready for play-off semi-final

Posted: Wed 20 Apr 2016
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest will face Charlton Athletic in the Professional Development League Two play-off semi-final next Wednesday (27 April, kick-off 7pm).

Jack Lester's side enjoyed an incredible league campaign, winning 23 of their 30 matches, and will now take on the Addicks for a place in the final against Watford or Sheffield United.

The match will take place at The City Ground with a 7pm kick-off. Season ticket holders will be able to gain free entry while other tickets are priced £4 for adults and £2 for concessions.

Tickets for this fixture will go on sale from 12pm tomorrow (Thursday 21 April) from the usual outlets.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...tWuwdRGYTVyZ.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 23/04/2016 12:24
Match pack: Fulham (A)

Posted: Fri 22 Apr 2016
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest make the journey to the banks of the River Thames
on Saturday afternoon (kick-off 3pm) aiming for a first away win over
Fulham since 1975.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...hgGkmzHZ2LgG.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 23/04/2016 21:19



Fulham 1-3 Forest

Posted: Sat 23 Apr 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest beat Fulham 3-1 at Craven Cottage this afternoon.

The Reds took a 2-0 lead into the break courtesy of a sweetly-struck Robert Tesche effort and a Henri Lansbury penalty.

Fulham pulled one back through substitute Matt Smith but Lansbury scored a delicate third to earn his side a convincing victory in the capital

Paul Williams made one change to the side that drew with Blackburn on Tuesday night. Ryan Mendes dropped to the bench, Chris Cohen replacing him.

Britt Assombalonga, who made his return from a 14-month injury lay-off by coming on as a late substitute against Rovers, was named on the bench once again.

The first shot of the match went to Forest, Dexter Blackstock nodding the ball down for Lansbury just outside the area. The skipper stroked the ball goalwards with his left foot but keeper Marcus Bettinelli made a comfortable save.

Lansbury was involved again on 14 minutes, receiving a pull-back from Chris Cohen on the edge of the box but side-footing the ball wide.

Matt Mills was the first man in the book when he brought down Moussa Dembele in dangerous territory. Ross McCormack curled the ball low towards the near corner but Dorus de Vries got down to his right to push the free-kick behind.

Fredericks joined Mills in the book for scything down Lansbury - but the midfielder got his revenge in the best possible way two minutes later. After Blackstock was fouled near the corner flag, Lansbury played the subsequent free-kick to Tesche on the edge of the area and the German struck the ball sweetly first time, sending it beyond Bettinelli and into the net for his first goal of the season.

The Reds were in control and a sustained spell of pressure on 32 minutes resulted in an excellent Cohen cross which forced Bettinelli into some brave goalkeeping - getting to the ball just ahead of Blackstock and drawing a foul from the forward.

Bettinelli was at fault two minutes later however, miscuing his goal kick straight to Ben Osborn. Lansbury helped the ball to Tesche to his right but the midfielder cut across his shot too much, sending it wide from 20 yards.

Former Chelsea man Scott Parker diverted a Lansbury shot wide as half-time approached, but Forest's continued pressure told when Emerson Hyndman felled Tesche just inside the area with 44 minutes on the clock. Lansbury stroked the penalty low to Bettinelli's right and, despite the keeper's best efforts, doubled The Reds' lead.

Desperate to find a route back into the match before the break, Fulham burst into life. Dembele wriggled into the area and Mills blocked his shot. The ball came out to Tom Cairney and de Vries made an excellent save to tip the ball over.

Then, in first-half injury time, McCormack rattled the crossbar with a free-kick and Rohan Ince could only slice the ball straight to de Vries on the follow-up.

Fulham made two changes at half-time while Forest reemerged unchanged - and they nearly made it 3-0 within seven minutes of the restart. Osborn jinked his way into space down the left and hung the ball up at the back post. Blackstock did well to beat his man in the air but he could only head it wide.

It had been a reasonably quiet afternoon for de Vries but he was forced into an excellent save just after the hour, diving to his right to push Dembele's shot behind.

And, after Forest could only half-clear the resultant corner, substitute Smith outleapt Lichaj at the back post to nod the ball into the bottom corner.

Any fears that Fulham would take control of the game were soon quashed, however, as Forest restored their two-goal lead on 70 minutes. A nice exchange between Cohen and Tesche released Lichaj down the right. Lansbury made an excellent run to the near post to meet the American's cut-back and he stroked the ball beautifully into the far corner of the net.

De Vries had to stay alert to make an excellent save from Michael Madl's header, blocking the ball with his feet following McCormack's free-kick, before Mills made a crucial tackle to deny Dembele just as the striker was winding up to shoot from 10 yards.

Forest were still proving themselves to be a threat at the other end, however. Osborn crossed for Blackstock once more but, again, the forward was left with a difficult header that he was unable to convert.

Lansbury was on the hunt for a hat-trick and he had a brief opening after playing a one-two with Cohen, but his shot was diverted wide for a corner.

Five minutes were added on at the end of the match, during which McCormack lashed the ball over and Assombalonga replaced Blackstock.

The substitute found time for a tentative shot which was comfortably dealt with by Bettinelli but there was to be no further action as Forest claimed their first win at Fulham since 1975.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills, Fox, Jokic, Osborn, Cohen, Tesche, Gardner, Lansbury (c), Blackstock (Assombalonga 90')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Mendes, Macheda, O'Grady, O.Burke, Worrall

Goals: Tesche 23', Lansbury (pen) 44', 70'

Booking: Mills 18'

Fulham: Bettinelli, Fredericks, Madl, Amorebieta, Ream, Cairney (Smith 46'), Parker (c) (Tunnicliffe 80'), Ince, Hyndman (Christensen 46'), McCormack, Dembele

Subs not used: Lonergan, Stearman, Baird, Woodrow

Goal: Smith 62'

Bookings: Fredericks 21', Smith 81'

Referee: Rob Lewis

Attendance: 18,253 (2,208 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...6eEcJcFyqL5l.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 26/04/2016 21:52
Under 21s: Hull City 2-4 Forest

Posted: Tue 26 Apr 2016
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest’s Under 21s enjoyed a winning end to their league campaign with a 4-2 victory at Hull City.

The Reds came from 2-0 down to win 4-2 in East Yorkshire, Kasheme Walton (2), Oliver Burke and Virgil Gomis on the scoresheet.

And Jake Wigley was pleased with the team’s performance, especially in the second half.

He said: “It was a pleasing way to end the season and a good result in the end.

“We didn’t really get going in the first half but after we had a few words with the players at half-time they were a lot better.”

Wigley was delighted that a number of Under 21s group were able to pick up Football League experience this season.

He said: “It was good to get the likes of Joe Worrall, Matty Cash and Josh Rees some valuable football league experience.

“Their absence gave the opportunity for some younger players to step up, which has been good for them.

“Results-wise it’s been a little bit inconsistent but that’s probably because we had a very young team, especially towards the end. We had some good performances but some results just didn’t go our way.

“Looking ahead to next season, hopefully a few of our players can continue their work with the first team and, with a strong Under 18s group underneath us, hopefully they can push on.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...IQcxDyu5ZZyV.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 27/04/2016 20:52
Under 18 play-off semi-final: Forest 2-2 Charlton

Posted: Wed 27 Apr 2016
Author: NFFC

live updates of Nottingham Forest Under 18s' play-off semi-final against Charlton Athletic at The City Ground (kick-off 7pm).

Forest: J.Wright, Gabriel, Gamblen, Yates (c), Iacovitti (Re 67'), Crookes, Adams (Taylor 46'), Edser, Brereton, Otim (Gomis 82'), Hayes

Subs not used: Boyd, Nielsen

Goals: Gamblen 46', Brereton 90'

Charlton: Beeney, Bowry, Doughty, Sarpong-Wiredu (Assaina 90'), Konsa, Yao, Lapslie (c), Millar, Anderson (Yamfam 88'), Bah, Aherne-Grant

Subs not used: Bone, Prall, Willis

Goals: Aherne-Grant (pen) 11', Bah 59'

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...PzMoZDh8qPI0.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 28/04/2016 20:04
Under 18 play-off semi-final: Forest 2-2 Charlton (Charlton win 4-3 on penalties)

Posted: Wed 27 Apr 2016
Author: NFFC

Nottingham Forest Under 18s were beaten 4-3 on penalties by Charlton Athletic in their play-off semi-final at The City Ground this evening.

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...uOjuIQwMwSHl.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 30/04/2016 11:47

Nottingham Forest play their final home match of the season tomorrow
afternoon when they host Wolverhampton Wanderers at The City Ground
(kick-off 3pm).

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...zVcR6oIuW0t5.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 01/05/2016 19:59
Forest 1-1 Wolves

Posted: Sat 30 Apr 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest's home campaign came to an end with a 1-1 draw against Wolverhampton Wanderers this afternoon.

Both goals came in the second half, Joe Mason putting the visitors ahead before Gary Gardner equalised with a deftly-executed free-kick.

Paul Williams named an unchanged side following the 3-1 win at Fulham last weekend.

That meant Dexter Blackstock continued as a lone striker supported by attacking midfielder Henri Lansbury, while Danny Fox continued his central-defensive partnership with Matt Mills.

Britt Assombalonga was named on the bench once again, accompanied by fellow strikers Chris O'Grady and Federico Macheda and young centre back Joe Worrall.

Forest's first sight of goal came on five minutes when Gardner tried a shot from 30 yards. The ball took a heavy deflection off Dominic Iorfa, leaving Wolves keeper Carl Ikeme stranded, but it dipped on to the roof of the net.

Wolves were looking assured in the opening stages of the game but Forest had another half-chance on 18 minutes when Bojan Jokic hung the ball up in the middle for Blackstock. The forward outleaped his marker but still had a lot to do with his header, and he could only nod the ball over.

The Reds came within inches of taking the lead a minute later after neatly working the ball infield from the right wing. Lansbury and Ben Osborn worked together to present Chris Cohen with a shooting chance 20 yards out and the midfielder fizzed the ball low and just wide of the post with his left foot.

Fox required treatment on 28 minutes but was deemed fit to continue, and he and his defensive team-mates were tested shortly afterwards when Jed Wallace worked the ball to Joe Mason on the edge of Forest's area. The latter could only blaze the ball wide.

Forest's response was almost immediate, Robert Tesche showing neat footwork down the right and finding Cohen inside the area. The midfielder crossed the ball to the back post, where Osborn was waiting to nod it down for the nearby Blackstock. The forward guided the ball into the centre but Wolves got to it first, clearing the danger.

One minute was added on at the end of the half and, just before the whistle, Forest came agonisingly close to making it 1-0. Lansbury's corner found Fox at the back post, who made excellent contact with his header. Ikeme could only parry the ball down to Gardner eight yards out but the Aston Villa loanee was unable to guide his shot through the crowd of bodies on the line.

The first action of the second half saw Mills booked for a foul on James Henry on 50 minutes. Henry claimed the half's first shot three minutes later, firing the ball well over from 20 yards.

Wolves were enjoying the better of the second half's early exchanges and defender Danny Batth had two chances in quick succession on 56 minutes. First he saw his shot blocked near the line by Lansbury, before he failed to turn the ball home at the back post when the ball was curled back into the centre.

But the visitors had the lead shortly afterwards when Mason shifted the ball on to his left foot before curling it low off the inside of the post from the edge of the area.

Williams made his first change as Wolves celebrated, Oliver Burke replacing Cohen down the right.

And the youngster made an immediate impact, racing down the right, cutting into the area and seeing his low shot turned behind for a corner.

It could, and perhaps should, have been 2-0 to Wolves on 64 minutes however. Osborn and Jokic conceded possession after failing to work the ball out of a tight situation, leaving Forest outnumbered deep in their own final third. Wolves worked the ball across to Henry who drove it low and just wide of the far post from just inside the area.

But Forest made the visitors pay four minutes later after Lansbury was fouled just outside the 'D'. Gardner took responsibility for the set piece, curling it over the wall and into the bottom corner. Ikeme barely moved.

Assombalonga replaced Blackstock before play resumed, and Forest nearly completed the turnaround moments after the restart when Gardner lashed the ball just wide with a long-range half-volley.

Forest were in the ascendancy but finding Wolves a tough nut to crack in their pursuit of a winner. Tesche looped the ball over the top and Burke did well to take the ball in his stride down the right. He looked to square it for Assombalonga but Ikeme got down well to halt the ball's path. Moments later, Lansbury sent the ball over the bar with a 25-yard shot.

Burke's pace had provided Forest with another dimension and it nearly paid dividends with five minutes of normal time to play. The winger burst infield from the right and showed good close control to evade a defender. Unfortunately for him, he saw his shot blocked.

Wolves' Conor Coady went close with a 25-yard effort before four minutes of added time were indicated.

But neither side could muster a winner as Forest's home campaign ended in stalemate.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills, Fox, Jokic, Cohen (O.Burke 59'), Gardner, Osborn, Tesche, Lansbury (c), Blackstock (Assombalonga 69')

Subs not used: Evtimov, Macheda, O'Grady, Grant, Worrall

Goal: Gardner 68'

Bookings: Mills 50', Lichaj 88', Tesche 89'

Wolves: Ikeme, Doherty, Iorfa, Batth (c), Deslandes (Hause 69'), Coady, Saville, Edwards, Henry, Wallace, Mason

Subs not used: Martinez, Price, Hunte, Byrne, Reid, Enobakhare

Goal: Mason 58'

Referee: Iain Williamson

Attendance: 22,291 (1,935 away)

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...8zr484dBEGF7.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 03/05/2016 21:53
Clark and McGovern hail Clough’s contribution
Posted: Tue 03 May 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Nottingham Forest duo Frank Clark and John McGovern have paid homage to Brian Clough after the club recognised the manager’s contribution with a Lifetime Achievement award.

The announcement was made at Monday night’s 150th anniversary gala dinner and Clark and McGovern, who both played under the legendary manager during Forest’s most successful period, collected the award on behalf of the Clough family.

Clark told Forest Player HD: “A lifetime achievement award – he deserves that for what he did for Nottingham Forest Football Club over a period of 18 years.

“Not just for the great times in the late 70s and early 80s, but the time after that when it was very difficult for a club like Nottingham Forest to compete.

“The money was starting to come into the game and he still kept the team in the top half of the Premier League, and also won two League Cups - a fantastic achievement at the football club.”

McGovern echoed his former team-mate’s sentiments: “Clough was a special man. He brought special talents to the club and used his own special way of preaching a philosophy.

“It’s obviously sad that he’s not with us now but when he left this earth they certainly broke the mould because there’ll never be another one like him – quite unique.”

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...CBDRDuIRkM6t.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 06/05/2016 19:33

Nottingham Forest will play their first competitive fixture at
stadiummk on Saturday when they round off their Sky Bet Championship
season against MK Dons (kick-off 12.30pm).

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...qi6vOKOIHJJH.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 08/05/2016 19:23
MK Dons 1-2 Forest

Posted: Sat 07 May 2016
Author: Nick Richardson

Goals from Chris Cohen and Britt Assombalonga, who both returned from serious injuries this season, handed ten-man Nottingham Forest victory at MK Dons on the final day of the 2015-16 campaign.
Cohen gave The Reds the lead with an early header, his first goal since September 2013, before Nicky Maynard equalised for the hosts.

Assombalonga was introduced in the second half and with 16 minutes to go he scored his first goal since 11 February 2015 - the day he injured his knee against Wigan Athletic - to bring Forest's season to a dramatic and happy end.

A sickness bug in the camp meant Paul Williams had to reshuffle his pack. Chris O'Grady returned to the side up front, while Oliver Burke was handed a start on the right wing.

Henri Lansbury and Dexter Blackstock, who both started against Wolves last week, were unavailable, while Dimitar Evtimov's absence meant Under 18s goalkeeper Jordan Wright was given a spot on the bench for the first time.

Forest started the game strongly on a warm afternoon at stadiummk. Ben Osborn showed a nice stepover to cut in from the left but he didn't catch his shot cleanly, Dons keeper Charlie Burns making a comfortable save.

Matt Mills had a good opportunity to put The Reds ahead three minutes later when Osborn found him from a corner. The centre back connected well with his side-footed volley but Burns was able to make the save.

A minute later, however, The Reds had the lead. Osborn was the architect once again, drifting the ball to the back post for Cohen to meet it with a diving header. The midfielder guided it across Burns and into the net.

It was nearly two on 14 minutes when Eric Lichaj tried his luck from 20 yards. The ball was half-cleared to him following Osborn's corner and he struck it low with the outside of his right boot, fizzing it just wide.

Forest, who were completely dominating the opening exchanges, utilised Burke's pace to keep up their pressure when he raced to the byline and cut the ball into the middle. A Dons defender managed to loop it over his own bar and to safety.

The home side had a surprise equaliser on 19 minutes, however. Samir Carruthers sliced Forest's defence open with a tremendous through ball for winger Josh Murphy, who squared it for Maynard to finish emphatically beyond Dorus de Vries.

That gave the hosts a boost and they twice went close to taking the lead when Joe Walsh headed the ball just over and Murphy sent a shot across the face of goal and just wide of the far post.

And with half-time approaching the Dons' chances of winning increased when Danny Fox was red-carded after sliding in on Jordan Spence. Williams' response was to send centre back Michael Mancienne on for O'Grady, with Cohen moving wide right and Burke up front.

Forest managed to see out the half comfortably and within a minute of the restart Burke was causing problems again, scampering to the byline only to see his cut-back cleared once again.

Osborn nearly scored shortly afterwards, striking the ball powerfully from the edge of the area despite running wide of goal. Burns dived to his left to push it away.

Dorus de Vries was named Forest's Player of the Season earlier in the week and he made an excellent save just after the hour to keep out substitute Ben Reeves' header. Kevin Long nodded the ball wide on the follow-up.

There were huge cheers from the 4,000-strong away following during the subsequent stoppage as Assombalonga took to the field, replacing Robert Tesche.

Clear-cut chances were proving to be few for either side and the next incident of note saw Osborn enter the book for a foul on Carruthers.

The Dons were finding ten-man Forest a tough nut to crack but should perhaps have taken the lead on 68 minutes when Carl Baker picked out Maynard six yards out. The striker could only lift the ball over.

Forest's final change saw Burke replaced by Ryan Mendes with 20 minutes to play. Shortly after play resumed, Reeves curled the ball just wide from distance.

Mendes nearly marked the final match of his loan spell in superb style when he collected the ball in plenty of space down the left. The Cape Verdean wriggled his way infield and into shooting range before skimming the ball along the top of the net and over.

But Forest did have the ball in the net on 74 minutes and there couldn't have been a more popular goalscorer. Osborn showed tremendous skill to beat his man before supplying Assombalonga in the area. The striker rolled it to his right, deceiving the defenders and goalkeeper, before firing it low into the opposite corner.

The visitors had to remain resolute at the back and had de Vries to thank again when he got down low to save on his line from Long.

Four minutes were added on at the end of the match, during which Murphy lashed the ball wide for the hosts.

But Forest held on to claim an excellent three points despite their man disadvantage.

Forest: De Vries, Lichaj, Mills (c), Fox, Jokic, O.Burke (Mendes 68'), Cohen, Tesche (Assombalonga 61'), Gardner, Osborn, O'Grady (Mancienne 40')

Subs not used: J.Wright, Macheda, Vaughan, Grant

Goals: Cohen 8', Assombalonga 74'

Bookings: Osborn 66', Assombalonga 75'

Sent off: Fox 37'

MK Dons: Burns, Spence (Reeves 50'), Long, Walsh, Lewington (c), Potter, Carruthers (Jackson 88'), Baker, Bowditch, Murphy, Maynard (Revell 73')

Subs not used: McFadzean, Kasumu, Powell, Furlong

Goal: Maynard 19'

Referee: Stephen Martin

Attendance: 15,486

Read more at https://www.nottinghamforest.co.uk/news/a...ZWiuqmuWe0Ju.99
Verfasst von: Commander Re: Nottingham Forest - 26/05/2016 19:16
Ich habe mich entschlossen den Nottingham-Patenordner nach Ablauf der Championship nicht fortzuführen und stattdessen neben dem Ordner "Preussen Münster" einen weiteren, deutschen Ordner zu starten!

Allen Mitlesern thx
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