Good evening. I will be moving to Basel, a club in Switzerland. To be honest, I struggled a lot with this decision. I really didn't want to take off this #8 jersey, but after reflecting on the World Cup I realized I needed to grow further. After I returned to Cerezo (from loan in the 2nd division), the supporters watched over me very warmly. In particular, my teammates helped me a lot. Thank you very much.

To my family, thank you for raising me to be the person I am. Finally, I apologize to the supporters for leaving at this time, even though I said I would bring the team a championship first. However, I promise to return a much stronger player, more worthy of the #8 jersey. Thank you all very much.

teil 2

Wenn man den emotionalen Abschied und die Verbundenheit von Kakitani zu seinem Club sieht, da kann man der Clubführung nur gratulieren zu diesem Transfer!

Da haben sie wohl vieles richtig gemacht.. smile

FCB-Fan kasch nid wärde, FCB-Fan das muesch syy